Implement custom datasource (IDataSource)

how can I implement a new datasource for the UME? I searched the SDN and didn't find anything. Then I guess datasource* on my classpath and found the [|] class, which implements the interface. When I do a search on IDataSource on the SDN, I found [this|]. To quote this source:
className: Specifies the implementation class of the data source,
which implements the IDataSource interface.
The specified class has to be loadable by the
class loader which loads the jar
and further
This list may be extended in the future by new
data source implementations developed by SAP or customers.
So to me this appears to me that I "only" have to provide an implementation of the IDataSource interface, somehow take care that my class gets loaded by the same ClassLoader, and reference it in the DataSource config file? If so, how can I take care that my class gets loaded by this classloader?
Is it necessary that the jar/class is available in the j2ee\cluster\server0\bin\ext\ folder? What type of ClassLoader is it which loads the ext-jars? Does anybody of you have experience with implementing a new datasource for the UME? Where can I find further documentation on implementing a new datasource?
Best regards,

All of the documentation says it works with RTSP, and has been tested and shown to be working with a few RTSP servers. Perhaps you could get one of them and see if you can view content that comes from one of the ones that's known to play ball with JMF?

Similar Messages

  • Procedures for implementing a snapshot scenario with custom DataSources

    Hi Gurus,
    I have checked the How To paper ([How to Handle Inventory Management Scenarios in BW (NW2004)|]). However, only SAP standard BW objects are mentioned in the paper e.g. InfoCube (0IC_C03), Material Stock InfoSource (2LIS_03_BX), Material movements IS (2LIS_03_BF) and Revaluations IS (0LIS_03_UM).
    On the contrary, I need to handle custom DataSources for the Snapshot scenario. Are there any differences in the implementation methodology? Which additional aspects should I take into consideration? For example, the load sequence, delta type, etc.
    Could you please list out the step-by-step procedures for such an implementation?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Meng,
    You can approach this in two ways.
    1) If the volume of data is not much, you can derive the balance at query level, as follows.
    User enters the date, based on this restrict your key figure to display all values less than this date.
    2) If the volume of data is high, then you will have issues with performance if you are calculating the balance in the front end. In this case, you can model this with 'Non cumulative' key figure.  Again there are 2 ways of approaching this back end solution based on the volume of data. ( Say in one case you have 2 years of history in your DSO and in the second case, you have  5 years of history ).
    A) For example, If there are only 2 years of history
    Create a non cumulative Key figure 'ZBALANCE' with inflow and outflow, in a cube.
    Map this to your credit and debit as + and - respectively and map the calender day to posting date.
    Just initialise the dataload with data transfer and start loading the delta as normal.
    You will be able to see the balances for each and every calday in your reporting.
    This approach is straight forward and simple.
    Compress the cube for getting the better performance.
    B) If there are 5 years of history and you are not interested in loading all the 5 years data in getting the balance
    Here you want to have the initial balance, continue delta and would like to load 2 years of history.
    The cube and non cumulative KF are created as mentioned above.
    For generating initial balance, you have to create another DSO without calander day and ZBalance mapped to credits and debits in additive mode. Load your DSO data into this new DSO to generate initial balance. This balance will be loaded to your cube as initial balance. ( Like 2LIS_03_BX ).
    You have to compress this request with marker update ( Must ).
    Load your historical data for 2 years from the original DSO. Compress without marker update ( Must ).
    initialise without data transfer from DSO to cube and load deltas normally.
    Compress the delta requests normally for performance reasons.
    Please read the 'Inventory document' in detail.
    Please let me know, if any of the information is still not clear.

