Impersonation in Exchange online

Hi everyone,
I have many doubts about impersonation. Can someone help me in this? I want to know what is does, when it is required, is the impersonated account is a AD user or mailbox, the account which has impersonation rights is AD user or mailbox, how to check which
user has impersonation rights, etc. Also, how is the impersonation different in online from on-premises Exchange?
Thanks & regards,
Talib Hussain

Hi Talib,
There is a separate Impersonation for only AD, however for exchange it's a role that can be used to give 'Exchange mailbox users' access on other users accounts.
'Exchange Mailbox user' = AD user + Exchange mailbox
The ApplicationImpersonation management role enables applications to impersonate users in an organization to perform tasks on behalf of the user.
Like Blackberry Servers Sending emails etc.
Impersonation enables a caller, such as a service application, to impersonate a user account. The caller can perform operations by using the permissions that are associated with the impersonated account instead of the permissions associated with the caller’s
ApplicationImpersonation role
Exchange 2013 Configuring Impersonation For Applications
Configuring Impersonation For Applications Via Power Shell
We can also do the above Via Power shell, the commands are seen below:
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name:VeeamUserImpersonisation -Role:ApplicationImpersonation -User:Your_User_Account
To remove the permissions we run the following command:
Get-ManagementRoleAssignment | Where {$_.Role -eq “ApplicationImpersonation” -and $_.RoleAssigneeName -eq “Your_User_Account“} | Remove-ManagementRoleAssignment
List all users with ApplicationImpersonation role assignment:
Get-ManagementRoleAssignment | Where {$_.Role -eq 'ApplicationImpersonation'} | ft User
How to: Configure impersonation:
I don't see any major difference in implementation On-Premises Vs. Exchange Online.
Please “Vote As Helpful”
if you find my contribution useful or “Mark As Answer” if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

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  • Retrieval of all users in Exchange online

    Exchange Version: Exchange Online at Office 365
    API Name: EWS API 2.0
    IDE: Visual basic C# 2010
    Targeted features: Impersonation and retrieval of all users
    Hi there, I am currently developing a program that uses impersonation and queries the EWS API to retrieve emails and their attachments from users. I have used the C# codes from the MSDN Library to develop the program. The program is successful in retrieving
    the emails from specific users that are hard coded into the program.
    The code below shows the process of authenticating the admin user and the impersonation is done in the  RetrieveEmailFromUser() function.
    ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = CertificateValidationCallBack;
    ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1);
    service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("adminemail@", "password", "");
    service.AutodiscoverUrl("adminemail", RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);
    List<string> emailaddrlist = new List<string>();
    emailaddrlist.Add("[email protected]");
    emailaddrlist.Add("[email protected]");
    foreach (string item in emailaddrlist)
    string content = RetrieveEmailFromUser(service, item);
            static string RetrieveEmailFromUser(ExchangeService service, string emailAddr)
                service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, emailAddr);
                FindItemsResults<Item> findResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, new ItemView(50));
    As can be seen from the coding, the users that are to be impersonated have been hardcoded. I would like to know if there are any C# codes or a link to a page where it describes how I can retrieve ALL users with mailboxes from a Microsoft 365 admin account
    without needing to manually add users for retrieval.

    Hi there sorry for asking again but I have successfully retrieved all the users but now I would need to filter them to lower the amount of addresses retrieved.
    For example
    owershell.Runspace = runspace;
    //Create the command and add the parameters to retrieve all users that have mailboxes
    powershell.AddParameter("RecipientTypeDetails", "UserMailbox");
    //Invoke the command and store the results in a PSObject collection
    Collection<PSObject> EmailList = powershell.Invoke();
    //Iterate through the results and add the PrimarySMTP address for each mailbox to emailAddrlist
    foreach (PSObject emailAddr in EmailList)
    string time = emailAddr.Properties["WhenCreated"].Value.ToString();
    string addr = emailAddr.Properties["PrimarySmtpAddress"].Value.ToString();
    EmailAddrList.Add(addr + time);
    The property ("WhenChanged") will retrieve the date time when the mailbox had its options MODIFIED but not when an email is received. Is there a parameter I can input using powershell to retrieve users who have new emails in their mailboxes from
    a specific? Or can I change the value of the Property from  ("WhenChanged") to something else that will give me a date time of the most recent addition of an email to the mailbox. This will then allow me to compare the date time to filter out
    addresses which have not received any emails.
    Thank you.

  • [Exchange-Online][EWS-XML][JAVA][OAUTH2] Getting HTTP status code 500 when using OAUTH2 client credential grant flow as authorization method

