Import location in wsit-client.xml to file in another jar

Normally the wsit-client.xml has import statements like this:
+<import location="foo.xml" namespace="" />+
I've found that their can be online 1 wsit-client.xml on the classpath/META-INF, but can I refer to an xml who's located into another jar in that wsit-client.xml? Something like :
+<import location="classPathResource/WEB-INF/foo.xml" namespace="" />+
I would like to create a single wsit-client.xml who contains the imports for all my webservices but I want to separate the configuration for all the different webservices in to different projects.

ApplicationClientInitialcontextFactory class is generally used with thick clients [A java swing client.] The client is bundled as a jar and application-client.xml is placed under the META-INF of the archive.
For JSP clients you can try using com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialcontextFactory to lookup the beans.
[You can also tty placing the application-client.xml under a META-INF folder in the deployed JSP application root folder eg: j2ee/home/applications/MyApp/META-INF/application-client.xml]
hope that helps

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    Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.1
    Created-By: 1.4.2_03-b02 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    Built-By: jj
    Main-Class: TestApplication
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    Thanks in advance,

    1) the first problem is that it starts the
    application (TestApplication.class) and also loads
    the rest of the application in my package(com\...).
    But it cannot find the classes which are in the jar
    file (in the lib dir).
    jars inside of jars do not work like you want them too. You should be able to write a class loader that can find those other jars, but Java does not directly support jars inside of jars. Of course, you can unjar the other jars and use them as well.
    2) I am also trying to read from a
    config\ file, but i get an exception
    showing FileNotFound (
    Is this file also in the jar? If it is, you need to use getClass().getResource() to find the file.

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        - info.xml
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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <project name="FTPGetter" default="all">
      <property name="src.dir"        value="src"/>
      <property name=""   value=""/>
      <property name="package.dir"    value="${src.dir}/com/abc/ftpgetter"/>
      <property name="classes.dir"    value="classes"/>
      <property name="include.dir"    value="include"/>
      <property name="jar.dir"        value="jar"/>
      <property name="javadoc.dir"    value="docs"/>
      <property name="javadoc.title"  value="FTPGetter"/>
      <property name="javadoc.header" value="FTPGetter - By ABC XYZ [2005]"/>
      <property name="run.classname"  value="${}.FTPGetter"/>
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        <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}" />
        <mkdir dir="${jar.dir}" />
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            <pathelement path="${classes.dir}" />
            <!-- include all jar files  -->
            <fileset dir="${include.dir}">
              <include name="**/*.jar"/>
      <target name="clean" description="Clean up">
        <delete dir="${javadoc.dir}" />
        <delete dir="${classes.dir}" />
        <delete dir="${jar.dir}" />
      <target name="jar" depends="compile">
        <jar jarfile="${jar.dir}/FTPGetter.jar" update="false">
          <fileset dir="${classes.dir}" includes="**/*.class" />
    <!-- Include xml file to read.-->
          <fileset dir="${include.dir}" includes="info.xml" />
    <!-- Include ftpClient in the jar file.-->
          <fileset dir="${include.dir}" includes="ftpClient.jar" />
            <attribute name="Main-Class" value="" />
            <attribute name="Class-Path" value="include/ftpClient.jar"/>

    nevermind I got that fixed now:
    had to get the build.xml code for the <target name="jar" depends="compile">so that it looks more like:
      <target name="jar" depends="compile">
        <jar jarfile="${jar.dir}/FTPGetter.jar">
          <zipfileset dir="classes" prefix="" />
          <zipfileset src="include/ftpClient.jar" />
          <zipfileset dir="${include.dir}" includes="info.xml" />
            <attribute name="Main-Class" value="" />
      </target>Keyword would need to be zipfileset.

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              <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/c" prefix="c" %>
              <c:import url="/WEB-INF/ADVLSOG6Request.xml" var="file" />
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    LightWorker wrote:
    I haven't tried to update the firm ware yet, but this is probably my next move.
    The paper says
    “Unable to set attribute” error message will be displayed. Run the CameraValidator.exe utility with the “/ATTRIBUTES” flag to detect which attributes are generating errors and contact your camera vendor for a new and updated version of the camera firmware. 
     I've run the CameraValidator.exe but it couldn't find the camera or the attributes.
    Also check the firmware version

