Import BLOB data into Database

I am trying to import data into a database, via the imp command. However, it creates the rows in the tables, without the original blob data or its somehow lost the internal link to it.
What could I be doing wrong, and what needs to be done to correct it?

I think, it was already answered, what the basis problem for such a question is:
Oracle 10g BLOB data into Postgresql 8.2

Similar Messages

  • Inserting blob data into database

    Hello everybody,
    I need insert blob data into database. that data i need to get from form
    can i use request.getParameter(""); for getting that file.
    Plz help how to get data from form to servlet and through callablestatement i need to insert into database.

    1) first create a form with file element
    <form action="GetData" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
    <input type="file" name="datafile" size="40">
    <input type="submit" value="Send">
    <input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Cancel">
    // servlet file
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    try {
    System.setProperty( "jdbc.drivers", "" );
    Class.forName( "" );
    con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=JAVATEAM;SelectMethod=cursor;User=sa;Password=urpassword" );
    PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement("insert into uploads(binaryfile) values(?)");
    FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(request.getParameter ( "datafile" ) );
    byte[] b= new byte[fis.available()+1];;
    catch(SQLException e)
    out.println ( e);
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
    out.println( e );
    }Here in doPost(), i create preparedstatement,
    now you to create one procedure for insert
    and by using callable statement you just call that procedure and pass this byte b as arguments,
    now its in your hands
    my idea is over.

  • Error inserting data into database

    Hello I am having error inserting data into database through a servlet.Please I am very new to Java Technology and need your immediate help. beloww is the codea nd the error
    Apache Tomcat/4.0.3
    ERROR: Problems with adding new entry
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLExecDirect(
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.execute(
         at Register.insertIntoDB(
         at Register.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
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    import java.util.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Register extends HttpServlet
         public static Statement statement;
         private Connection DBConn;
         public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
              try {
              catch(Exception e) {
         public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
              throws ServletException, IOException
                   String user_id,FirstName,LastName, Email, Login, Password;
              FirstName = req.getParameter("FirstName");
              LastName = req.getParameter("LastName");
              Email = req.getParameter("Email");
              Login = req.getParameter("Login");
              Password = req.getParameter("Password");
              PrintWriter output = res.getWriter();
              if (user_id.equals("")||
              FirstName.equals("") ||
                   LastName.equals("") ||
                   Email.equals("") ||
                   Login.equals("") ||
                        output.println("<H3>Please click back " + "button and fill in all " + "fileds.</H3>");
                   boolean success = insertIntoDB("'" + FirstName + "','" + LastName + "','" + Email + "','" + Login + "','" + Password + "'");
                   if (success)
                        output.print("<H2>Thank You " + FirstName + " for registering.</H2>");
                        output.print("<H2>An error occured. " + "Please try again later.</H2>");
              private boolean insertIntoDB(String stringtoinsert)
                        statement = DBConn.createStatement();
                        statement.execute("INSERT INTO Users(user_id,FirstName,LastName,Email,Login,Password) values (" + stringtoinsert + ");");
                   catch (Exception e)
                        System.err.println("ERROR: Problems with adding new entry");
                        return false;
                   return true;
              public void destroy()
                   catch(Exception e)
                        System.err.println("Problem closing the database");
    Your Help will be very much appreciate.I am using SQL Server database

    The error concerns these two lines:
    boolean success = insertIntoDB("'" + FirstName + "','" + LastName + "','" + Email + "','" + Login + "','" + Password + "'");
    statement.execute("INSERT INTO Users(user_id,FirstName,LastName,Email,Login,Password) values (" + stringtoinsert + ");");
    In the first line above, you have a string which represents the VALUES which you are inserting. There are 5 values. However in the second line above this is your actual SQL execution you are specifying 6 columns of data. If the column "user_id" is an identity or auto-incrementing field in the database, just remove it from this line. If not then you need to supply the "UserID" into the VALUES.
    This should fix the problem.