    i'm working on enhancing a service to be able to use OAUTH2 as authentication protocol with client credential grant flow when talking to exchange online ( like described here: ). I gave my application the rights 
    Office 365 Exchange Online : Application Permissions: "Have full access via EWS to all mailboxes ....."
    Windows Azure Active AD: Application Permissions: "Read Directory data", Delegate Permissions: "Enable sign-on and read users_ profiles" 
    I receive a access token from
    decoded token:
     typ: "JWT",
     alg: "RS256",
     x5t: "MnC_VZcATfM5pOYiJHMba9goEKY"
     aud: "",
     iss: "<TENANT_ID>/",
     iat: 1426584502,
     nbf: 1426584502,
     exp: 1426588402,
     ver: "1.0",
     tid: "<TENANT_ID>",
     roles: [
     oid: "1ddbdc11-b80d-4d1d-91b9-5b07a6b82659",
     sub: "1ddbdc11-b80d-4d1d-91b9-5b07a6b82659",
     idp: "",
     appid: "<APP_ID_IN_AZURE_AD>",
     appidacr: "2"
    If i use that token then to send a EWS XML to exchange online i get a 500 HTTP status code back:
    With impersonation in the request:
    [http.wire ]: >> "POST /EWS/Exchange.asmx HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Authorization: Bearer <MY_ACCESS_TOKEN>[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "SoapAction: ""[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "User-Agent: OpenScapeUC EWS HttpClient/3.0[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "client-request-id: 5b2c7e1a-656d-4f43-bd34-ea2d6290611f[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 10:08:17 GMT[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Content-Length: 1189[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Host:[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "<?xml version="1.0" ?><S:Envelope xmlns:S=""><S:Header><ns2:ExchangeImpersonation xmlns:ns2=""
    xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" Version="Exchange2007_SP1"/></S:Header><S:Body><ns3:GetFolder xmlns:ns2=""
    xmlns:ns3=""><ns3:FolderShape><ns2:BaseShape>IdOnly</ns2:BaseShape><ns2:AdditionalProperties><ns2:FieldURI FieldURI="folder:FolderId"/></ns2:AdditionalProperties></ns3:FolderShape><ns3:FolderIds><ns2:DistinguishedFolderId
    [http.wire ]: << "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Cache-Control: private[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "request-id: ec42b5c5-f8dc-498d-ae16-d851a852058c[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Set-Cookie: ClientId=<DELETED>; expires=Wed, 16-Mar-2016 10:08:17 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-CalculatedBETarget:[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-DiagInfo: AM2PR02MB0387[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-BEServer: AM2PR02MB0387[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Set-Cookie: exchangecookie=<DELETED>; expires=Thu, 17-Mar-2016 10:08:17 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Set-Cookie: [email protected]=<DELETED>; expires=Thu, 16-Apr-2015 10:08:18 GMT; path=/EWS; secure; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Set-Cookie: [email protected]=<DELETED>; expires=Thu, 16-Apr-2015 10:08:18 GMT; path=/EWS; secure; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-Powered-By: ASP.NET[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-FEServer: DB5PR01CA0064[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 10:08:17 GMT[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Content-Length: 891[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Accept-Ranges: none[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Connection: keep-alive[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "[\r][\n]"
    Without impersonation in the request:
    [http.wire ]: >> "POST /EWS/Exchange.asmx HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Authorization: Bearer <MY_ACCESS_TOKEN>[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "SoapAction: ""[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "User-Agent: OpenScapeUC EWS HttpClient/3.0[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "client-request-id: 20bd722f-8276-4ebb-8d58-ce45d31f3ed4[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 09:33:24 GMT[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Content-Length: 871[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Host:[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: >> "<?xml version="1.0" ?><S:Envelope xmlns:S=""><S:Header><ns2:RequestServerVersion xmlns:ns2=""
    xmlns:ns3="" Version="Exchange2007_SP1"/></S:Header><S:Body><ns3:GetFolder xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3=""><ns3:FolderShape><ns2:BaseShape>IdOnly</ns2:BaseShape><ns2:AdditionalProperties><ns2:FieldURI
    FieldURI="folder:FolderId"/></ns2:AdditionalProperties></ns3:FolderShape><ns3:FolderIds><ns2:DistinguishedFolderId Id="contacts"><ns2:Mailbox><ns2:EmailAddress><THE_MAILBOX_I_WANT_TO_ACCESS></ns2:EmailAddress></ns2:Mailbox></ns2:DistinguishedFolderId></ns3:FolderIds></ns3:GetFolder></S:Body></S:Envelope>"
    [http.wire ]: << "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Cache-Control: private[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "request-id: 923ba463-490f-4ac9-a496-993cd8a44115[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Set-Cookie: ClientId=<DELETED>; expires=Wed, 16-Mar-2016 09:33:24 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-CalculatedBETarget:[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-DiagInfo: AM2PR02MB0387[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-BEServer: AM2PR02MB0387[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Set-Cookie: exchangecookie=<DELETED>; expires=Thu, 17-Mar-2016 09:33:25 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Set-Cookie: [email protected]=<DELETED>; expires=Thu, 16-Apr-2015 09:33:25 GMT; path=/EWS; secure; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Set-Cookie: [email protected]=<DELETED>; expires=Thu, 16-Apr-2015 09:33:25 GMT; path=/EWS; secure; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-Powered-By: ASP.NET[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "X-FEServer: AM3PR07CA0038[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 09:33:24 GMT[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Content-Length: 799[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Accept-Ranges: none[\r][\n]"
    [http.wire ]: << "Connection: keep-alive[\r][\n]"
    If i use BASIC authentication and impersonation the request is successfully. 
    Has anyone an idea why i might get the error 500 in that scenario?

    For EWS to work with App Token, you need to do two more things. One you already did: Set the impersonation header. Two is to set the X-AnchorMailbox http request header to the smtp address of the mailbox you want to access. This routes the request instantly
    to the right backend.
    Hope this helps.
    Thank you! Matthias

  • Monitoring many mailboxes in Exchange OnLine

    I'm developing a large-scaled Exchange calendar synchronization application using EWS Managed API 2.1. 
    When Microsoft upgraded the Exchange OnLine platform to Exchange 2013 I had to re-write some of the code in order to adapt to the new behavior of the CAS (e.g. subscription groups and GroupingInformation).
    Typically our customers have 4000-5000 mailboxes that we have to monitor but some of them have 20.0000 or more. As the trend is that also large companies are moving their Exchange to the cloud I often get questions from sales about how many calendars
    we can monitor for changes.   
    So, now to my question;
    Is there any absolute limit for how many mailboxes that can be monitored in Exchange OnLine?
    I'm using EWS Managed API 2.1, utilizing Autodiscover, Impersonation, Streaming Notifications and subscription groups (200 subscriptions each). I'm aware of that throttling limits will be reached from time to time and that I have to handle them as they occur.
    Best Regards
    Jens Eriksson TalkIT Communication AB

    Hi CCStefanonni,
    If you delete a user account or remove a license from a user, mailbox will be permanently deleted after 30days. Since you are in Midsize Business plan you don't have in-place hold to keep inactive user data for more than 60 days. As I see, you have two options,
    Convert the user mailbox to a Shared Mailbox. Keep in mind shared mailboxes are only 5GB in size.
    Download the PST and keep it somewhere safe (ex: one drive). You can upload the PST through the shell or though Outlook later if needed.

  • Return data is null while calling Exchange Online rest api using jquery on Chrome and Mozilla

         I am developing a SharePoint hosted app in which I am calling Exchange online rest api using basic authentication to get mail for the user. This works fine in IE but returns null data when opening in Chrome or Mozilla.
    Is there something I am missing while making rest call to api?
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. Thanks, Ajeet

    This forum is to discuss problems of Office development such as VBA, VSTO, Apps for Office .etc. But I think your question is related to app for SharePoint. I suggest you posting it in
    App for SharePoint forum for more efficient responses.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Exchange Online Management cmdlets return Display Name instead of Identity

    We've got an issue when managing our Exchange Online environment using remote PowerShell.
    We use Exchange management cmdlets to manage Exchange Online mailboxes. When we run, for example, the
    Get-MailboxPermission or Get-RecipientPermission
    cmdlets, it returns Display Names of the users with mailbox rights. Previously, when we initially tested remote PowerShell with Exchange Online, the cmdlets returned the
    Identity property, which is unique and worked well for us. However, currently the cmdlets return the
    Display Name, which is not unique and causes us issues. For example, in our environment there can exist two or more users with the same Display Name (see highlighted on the screenshot):
    In cases when only one of the users is granted a permission, we cannot distinguish programmatically, which of the 2 users this is. Also, we cannot run cmdlets, such as
    Get-SecurityPrincipal, to get more info about the principals who are granted the permission.
    Is it possible to get the old behavior of the cmdlets back so that they return the unique
    Identity instead of the non-unique Display Name? Or how do we workaround this?

