Import mailbox

I've just upgraded to a new Macbook Pro with OSX 10.7. My previous Mac was running Snow Leopard.
I'm having a great deal of trouble on exporting and importing my mailboxes in Mail from the old to the new computer. I've compressed alle the mailboxes into seperate files in the .mbox format, but when I import these in Mail on my new machine, I get a message, that not all messages could be imported - and I can see, that a greal deal of my old messages are missing (according to the counting of messages on the top of the window).
Does anyone have an idea to what's wrong and how to fix this?

Thanks!  This helped, but not fully.
On the old computer, I rebuilt each of the mailboxes that hadn't imported correctly.  I then archived those mailboxes, copied to the new computer, and imported in Mail.  More of the missing messages are now there, but not all.
For example, one mailbox had 5481 messages on the old computer.  When I first moved it to the new computer, it only had 1693 messages.  Once I went back and rebuilt, then archived, copied, and imported again, it now has 4129 messages on the new computer.  But there are still about 1300 messages missing.
I also tried rebuilding the mailboxes once they had been imported on the new computer, but that didn't change anything.
Is there another use of Rebuild that I'm missing?

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    Good afternoon!
    I have 10.4.11 on my Mac Mini and want to transfer my mail service from Eudora to Mail. I opened a POP account, but when I tried to import mailboxes from the Eudora Folder stored in Documents I got an Error message: No valid Eudora files were found.
    I know the mailbox folder is in the Eudora Folder in Documents, so why can't Mail find it?

    I'm not sure if you need Eudora Mailbox Cleaner, but you might take a look at it.
    Steve M.

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    $Users = Import-Csv C:\users.csv | ForEach-Object{Get-DistributionGroup -Identity SC-1213} | Import-Mailbox -Identity $Users -PSTFolderPath c:\Calendar.pst -IncludeFolders '\Calendar' -StartDate -EndDate
    Much appreciated..

    The logic doesn't work unless you are using StartDate and EndDate for the period when you change the item.  As I said above, StartDate and EndDate are not the times when the meeting starts and ends - they are the times that the item was either added
    or modified in the mailbox.  Your filter was trying to pull items that were in the future.
    And as I also said above, if you import a modified item, the original is
    not going to be updated.  You will have a duplicate meeting
    on the calendar.  You would have to remove the original
    and import the updated item if this was how you wished to manage the updates.  This is not nearly as effective as
    sending meeting requests and updating those meetings.
    For example, if we do things the way you are doing them, and we add a "Student Appreciation Bonfire" meeting to the calendar for April 12 at "The Quad", we would do the following:
    On February 1, you get information for the meeting that needs to be imported
    You create this new meeting in the PST calendar - "Student Appreciation Bonfire"; Date April 12, start 8:00 AM, end 12:00 noon; Location The Quad
    You import the PST into everyone's calendar
    You receive a note on March 12 saying the venue has changed to The River Beach, so you update this meeting in your PST
    Since there are other calendar items in the PST, you import the update using StartDate of March 12 and EndDate of March 13 - the date that you changed the item, not the date the item occurs
    At this point, all users have two meetings on their calendar - the original and the update
    If, instead of doing it this way, you create a Student Actvities Calendar mailbox, you would handle it this way:
    On February 1, you get information for the meeting that needs to be imported
    You create this new meeting in the Corporate calendar - "Student Appreciation Bonfire"; Date April 12, start 8:00 AM, end 12:00 noon; Location The Quad
    You invite everyone to the meeting
    You receive a note on March 12 saying the venue has changed to The River Beach, so you update this meeting in that calendar and send out the update
    At this point, all users have only the one meeting on their calendar - the update
    Using the PST as the source for the meetings would work only for items that
    will not be changed - holidays are a good example.

  • In mail, after importing mailboxes the process gets stuck on '1619 of 72826' and 'time remaining' climbs infinitely. Please suggest a solution.

    In 'mail', after importing mailboxes the process gets stuck on '1619 of 72826' and 'time remaining' climbs infinitely. Please suggest a solution.
    I converted my mail boxes from POP to imap for the purpose of syncing all my devices. I backed up my mail boxes and further more perfomed a timemachine backup.
    Upon restoring ther mailboxes, either by manually copying them to the mailboxes folder, and restoring a timemachine backup, both pocesses result in the above problem.
    Please recomend a solution.
    file://localhost/Users/redwood/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202013-10-15%20at%201.48.10 %20PM.png
    file://localhost/Users/redwood/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202013-10-15%20at%201.38.30 %20PM.png

    Can anyone out there please help!