  • Player for custom datasource

    I need to create a custom datasource but i want to play it on a player as other normal datasource.
    I tell you what im doing, I have developed a example to show you my problem:
    first thing i do is creating a custom datasource:
    public class myCustomDataSource extends DataSource {
         myCustomDataSource(MediaLocator ml){}
         public void connect(){}
         public void disconnect(){}
         public void start(){}
         public void stop(){}
         public String getContentType() {
              return ContentDescriptor.CONTENT_UNKNOWN;
         public Object[] getControls() {
             return new Object[0];
         public Object getControl(String type) {
             return null;
         public Time getDuration(){
              return Time.TIME_UNKNOWN;
    }then, I create a basic class that use a player for playing my custom datasource:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class VideoPlayer extends JFrame {
         Player player = null;
         private JPanel contentPane;
         public static void main(String args[]){
              String mediaFile = "";
              MediaLocator locator = new MediaLocator(mediaFile);
              myCustomDataSource mcds = new myCustomDataSource(locator);
              (new VideoPlayer(mcds)).setVisible(true);
         public VideoPlayer(myCustomDataSource ds) {
              contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane();
              addWindowListener(new myWindowAdapter());
              try {
                   player = Manager.createPlayer(ds);
                   player.addControllerListener(new controllerUpdate());
              }catch(Exception e){
                   System.err.println("Error loading the media. ("+e+")");
              if(player!=null) player.realize();      
         class controllerUpdate implements ControllerListener {      
              public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent e) {      
                   if(e instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) {
                        Component visualArea = player.getVisualComponent();      
                        Component controlPanel = player.getControlPanelComponent();      
                        if(visualArea!= null)      
                             contentPane.add(visualArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);      
                        if(controlPanel != null)      
                             contentPane.add(controlPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);      
                   if(e instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) {
         class myWindowAdapter extends WindowAdapter {
              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
                   if(player!=null) player.close();
    }when i run it i get the next error: Error loading the media. ( Cannot find a Player for: myCustomDataSource@be0e27)
    I dont know how i must fill the myCustomDataSource class constructor and abstract methods to run it.
    I test videoplayer class with a normal datasource and it works
    sorry for my bad english
    Thanks so much

    ok, thanks for answering,
    I see a sun webpage example maybe can help:
    In that example, a custom datasource is declared and then a processor is created with that custom datasource using Manager.createProcessor. For that, custom data source class is declared inside class where processor is used. Im trying to do it but it doesnt work, i get the same error.
    thanks in advance
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class VideoPlayer extends JFrame {
         Processor p = null;
         private JPanel contentPane;
         myCustomDataSource mcds = null;
         public static void main(String args[]){
              String locator = "C:/video.avi";
              (new VideoPlayer(locator)).setVisible(true);
         public VideoPlayer(String locator) {
              contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane();
              addWindowListener(new myWindowAdapter());
              mcds = new myCustomDataSource(locator);
              try {
                   p = Manager.createProcessor(mcds);
              }catch(Exception e){
                   System.err.println("Error loading the media. ("+e+")");
              if(p != null){
                   p.addControllerListener(new controllerUpdate());
         class controllerUpdate implements ControllerListener {      
              public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent e) {      
                   if(e instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent) {
                   if(e instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) {
                        Component visualArea = p.getVisualComponent();      
                        Component controlPanel = p.getControlPanelComponent();      
                        if(visualArea!= null)      
                             contentPane.add(visualArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);      
                        if(controlPanel != null)      
                             contentPane.add(controlPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);      
                   if(e instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) {
         class myWindowAdapter extends WindowAdapter {
              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
                   if(p != null) p.close();
         class myCustomDataSource extends DataSource {
              MediaLocator ml = null;
              myCustomDataSource(String locator){
                   ml = new MediaLocator("file://"+locator);
              public void connect(){}
              public void disconnect(){}
              public void start(){}
              public void stop(){}
              public String getContentType() {
                   return ContentDescriptor.CONTENT_UNKNOWN;
              public Object[] getControls() {
                  return new Object[0];
              public Object getControl(String type) {
                  return null;
              public Time getDuration(){
                   return Time.TIME_UNKNOWN;

  • Selection criterion in custom DataSource doesn't appear in Infopackage

    Hello everyone!
    I have implemented a custom DataSource for service processes in CRM.
    I have defined a timestamp field as a selection criterion.
    In BW, in the Datasource fields tab, this field appears correctly defined, but it doesn't appear in the InfoPackage selection criteria tab.
    Any thoughts on this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
    Best Regards,

    Have you checked the selection option in Data source maintenance..?
    Tripple k

  • Master Data Datasource Enhancement or Custom Datasource

    Im implementing the BI7.0 for procurement. We need to the data for VENDOR from XK03(T-code).
    In XK03 , we have some custom defined class and its charateristic values .
    So if i want to use 0vendor then i need to enhance the standard datasource of 0VENDOR.
    So cani enhance the standard datasource or can my abaper create a custome R/3 table and load the vendor details. Then i will create the custom datasource. And load the data into BW.
    Pls tell me how to do this one.