    Can anyone update on this? The issue causes us HUGE problems :(

  • Delivery delayed possibly because of Exchange Online issue with DNS check
    I'm troubleshooting extremely late (3+ days) delivery emails FROM a domain hosted by Microsoft TO  Microsoft Remote connectivity analyzer shows that it cannot get MX record for  HOWEVER, other tools like Mxtoolbox ( shows the
    MX lookup is successful.
    When sending FROM Google / Yahoo to the same email address at, the emails go through right away.
    I was able to reproduce the issue by sending an email FROM my personal Hotmail email to  The next morning I got a delayed Delivery Status Notifcation:
    Reporting-MTA: dns;
    Received-From-MTA: dns;BAY169-W65
    Arrival-Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 11:38:10 -0700
    Final-Recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
    Action: delayed
    Status: 4.4.7
    Will-Retry-Until: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 11:38:17 -0700
    I think the root issue is that Exchange Online does not like something about MX record for, although other tools say the MX records are fine.
    Can you see why emails from Hotmail or one of your Exchange Online customers cannot reach although emails from Google / Yahoo go in just fine?  Please PM me if you need the name of the domain hosted by Microsoft or an email address at
    for testing.

    If you open a service request via your O365 tenant, and explain the issue, they'll respond quite quickly.
    I've created some tickets at O365 support for about the same problems in the past, and you usually get a call from an EOP/EO engineer the day after.

  • Can't figure out how to use Amazon SES as a smart host for Exchange Online

    I have a problem that is proving very difficult to solve, and I'm hoping someone on here might know a bit more about this.
    I am trying to configure MS Exchange Online to route all emails through Amazon SES as a relay server, however the problem is that SES seems to want you to pass it SMTP username and password credentials to authenticate with, and I don't think Exchange Online
    allows for this?
    I have checked all the options in Outbound Connector section and there doesn't seem to be any place where I can choose SMTP authentication.  On Exchange 2013 and on-premise 365 Exchange solution I believe you can do this, but with pure Exchange Online
    I'm not sure...
    Does anyone know whether this is possible, and if not why Microsoft doesn't allow it / if they might be intending to enable this in the near future?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Since your questions are Exchange Online related, I suggest we also ask it on the Microsoft Exchange Online forum:
    Hope you can get your answer soon.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange Online Plan 1 use with Office Home and Business 2013 License

    Question: Does the Office Home & Business 2013 Outlook work properly with Exchange Online Plan 1?  (are there limitations?)
    As a farm dealership needing 44 licenses (very light Office product use except email), I'm struggling with the sustaining cost of Office365 Bus Prem.  I've pretty much settled on buying Outlook 2013 instead of any subscription models.  Office Home
    and Business list price is $219 making a one time purchase cost $9639. I can do that once. (O365BP is $7,920 annual).   Outlook 2013 stand-a-lone will run me around $3500 once plus $2112 annual.  I'd really like the full office package.  I wish
    the pricing worked out better for rural, light use businesses.

    Hi GHopf,
    Great advice from scottylat2486.
    I find some article about the difference of Office production, please refer to:
    Compare Office 365 Business Plans:
    Choose Microsoft Office Products:
    Outlook license requirements for Exchange features:
    This question may be related to Office 365, please contact Office 365 Team so that you can get more professional suggestions. For your reference:
    Best Regards,
    Allen Wang

  • Outlook 2013 with exchange online account disconnected, tryin to connect for hours or indefinitely

    I posted this in another forum (office 365) and was told to copy it here as it wasn't an office 365 issue so here is what I posted there:
    Let me see if I can clarify better. This issue has been ongoing as long as I have worked for this client (I started in January but have been told the issue has been going on since before November of last year). The client has multiple construction sites
    and its headquarters. There is a remote desktop server setup with a public IP address for the users "in the field" for accessing network resources at headquarters. At major construction sites (currently 3) they have high speed internet service installed
    since the projects typically are 1+ years to complete. So at current times we have the following:
    Main office:
    Remote Desktop Server with logins for all employees
    Main 2012R2 server
    50MB/s internet connection via CenturyLink ISP
    Site 1:
    3 main users of computers. 1 constant user, 2 minimal use users. All 3 have experience the issue 3+ times a week
    Comcast 50MB/S ISP
    Site 2:
    3 Main users of computers. 1 constant, 2 medium use users. All 3 experience the issue 3+ times a week
    Comcast 50MB/s ISP
    Site 3:
    4+ computer users. 1 constant, 2 medium use users and the rest check email couple times a day. They also experience the disconnect issue 3+ times a week
    15 MB/S DSL from CenturyLink ISP
    There have been instances where (as examples) user 1a called me to tell me it was happening. Users 1b and 1c were not experiencing the issue. I was able to use a remote tool called Teamviewer to connect to her computer. Once connected I tried to open OWA
    but it would not connect. I tried to ping the site and could not get a response. To verify I remoted into user 1b computer and his outlook was still connected and pinged fine. Both users being at the same site are on the same network. Had user 1a remote desktop
    into the RDserver at the main office. Remoted into the server at the office her outlook on that machine connected no issues (in my mind rules out account issue?).
    I don't believe it is network related due to the other computers working fine and being able to connect to her computer indicated to me that her NIC was fine. I don't think it was her account because it worked fine from the RD Server plus email service to
    iPads/iPhones continue to work without issue. Once the computer is rebooted everything works fine for a while (could be hours, could be days).
    Now to answer the questions for you:
    1. it happens to all computers not at the main office but happens at random times to them. It also does not affect every computer at a remote location. It could be 1 or it could be multiple computers at the same time.
    2. Affected users iPhones, iPads and outlook 2013 pro session on the RD Server at the main office continue to work no issues.
    3. They cannot get to OWA on their machines when in that state, however can log into OWA on another machine plus the answer to #2 above.
    4. It is all users at those locations, however I have experienced it myself at my house 1 time since January (I have a different exchange online plan/company than the one I am discussing in this post). The issue is random and it is uncertain if it will correct
    itself if left sitting long enough (longest time it has been left is about 20 minutes or so) however even 20 minutes is a long time to wait for the service to return so users just reboot.
    Please let me know If you have any solutions/ideas.
    Brandon Smith
    Cadence Communications
    Hi Branon,
    Thanks for your detailed information.
    After going your post carefully, I am impressed by your strong technical skills. Regarding “I don't believe it is network related due to the other computers working fine and being able to connect to her computer indicated to me that her NIC was
    fine. I don't think it was her account because it worked fine from the RD Server plus email service to iPads/iPhones continue to work without issue. Once the computer is rebooted everything works fine for a while (could be hours, could be days)” ,
    I go along with you. Since the affected account could connect to other clients without issue , it indicates Office 365 account is no problem. And other computer were working fine and can connect to her computer, it shows the network environment does not cause
    the issue. In this situation, the issue should relate to the specific Outlook Client. However this forum mainly focuses on Office 365 online services, to get more accurate responses, it’s suggested that you raise the problem in the Outlook forum. If they got
    any result and you need further assistance from Office 365 side, please feel free to let us know.
    In addition, about “I have had the users try to use OWA when it gets disconnected but they cannot get to that URL either. IE comes up with page not found”, I’d like to collect some information:
    1. Does the issue only happen to IE? Have you tried logging in other browsers using the OWA address (like Chrome or Firefox)? Does it work?
    2. Does only this user have the issue? Does it happen to other users?
    3. Which version of Internet Explorer browser does the user use?
    4. Could you provide us with the whole screenshot of the error message? You can post screenshots in our forum by clicking Use rich formatting and selecting the Insert Image icon.
    Also, please try the following steps for troubleshooting:
    a. Clear the IE caches and cookies when you log into Office 365 again.
    b. Use the InPrivate Browsing of Internet Explorer to login.
    c. Reset Internet Explorer’s settings, and try again.
    d. Try to login in another network environment.
    If there is any update, please let us know. I ’ll keep on monitoring this thread.
    Best regards,
    As of today we still randomly experience this disconnect issue. Just today I had my test user call me to say she was disconnected. She is in location 2 where I have a test laptop also setup with her logged in. When she called I had her check the test laptop
    and the outlook profile on that machine (same network) was still connected while her computer was not connected. I had her run the online analyzer tool on her machine (the one that would not connect) which ran for almost 2 hours. The tool finished right at
    the same time that her outlook finally connected back to the server.
    If anyone has any ideas/solutions please let me know.
    Thanks in advance,
    Brandon Smith
    Cadence Communications Inc. 

