Impdp EXCLUSE= REF_CONSTRAINT, and CONSTRAINT being ignored..?

Hello all,
I'm running impdp for a DATA_ONLY import to a single schema.
I have set:
In my par file.
However, when importing I still get several errors such as:
ORA-31693: Table data object "SCHEMA1"."STD_TABLE1" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-02091: transaction rolled back
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SCHEMA1.FKSTD_CONSTRAINT_NAME1) violated - parent key not found
. . imported "SCHEMA1"."STD_TABLE2"                3.672 MB   35023 rows
ORA-31693: Table data object "SCHEMA1"."STD_TABLE3" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to
ORA-02091: transaction rolled back
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SCHEMA1.FKSTD_CONSTRAINT_NAME2) violated - parent key not found
These are foreign keys, any suggestions on what to look for as to why these constraints aren't being overlooked so the tables can be loaded?
Is there something else I need to exclude in order to get these tables loaded?
Thanks in advance,

Hi Cayenne,
Try this:
1) Disable constraints:
SELECT 'alter table LS_SRV.'||table_name||' disable constraint '||constraint_name||';' FROM dba_constraints where R_CONSTRAINT_NAME IN ('FKSTD_CONSTRAINT_NAME1','FKSTD_CONSTRAINT_NAME2');
2) Import it again
3) Enable again (with novalidate option if you don't want to check the data concisntency of the inserted data):
SELECT 'alter table LS_SRV.'||table_name||' disable constraint '||constraint_name||';' FROM dba_constraints where R_CONSTRAINT_NAME IN ('FKSTD_CONSTRAINT_NAME1','FKSTD_CONSTRAINT_NAME2');
SELECT 'alter table LS_SRV.'||table_name||' enable novalidate constraint '||constraint_name||';' FROM dba_constraints where R_CONSTRAINT_NAME IN ('FKSTD_CONSTRAINT_NAME1','FKSTD_CONSTRAINT_NAME2');
Hope it helps

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  • In insert: Space after period and before carriage return is being ignored

    I am using Oracle
    let say I create table temp(a varchar2(20);
    insert into temp values ('value.
    I have put space after 'value. ' but it is being ignore when I run it from linux host in sqlplus.
    The space seems to be preserved when I insert it from TOAD/Windows xp.
    Any idea what might be causing it.

    I have the same result in SQLPLUS.
    I would not rely on code with strings spread over multiple lines you should use the below code to add newlines:
    insert into temp values ('Yes.Space. ' || chr(10) || 'x');This makes it very clear there is and a space and a newline.
    This is much easier to maintain as well.
    Just to compair the two, see below:
      ,substr(a ,level,1)
      ,ASCII( substr(a ,level,1) )
    x' A
    connect by --NOCYCLE
      level <= length(a)
        1 Y                                       89
        2 E                                       69
        3 S                                       83
        4 .                                       46
        5 S                                       83
        6 p                                      112
        7 a                                       97
        8 c                                       99
        9 e                                      101
       10 .                                       46
       11                                         32
       12                                          10
       13 x                                      120
    13 rows selected
      ,substr(a ,level,1)
      ,ASCII( substr(a ,level,1) )
    'Yes.Space. ' || chr(10) || 'x' a
    connect by --NOCYCLE
      level <= length(a)
        1 Y                                       89
        2 e                                      101
        3 s                                      115
        4 .                                       46
        5 S                                       83
        6 p                                      112
        7 a                                       97
        8 c                                       99
        9 e                                      101
       10 .                                       46
       11                                         32
       12                                          10
       13 x                                      120
    13 rows selected Regards,
    Edited by: Peter vd Zwan on Apr 19, 2012 1:06 PM

  • Logging into Drupal 4.7 being ignored by both simulator and actual 8830

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      2) log in screen
      b) log in
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    What should I try next? Where else should I be looking?

