IMovie/iDVD Display on Computer vs. Television

I have a slideshow from iPhoto that I imported into iMovie to add the music and effects. Once I finished working in iMovie, I exported the movie to iDVD. Once the DVD file was complete, I checked it out and it looked fine. The timing of the slides works correctly, the music works as I wanted, and the movie looks good in preview mode within iDVD. I burned the iDVD file to disc successfully. I tried playing the movie on the DVD player on my MacBook and it looked great. However, when I played the disc on our TVs (I tried two different DVD players, on two different TVs), the disc played, but the image of the slides was cropped about 1/2 inch all the way around the image. There is text on each of the screens, which made the difference really easy to see in how things were displayed. Do you have any idea what I'm missing or what I need to do differently that would cause the problem with the clipped display of the movie on TV?

Thanks for the reply!
I checked the iDVD help for "TV Safe". There was an item that came up about making sure the slides show up within the "TV Safe" area. The option to set for that is in the New Project preferences. I checked the setting, and that option was already selected. I tried setting up the DVD again, and had the same problem with the display being clipped all the way around the frame. I ended up trying again setting up the iMovie and iDVD to widescreen projects, burned the iDVD file to disc and tried it on the TVs and it worked that way.

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    Froglips, from Alaska

    Sorry to read of your frustrations both here and in other posts.
    Though it doesn't help you to hear it, I can say that I am happily using iMovie and iDVD. Both working "as advertised". I say this simply as a way of offering you hope and to tell you you've come to the right place.
    You raise a number of issues in your post and, frankly, it's a bit hard to follow.
    It might be easier for myself and others to help you if you post one question at a time.
    One last thing, these are user to user discussions for technical issues. Apple will not respond here to questions directed at them.

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    a) consider the usage of an ext. harddrive...
    b) in iM's "share" dialog, you find the option "selected clips only"; so, select a few clips you like to export, check that box, done... you can "split" your clips at any point to create segments of approbiate size by hitting apple-t at any position in timeline..
    c) share/Quicktime/expert options/click "share"/ offers you a dropdown menu, where you can choose the "avi" container...
    (your User Interface is for sure english!)
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    d) a dataDVD-r fits ~20min of dv video... 4 disks?
    e) using Disk Utility, make sure, you use a PC-compatible disk format....
    f) Plan B) export your project back to tape, give your friend the miniDV...

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    Happily this is easily achieved, but it has to be done backwards.
    Delete iMovie 11 (just drag it to the trash). Now install iMovie 6 from the iLife 6 install disks. Update it to iMovie 6.0.3.
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    Thanks for the tips...really helped. I also found the following info from Kallie at iTunes support contact helpful.
    Run Software Update and apply available updates, including Compatibility Update for QuickTime 7.4. Restart the computer after applying the updates. If that does not resolve the issue, follow normal troubleshooting for this symptom such as:
    1) Check to see if the track plays in iTunes and QuickTime Player.
    2) Check for non-Apple plugins in /Library/QuickTime/ and ~/Library/QuickTime/.
    3) Try reimporting the track into your iMovie, iDVD or iPhoto project.
    4) Check to see if the track works in a new project.
    5) Check to see if the existing project works for a new user on the same computer.
    Thanks so much Klaus1 for you CD really saved my _ _ _! Finished my video on schedule, YES!
    Contiued Success! LK

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    If your computer came with iLife and did not include a separate iLife installer, the iLife installers are included on one of your install or restore discs. It's not always obvious where they're hiding, though.
    This Apple article, Using Restore discs with computers that ship with Mac OS X 10.3.7 or later says (towards the bottom of the page):
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    Double-click "Install Bundled Software Only."
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    Select the destination.
    Click Continue.
    Click Upgrade to install all the applications or click Customize to select which packages to install.
    If you click Customize, you'll see a list of applications that you can select to install, or deselect to not install....
    That should help, but if it doesn't, post back.
    15" MacBook Pro Core Duo, 2GB RAM; Windows XP Pro on Parallels   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   400MHz G4 (Sawtooth); Airport network; 60GB iPod photo