    Oddly enough my computer is right at this moment in this same disconnected state. Outlook shows an exclamation point in a yellow triangle. Its state is disconnected. If I go to I get to the login page but get page can't be displayed after
    entering my credentials. I tried using google and found this for login it too times out and can't be displayed.
    if I try and ping these sites I get:
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Pinging [2a01:111:f100:4001::4625:61ea] with 32 byte
    s of data:
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Ping statistics for 2a01:111:f100:4001::4625:61ea:
        Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
    Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Ping statistics for
        Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
    If I remote into another machine at a client site I can log into using my email account.
    I ran the outlook connectivity analyzer tool and got this if it helps:
    Testing Outlook connectivity.
     The Outlook connectivity test completed successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 41017 ms.
    Test Steps
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to test Autodiscover for
    [email protected].
     Autodiscover was tested successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 12161 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service.
     The Autodiscover service was tested successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 12161 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL
     Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 475 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
    Additional Details
    IP addresses returned:
    Elapsed Time: 173 ms.
    Testing TCP port 443 on host to ensure it's listening and open.
     The port was opened successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 149 ms.
    Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid.
     The SSL certificate failed one or more certificate validation checks.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 152 ms.
    Test Steps
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server on port 443.
     The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer wasn't able to obtain the remote SSL certificate.
    Additional Details
    The certificate couldn't be validated because SSL negotiation wasn't successful. This could have occurred as a result of a network error or because of a problem with the certificate installation.
    Elapsed Time: 91 ms.
    Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL
     Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 9000 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
    Additional Details
    IP addresses returned:,,,,,,,, 2a01:111:f400:2c84::8, 2a01:111:f400:1014::8, 2a01:111:f400:2c61::8, 2a01:111:f400:2c5d::8, 2a01:111:f400:142a::8,
    2a01:111:f400:5242::8, 2a01:111:f400:2414::8, 2a01:111:f400:4c0b::8
    Elapsed Time: 304 ms.
    Testing TCP port 443 on host to ensure it's listening and open.
     The specified port is either blocked, not listening, or not producing the expected response.
      Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
    Additional Details
    A network error occurred while communicating with the remote host.
    Elapsed Time: 8696 ms.
    Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the HTTP redirect method.
     The Autodiscover service was successfully contacted using the HTTP redirect method.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 2684 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
    Additional Details
    IP addresses returned:,,,,,,,, 2a01:111:f400:2c84::8, 2a01:111:f400:1014::8, 2a01:111:f400:2c61::8, 2a01:111:f400:2c5d::8, 2a01:111:f400:142a::8,
    2a01:111:f400:5242::8, 2a01:111:f400:2414::8, 2a01:111:f400:4c0b::8
    Elapsed Time: 39 ms.
    Testing TCP port 80 on host to ensure it's listening and open.
     The port was opened successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 57 ms.
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is checking the host for an HTTP redirect to the Autodiscover service.
     The redirect (HTTP 301/302) response was received successfully.
    Additional Details
    Redirect URL:
    HTTP Response Headers:
    Pragma: no-cache
    X-FEServer: BY2PR07CA071
    Connection: close
    Content-Length: 0
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 04:40:05 GMT
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Elapsed Time: 47 ms.
    Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL
     Testing of the Autodiscover URL was successful.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 2540 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
    Additional Details
    IP addresses returned:,,,,,, 2a01:111:f400:1414::2, 2a01:111:f400:2c2c::2, 2a01:111:f400:1428::2, 2a01:111:f400:4c32::2, 2a01:111:f400:2c40::2, 2a01:111:f400:5000::2
    Elapsed Time: 345 ms.
    Testing TCP port 443 on host to ensure it's listening and open.
     The port was opened successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 44 ms.
    Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid.
     The certificate passed all validation requirements.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 177 ms.
    Test Steps
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server on port 443.
     The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate.
    Additional Details
    Remote Certificate Subject:, OU=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US, Issuer: CN=Microsoft IT SSL SHA1, OU=Microsoft IT, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US.
    Elapsed Time: 119 ms.
    Validating the certificate name.
     The certificate name was validated successfully.
    Additional Details
    Host name was found in the Certificate Subject Alternative Name entry.
    Elapsed Time: 0 ms.
    Certificate trust is being validated.
     The certificate is trusted and all certificates are present in the chain.
    Test Steps
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to build certificate chains for certificate, OU=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US.
     One or more certificate chains were constructed successfully.
    Additional Details
    A total of 1 chains were built. The highest quality chain ends in root certificate CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root, OU=CyberTrust, O=Baltimore, C=IE.
    Elapsed Time: 18 ms.
    Analyzing the certificate chains for compatibility problems with versions of Windows.
     Potential compatibility problems were identified with some versions of Windows.
    Additional Details
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer can only validate the certificate chain using the Root Certificate Update functionality from Windows Update. Your certificate may not be trusted on Windows if the "Update Root Certificates" feature isn't enabled.
    Elapsed Time: 3 ms.
    Testing the certificate date to confirm the certificate is valid.
     Date validation passed. The certificate hasn't expired.
    Additional Details
    The certificate is valid. NotBefore = 2/13/2015 12:38:15 AM, NotAfter = 2/13/2016 12:38:15 AM
    Elapsed Time: 0 ms.
    Checking the IIS configuration for client certificate authentication.
     Client certificate authentication wasn't detected.
    Additional Details
    Accept/Require Client Certificates isn't configured.
    Elapsed Time: 146 ms.
    Attempting to send an Autodiscover POST request to potential Autodiscover URLs.
     The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer successfully retrieved Autodiscover settings by sending an Autodiscover POST.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 1827 ms.
    Test Steps
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to retrieve an XML Autodiscover response from URL for user
    [email protected].
     The Autodiscover XML response was successfully retrieved.
