Impedance Analyzer Sweep Getting Interrupted

Hi Everyone,
I am working on a LabView program for an impedance analyzer which finds a peak and records data around the frequency the peak is located at. While collecting data about a certain peak it is also designed to continue tracking that peak because the peak is not constant. 
This program works in LabView Version 7, but this is not the case in Version 8.5. In 8.5, it looks like that the program begins sweeping (the little cursor on the display begins moving across the display) but gets interrupted and stops sweeping. This does not prevent the program from recording data - data is definitely being recorded. However, what this prevents us from doing is tracking the peak; eventually, the peak drifts off the span of the impedance analyzer and any data we collect is useless.Something I've noticed is that if I put LabView in "highlight execution" mode, the program works perfectly fine - no more interruptions! I'm not sure what is interrupting the sweep in normal mode - I'm relatively new to
LabView and attempted to use a WAITSRQ VI to remove any interruptions,
but this just ends up timing out.
While I have attempted tackling the problem from a programming point of view, the fact that this program works in version 7 but not 8.5 seems to indicate that it might not be a programming issue but rather something with the versions.
I have attached two files that may be helpful for anyone that looks at the problem. Mainly the problem is occuring when the control goes to the "Agilent4294APeakTracker_twochannel" file.The main file is the file. If you have any questions about the program or anything I've been unclear about, please feel free to ask!
Thank you for your help!
Attachments: ‏81 KB ‏38 KB

Remember that this is all for your own good.  I am surprised this program ever worked correctly.  Dataflow, dataflow, dataflow.  The sequence structures you are using perform no function.  There is no coordination between your sub-vi and the main VI.  Your are sending commands from both VI's with no flow of the timing.  Review dataflow programming and clean up the VI, then you will be able to troubleshoot.

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    It sounds to be more a referencing issue than an issue between the DIO and impedance analyzer. Sounds like it may not be calling to the correct channel.
    Heres some troubleshooting steps:
    Can you communicate with the ELVIS board in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)? 
    If so, can you use one of our example files to try to do some DIO? 
    If that works, try to comment out the impedance analyzer step to make sure it isn't causing the issue. You can comment things out by using the diagram disable structure, which is under programming->structures. 
    Kyle Mozdzyn
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments
    Kyle M.
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    I see that you already posted on another thread. Please refer to it here:
    Nathan S.
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    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
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    There is no way to skip.
    Disable any security software on the computer and update the device.

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    Go to Solution.
    20150203_231732_Richtone(HDR).jpg ‏840 KB

    First of all, look for LabVIEW drivers, and setup/test communications with the devices from LabVIEW. Second, start learning LabVEW, it is going to be painful if you want to do a project without any basic level in this programming language. Here you find resources to start your learning:
    When you are able to communicate with your devices, and you understand how to use the different functions, you can start planning what you want to do with your piezo-sensors. In that part, I cannot help you.
    But double check if these are the drivers you need...

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    Dennis Knutson wrote:
    Well, that's not a plug and play driver. And, there is no VI called Mode in there.
    In general, you would connect the Instrument Handle Out of one VI to the Instrument Handle In of the next VI you want to call. Do the same thing with error out of VI one to error in of VI 2. This is just basic LabVIEW dataflow and you really need a basic understanding of that and LabVIEW in general before you do anything.
    Of course some VI have more inputs and outputs than others. It's like parameters in a function call in text based programming languages. For example, the Initialize function has inputs called ID Query and Reset Device. If you want the function to query the instrument for it's ID information, you would wire a Boolean true to this input. If you don't want the instrument to reset, you would wire a boolean false to that input. What you wire and what values you pass will depend on how you want to program the device. In LabVIEW, you should have context help turned on and as you move your mouse over a control/indicator, the help window will discribe what the control/indicator is.
    You really do have to understand the instrument, the programming of it, and LabVIEW itself. There are no shortcuts .
    It's kind of a weird situation because once you understand the instrument, the programming of it and LabVIEW itself, you don't really need the drivers, because by then you can write your own custom ones. 
    (Mid-Level minion.)
    My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
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    So, are you just needing a "log" option within the impedance analyzer? If so, then I would suggest to modify the impedance analyzer source code to write the data to a spreadsheet file.
    The source code VI for the impedance analyzer can be found within the ...\Program Files\National Instruments\NI ELVIS 1.0\Source Code\Impedance Analyzer directory. You could add the Write to Spreadsheet File VI to the program to create a VI that would log the data to a spreadsheet file.
    I hope this helps.
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    Likely copy protected.
    Avoid Migration Assistant if all possible.
    Install programs from fresh sources and use a Firewire cable to T boot the old Mac's hard drive to the desktop of the new Mac and simply drag and drop contents of the users folders into the new folders. (example: contents of Pictures, Movies, Documents etc)
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    Thanks in advanced.
    Best Regards,

    I was very interested looking for possible answers to your question - no feedback from other people - o.k.
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    Purchased the 10.8.2 on the 18/02 ,after 4 trys I get interrupted and have to start all over again the fact that I am on prepaid and have used 8 GB and the connection is slow any suggestion anyone

    Hello ChadMelton,
    I have a hard time passing up offers for free products, so I understand how such an offer could influence your decision to buy. I'm wholly disappointed to read, though, that your rebate experience didn't go smoothly and that the manufacturer seems to have been less than cooperative. I would be frustrated too under such circumstances!
    I was unable to locate your purchase using the information you provided when you signed up for Best Buy Unboxed. I would like to look into this situation on your behalf, but will need more information to begin. If you will please send me a private message that includes your full name, telephone number, order number and/or the Customer Service PIN from your purchase receipt, I'll get started.
    I'm very grateful that you wrote to us with your concerns.


    I just acquired a Blackberry Torch 9860 and have been trying to download the desktop software to no avail.
    The download is always getting interupted with the following message "710_b042_multilanguage.exe download was interrupted. This program is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer" When I click Resume a SmartSreen Filter Internet Explorer window opens with the message that "this program might harm your computer." When I press Run Anyway another window called 16 Bit MS-DOS Subsystem opens with a message that "The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.....chose to terminate the application.
    Please, help.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    It sounds like you have a computer problem, not a BB problem. Maybe you have some virus protection on your computer blocking this? Maybe something else? It's a basic function...downloading files to your computer. Something on your computer is blocking this from happening, but digging into that needs a computer expert, not a BB expert.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    You should turn off all antivirus programs before trying to install anything also you want to enable access to Firefox in your firewall and default programs internet explorer has a tendency to be an ***

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