  • How to load blob data into table

    i have a table with
    ID     NUMBER     No     -      1
    PARENT_ID     NUMBER     No     -      -
    DOCUMENT     BLOB     Yes     -      -
    NAME     VARCHAR2(40)     Yes     -      -
    MIMETYPE     VARCHAR2(40)     Yes     -      -
    COMMENTS     VARCHAR2(400)     Yes     -      -
    TIMESTAMP_CREATED     TIMESTAMP(6)     Yes     -      -
    CREATED_BY     VARCHAR2(40)     Yes     -      -
    TIMESTAMP_MODIFIED     TIMESTAMP(6)     Yes     -      -
    MODIFIED_BY     CHAR(40)     Yes     -      -
    IS_GROUP     CHAR(1)     No     -      -
    FILE_NAME     VARCHAR2(4000)     Yes     -      -
    as columns. i want to insert blob data into the empty table.i have some fields in the form through which i insert data by hard coding in a process.when i upload a document in the filebrowse type field the mime type is not updating though i have written code in the source value. i removed the database links of the form with the table and that is why i am hard coding to the table thru a process. could u suggest a query where i can insert the blolb data.
    i use the process
    select max(ID) into aaa from "PSA_KNOWLEDGE_TREE";
    insert into PSA_KNOWLEDGE_TREE values(aaa+1,1,null,:p126_NEW_GROUP,null,:p126_COMMENTS,:P126_TIMESTAMP_CREATED,:P126_CREATED_BY,null,null,'Y',null);

    could u please type the query according to my table and process requirements. i have tried many queries and i have failed to load the blob data. the imetype is not being updated.
    thnx for ur reply

  • How to import csv data into Oracle using c#

    How to import csv data into Oracle using c #. Where data to be imported 3GB in size and number of rows 7512263. I've managed to import csv data into Oracle, but the time it takes about 1 hour. How to speed up the time it takes to import csv data into oracle. Thank you.
    This is my code:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using System.IO;
    using FileHelpers;
    using System.Data.OracleClient;
    namespace sqlloader
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    int jum;
    int i;
    bool isFirstLine = false;
    FileHelperEngine engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(XL_XDR));
    //Connect To Database
    string constr = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST="
    + "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= pt-9a84825594af )(PORT=1521 )))"
    + "User Id=xl;Password=rahasia;";
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
    // To Read Use:
    XL_XDR[] res = engine.ReadFile("DataOut.csv") as XL_XDR[];
    jum = CountLinesInFile("DataOut.csv");
    FileInfo f2 = new FileInfo("DataOut.csv");
    long s2 = f2.Length;
    int jmlRecord = jum - 1;
    for (i = 0; i < jum; i++)
    ShowPercentProgress("Processing...", i, jum);
    if (isFirstLine == false)
    isFirstLine = true;
    "'" + res.XDR_ID + "', '" + res[i].XDR_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_START_TIME + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_END_TIME + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].SESSION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_FLAG + "', '" + res[i].VERSION + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_ROW_COUNT + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].ERROR_CODE + "', '" + res[i].METHOD + "', '" + res[i].HOST_LEN + "', '" + res[i].HOST + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].URL_LEN + "', '" + res[i].URL + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_START_TIME + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].CONNECTION_FLAG + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_ID + "', '" + res[i].TOTAL_EVENT_COUNT + "', '" + res[i].TUNNEL_PAIR_ID + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].RESPONSIVENESS_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].CLIENT_PORT + "', '" + res[i].PAYLOAD_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].VIRTUAL_TYPE + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].VID_CLIENT + "', '" + res[i].VID_SERVER + "', '" + res[i].CLIENT_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].SERVER_ADDR + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].CLIENT_TUNNEL_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].SERVER_TUNNEL_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].ERROR_CODE_2 + "', '" + res[i].IPID + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].C2S_PKTS + "', '" + res[i].C2S_OCTETS + "', '" + res[i].S2C_PKTS + "', '" + res[i].S2C_OCTETS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].NUM_SUCC_TRANS + "', '" + res[i].CONNECT_TIME + "', '" + res[i].TOTAL_RESP + "', '" + res[i].TIMEOUTS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].RETRIES + "', '" + res[i].RAI + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYNS + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYN_ACKS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].TCP_SYN_RESETS + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYN_FINS + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].FLAGS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].TIME_STAMP + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_ID + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_CODE + "')";
    OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(sql, con);
    Console.WriteLine("Successfully Inserted");
    Console.WriteLine("Number of Row Data: " + jmlRecord.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("The size of {0} is {1} bytes.", f2.Name, f2.Length);
    static void ShowPercentProgress(string message, int currElementIndex, int totalElementCount)
    if (currElementIndex < 0 || currElementIndex >= totalElementCount)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("currElement out of range");
    int percent = (100 * (currElementIndex + 1)) / totalElementCount;
    Console.Write("\r{0}{1}% complete", message, percent);
    if (currElementIndex == totalElementCount - 1)
    static int CountLinesInFile(string f)
    int count = 0;
    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(f))
    string line;
    while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
    return count;
    public class XL_XDR
    public string XDR_ID;
    public string XDR_TYPE;
    public string SESSION_START_TIME;
    public string SESSION_END_TIME;
    public string SESSION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME;
    public string SESSION_FLAG;
    public string VERSION;
    public string CONNECTION_ROW_COUNT;
    public string ERROR_CODE;
    public string METHOD;
    public string HOST_LEN;
    public string HOST;
    public string URL_LEN;
    public string URL;
    public string CONNECTION_START_TIME;
    public string CONNECTION_FLAG;
    public string CONNECTION_ID;
    public string TOTAL_EVENT_COUNT;
    public string TUNNEL_PAIR_ID;
    public string RESPONSIVENESS_TYPE;
    public string CLIENT_PORT;
    public string PAYLOAD_TYPE;
    public string VIRTUAL_TYPE;
    public string VID_CLIENT;
    public string VID_SERVER;
    public string CLIENT_ADDR;
    public string SERVER_ADDR;
    public string CLIENT_TUNNEL_ADDR;
    public string SERVER_TUNNEL_ADDR;
    public string ERROR_CODE_2;
    public string IPID;
    public string C2S_PKTS;
    public string C2S_OCTETS;
    public string S2C_PKTS;
    public string S2C_OCTETS;
    public string NUM_SUCC_TRANS;
    public string CONNECT_TIME;
    public string TOTAL_RESP;
    public string TIMEOUTS;
    public string RETRIES;
    public string RAI;
    public string TCP_SYNS;
    public string TCP_SYN_ACKS;
    public string TCP_SYN_RESETS;
    public string TCP_SYN_FINS;
    public string EVENT_TYPE;
    public string FLAGS;
    public string TIME_STAMP;
    public string EVENT_ID;
    public string EVENT_CODE;
    I hope someone can give me a solution. Thanks