    Additional Details
    Autodiscover Account Settings
    XML response:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Autodiscover xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
    <Response xmlns="">
    <DisplayName>Brandon Smith</DisplayName>
    <LegacyDN>/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=eec65d660c084484bbca3f80e1a10e9a-brandon</LegacyDN>
    <Protocol Type="mapiHttp">
    <ExternalUrl>[email protected]</ExternalUrl>
    <ExternalUrl>[email protected]</ExternalUrl>
    <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="LiveIdFba, OAuth"></OWAUrl>
    <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Fba"></OWAUrl>
    HTTP Response Headers:
    request-id: 443c7500-1216-4307-b195-8d742873d0f0
    X-DiagInfo: CO1PR04MB474
    X-BEServer: CO1PR04MB474
    Cache-Control: private
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    Set-Cookie: ClientId=JYEVNJSG0UERWBME1PF2A; expires=Wed, 20-Apr-2016 04:40:07 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly,EXOBasicAuth=compactTicket=&;
    expires=Mon, 20-Apr-2015 16:38:08 GMT; path=/Autodiscover; secure; HttpOnly,[email protected]=u56Lnp2ejJqBzc6Znc7OmcjSnpnJzdLLx8qa0sfOyM/Sms7OyMzLyJmbms/HgZyem5yQktGKjIHNz87K0s/K0s3Oq8/LxcvPxc/HgZGeko+Nm8/L0Y+NkJvRkIqLk5CQlNGckJI=;
    expires=Thu, 21-May-2015 04:40:08 GMT; path=/Autodiscover; secure; HttpOnly,[email protected]=u56Lnp2ejJqBzc6Znc7OmcjSnpnJzdLLx8qa0sfOyM/Sms7OyMzLyJmbms/HgZyem5yQktGKjIHNz87K0s/K0s3Oq8/LxcvPxc/H; expires=Thu, 21-May-2015 04:40:08 GMT; path=/Autodiscover;
    secure; HttpOnly
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    X-FEServer: BY1PR10CA0031
    Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 04:40:08 GMT
    Content-Length: 4345
    Elapsed Time: 1525 ms.
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to retrieve an XML Autodiscover response from URL for user
    [email protected].
     The Autodiscover XML response was successfully retrieved.
    Additional Details
    Autodiscover Account Settings
    XML response:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Autodiscover xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
    <Response xmlns="">
    <DisplayName>Brandon Smith</DisplayName>
    <LegacyDN>/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=eec65d660c084484bbca3f80e1a10e9a-brandon</LegacyDN>
    <Server>[email protected]</Server>
    <ServerDN>/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/[email protected]</ServerDN>
    <MdbDN>/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/[email protected]/cn=Microsoft Private MDB</MdbDN>
    <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="LiveIdFba, OAuth"></OWAUrl>
    <OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Fba"></OWAUrl>
    HTTP Response Headers:
    request-id: 4412d758-013f-4700-bde1-06dc5e66bf6d
    X-DiagInfo: CO1PR04MB474
    X-BEServer: CO1PR04MB474
    Cache-Control: private
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    Set-Cookie: ClientId=YVWYC2UW3EAOSJXJYJDCDW; expires=Wed, 20-Apr-2016 04:40:08 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly,[email protected]=u56Lnp2ejJqBzc6Znc7OmcjSnpnJzdLLx8qa0sfOyM/Sms7OyMzLyJmbms/HgZyem5yQktGKjIHNz87K0s/K0s3Oq8/LxcvPxc/HgZGeko+Nm8/L0Y+NkJvRkIqLk5CQlNGckJI=;
    expires=Thu, 21-May-2015 04:40:08 GMT; path=/Autodiscover; secure; HttpOnly,[email protected]=u56Lnp2ejJqBzc6Znc7OmcjSnpnJzdLLx8qa0sfOyM/Sms7OyMzLyJmbms/HgZyem5yQktGKjIHNz87K0s/K0s3Oq8/LxcvPxc/H; expires=Thu, 21-May-2015 04:40:08 GMT; path=/Autodiscover;
    secure; HttpOnly
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    X-FEServer: BY1PR10CA0031
    Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 04:40:08 GMT
    Content-Length: 9631
    Elapsed Time: 301 ms.
    Autodiscover settings for Outlook connectivity are being validated.
     The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer validated the Outlook Autodiscover settings.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 0 ms.
    Testing MAPI over HTTP connectivity to server
     MAPI over HTTP connectivity was verified successfully.
    Additional Details
    HTTP Response Headers:
    request-id: 2931fc03-73eb-4bb0-8ffc-34b9445369ed
    X-FEServer: BY2PR09CA0048
    Content-Length: 0
    Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 04:40:08 GMT
    Set-Cookie: ClientId=ZZCG7DWJLKIDNUIKMHP0Q; expires=Wed, 20-Apr-2016 04:40:09 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=""
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Elapsed Time: 3246 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
    Additional Details
    IP addresses returned:,,,,,, 2a01:111:f400:2c40::2, 2a01:111:f400:5000::2, 2a01:111:f400:1414::2, 2a01:111:f400:2c2c::2, 2a01:111:f400:1428::2, 2a01:111:f400:4c32::2
    Elapsed Time: 152 ms.
    Testing TCP port 443 on host to ensure it's listening and open.
     The port was opened successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 70 ms.
    Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid.
     The certificate passed all validation requirements.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 251 ms.
    Test Steps
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server on port 443.
     The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate.
    Additional Details
    Remote Certificate Subject:, OU=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US, Issuer: CN=Microsoft IT SSL SHA1, OU=Microsoft IT, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US.
    Elapsed Time: 141 ms.
    Validating the certificate name.
     The certificate name was validated successfully.
    Additional Details
    Host name was found in the Certificate Subject Alternative Name entry.
    Elapsed Time: 3 ms.
    Certificate trust is being validated.
     The certificate is trusted and all certificates are present in the chain.
    Test Steps
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to build certificate chains for certificate, OU=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US.
     One or more certificate chains were constructed successfully.
    Additional Details
    A total of 1 chains were built. The highest quality chain ends in root certificate CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root, OU=CyberTrust, O=Baltimore, C=IE.
    Elapsed Time: 34 ms.
    Analyzing the certificate chains for compatibility problems with versions of Windows.
     Potential compatibility problems were identified with some versions of Windows.
    Additional Details
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer can only validate the certificate chain using the Root Certificate Update functionality from Windows Update. Your certificate may not be trusted on Windows if the "Update Root Certificates" feature isn't enabled.
    Elapsed Time: 6 ms.
    Testing the certificate date to confirm the certificate is valid.
     Date validation passed. The certificate hasn't expired.
    Additional Details
    The certificate is valid. NotBefore = 2/13/2015 12:38:15 AM, NotAfter = 2/13/2016 12:38:15 AM
    Elapsed Time: 0 ms.
    Testing HTTP Authentication Methods for URL[email protected].
     The HTTP authentication methods are correct.
    Additional Details
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer found all expected authentication methods and no disallowed methods. Methods found: Basic
    HTTP Response Headers:
    request-id: 2931fc03-73eb-4bb0-8ffc-34b9445369ed
    X-FEServer: BY2PR09CA0048
    Content-Length: 0
    Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 04:40:08 GMT
    Set-Cookie: ClientId=ZZCG7DWJLKIDNUIKMHP0Q; expires=Wed, 20-Apr-2016 04:40:09 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=""
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Elapsed Time: 190 ms.
    Testing the MAPI Address Book endpoint on the Exchange server.
     The address book endpoint was tested successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 1987 ms.
    Test Steps
    Testing the address book "Check Name" operation for user