    Do you have any specific questions? We'll certainly try to help you, but we won't do your homework for you. That wouldn't help you learn at all.
    I recommend looking over the learning materials here, they're quite good for getting started with PowerShell:
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,085+ strong and growing)

  • Being ignored

    My name is David and I've been a Verizon Wireless customer for the past few years. A couple of months ago, I began having issues with a brand new jetpack device. The device was using absurd amounts of data and I had no clue why. I contacted customer service and eventually got in touch with (removed) Smith, a supervisor. We talked about three times over the phone, on separate occasions, trying to figure out what was causing the problem. We reset the device, changed the password, etc., but nothing was fixing the problem. In the meantime, I had taken multiple steps to make sure nothing was using the data on my end. I set up a metered connection, which tracked exactly how much data went through my computer and it was not even close to what the jetpack was saying, despite being the only device connected to it. Ms Smith gave me her email address to stay in closer contact with her while we were trying all of the steps to fix the issue, so I could let her know exactly what I was seeing. The email address she gave me was (removed) Our contact first started in November and she sent me the first email on 12/1/13. The device began using even more data, now at a very alarming rate. In one night, it used 12.5 GBs of data. I spoke with her again on 12/14/13 when I first noticed how much data it had been using. She eventually sent me a new device, stating that the one I had was faulty and she wanted me to let her know when I got the new one so she could monitor the activity and see if it was following the same pattern or if it was acting normal. It ended up working 100% fine and not like the faulty device I had sent back in. She had told me over the phone that she would fix all of the overage charges from when I first got the device since it was messed up. She gave me credit for the total of overage from the first 3 months with the device, but she hadn't fixed the bill that had used 55 GBs of data, which was the last cycle in which I had that particular device.
    The last time I heard from Ms. Smith was on 12/31/13 when she had told me she was going to fix the charges. In the meantime, I was left waiting to hear that the fourth and final month had been taken care of, so the $460 worth of overages was still sitting on my bill. On 12/31/13, she emailed me asking for my number to reach me on so she could call me that day. I responded with my number, but never received a call. A week later on 1/6/14, I emailed her again with my number, telling her that I wasn't sure if she had received my email or not, but I was still waiting. As of 1/21/14, I had still not received a call, so I emailed her again telling her I needed to talk to her ASAP so we could get everything resolved and I could pay my bill. I also mentioned that I needed to have my data plan changed back to normal (16 GBs) rather than the 30 GB plan because it was too much. I had been bumped up to 30 GBs during that big month of overages, to try and prevent extra charges. A little less than a week later on 1/26/14, I emailed Ms. Smith once again, telling her I was worried about my service getting cut off and I needed to speak with her ASAP. I mentioned that I did not want to have to start from scratch with someone else.
    On 2/6/14, I woke up to discover that my service had indeed been turned off. I called and spoke with someone in customer service, explaining what had been going on. I was told by that representative that her supervisor would call me between 8-10 PM that night, but in the meantime my service would be temporarily restored. I never received a call. Around 10:30, I called back to try and speak with someone else. I was put through to another representative, once again having to explain what had been going on. This representative told me that I would have to wait for a call back from his supervisor, because he would be leaving at 11:00 PM. I explained to the representative that I was already promised a call back that night and didn't receive a call, so I had to have it taken care of because my service was shut off. His supervisor took my call and told me that there wasn't much they could do, because Ms. Smith had already started my case. He said they would send her an email, telling her she needs to contact me. He told me that he would have someone from his team call me back within 24-48 hours to see if she got in touch with me and if not, I would start from scratch with them.
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    Monday 2/10/14 had come along and once again my service was turned back off. I never did receive a call from the supervisor I spoke with on 2/6/14, who had promised me his team would call me back no later than 48 hours. So, again, I called to try and speak with someone else. I eventually got through to another supervisor, but after I explained to him what had been going on, the call was disconnected. I waited for about 30 minutes to see if he'd call back, but he didn't. Once again, I called to try and speak with someone else. I was directed towards the financial department and I explained to them that I was just talking with someone and was disconnected, so I was hoping to get back to them. I was told that there was no way to trace me back to the man I was speaking with. I then explained to that representative what was going on and she told me that if I paid the actual monthly access portion of my outstanding bill, my service would be restored and she would promise to put a note on my account to not turn it off again, because I was working to have the charges fixed. I paid the monthly access and she then transferred me to technical support to have someone in that department help me further. I then explained my story to the technical representative and she told me that her supervisor was not on-duty at the time, but she was preparing an email to send to her and she would definitely get back to me by the end of the week. That was two weeks ago from today and I've yet to receive a call from anyone.
    Once again, I woke up today to find that my service had again been shut off. I called in and spoke with financial services and explained to them what has been going on and she said if I went ahead and paid my bill that had just come due for last month, she could turn it on. So, that's what I did, but I'm still left in the dark as for the future.
    I am so beyond frustrated with this entire situation, that I have no clue what to do. I've told this story to at least ten people and I've gotten no where. To say that I feel like I'm being ignored, is an understatement. I can send y'all the entire transcript of emails with myself and Ms. Smith, proving that I've been trying to contact her for the past month and a half. This whole situation has gone further than the simple problem of the overage charges. It has now risen to a ridiculous level that I am being ignored by what seems like the entire company as a whole. How many times do I have to call to where I can finally work with one person who will help fix the problem? How many times can one customer be told that he will be contacted and he never receives a call? At this point, I am more than prepared to go over to Sprint and cancel my service with Verizon. The $460 that I am being raked trough the coals for will be nothing compared to not having my business for years to come. I am also prepared to contact and file complaints with the FCC or BBB for the fact that I have done absolutely everything in my power, including going in to a local store, to speak with someone about my issues. Like I said, I have the emails proving that I've been ignored and I can show them to y'all or to them. I don't know what to do anymore and I'm tired of calling and starting over with a new representative then being transferred around in loops where I have to re-tell the entire story again, so this is my last resort. If I don't get help by the end of the day, I'll be somewhere else tomorrow.
    Private info removed as required by the Terms of Service.
    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