    The fastest way is to use external tables or sql loader (sqlldr). (If you use external tables or sql loader, you don't use C# at all).

  • Ability to Import Spreadsheet Data into Table in Apps added Anytime Soon??

    I love HTMLDB so much, and I thought I would never find anything it couldn't do, but I have run headlong into a problem that I've discovered many users have.
    The Import Spreadsheet Data into Table functionality available in Data Workshop is such a treasure, and I was hoping with all of my heart that such functionality would be available for use inside the User Applications in HTMLDB 2.0. Alas, it is not so.
    I know some brave folks have come up with work-arounds for this lack, and I applaud them. However, none of those will work for the situation I am faced with. I am about to strike out into the no-man's-land of trying to create my own PL/SQL csv file parsing function. Please wish me luck. Also, could you please tell me if this functionality is going to be included anytime soon?

    Well I looked at the FLOWS_020000.WWV_FLOW_LOAD_DATA.LOAD_CSV_DATA procedure
    From what I can gather(considering nobody cant look at the actual procedural code):
    P_FILE_ID seems to be file id you find in FLOWS_FILES.WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$
    P_CNAMES seems to be the column names of table you are loading into
    P_UPLOAD seems to be the names of field from file you are loading
    P_SCHEMA seems to be the schema that contains table where data will be loaded
    P_TABLE seems to be table that you load data into
    P_DATA_TYPE seems to be the datatypes from file to be loaded
    P_DATA_FORMAT not sure
    P_SEPARATOR seems to be the field seperator from file
    P_ENCLOSED_BY seems to be what fields will be enclosed with
    P_FIRST_ROW_IS_COL_NAME seems to be to tell whether or not first row contains column headings
    P_LOAD_TO not sure
    P_CURRENCY seems to be the currency symbol that comes from file
    P_NUMERIC_CHARS not sure
    P_CHARSET not sure
    P_LOAD_ID not sure
    Essentially you could run this process provided you get all the kinks worked out(that is what all the parameters mean/are expected)...
    you write your own process:
    - that reads the blob/clob content line by line
    n number;
    buffer varchar2(4000);
    (do some sort of loop until end of length of lob)
    n := dbms_lob.instr( "your lob", ',',"next comma position" );
    if ( nvl(n,0) > 0 )
    buffer := p_lob, "amount of lob length to read", n);
    end if;
    The above code with some tweaking will read the lob. However you still will have to add a piece that creates sql insert statement. One of the pitfalls I see with custom code is the fact that if you end up with huge lob string you will run into problem of creating sql insert statement. Not the actual statement but assigning the statement to a variable due to datatype lengths.
    Hopefully this will help you more in the right direction!