  • Mail stops importing mailboxes after Time Machine restore

    I replaced the hard drive in my MacBook Pro by a solid state drive (Crucial M4 512Gb) hard drive.
    Before installing it, I let Time Machine backup my complete hard drive to an external USB hard drive (backup done over night).
    I installed the SSD, booted the MacBook in recovery mode (CMD R), initialised the SSD using Disk Utility and restored the complete hard drive from the Time Machine Backup.
    Everything fine except for Mac Mail.
    If I start Mac Mail: it wants to import my mailboxes.
    However, it stops at:
    Importing mailbox
    Imported 1112 of 1124 messages
    Time remaining: Less than a minute
    Then the fan comes up (high CPU load) and nothing happens.
    If I cancel, the fan speed drops and Mail quits.
    If I start Mail again, it reports one message less to import, thus:
    Importing mailbox
    Imported 1111 of 1123 messages
    Time remaining: Less than a minute
    I can repeat this (everytime the number of mail messages drops by one).
    Problem is that I can't start using Mail until the messages are completely imported.
    Anyone a tip what's going wrong and how to solve it?
    As extra info: I made the Time Machine backups with nothing started on my MacBook (only Finder running).
    Kind regards,

    I downloaded the mailbfr and ran
    mailbfr -f
    mailbfr -o
    They seemed to execute fine, although the output did instruct me to login as root, which I assume is expected.
    When I logged back in as the standard administrator I took a look at the log files. I see this:
    system log:
    Sep 13 22:15:49 fhsserver Server Preferences[17569]: The shared folder 'Local Administrator's Public Folder' has custom file system ACLs which cannot be displayed. Editing the permissions may replace any custom ACLs.
    Sep 13 22:36:28 fhsserver ctl_cyrusdb[20170]: checkpointing cyrus databases
    Sep 13 22:36:28 fhsserver ctl_cyrusdb[20170]: done checkpointing cyrus databases
    Sep 13 22:45:49 fhsserver Server Preferences[17569]: The shared folder 'Local Administrator's Public Folder' has custom file system ACLs which cannot be displayed. Editing the permissions may replace any custom ACLs.
    Sep 13 23:01:03 fhsserver imap[20454]: login: [] john GSSAPI User logged in
    Sep 13 23:01:03 fhsserver imap[20454]: IOERROR: creating directory /var/spool/imap/user: Permission denied
    Sep 13 23:02:42 fhsserver mds[63]: (Error) Server: Peer checkin failed -- no store for path '/private/var/localadmin/Public'
    Sep 13 23:02:42 fhsserver[362]: MDSChannelPeerCreate: (os/kern) invalid argument
    Sep 13 23:05:02 fhsserver imap[20524]: login: [] john GSSAPI User logged in
    Sep 13 23:05:02 fhsserver imap[20524]: IOERROR: creating directory /var/spool/imap/user: Permission denied
    Sep 13 23:06:28 fhsserver ctl_cyrusdb[20542]: checkpointing cyrus databases
    Sep 13 23:06:28 fhsserver ctl_cyrusdb[20542]: done checkpointing cyrus databases
    In the mail service imap log I see this repeating:
    Sep 13 19:19:12 fhsserver imap[17664]: IOERROR: creating directory /var/spool/imap/user: Permission denied
    In the Mail service smtp log is this repeating:
    Sep 13 19:36:04 fhsserver postfix/postfix-script[17937]: fatal: the Postfix mail system is not running
    Got any ideas?

  • "Import Mailboxes" can't see IMAP inbox in backup Mail folder

    So, a friend of mine thought he'd be efficient and, via the webmail interface, deleted all the messages in the Inboxes of two IMAP accounts (hosted by Fatcow). He did not understand that this would delete all the messages in the inboxes on his computer, too. He understands IMAP better now that we've had a talk!*
    We have a backup copy of his ~Library/Mail folder, and I thought it would be a piece of cake to use Import Mailboxes to reimport those missing messages back into Mail, from where he could drag them back into the Inboxes in the cloud. Being a Mac consultant, I have done this very thing many times.
    However, no matter what we do, the Import Mailboxes dialog will not offer those two inboxes in the list of mailboxes to choose from. We see all the other boxes, including two inactive POP accounts. When we look inside the backup Mail folder in the Finder, we can open the IMAP folder for each account and burrow down to the actual messages. The hierarchy there is kind of too deep, perhaps because the IMAP Path Prefix in his account preferences is incorrect--one of the accounts has the final Inbox with the messages inside another Inbox folder inside the IMAP account folder**. This is the only reason I can think of that Import Mailboxes would not be able to see those inboxes. Does anyone know if it would work if I moved the final Inbox folder higher up in the hierarchy?
    Thanks very much for any assistance.
    *Please don't ask why he wasn't using Time Machine. He will be, very soon.
    **I can't reproduce it exactly here because I was working with him over a LogMeIn connection, as he's in another state. Geographically speaking, not emotionally.

    in finder rename the backup imap inbox from INBOX.imapmbox to INBOX.mbox. then Mail will let you import it if you choose it directly when importing mail.