    Hi Barry,
    I am sorry about the mix up with the order, could you send me a PM of your contact details? Please include the email address you used to contact support.

  • I have replied to you three times now without reply. I DID NOT authorise a payment of £9.99 for NowTV. What is the solution to getting my money refunded. I think you assume I will go away after being Ignored. No I will not go away. I find now that you hav

    I have replied to you three times now without reply. I DID NOT authorise a payment of £9.99 for NowTV. What is the solution to getting my money refunded. I think you assume I will go away after being Ignored. No I will not go away. I find now that you have DISABLED MY APPLE ID. Is this a punishment you use to anyone who takes up a stand against charges being made unauthorised on their account?. Please tell me why you have disabled my account. When will my account be restored? If not when will you refund ALL my purchases made to APPLE/ITUNES? I can then move on to another brand and hopefully better customer service. After reading articles regarding APPLE ID DISABLED it appears common practice from your company to DISABLE anyone's account if they question unknown charges. Please reply with your intentions regarding  the unauthorised payment and the DISABLING of my account.
    David Forrester.
    Sent from my iPad
    On 18 Mar 2014, at 09:20, iTunes Store <[email protected]> wrote:
    Follow-Up: 319042795
    Hello again,
    I wanted to send a quick note to see if you are still experiencing any difficulties with the iTunes Store. Resolving your issue is important to me, so please don't hesitate to reply if you need any further assistance.
    iTunes Store Customer Support
    Dear David,
    Welcome to iTunes Store Customer support.
    I understand that you have been charged an additional 9.99 GBP for a purchase that not authorized. I know how eager you are to know more about this purchase and I am happy to look into this for you.
    David, the purchase worth 9.99 GBP was for a day pass from "NOW TV for Apple TV." To review your iTunes Store account's purchase history, please follow the steps in this article:
    iTunes Store &amp; Mac App Store: Seeing your purchase history and order numbers
    Please reply to this email and let me know if this purchase was unauthorized.
    Thank you for being an iTunes Store customer. Have a great day!
    iTunes Store Customer Support
    Lang_Country: en_gb
    User Storefront: UK
    Concern Type: Problem Not Listed
    Web Order #:
    Content Title: NOW TV Day Pass
    Provider Name: BSkyB
    Track IDs: []
    Purchase Date : 2014-03-16 12:33:48 Etc/GMT
    Purchase Device : Apple TV
    Comments : I am being charged for what is listed plus another _9.99 for Apple TV pass. Did not authorise this _9.99 charge and not sure what it is exactly.
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    This is a user-supported board. You are not addressing Apple here. Nor is it a good idea to post your private information to a public forum. You should edit your post immediately.
    Unfortunately no one here can access your support history. You must respond to the emails directly.