  • Importing excel data into ZAM 7.5 using SQL2005

    I am running ZAM 7.5 and have about 6500 workstation records in inventory. I have an excel spreadsheet that has been maintained for several years with some demographic info in it such as Site, Department, Building, etc for about 4000 of those workstations. I would like to get that information into the ZAM SQL2005 database. Can I import the data into the SQL database directly or is there a tool to do it? There are no purchase records tied to this data so using the purchase record import does not seem like an option. Any advice?

    Originally Posted by JoeyGuida
    I have found this document to very usefull.
    How to import an Excel file into SQL Server 2005 using Integration Services
    How to import an Excel file into SQL Server 2005 using Integration Services | Servers and Storage |
    Do you know what table to import this data to?

  • How to store data into database by reading sql statements from text file

    how to write java program for storing data into database by reading sql statements from text file

    Step 1: Create a property file to add various queries.
    Step 2: Read the properties file using ResourceBundle
    Step 3: Use the jdbc to execute the query read from the property file.
    So in future if you need to change query no need do any modifications in java program. But depends on how you use the property file.

  • Can't import ical dates into iphoto calendar

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to make an iphoto calendar for a friend and I'm running into a frustrating problelm. My friend emailed me an ical birthday calendar which he would like to have included in the iphoto calendar. I imported the ical calendar into my own ical as a new calendar. I have created my calendar in iphoto but I cannot import these dates into it. When I go to settings and click the calendar tab I am given the option of which ical calendars I would like to import to my calendar. I see two, one is my own normal calendar and the other is the birthday calendar sent to me by my friend. I check the birthday calendar and then click ok and ical appears to be importing the dates but when I look at my calendar the dates have not imported. If I try importing my normal calendar I have no problem. What's going on here??? Please help I am getting really frustrated.

    There are many video formats. iPhoto can't read all of them; in fact, it can't read most of them. Here's something that can:
    VideoLAN - Download official VLC media player for Mac OS X
    On the other hand, the videos are just files. You can copy them anywhere you want in the Finder.

  • Importing iCal dates into Address book

    I have a calendar in iCal that stored severyone's brithday and I would like now to import these dates into my address book.  Is there any way?

    You may be able do this with an Applescript. However there is not enough information supplied to know.
    How are ther events formatted in iCal? Do they contain the full name of the person? Do they say how old they are? Are the people already in Address Book, or would they all be new cards?
    Best wishes
    John M

  • Is there a way to import iCal data into a numbers spreadsheet?

    Is there a way to import iCal data into a numbers spreadsheet?

    If you want to import lots of calendar events into Numbers, the general way to proceed would be to:
    export in CSV (character-separated values) from iCal (Calendar)
    import the CSV into Numbers.
    1. can be accomplished via AppleScript (perhaps in an Automator workflow) or, perhaps more convenient, a dedicated exporter app such as Export Calendars Pro or competitors.
    2. Importing into Numbers is usually as easy as File > Open and choose the CSV file.

  • How to convert BLOB data into string format.

    I have problem while converting blob data into string format.
    for example,
    Select dbms_lob.substr(c.shape.Get_wkb(),4000,1) from geotable c
    will get me the first 4000 byte of BLOB .
    When i using SQL as i did above,the max length is 4000, but i can get 32K using plsql as below:
    my_var CLOB;
    for x in (Select X from T)
    end loop
    return my_var;
    I comfortably convert 32k BLOB field to string.
    My problem is how to convert blob to varchar having size more than 32K.
    Please help me to resolve this,
    Thanx in advance for the support,

    . . . .The result of get_wkb() will not be human readable (all values are encoded into some binary format).
    SELECT utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(tbl.geometry.get_wkt()) from FeatureTable tbl;
    -- resulting string:
    Å\(÷. . . .You may also want to have a look at { dbms_lob | } "The DBMS_LOB package provides subprograms to operate on BLOBs, CLOBs, NCLOBs, BFILEs, and temporary LOBs."