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    2. or sometimes plays in some DVD players?
    3. sometimes plays in computer( apple) dvd but not always?
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    *I do put paper labes on discs --*
    NEVER DO THAT - The ability to get them perfectly centered is near to impossibly
    DVDs are many tims more sencitive to missaligmement by 1/100 or 1/1000 of a millimeter.
    CDs often can handle this - but still not advicably.
    I do.
    • Use only Verbatim (Taiyo Yuden - also recommended by many - no own experience)
    • DVD-R (no +R or +/-RW)
    • Burn at an as slow speed possibly eg x1 with iDVD08 or higher or Roxio Toast™
    or Apple Disk Util tool
    • NEVER under 25Gb free space on internal boot hard disk (others not important)
    • I use a Cleaning-DVD from time to time
    • I burn max 3 DVD at a time then cool for 20min
    • I use the Cleaning DVD on my other players as well
    On Quality.
    *DVD quality*
    1. iDVD 8 has three levels of qualities.
    iDVD 6 has the two last ones
    • Professional Quality (movies up to 120 min.) - BEST
    • Best Performances (movies less than 60 min.) - High quality on final DVD
    • High Quality (in iDVD08) / Best Quality (in iDVD6) (movies up to 120 min.) - slightly lower quality than above
    2. From
    • FCE/P - Export out as full quality (not selfcontaining, no conversion)
    • iMovie x-6 - Don't use ”Share/Export to iDVD” = destructive even to movie project and especially so
    when the movie includes photos. Instead just drop or import the iMovie movie project icon (with a Star on it) into iDVD theme window.
    • iMovie’08 not meant to go to iDVD. Go via Media Browser or rather use iMovie HD 6 from start.
    3. I use Roxio Toast™ to make an as slow burn as possibly eg x1 (in iDVD’08 this can also be set)
    This can also be done with (Apple) Disk Util tool.
    4. There has to be about or more than 25Gb free space on internal (start-up) hard disk. iDVD can't
    use an external one as scratch disk (if it is not start-up disc).
    5. Verbatim ( also recommended by many - Taiyo Yuden DVDs - I can’t get hold of it to test )
    6. DVD-R (no +R or +/-RW)
    7. Keep NTSC to NTSC - or - PAL to PAL when going from iMovie to iDVD
    8. Don’t burn more than three DVD at a time - but let the laser cool off for a while befor next batch.
    iDVD quality also depends on:
    • HOW much free space is there on Your internal (start-up) hard disk. Go for approx 25Gb.
    less than 5Gb and Your result will most probably not play.
    • What kind of movie project You drop into it. MPEG4 seems to be a bad choice.
    other strange formats are .avi, .wmv, .flash etc. Convert to streamingDV first
    Also audio formats matters. I use only .aiff or from miniDV tape Camera 16-bit
    strange formats often problematic are .avi, .wmv, audio from iTunes, .mp3 etc
    Convert to .aiff first and use this in movie project
    • What kind of standard - NTSC movie and NTSC DVD or PAL to PAL - no mix.
    (If You need to change to do a NTSC DVD from PAL material let JESDeinterlacer3.2.2 do the conversion)
    (Dropping a PAL movie into a NTSC iDVD project
    (US) NTSC DVDs most often are playable in EU
    (EU) PAL DVDs most often needs to be converted to play in US
    UNLESS: They are plabacked by a Mac - then You need not to care
    • What kind of DVDs You are using. I use Verbatim DVD-R (this brand AND no +R or +/-RW)
    • How You encode and burn it. Two settings prior iDVD08
    Pro Quality (only in iDVD08)
    Best / High Quality (not always - most often not)
    Best / High Performances (most often my choise)
    1. go to iDVD pref. menu and select tab far right and set burn speed to x1 (less errors = plays better) - only in iDVD08
    2. Project info: Select Professional Encoding - only in iDVD08.
    Region codes:
    iDVD - only burn Region = 0 - meaning - DVDs are playable everywhere
    DVD Studio pro can set Region codes:
    1 = US
    2 = EU
    Yours Bengt W

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    What is the easiest way to transfer an faairly large HD imovie project from one computer to another in a different location. Can you export to drop box? Will the other computer need the exact imovie version?