  • /Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist being ignored by system

    Here's one that I've not seen anyone else report.
    I've been creating a system image of OS 10.4.5 and every time I lay the image down and log in using any user account, the items entered into the global loginwindow.plist file are being ignored. To put it in basic terms, it behaves as if the system doesn't even know that it is there. None of my global login items are being launched.
    I have verified that the plist file is in the correct format, I've checked permissions, and I've even compared it to the same file in my previous system image. The previous system image never gave me this problem. I created both images from scratch using the exact same procedure, which I have documented step by step. There are only two exceptions. The second image (the one that doesn't work) was started by using the 10.4.3 install DVD, whereas the first image I used the 10.4 install DVD. Other than that, the first image was built after having been upgraded to 10.4.3 using Software Update, the second image 10.4.5 using the same method.
    Has anyone seen this before? What else can I try, here? I feel that I have exhausted all options aside from starting over from scratch and using the 10.4 install DVD instead, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Oops, it was permissions after all. I was accidently setting the file to 600 after laying down the image. How I could have missed that?? Oh well.

  • EjbPostCreate being ignored

    I have a CMP entity bean, and I am having problems creating it:
    I get :
    cannot insert NULL into ("BEAKER"."COMPANIES"."PROFILE_ID")
    ...which means that the ejbPostCreate is being ignored and nothing is being inserted for COMPANIES and PROFILE_ID
    My ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate have identical paramater headers so I am confused why it is not being called. I am using Sun One Application Server 7 which I think could be part of the problem.
    My two methods are as follows :
    * @ejb.create-method
    public LongIdentifier ejbCreate(Profile profile,
    String name,
    Country country,
    Currency currency,
    String userName) throws javax.ejb.CreateException
    setKeyValue(new Long(getSequenceGenerator().getNextCompanyId()));
    catch (SQLException e)
    throw new CreateException(e.getMessage());
    catch (NamingException e)
    throw new CreateException(e.getMessage());
    this.setUpdatedDate(new Date());
    this.setCreatedDate(new Date());
    // EJB 2.0 spec says return null for CMP ejbCreate methods.
    return null;
    * Set all CMR fields for the CMP bean
    * @param profile
    * @param name
    * @param country
    * @param currency
    * @throws javax.ejb.CreateException
    public void ejbPostCreate(Profile profile,
    String name,
    Country country,
    Currency currency,
    String userName) throws javax.ejb.CreateException
    //the following print statements are not showing in the log trace
    System.out.println("in ejbPostCreate");
    System.out.println("profile = " + profile.getName());
    System.out.println("country = " + country.getName());
    System.out.println("currency = " + currency.getName());

    First of all CMP entity bean doesn't need
    It is just
    and ofcourse need to return null.
    and I can see that you are not set the ID for the Profile_ID
    that's while it is null value. If ID is not auto increasement then you need to set the ID there..

  • Is the task-flow input parameter class value being ignored by the framework

    Although I don't remember where, I think I read or heard about the task-flow input parameter class value that it is "being ignored by the framework".
    One example of this could be what is currently in the UI Shell sample application available
    It has in its task-flow in "flows\second.xml" an input parameter configured like
      <task-flow-definition id="second">
        <!-- ... -->
        <input-parameter-definition id="__3">
          <name id="__2">tabContext</name>
        <!-- ... -->
      </task-flow-definition>Notice the missing "t" at the end of the class name "oracle.ui.pattern.dynamicShell.TabContex".
    Still this task-flow configuration does allow to use expressions like "#{pageFlowScope.tabContext.selectedTabIndex}", which suggests that the class value is indeed "being ignored by the framework".
    (see also forum thread "does the UI Shell sample break encapsulation in its task-flows"
    at does the UI Shell sample break encapsulation in its task-flows )
    All relevant references (bug numbers, documentation, blogs) explaining about this task-flow input parameter class value are welcome.
    If no such references exist, maybe someone from Oracle can give some feedback.
    many thanks
    Jan Vervecken