    [email protected] against server
     Check Name succeeded.
    Additional Details
    DisplayName: Brandon Smith, LegDN: /o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=eec65d660c084484bbca3f80e1a10e9a-brandon
    Elapsed Time: 1987 ms.
    Testing the MAPI Mail Store endpoint on the Exchange server.
     We successfully tested the Mail Store endpoint.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 594 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to log on to the Mailbox.
     We were able to log on to the Mailbox.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 594 ms.
    Testing RPC over HTTP connectivity to server
     RPC over HTTP connectivity was verified successfully.
    Additional Details
    HTTP Response Headers:
    request-id: 64e2bf62-0b20-4e36-912d-005c7a017fb4
    X-DiagInfo: BY2PR09CA0048
    X-FEServer: BY2PR09CA0048
    Content-Length: 0
    Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 04:40:11 GMT
    Set-Cookie: ClientId=SKGVNJCDX0OA7M7QPJFWLA; expires=Wed, 20-Apr-2016 04:40:12 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=""
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Elapsed Time: 25606 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS.
     The host name resolved successfully.
    Additional Details
    IP addresses returned:,,,,,, 2a01:111:f400:2c40::2, 2a01:111:f400:5000::2, 2a01:111:f400:1414::2, 2a01:111:f400:2c2c::2, 2a01:111:f400:1428::2, 2a01:111:f400:4c32::2
    Elapsed Time: 42 ms.
    Testing TCP port 443 on host to ensure it's listening and open.
     The port was opened successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 61 ms.
    Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid.
     The certificate passed all validation requirements.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 223 ms.
    Test Steps
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server on port 443.
     The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate.
    Additional Details
    Remote Certificate Subject:, OU=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US, Issuer: CN=Microsoft IT SSL SHA1, OU=Microsoft IT, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US.
    Elapsed Time: 121 ms.
    Validating the certificate name.
     The certificate name was validated successfully.
    Additional Details
    Host name was found in the Certificate Subject Alternative Name entry.
    Elapsed Time: 1 ms.
    Certificate trust is being validated.
     The certificate is trusted and all certificates are present in the chain.
    Test Steps
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer is attempting to build certificate chains for certificate, OU=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US.
     One or more certificate chains were constructed successfully.
    Additional Details
    A total of 1 chains were built. The highest quality chain ends in root certificate CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root, OU=CyberTrust, O=Baltimore, C=IE.
    Elapsed Time: 36 ms.
    Analyzing the certificate chains for compatibility problems with versions of Windows.
     Potential compatibility problems were identified with some versions of Windows.
    Additional Details
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer can only validate the certificate chain using the Root Certificate Update functionality from Windows Update. Your certificate may not be trusted on Windows if the "Update Root Certificates" feature isn't enabled.
    Elapsed Time: 5 ms.
    Testing the certificate date to confirm the certificate is valid.
     Date validation passed. The certificate hasn't expired.
    Additional Details
    The certificate is valid. NotBefore = 2/13/2015 12:38:15 AM, NotAfter = 2/13/2016 12:38:15 AM
    Elapsed Time: 0 ms.
    Checking the IIS configuration for client certificate authentication.
     Client certificate authentication wasn't detected.
    Additional Details
    Accept/Require Client Certificates isn't configured.
    Elapsed Time: 173 ms.
    Testing HTTP Authentication Methods for URL[email protected]:6002.
     The HTTP authentication methods are correct.
    Additional Details
    The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer found all expected authentication methods and no disallowed methods. Methods found: Basic
    HTTP Response Headers:
    request-id: 64e2bf62-0b20-4e36-912d-005c7a017fb4
    X-DiagInfo: BY2PR09CA0048
    X-FEServer: BY2PR09CA0048
    Content-Length: 0
    Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 04:40:11 GMT
    Set-Cookie: ClientId=SKGVNJCDX0OA7M7QPJFWLA; expires=Wed, 20-Apr-2016 04:40:12 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=""
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Elapsed Time: 27 ms.
    Attempting to ping RPC proxy
     RPC Proxy was pinged successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 2099 ms.
    Attempting to ping the MAPI Mail Store endpoint with identity:
    [email protected]:6001.
     The endpoint was pinged successfully.
    Additional Details
    The endpoint responded in 47 ms.
    Elapsed Time: 5049 ms.
    Testing the MAPI Address Book endpoint on the Exchange server.
     The address book endpoint was tested successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 6447 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to ping the MAPI Address Book endpoint with identity:
    [email protected]:6004.
     The endpoint was pinged successfully.
    Additional Details
    The endpoint responded in 218 ms.
    Elapsed Time: 4230 ms.
    Testing the address book "Check Name" operation for user
    [email protected] against server
    [email protected].
     Check Name succeeded.
    Additional Details
    DisplayName: Brandon Smith, LegDN: /o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=eec65d660c084484bbca3f80e1a10e9a-brandon
    Elapsed Time: 2216 ms.
    Testing the MAPI Referral service on the Exchange Server.
     The Referral service was tested successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 6271 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to ping the MAPI Referral Service endpoint with identity:
    [email protected]:6002.
     The endpoint was pinged successfully.
    Additional Details
    The endpoint responded in 640 ms.
    Elapsed Time: 4630 ms.
    Attempting to perform referral for user /o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=eec65d660c084484bbca3f80e1a10e9a-brandon on server
    [email protected].
     We got the address book server successfully.
    Additional Details
    The server returned by the Referral service:
    [email protected]
    Elapsed Time: 1640 ms.
    Testing the MAPI Address Book endpoint on the Exchange server.
     The address book endpoint was tested successfully.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 923 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to ping the MAPI Address Book endpoint with identity:
    [email protected]:6004.
     The endpoint was pinged successfully.
    Additional Details
    The endpoint responded in 62 ms.
    Elapsed Time: 72 ms.
    Testing the address book "Check Name" operation for user
    [email protected] against server
    [email protected].
     Check Name succeeded.
    Additional Details
    DisplayName: Brandon Smith, LegDN: /o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=eec65d660c084484bbca3f80e1a10e9a-brandon
    Elapsed Time: 851 ms.
    Testing the MAPI Mail Store endpoint on the Exchange server.
     We successfully tested the Mail Store endpoint.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 4286 ms.
    Test Steps
    Attempting to ping the MAPI Mail Store endpoint with identity:
    [email protected]:6001.
     The endpoint was pinged successfully.
    Additional Details
    The endpoint responded in 656 ms.
    Elapsed Time: 3656 ms.
    Attempting to log on to the Mailbox.
     We were able to log on to the Mailbox.
    Additional Details
    Elapsed Time: 628 ms.