    OK it depends.
    If you have a finished movie, you can SHARE/EXPORT MOVIE and create your final movie. Then, depending on the size of the finished movie, you can transfer via dropbox or similar service. Ninety minutes is a very long movie for iMovie, but it may work for you. I would suggest 720P to keep the size down.
    If you need to transfer the entire iMovie Project so it can be edited in iMovie at the other end, then you need to transfer the project and event assets to an external hard drive and get the hard drive to the other location.
    Directions are here. Follow the directions for 1) Moving or copying Project to external drive. Then 2) Consolidate Media.

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    When you create multiple libraries in iTunes,
    How does it work when selecting music
    when working in iMovie, iDVD?
    Does the Music interface show the two libraries
    in these programs?

    Does the Music interface show the two libraries
    in these programs?
    Unfortunately not. They only show the last used or active library.
    Note that iTunes 7 is a recent release and iMovie, iDVD and iPhoto probably don't know (yet) that iTunes can have more libraries.

  • Image quality issues - Sony Handycam (MPEG) to iMovie / iDVD

    I have read through dozens of posts but the recommendations vary widely and am hoping I can get some guidance specific to my situation. The image quality I am getting from home movies I edit in iMovie11 and burn to DVD in iDVD are far inferior to the original material.
    I have a Sony DCR-TRV17. This camera is a little over 10 years old. It is a miniDV with 500 lines resolution, 680K gross pixels and uses MPEG. While not HD, the image quality is exceptional. The DVDs I used to create using my Sony Viao likewise looked fantastic. But the results I get from iMovie and iDVD are on par with VHS -- very poor, especially in low-light.
    I hope the issue is just the settings when I import, edit (iMovie) and share to iDVD. I generally use the default settings, and often alternate settings don't seem to be selectable. It also sounds from other posts like iMovie sacrifices quality for reduced file size and increased simplicity? I would appreciate help with the following:
    1) Please list the settings I should be adjusting from default when I  a) import, b) edit in iMovie11 and c) share to iDVD and burn -- and the recommended settings for each
    2) Is there a process I should be trying? Should I be creating test DVDs using different settings at each stage and then reviewing various setting combinations to find the best one?
    3) I will most probably buy an HD camcorder very soon, and plan to burn to Blue Rays. I have no problem with going ahead and buying Final Cut and an external drive to burn Blue Rays. Should I just go ahead and do it and get away from iMovie / iDVD entirely. Will Final Cut solve this issue for my old miniDVs without a whole lot of hair pulling? Or will I still have to tinker with a bunch of settings or convoluted processes to get it "right." I never had to tinker with settings on my Viao. Really expected Mac software to be more user friendly…
    Thanks very much for any help or advice!

    On Import you could try unchecking Optimize video and choose Full Size. Your disk space however will get eaten up incredibly quickly choosing these settings as each hour of video = 40GBytes of disk space. So be forewarned about how big those files will expand as they come off the MiniDV tapes.
    Another thing you will immediately see a difference in is how you move files from iMovie to iDVD. Share to iDVD while named in an intuitive way, is NOT the best way to get good quality DVDs out of iMovie. Instead you want to Share to Media Browser. Choose the Large Size setting. Then quit iMovie. Open iDVD, click the Media button, the Movies button. Find your project listed under the iMovie star icon and drag it into the iDVD project. Burn the Disc and see if you get a higher quality disk by Sharing to Media Browser instead of Share to iDVD.
    If you choose a Blu-Ray burner, also get a copy of Roxio Toast. The encoding to Blu-ray that Toast provides will be top notch and prevent you from making mistakes as the recordable Blu-ray disks are more expensive than DVDs. So every mistake will be expensive.

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