    why u want take abap helper, if u want u can create ur customet table ur self go to se 11 create table and enter field what u want , and  define lenth and chat type. got o rsa5 create ur data soure and replicate in be side and upload into ur data targets
    u need more than 1 table u can create view  got to se11 create view.
    Thanking u

  • Custom DataSources With JMF

    I am having trouble creating a custom DataSource. Even following this example ( I still get a NoProcessorException. Do I have to implement anything else to get a custom DataSource to work, even if the one I am trying to uses an existing implementation of PullSourceStream, PullBufferStream, PushSourceStream, or PushBufferStream?
    To go into further detail, I am attempting to create a DataSource that pulls data in from a byte stream instead of a file. Unfortunately, I have had no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Incidently, I cannot find any examples on building my own MediaHandler (which is appearantly what one needs in order to properly use a custom DataSource ?).
    Anyone have an example? Is it relatively simple?

  • MimeUtility.encode and a custom DataSource

    I have created a custom DataSource, in which I wrap the OutputStream (returned by getOutputStream()) in a MimeUtility.encode call. When I do this, I seem to be getting an encoded MimeBodyPart, but the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' is wrong. My DataSource code is:
    public class MyDataSource implements DataSource {
        private String _mimeType; // content-type
        private String _encoding;
        private ByteArrayOutputStream _bao;
        /* Create a DataSource from an input stream */
        public MyDataSource(String mimeType, String encoding){
            _mimeType = mimeType;
            _encoding = encoding;
            _bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        * Return an InputStream for the data.
        * Note - a new stream must be returned each time.
        public InputStream getInputStream()
        throws IOException {
            return new
        public OutputStream getOutputStream()
        throws IOException {
            OutputStream out = null;
            try {
                out = MimeUtility.encode(_bao, _encoding);
            } catch (MessagingException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            return out;
        public String getContentType() {
            return _mimeType;
        public String getName() {
            return "MyDataSource";
    }Now, when I invoke the datasource, I call (shortened):
    _dataSource = new MyDataSource(mimeType, "base64");
    _outStream = _dataSource.getOutputStream();
    /* write some data to the output stream here */
    DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(_dataSource);
    _message.setHeader("X-Mailer", "HPDS");
    _message.setSentDate(new Date());
    Transport.send(_message);This code was obviously cut down and won't compile, but you get the general idea. When I do this, and I look at the output from the 'writeTo', the data is base64 encoded, but the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' is set to '7bit'. Now, here's the really wierd thing -- if I change the MyDataSource above to use "7bit" instead of "base64", I get encoded data (I believe that it's base64 encoded, but I'm not positive), and the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' is set to 'base64'. It looks like the two cases are being swapped?
    Has anyone seen something like this? If I set the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' explicity by calling:
    mbp.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64");it works fine. Is this a bug? Or am I just misunderstanding where the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' comes from.
    - Bill

    OK, I figured it out. This isn't explicitly spelled out in the FAQ, but it turns out that Javamail performs the encoding for you, based on the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header. I was trying to encode the data inside my datasource, and was getting twice-encoded data. I set the 'getOutputStream' in MyDataSource to not call MimeUtility.encode(), and set the C-T-E header before calling Transport.send(). Now everything is working fine.
    - Bill

  • MMAPI: custom DataSource? who?

    Hi all!
    In the doc of you can read the following:
    "Users can also implement a custom DataSource to handle an application-defined protocol. The custom DataSource can be used to create a Player by using the createPlayer method."
    Does anyone know how to do that?
    I thought about overwriting the DataSource class, but I really don't know if this is the right way.
    Or is there a method that returns a DataSource object?
    (something like for the InputStream:
    --->InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("test.wav");
    I didn't find anything useful about this topic, hope someone has some experiences.
    regards andi.

    All of the documentation says it works with RTSP, and has been tested and shown to be working with a few RTSP servers. Perhaps you could get one of them and see if you can view content that comes from one of the ones that's known to play ball with JMF?

  • Error while transporting custom datasource

    Hi All,
    Below is the scenario that was carried out in my project.
    1. Created OHD to load data from a CUBE to Data base Table /BIC/ABC.
    2. Created a custom Datasource ZABC_TEST with the above table.
    3. Activated the DataSource and loaded the data. (Data load successfull. It works fine).
    4. Tried transporting the above. But trows error while transporting the data source.
    Error -- InfoSource ZABC_TEST is not available in source system BITST.
    Let me know what can be done to solve the above error. Please suggest if i have missed out something.
    Thanks in advance.