    The feedback below was posted in the forum message
    at Re: does the UI Shell sample break encapsulation in its task-flows
    Richard Wright wrote:
    That appears to be a bug for which I am seeking confirmation.There is an enhancement request (i.e., 9377487) submitted over a year ago, that describes this behavior. It is listed as an ER as our documentation (e.g., Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle ADF, online help ) does not specifically state that Java class for the input parameter definition is checked for type. Further anything using EL is untyped. So the expectation that types are enforced is somewhat puzzling to the development team.
    However, there is an acknowledgment within circles of the development organization, that some might come to have this expectation. One trigger might be the definition itself. The other is the existence of a design time audit on the definition. For example, if the class is specified inaccurately (e.g., typo), there is an audit warning to report "not found."
    Under consideration are a number of framework proposals to check for type without breaking backward compatibility or adding overhead to the production environment.
    In the interim, the following recommendations are given.
    Unless this breaks or can break your app in some way, no need exist for change. Nevertheless, if this is a real concern, write a test or consider a java assertion. By default, assertions are disabled at runtime. There is no need to override that default.I have been able to find enhancement request 9377487, "TASK FLOW PARAMETER VALUES NOT VALIDATED ACCORDING TO CLASS", on My Oracle Support. It currently has "Status 15 - To Internal (Oracle) Review" and "Updated 16-Dec-2010".
    In the context of service request 3-4185839067 recently bug 12838099, "THE TASK-FLOW INPUT PARAMETER CLASS VALUE BEING IGNORED BY THE FRAMEWORK", has been filed and it currently still has "Status 16 - Bug Screening/Triage".
    - about "... the expectation that types are enforced is somewhat puzzling to the development team ..."
    Hmm, strange ... so what are people supposed to expect when there is an option to configure a class name for a task-flow input parameter?

  • Xml structure being ignored

    XML structure in "Bus Card Order Form" created in inDesign is being ignored by Acrobat>Tools>Forms>More Form Options>Export Data. 
    inDesign form also has DTD.
    1. inDesign "BC Order Form" is output to interactive pdf fillable form
    2. pdf filled form is then saved.
    3. XML is then exported per above, however XML structure does not match. Rather, root is redefined as "fields' and all fields are listed alphabetically.  
    4. xml data does not flow into fields in BC template.
    Both "Bus Card Order Form' and 'BC Template' have matching xml structure.
    What am I doing wrong?

    Nevermind my previous post; I see the error in our own code. You're
    right; the file isn't being used. This will be fixed in our 2.5 final
    release. Sorry!
    In the meantime, I suggest you continue to use the 2.4

  • Orion-ejb-jar.xml being ignored

    In oc4j 903 my orion-ejb-jar.xml file is being ignored at deployment time. It is in the META-INF directory of the ejb jar. Any ideas?

    changes to this file only get reflected if the tags exist initially. You can;t add new tags and hope to see them miraculously appear - which would be nice! Delete the orion-ejb-jar.xml from the application-deployments directory of your app, and redeploy, a new deployment version of the file will be generated.

  • Libs folder is being ignored

    For some reason my libs folder is being ignored, all the swc's have a ? mark over them.

    hi nikos,
    can you give us some more your libs folder just a local folder in your project (i.e. default one that gets created)? Are you using any sort of linked resources or sym links? Have you tried just refreshing that node in the Package Explorer? Does the compiler find your swcs and compile them and is it just a Package Explorer issue?

  • being ignored

    Seems that the is being ignored for jpgs, svg's, etc... Still sets them with the "file came from another computer...' blah blah and blocks them.

    one workaround - log in as an admin
    User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Attachment Manager
    Enable: Do not preserve zone information in file attachments

  • Is my cfif IsDefined being ignored?

    I have a form that allows a user to upload up to 3 images.
    They don't need to upload all three. For example, I get an error if
    I don't upload all three images.
    Despite having a <cfif> that uploads only if an image
    if the field name is defined, I still get a "The form field Image2
    did not contain a file" error. It seems my <cfif> is being
    ignored and trys to upload a field that is not defined? Any ideas?
    Thanks Rick
    form action="act_uploadimage.cfm" method="post"
    <input type="file" name="Image1" >
    <input type="file" name="Image2" >
    <input type="file" name="Image3" >
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Upload">
    <cfquery name="Product" datasource="wioDB">
    INSERT INTO Products (CatID, USerID, Designer, Model, Color,
    DressSize, Price, Material, Description)
    VALUES ('#Trim(FORM.CatID)#',
    SELECT @@identity AS ProdID FROM Products;
    <cfif isdefined("form.Image1")>
    <cffile action="upload" filefield="Image1"
    nameconflict="makeunique" accept="image/*" >
    <cfquery datasource="wioDB">
    INSERT INTO Images (ProdID, Image, IsPrimary)
    VALUES (#Product.ProdID#,'#file.ServerFile#',
    <cfif isdefined("form.Image2")>
    <cffile action="upload" filefield="Image2"
    nameconflict="makeunique" accept="image/*" >
    <cfquery datasource="wioDB">
    INSERT INTO Images (ProdID, Image, IsPrimary)
    VALUES (#Product.ProdID#,'#file.ServerFile#',
    <cfif isdefined("form.Image3")>
    <cffile action="upload" filefield="Image3"
    nameconflict="makeunique" accept="image/*" >
    <cfquery datasource="wioDB">
    INSERT INTO Images (ProdID, Image, IsPrimary)
    VALUES (#Product.ProdID#,'#file.ServerFile#',