  • How to migrate mails from Google Apps to MS Exchange Online IMAP (Getting error)

    Any tips on How to migrate mails from Google Apps to MSOL? What is required? When I am trying to migrate using IMAP but getting fpollowing error
    Summary: 1 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Elapsed time: 00:00:11
    [email protected]
    Failed to log on successfully for the following reason:
    Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
    'Microsoft.Exchange.Transporter.Provider.PopImap.InternetMailboxMeta' | Move-XsIMAPMailboxToExchangeOnline -AllowUnsecureConnection $false -TargetCredential 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -MaxThreadCount '10' -Quiet
    Elapsed Time: 00:00:11
    Any help will be much appreciated.
    Sunil DK

    I just finished migrating a client from Google Apps to Microsoft Exchange Online using the IMAP option in the Microsoft Online Services Migration Tool.  
    I added the mailboxes by creating a CSV file [i.e. GoogleApps(Gmail)_Mailboxes.csv] in the following format:
    [email protected],,[email protected],P@ssword1,[email protected]
    [email protected],,[email protected],P@ssword2,[email protected]
    [email protected],,[email protected],P@ssword3,[email protected]
    Then I created a custom folder map XML file [i.e. GoogleApps(Gmail)_FolderMap.xml] to map the Google Apps (Gmail) labels to the appropriate Exchange (Outlook) mailbox folders and create those that didn't exist (i.e. Important, Starred, Follow up,
    Misc, Priority) as sub-folders under the Inbox:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <FolderMappings xmlns="">
    <!-- This xml contains the mapping of foldername in source server to folders in target server -->
    "path" is the name of the folder in source server
    "Name" is the name of the folder to be mapped into target server
    "SpecialFolder" is the name of the special folder to be mapped into
    target server (Name will be ignored) valid values are :
    Sent Items
    Deleted Items
    Junk E-mail
    "Description" Description of the folder
    "ExcludeFolder" indicates folders to exclude. Valid values are:
    true (case sensitive)
    false (case sensitive)
    <!-- Default Mapping Section -->
    <Folder path = "INBOX">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Inbox"/>
    <Folder path = "New Mail">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Inbox"/>
    <Folder path = "[Root]">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Inbox"/>
    <Folder path = "">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Inbox"/>
    <Folder path = "Calendar">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Calendar"/>
    <Folder path = "Tasks">
    <Property Name = "Migration items/Tasks"/>
    <Folder path = "Sent Items">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Sent Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Sent Mail">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Sent Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Sent">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Sent Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Deleted Items">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Deleted Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Trash">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Deleted Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Drafts">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Drafts"/>
    <Folder path = "Draft">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Drafts"/>
    <Folder path = "Junk E-mail">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Junk E-mail"/>
    <Folder path = "Spam">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Junk E-mail"/>
    <Folder path = "Contacts">
    <Property Name = "Migration Items/Contacts"/>
    <Folder path = "Outbox">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Outbox"/>
    <Folder path = "Journal">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Journal"/>
    <Folder path = "Notes">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Notes"/>
    <Folder path = "Public Folders">
    <Property ExcludeFolder = "true"/>
    <!-- Google Apps (Gmail) Specific Mapping Section -->
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/All Mail">
    <Property ExcludeFolder = "true"/>
    <Folder path = "All Mail">
    <Property ExcludeFolder = "true"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Drafts">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Drafts"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Important">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Important"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Sent Mail">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Sent Items"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Spam">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Junk E-mail"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Starred">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Starred"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Trash">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Deleted Items"/>
    <!-- Custom Mapping Section -->
    <Folder path = "Follow up">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Follow up"/>
    <Folder path = "Misc">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Misc"/>
    <Folder path = "Priority">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Priority"/>
    Additionally, I had to tell the Internet E-mail Mailbox Migration Wizard to use the "Individual Account Credentials" option since I was able to specify each account password in the CSV file when adding the mailboxes to Microsoft Online Services Migration
    Tools console.
    Just to note, the users had to manually export their contacts to a CSV file and calendars to iCal (ICS) files in order to import those items into Outlook.
    I hope this will benefit others since Microsoft doesn't seem to have a custom, specifically defined migration strategy for this scenario.  With Google Apps being in direct competition with BPOS/Office365, I assumed that Microsoft would have a simple
    strategy using something like ActiveSync to facilitate the migration of email, contacts, calendar entries, etc.  Hopefully we'll see something along those lines become available in a future release of the migration tools.
    --Jon Payne

  • Creation of new admin role in Exchange Online Protecion

    I am brand new with the Exchange Online Protection solution.
    I want to create a new admin role since the default one do not offer teh specific rights that we need for a group.
    I went in Exchange admin Center > Permissions > Admin role and we can only edit the actual default groups.
    I need to be able to create new one.
    I did read somewere some powershell command but, since this is cloud base solution, i have hard time to believe that there is no option to create a custom role on the actual web interface of EOP.
    Anybody have a solution for that ?

    as far as I can see you can't create roles in EOP because there is access necessary to Exchange Online. EOP has only limited access to Exchange Online or no access. It seems to me that managing roles is not part of EOP.
    To be sure you should open a support case in the admin center.
    Christian Groebner MVP Forefront

  • Reading Exchange Online tenant version failed due to an exception when trying to install Exchange 2013 in a hybrid environment.