    The problem seems to be occuring since you are transporting both OHD and DS in the same TR request.
    Transport first the DS in a request, then in another request transport the OHD.
    This should resolve the issue.
    hope this helps.

  • How to Implement custom share functionality in SharePoint 2013 document Lib programmatically?

    I have created custom action for Share functionality in document library.
    On Share action i'm showing Model pop up with Share form with addition functionality.
    I am developing custom share functionality because there is some addition functionality related to this.
    How to Implement custom share functionality in SharePoint 2013  document Lib pro-grammatically?
    - Siddhehswar

    Hi Siddhehswar:
    I would suggest that you use the
    Ribbon. Because this is a flexible way for SharePoint. In my project experience, I always suggest my customers to use it. In the feature, if my customers have customization about permission then i can accomplish this as soon
    as possible. Simple put, I utilize this perfect mechanism to resolve our complex project requirement. Maybe we customize Upload/ Edit/ Modify/ Barcode/ Send mail etc... For example:
    We customize <Edit> Ribbon. As shown below.
    When user click <Edit Item>, the system will
    render customized pop up window.

  • Custom Datasource using View COVJ - R8359 Invalid extract structure

    I'm trying to build a custom datasource so I can get at plan line item data with partner object (I've tried using 0CO_OM_CCA_1 but I dont get the partner object for plan data - no idea why). So I thought if I create a datasource using COVJ I can get it out. However when I try and save the custom datasource (created using RSO2) I get the error R8359 Invalid extract structure: You tried to generate an extract structure with the template structure COVJ. This operation failed, because the template structure quantity fields or currency fields, for example, field WOG001 refer to a different table.
    I saw posts saying when people get this error thye should reference the table these fields come from in the view. So I've talked to our ABAP'er and I asked him to reference the table these fields come from but he said this cant be done because these come from a structure not a table.
    Any ideas?

    The WOG* columns in table COEJ, one of the tables contributing to the COVJ view, use CCCUR-CURKY as the reference table-column for those quantities. The ABAPer you spoke to is correct that CCCUR is a structure. View value fields inherit their reference table-column from the source, in this case COEJ, and since this source table is an SAP delivered table it cannot be modified change this reference.
    This means that you're only option for extracting the data out of the COVJ view would be to create a Function Module and use that Function Module as the basis for your DataSource.

  • Custom DataSource plays in JMStudio, but not in my application

    hello everyone. I need someone to help me out who has played around a lot with DataSources.
    I have been playing around with custom DataSources for a small while and I have not been able to figure out something and its starting to get frustrating.
    First let me tell you what process I exactly follow when I want to create a Custom DataSource (using the "Generating Live Audio/Video Data" datasource code sample as an example - from JMF solutions
    1. Suppose the source files ( and are lying at C:\customds\.
    I compile the files like this:
    javac -d .
    As a result this directory is formed C:\customds\jmfsample\media\protocol\live which contains all the compiled (interpreted) files.
    2. Then I register 'jmfsample' in the Protocol Prefix list and commit the changes using the JMFRegistry GUI.
    3. Now if I run JMStudio and enter the URL live: it gives me an error that it can't create a player. I feel this is happening because some classpaths haven't been set correctly. Eventually I figured out that I have to place the \jmfsample\media\protocol\live\ directory inside the <JMF install dir>\lib\. Doing this fixes the problem and now I can go to JMStudio and run the protocol using the 'Open URL'. Giving it 'live://' plays the 'blue screen' like a gem.
    4. But here is the catch now. When I create an application which tries to create a player using live:// as a source, it doesn't run and keeps giving me a noPlayerException, or a noDataSourceException (as the case would apply; code given below).
    The funny part is that i checked the JMStudio source code for the method that is used to 'Open URL'. I haven't found any siginificant change in the way it opens urls.
    I also went a step further and tried to compile and run the JMStudio code myself to trace the code when it is in the process of opening a url. The weird thing is that when I try to do that, giving live:// as a URL gives me the same error that is given by my application. In other words JMStudio when compiled by me gives me same the error of "can't create a player..." when I open the url live://. Has Sun used a JMStudio compiled using a different source file?
    Please please anyone tell me what is wrong here.
    I have basically tried out these two kinds of things in my code, and both give me a noPlayerException error:
    Player guiPlayer = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(new MediaLocator("live://"));and
    DataSource ds = Manager.createDataSource("live://");
    Player guiPlayer = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(ds);Thanking in anticipation.