    I have almost the same situation and when I changed my cfif
    to check for blank, it worked.
    So my question now is when are you suposed to use isDefined
    and when are you suppose to check for blank ?
    If a field in a form is left blank, does that mean that it
    does not exists, therefore using isDefined, or does that mean that
    it exists but contains a blank value ?
    I have the following code below. The first one works and the
    second one does not, but I changed it to check for blank and now it
    works, so I am a little confused now. What does isDefine do and
    when should it be used ?
    <cfif isDefined("form.output_type")>
    <cfset session.output_type = "#form.output_type#">
    <cfset session.output_type = "screen">
    <cfif form.email_address is not "">
    <cfset session.email_address = "#form.email_address#">
    <cfset session.email_address =
    "[email protected]">

  • Calendar Free/Busy permissions being ignored for users migrated from Exchange 2003, fine for new users created on Exchange 2010

    I have uncovered a situation where it seems the free/busy permissions are being ignored for users that were migrated from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010.
    I have the default permissions set to only show Free/Busy Time, not Details.  However if I look at the calendar for a users who was migrated from the old Exchange 2003 server, I can see details.  If I look
    at a newer user who was added directly to the Exchange 2010 server, I (correctly) only see the times and "Free" or "Busy", not the specific details.
    I verified the permissions on the migrated mailboxes many different ways (Exfolders, cmdlets, etc) and all signs point to only allow showing Free/Busy Times, but alas, I can still see the Details as well.
    My users are using Outlook 2010.

    Does this issue occur on Outlook only or both Outlook and OWA?
    Since you have double checked the permissions via multiple methods, it seems there is nothing problem on permission. Please make sure the migration from Exchange 2003 server completed successfully.
    If in OWA everything goes well (cannot see details), it should be an issue on the Outlook client side.
    I suggest run Outlook under safe mode to avoid some AVs and add-ins.
    I suggest re-create profile to refresh the caches.
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Reply-to header being ignored

    I am receiving eMails sent from Verizon Android Phones where the reply-to header is being ignored by the client and sent to the sender.
    Please make your smartphone smart

    I run a web site for an organization the send out eMail to members. Every member may have a different phone each eMail contains a reply-to header.
    We are getting replies to the senders address rather than the reply-to address which should be handled by the eMail client. Some Verizon phones do not correctly use the reply-to header when the client replies to the message, other information, I do not have. Please verify that ALL Verizon phone eMail clients correctly handle the reply-to header.
    - Bill
    Private info removed as required by the Terms of Service.
    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

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    i have a WD drive that i use to back up my macbook pro, last update it was an error and update was not completed, then it didn't allow me to properly eject the drive, so I just disconnect it, now when i plug it in mac doesn't recognise the disk, i ha

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    Hello, I've new MacBook Pro 15" 2011 model (with Thunderbolt port) along with a PC (with DVI output.) I would like to get new Thunderbolt display. Can I connect both PC and Mac at the same time to Thunderbolt display? i.e., I don't want to disconnect

  • Problem with Price

    hello here is my problem say i have an amount of 8,765.43, some times in sap this value is comming as 8.765,43 i mean to say its displaying . in the place of , and , in the palce of . now if my value is displayed like 8.765,43 how can i change this t

  • Layer 0 exceeds max when formatting?

    Please help. I don't know DVD studio pro so well, but I am trying to burn a DVD with a lot of menus and I get this message popping up: "Formatting was not successful. Layer 0 exceeds the maximum layer size allowed. Please choose a suitable marker loc

  • Search Results in RH8

    Using TCS2 (RH8) referencing Frame book, generating chm file. When using the Search tab in my generated chm file, I have two unattractive issues. Many of the topics displayed in the search panel have words separated by underscores (like their file na