  • Urgent help for processing XML stream read from a JAR file

    Hi, everyone,
         Urgently need your help!
         I am reading an XML config file from a jar file. It can print out the result well when I use the following code:
    InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("conf/config.xml");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
    String line;
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    System.out.println(line); // It works fine here, which means that the inputstream is correct
    // process the XML stream I read from above
    NodeIterator ni = processXPath("//grid/gridinfo", is);
    Below is the processXPath() function I have written:
    public static NodeIterator processXPath(String xpath, InputStream byteStream) throws Exception {
    // Set up a DOM tree to query.
    InputSource in = new InputSource(byteStream);
    DocumentBuilderFactory dfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    Document doc = dfactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(in);
    // Use the simple XPath API to select a nodeIterator.
    System.out.println("Querying DOM using " + xpath);
    NodeIterator ni = XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator(doc, xpath);
    return ni;
    It gives me so much errors:
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The root element is required in a well-formed doc
    at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.reportError(
    at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.reportFatalXMLError(XM
    at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner$XMLDeclDispatcher.endO
    at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.endOfInput(XMLDocument
    at org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator.sendEndOfInputNotifi
    at org.apache.xerces.readers.DefaultEntityHandler.changeReaders(DefaultE
    at org.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityReader.changeReaders(XMLEntityRead
    at org.apache.xerces.readers.UTF8Reader.changeReaders(
    at org.apache.xerces.readers.UTF8Reader.lookingAtChar(
    at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner$XMLDeclDispatcher.disp
    at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.parseSome(XMLDocumentS
    at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.parse(
    at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(DocumentBuilderImpl.
    at processXPath(Unknown Source)
    Thank you very much!
    Sincerely Yours

    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The root element is required in a well-formed document.This often means that the parser can't find the document. You think it should be able to find the document because your test code could. However if your test code was not in the same package as your real (failing) code, your test is no good because getResourceAsStream("conf/config.xml") is looking for that file name relative to the package of the class that contains that line of code.
    If your test code wasn't in any package, put a slash before the filename and see if that works.

  • Merging randomly-named XML data file on client-side with pdf designed in Livecycle 7.0 (and addition

    Okay, as a heads up I work for a financial institution and we are converting our legacy "jetforms" to pdf format. I have in my staff for the project, 2 code developers and myself- a form designer. We have currently spent 2 months in trial and error attempting to resolve this problem, please let us know anything you can have. All client-side (internal) machines are running Windows XP and Adobe Reader 7.0.7
    The software we use as a financial institution allows our users to export a customer's data file onto their machine which is then renamed to include the member's account number and first and last name for our staff to determine which data file they need more accurately. In legacy jetforms, we have developed a program that pushes the data from the customers file that they select, into the jetform that they want to open and the matching fields in the data file fill in the fields of the jetform. Clean and simple.
    Now, i have hit nothing but frustration when attempting to perform the same process with pdfs using a form designed in livecycle designer 7. First, i see no obvious command for opening a pdf and importing a data file using a command line, like pdfmerge or something of the sort in which an xml data file can be specified and a pdf can be specified. I saw something like it using an fdf format and attempted to do this but apparently reader cannot import the data into the pdf that was designed adobe livecycle 7. All i have been seeing is database connections and using javascript inside the form to populate fields based on these database connections, etc. etc. or doing a manual file>import data>etc. which we don't want to have our staff do. We do not have reader extensions enabled, simply because i cannot get an adobe representative to call me and discuss pricing nor see any estimated pricing chart around. I don't know if reader extensions are necessary for this or not but i'm becoming very very frustrated with it.
    We don't want a complex server-side data connection binding with dynamic input. No, we just want it where our developers can say "if this data file is selected, and this pdf form is selected run this command" which would be a simple pdfmerge type solution. Is this possible or do i need to stay with jetforms until our software the billion dollar financial institution uses does form building inside its own application? I don't want to fight about who is better, what version to use, etc. I just want the straight up honest truth. If you need to know the pricing that the reader extensions would have to go by, assume there will be 500 client computers that will need to use it.

    From your post it sounds like you are Central Pro (a product for which I am by no means an expert), but you say you want to upgrade to a newer product from your "legacy" one. Is there a reason for this? Have your requirements change so that it no longer fits them? Central is still in the current Adobe roster and as far as I know there is no plans to get rid of it any time soon, so if it does everything you want I don't see why you would want to change.
    There is no product in the LiveCycle suite that merges xml data into a form from the command line. LiveCycle (with the exception of Designer) is a suite of server products, so the closest you would come is LiveCycle Forms (merge the xml and create a fillable PDF) or LiveCycle Print (merge the xml and print the form).
    Hope this helps somewhat.
    Adobe Enterprise Developer Support

  • Locating data in my XML file using C#

    Hi !
    I have a XML file. Here is a snippet:
    <Layers Count="9">
    <Layer Name="layer0" Type="Polygon">
    <OverlapNames Count="2">
    <OverlapName Name="layer1"/>
    <OverlapName Name="layer2"/>
    <CommonNames Count="0">
    <SnapNames Count="1">
    <SnapName Name="layer3"/>
    Now, if I have a "layer" is there a quick way to find the node "Layer" that name a name "layer0".
    Secondly, is there a way to not only locate the node but return true if the "type" is a certain value? In the above example layer0 is a polygon. So if I encounter a point entity on layer0 and I try to find a layer where name="layer0"
    and type="point" it should return empty.
    Thanks for clarification on right way to parse the XML data file to locate the information I need.