    Would it be possible for you to expand on your solution a little bit? I'm trying a similar approach, and having a similar problem to yours. From Googling, it appears as if this is a very common problem, and a lot of people give up before they solve it.
    I'm trying to use jmf.jag (and optionally add fobs4jmf.jar), not compile it from source. But I am trying to compile my own protocol from source and run it in a debugger. I have all the class files going out to the same output directory, and IntelliJ generally adds them all to the CLASSPATH automatically. But I keep getting NoPlayerException. (If I break down the players construction step-by-step, it seems to fail on "Processor ps = Manager.createProcessor(ds);".)
    I'm trying to play a Quicktime movie from memory, and I've confirmed that I'm returning "video.quicktime", that my stream is Seekable and isRandomAccess returns true, my prefix is in the protocol list, and that the package name is correct. I've tried with PLUGIN_PLAYER being true or false, media type being video.quicktime or unknown, and every other permutation I can think of.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Select option greyed out for fields of custom DataSource (rso2, rsa6)

    Why are several fields, in my custom DataSource (created in rso2) not available for select?
    I do not think this is a permission issue, since several fields are selectable, but not all fields.
    It is not the data type, since I see other custom DataSources that have the same data type, and it is selectable as a select option.
    This is not a DataSource that was provided by SAP, it is completely custom, and uses a custom data definition (defined as a structure via se11), and a custom function.
    I have read the responses to similar questions, but have not found an answer that explains how to make the field selectable for select.
    What determines which fields can be selected for selection, and which fields have this option greyed out (not selectable)?
    I have come across multiple answers, for similar questions, that suggest an abap program to directly update table roosfield.
    Is this safe?
    IF I choose this route will I need to run the update program on production, or will the change it makes to my dataSource transport with my transport?
    (I can test this).
    What I most need to know is If this suggestion is safe, or if it has side effects?
    Thank you

    Hi Eileen,
    In Least case to enable the selection for the fields with the below program:
    Below code is for your reference which will use to unhide objects in RSO2 or RSA6 for Data source( in code for BELNR, KUNNR, VBELN, BUDAT fields are unhiding for 0fi_ar_4 data source selection option) . Still need any clarifications let me know.
    SE38: Create a program for ref below code.
    tables: ROOSFIELD.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How to implement custom Model Class in Oracle ADF?

    I am using Oracle ADF for one of my project and i am using Query component of ADF. For given tables the query component creates view objects and maps the relations. ADF uses its own custom model class for this component and it should understand the DB tables. But for my project i have no access to database. All i can do is pass a string or object/query to the existing (custom) Java class/object, and this model class formulates query and queries the database and returns the value to my Java class. I have to display these results using ADF to the front end. Is There a way to achieve this? Can i replace/override the existing Model class of ADF. If so how?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Hi, there:
    Best thing to do is to start with the default login.html page, and then modify it. The login screen is fairly complex and it's easy to just miss a JS function you need to call. To get to default page, you would need to do one deploy (to simulator or whatever), and then look for login.html page in the temporary Xcode or Android project generated from the deployment. It should be under the "deploy" directory in your JDev workspace.
    You can also see all the framework JS files and CSS files that way as well.
    We have had customers implementing custom login screen so we know it can work, but they all had to start with the default login screen and then modify it.
    Joe Huang

  • Using Custom Datasource to load Cube

    Hi Guys,
    Ok the scenario, I have created a custom datasource that is pulling data from R/3.
    The datasource is working correctly because the the number of records in R/3 matches those that are being pulled into my PSA table for my all thats good.
    Ok the next step is where I am struggling.
    I thought it may be a case of creating a new infocube and just adding new dimensions and include the fields of that are in the datasource into those dimensions but that doesnt work.
    Is their some documentation to doing this correctly?
    Should the fields I am using in the datasource be available as infoobjects?

    In BI for standard data elements you will have a set of predefined infoobjects that are equivalent of R/3 data elements. These start from 0(Zero).....
    So the first thing to do is to find as many IOs possible that are having same characteristics as your fields in R/3 datasource. Remember if you find one IO for each field that is enough.
    Once you find standard IOs there might be a possiblity that some of the fields in R/3 are not having any equivalent IO in BW. For this you need to create custom ones.
    After infoobjects are finalsed you can add them to your cube and create transformations.

Maybe you are looking for