    We currently have an Exchange 2010 hybrid install and we have migrated all of our email accounts to Office 365.  Now, I want to do an on-premise install of Exchange 2013 to better manage the hybrid setup.  When I try to install Exchange 2013 it
    asks for my O365 credentials to do a hybrid check but always fails with the above message.  I've done quite a bit of searching but haven't come up with anything useful.
    Here is what appears in the exchange setup log:  
    [09/22/2014 15:48:27.0024] [0] Reading the Exchange Online tenant version information failed due to an exception. Please check the Exchange setup log for more information.
    [09/22/2014 15:48:27.0024] [0] Could not load type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.DirectoryBackendType' from assembly 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
    [09/22/2014 15:48:27.0024] [0] Could not load type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.DirectoryBackendType' from assembly 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
    [09/22/2014 15:48:27.0147] [0] Session=Tenant Total Cmdlet Time=1.6931035s
    [09/22/2014 15:48:27.0148] [0] Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.HybridConfigurationDetection.HybridConfigurationDetectionException: Reading the Exchange Online tenant version information failed due to an exception. Please check the Exchange setup log
    for more information. ---> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.DirectoryBackendType' from assembly 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral,

    I recommend you post this in
    office 365 forum also, as they should have more professional knowledge on hybrid deployments
    and you may get effective solution timely.
    In addition, I found a similar thread for you reference:
    According to the reply of this thread, if you run the HCW (Hybrid Configuration Wizard) to deploy the Exchange Hybrid environment, there will generate an HCW log
    file for this deployment.
    Additional troubleshooting information is available in the Update-HybridConfiguration log file located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V1*\Logging\Update-HybridConfiguration\HybridConfiguration****.log
    Best regards,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Fetching of attached files delayed, minutes-hours in Outlook 2011 for Mac from Exchange online

    I have an annoying problem I would be grateful if someone could solve.
    I run Outlook 2011 for Mac which is synced towards Microsoft Exchange online. Everything works well except when there are attached files in incoming emails.  Sometimes it can take up to hours before an attached file is available (the email as such is
    available immediately), however luckily it is mostly done within 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile the notification bar switch between "Awaiting synchronisation for this folder" and "Fetching attached files...". There is no actual difference between
    larger and smaller files and there is also no problem sending emails with attached files, they are sent immediately.
    I have tested in different locations with good connections to rule out unstable internet connection without success.
    Thanks for any help with this issue!

    Since this is the forum supporting Office for Windows, if you want to receive more information about Office 2011, I recommend you post this problem in Office for Mac forum:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners
    who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    Best regards,
    Greta Ge
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • DSN code 5.1.1 in Exchange Online delivery failed

    I've seen many questions about this error and can't seem to get a suitable solution for my situation, I attempted to install office 365 in a hybrid mode and abandoned the attempt after having various issues. I removed all connections and configurations with the
    on premise server and I have two domains, one is my on premise one is only office 365 now. when I log onto my office 365 account and try to email my other on premise domain I get this error, the email address I'm mailing is not on Office 365 but office
    365 online seems to think it is, I've tried all the clearing cache, same thing happens whether I use chrome or internet explorer, when I configure my office 365 in outlook 2013 I can send email to it, I can even email the account when sending from
    outlook lite using online 365 just not the un-lite version. I've deleted all mail from my office 365 account, deleted all contacts, reset the recent cache many times.
    My DNS for office 365 account is setup according to Microsoft recommendation, my dns for on premise has not been changed to reflect anything being in office 365.
    I can email my on premise accounts from anywhere except my office 365 online non-lite outlook web app. I can even email it form other office 365 accounts.
    I removed personal info from the following
    Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
    <email Address>
     The email address you entered couldn't be found. Check the recipient's email address then try to resend the message. For more tips to resolve this issue see
    DSN code 5.1.1 in Exchange Online. If the problem continues contact your help desk.
    Diagnostic information for administrators:
    Generating server:
    IMCEAEX-_o=ExchangeLabs_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=3a963b352729491c9140a11d3300c095-<name>[email protected]
    Remote Server returned '550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.ExRecipNotFound; not found'
    Original message headers:
    Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP
    Server (TLS) id 15.0.949.11; Thu, 12 Jun 2014 12:49:47 +0000
    Received: from ([]) by ([]) with mapi id
    15.00.0949.001; Thu, 12 Jun 2014 12:49:47 +0000
    Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    From: Darren Blanchard <[email protected]>
    To: Darren Blanchard <[email protected]>
    Subject: dfgddfgdfg
    Thread-Topic: dfgddfgdfg
    Thread-Index: AQHPhjzKzGKiXAQnXE+9tNdjn1VLUA==
    Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 12:49:46 +0000
    Message-ID: <[email protected]>
    Accept-Language: en-US
    Content-Language: en-US
    X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: <[email protected]>
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    X-Originating-IP: {]
    Return-Path: [email protected]

    According to the information you provided, since you can email to these recipients without issue when using the other clients, the issue may be related to the cache in OWA (Outlook Web App). To solve the issue, I suggest you try the following steps:
    Log into OWA, click “new mail” to compose a new message.
    In the “To:” tab, type the first letter of email address for the recipient, if it’s cached in OWA before, there will be a drop down list popping up. If so, please move the mouse on the mail address in the drop down list, then press the Delete key to delete
    the cache. If however you don’t see the drop down list when typing the user’s email address, please continue the following steps.
    Log into EAC (Exchange Admin Center), click “recipients”—“contacts”.
    Create a new contact using the external email address, this make sure the user is added as an external contact in the global address list.
    Back to OWA, in the new mail window, click the add icon in the right corner of the To tab.
    In the pop-up window, click the “>>” icon, under the Directory tab, click “Offline Global Address List”, then select the contact we just created. Send the message out, then check if the issue persists.

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