  • Problem in getting data into database with standard direct input program

    HI All,
    I am having problem which is not updating the records in MM01 or MM02 with standard direct input program. i have data in internal table. from that table i am trying to upload into database by using background job MRP_MATERIAL_MASTER_DATA_LOAD.
    when i execute my program it is showing message job is started. then i go into sm37 and seethe job status by executing. there also i am seeing job completed succesfully.
    but if i go to mm03 and find the materials are updated or created there i couldn't find the material numbers which are from internal table.
    So if ny one help me it wil be great.
    Thanks in Advance
    Venkat N

    Hi Anil,
    Thanks for your answer, but i am facing problem is i have material no and denominator and Actual UOM and nominator field values in the flat file.....
    by using RMDATIND direct input program with MRP_MATERIAL_UPLOAD as job name for background job while uploading data into database.
    here i am not getting data in to database, but when i execute the job in sm37 it is showing that message job processing successfully completed...this is my status..
    if u can help me in this it will be gr8ful..
    Venkat N

  • Its very urgent:how to insert data into database tables

    Hi All,
    I am very new to oaf.
    I have one requirement data insert into database tables.
    here createPG having data that data insert into one custom table.
    but i dont know how to insert data into database tables.
    i wrote the code in am,co as follows.
    in am i wrote the code:
    public void NewoperationManagerLogic()
    ManagerCustomTableVOImpl vo1=getManagerCustomTableVO1();
    OADBTransaction oadbt=getOADBTransaction();
    Row row=vo1.createRow();
    in createPG processrequest co:
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    ManagerInformationAMImpl am=(ManagerInformationAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    process form request:
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    ManagerInformationAMImpl am=(ManagerInformationAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    please help with an example(sample code).
    its very urgent.
    thanks in advance
    Edited by: its urgent on Dec 25, 2011 9:31 PM

    Hi ,
    1.)You must have to create a EO based on custom table and then VO based on this EO eventually to save the values in DB
    2.) the row.setNewRowState(Row.STATUS_INITIALIZED); is used to set the the status of row as inialized ,this is must required.
    3.) When u will create the VO based on EO the viewattributes will be created in VO which will be assigned to the fields to take care the db handling .
    You must go thtough the lab excercise shipped with you Jdeveloper ,there is a example of Create Employee page ,that will solve your number of doubts.

  • Reading file and dump data into database using BPEL process

    I have to read CSV files and insert data into database.. To achieve this, I have created asynchronous bpel process. Added Filed Adapter and associated it with Receive activity.. Added DB adapter and associated with Invoke activity. Total two receive activity are available in  process, when tried to Test through EM, only first receive activity is completed, and waiting on second receive activity. Please suggest how to proceed with..
    Thanks, Manoj.

    Deepak, thank for your reply.. As per your suggestion I created BPEL composite with
    template "Define Service Later". I followed below steps, please correct me if I am wrong/missing anything. Your help is highly appreciated...
    Step 1-
    Created File adapter and corresponding Receive Activity (checkbox create instance is checked) with input variable.
    Step 2 - Then in composite.xml, dragged the
    web service under "Exposed Services" and linked the web service with Bpel process.
    Step 3 - Opened .bpel file and added the DB adapter with corresponding Invoke activity, created input variable. Web service is created of Type "Service" with existing WSDL(first option aginst WSDL URL).
    and added Assign activity between receive and invoke activities.
    Deployed the composite to server, when triedTest it
    manually through EM, it is promting for input like "subElmArray Size", then I entered value as 1 with corresponding values for two elements and click on Test We Service button.. Ptocess is completing in error. The error is
    Error Message:
    Fault ID
    Fault Time
    Sep 20, 2013 11:09:49 AM
    Non Recoverable System Fault :
    Correlation definition not registered. The correlation set definition for operation Read, process default/FileUpload18!1.0*soa_3feb622a-f47e-4a53-8051-855f0bf93715/FileUpload18, is not registered with the server. The correlation set was not defined in the process. Redeploy the process to the containe

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