    strQuery = String.Format("Layers/Layer[@Name=\"{0}\"]", pEntPoly3D.layer());
    XmlNode nodeLayer = xmlOrbis.SelectSingleNode(strQuery);
    if (nodeLayer == null)
    Layers/Layer[@Name=\"{0}\" and @Type=\"{1}\"]",

  • About the exporting and importing xml data file in the pdf form

    Hi all,
    I need help for importing xml data file in the pdf form. When I write some thing in the text field with fill color and typeface (font) and exported xml data using email button. When I imported that xml file in the same pdf file that is used for exporting the xml data then all the data are shown in the control but not color and font typeface. Anyone has suggestion for solving this problem. Please help me for solving this problem.
    Thank you
    Saroj Neupane

    Can you post a sample form and data to [email protected] and I will have a look.

  • XML data file import

    1. I exported data using SQL Developer 3.1 in XML format.
    2. I get 'No reader of xml type registered' error when I try to import the same XML data file using SQL Developer 3.1. The 'file open' dialog does have an option to pick XML files and it shows my XML file on the directory.
    Do I need to install any extension to be able to import XML data file?
    Thanks in advance.
    Note: If it allows XML export out-of-the-box, then it should allow import of XML also out-of-the-box.
    .... Sushanta

    Unfortunately we don't support XML in our Table Import feature. You can request this in our exchange on

  • Client proxy to file(xml) scenario configuration

    I have done client proxy to file (xml) ,while executing abap code there is no error, but xml msg is not received in particular target directory. so i want to know about 1. What are the configuration required for client proxy to pi(with T.Code).
                                                  to monitor client proxy in ecc and pi.
    please reply me

    1. What are the configuration required for client proxy to pi(with T.Code).
    1.       Create a HTTP connection in the business system using transaction SM59
    Technical Setting & Logon Security details:
    u2022         Connection Type: H
    u2022         Target Host: System name
    u2022         Service Number: HTTP Port name
    u2022         Path Prefix:
    2.       Configuration Business system as local Integration Engine.
    1.       Go to Transaction SXMB_ADM
    2.       Choose Edit --> Change Global Configuration Data.
    3.       Select Role of Business System: Application system
    check maintain SLD Access data / not by using T.C  SLDAPICUST
    SLDAPICUST->check  XI Server is it activate/not
    4.test LCR Connection by using SLDCHECK. to monitor client proxy in ecc .
    trigger the report by using T.c se38 and check the status in SXMB_MONI in ECC.
    Edited by: bhavanisankar.solasu on Feb 13, 2012 11:09 AM

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    <string>Bilbo Baggins</string>
    <string>[email protected]</string>
    <string>Bilbo Baggins</string>

    I've done a few test runs and the video quality seems pretty decent considering the quality of some of the original VHS recordings, but a "rough around the edges" look is noticeable when the source tape wasn't the best quality to begin with.
    If converting the .asf file compromises quality further then I'll avoid that. The device seems at least like a great starting point for doing something with all of those old tapes. I figure I can at least experiment in the meantime and save up to get a more Mac friendly device that does the more direct conversion. At the very least I can get my old video projects from VHS onto DVD and work with them later on in iMovie.
    I'm just a little irked that every now and then there's hardware or an application that is made PC only, almost like the manufacturer doesn't even realize that Macs even exist. The device wasn't made by Microsoft or one of the major PC makers, so I don't get not making it so that the video files are saved as mpeg4 instead of .asf
    Now that I think about it, how common are SD cards outside of digital cameras (still and video cameras both seem to use them)? I have a camera that uses an SD card and if I didn't have the video converter, I wouldn't have known about using the cards for something other than pics or camera footage, and I wouldn't have known about needing a card reader because the camera plugs into a USB for downloading pics.

  • Location of XML schema file (XSD)

    Hi! Previously a XML schema was imported into the Console Manager and used for the import of data into the repository. Now we have made some changes and I would like to change the XML schema file. However, I would like to get a copy of the previously import schema (XSD) file from the system. Does anyone know where this file can possibly be held? Any way for us to extract this file to update?

    Hi SF,
    the XSD is actually stored in MDM's database. One option to export is using the transport schema mechanism in MDM console - asuming that you're on MDM 7.1. If so, right-click on your repository in MDM console and choose Transport -> Export Repository Schema in the context menu. Doing this you'll get a huge XML file describing your repository. Open this XML in a suitable editor (e.g. IE, Wordpad, XML Spy, and so on) and check the file contents. Somewhere inside you'll find a section for XML Schemas and your XSD.
    If you are on 5.5, the only option is accessing the DB directly...
    Best regards

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