  • Can't import mailboxes into Mail

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    Restore the mailboxes to a different location, such as the Desktop, and import them into Mail (File > Import Mailboxes...) I haven't tried this myself and I don't know for sure that it will work.

  • Can't import mailboxes when setting up

    Just upgraded to Tiger, now setting up Mail. When trying to open Mail it tries to import old mailboxes in previous version (total twenty-five thousand messages). It gets to 21492, then crashes. I can't open Mail to import manually, since whenever I open Mail, it tries to import automatically, then crashes. Hitting "cancel" at this point closes Mail. There seems to be no option to just open Mail, then import later.

    Hi alletun.
    The conversion from Mail 1.x to Mail 2.x is broken, but Mail crashing because of this is rare, so verify/repair the startup disk first (not just permissions), as described in the following article, in case there is some filesystem corruption that also has a bearing on this:
    The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what's it all about?
    Now, here’s an example of the most common variant of this problem and how to proceed in those cases:
    Just upgraded, Most of my old Inbox is gone!
    Your problem, however, is different in that you don’t even get past an incomplete conversion. If Mail stalls or crashes during the conversion process, you may try to identify the mailboxes that Mail is choking on, quit Mail, move those mailboxes out of ~/Library/Mail/ (e.g. to the Destkop), and trash any Envelope Index-named files you may see in ~/Library/Mail/, so that Mail re-creates the index and tries to import the remaining mailboxes again, then manually import the problematic mailboxes as Other.
    Alternatively, you may want to set up Mail from scratch and manually import your mail back afterwards. This would allow you to use Mail normally while solving the problem of importing the old mail as you see fit:
    1. Quit Mail if it’s running.
    2. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/. Move (not copy) the entire Mail folder out of there, to the Desktop.
    3. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Preferences/. Locate and move it to the Desktop.
    4. Open Mail and set it up again from scratch. If given the option to import existing mailboxes or something like that, don’t. Just enter the account information and check that everything works fine.
    5. You’ll have to re-configure all your settings in Mail > Preferences. For spam-related security reasons, the first thing you should do is go to Preferences > Viewing and disable Display remote images in HTML messages if it’s enabled.
    6. Do File > Import Mailboxes and follow the instructions to import your mail from the old Mail folder that’s now on the Desktop. Import the Mailboxes folder first, then each of the POP-username@mailserver account folders, if any.
    There are two ways to import Mail 1.x mailboxes into Mail 2.x. The obvious one is importing them as Mail for Mac OS X. But Mail 1.x stored mail in standard mbox format plus some additional support files, and this allows Mail 1.x mailboxes to also be imported as Other, i.e. as generic mailboxes in standard mbox format.
    Importing as Mail for Mac OS X produces the best results when it works, because it takes into consideration all the files in the mailboxes, not just the mbox files where the messages are stored, and hence, allows information such as status flags to be preserved. Importing as Other, on the other hand, may work in cases where importing as Mail for Mac OS X doesn’t, because it looks at the mbox files only, ignoring the support files which is what Mail 2.x usually chokes on, but precisely because of that, information such as status flags is lost and previously deleted messages may reappear.
    Hence, you may try importing as much as you can as Mail for Mac OS X, then import the problematic mailboxes as Other.
    Note that what Mail asks for when importing depends on the format chosen. Mail always asks for the folder that contains the “things” to be imported. If Mail for Mac OS X is chosen as the data format, the “things” to be imported are the *.mbox folders, so you must choose the folder that contains them, not the *.mbox folders themselves. On the other hand, if Other is chosen as the data format, the “things” to be imported are the mbox files, so you must choose the *.mbox folders that contain them in that case.
    Note also that some of the mailboxes now on the Desktop may have already been partially converted to the new *.emlx format during the previous (failed) attempt to convert them in place. If you tell Mail 2.x to import as Mail for Mac OS X a mailbox that already has a Messages folder, Mail will simply ignore the Mail 1.x files present there. If the mailbox was successfully converted to the new format, that’s fine, but if the conversion was incomplete, that’s not what you want.
    As a result of doing all the above, some messages may be duplicated. Andreas Amann’s Mail Scripts has a Remove Duplicates script that you may find useful.
    If all is well and you don’t miss anything, the files on the Desktop can be deleted, although you may want to keep them for a while, just in case.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. You can easily locate any of the folders referred to in this post by copying the folder path here, doing Go > Go to Folder in the Finder, and pasting the folder path there.

  • Imported mailbox is not visible

    I have a problem importing messages from an old dotMac account for which I had backed up the local folders. On this forum I found the discussion below but what they recommend doing didn't work for me :
    When I import the mails it says that they have been copied to a new Import mailbox but the mailbox doesn't appear! Any suggestion ?
    Thanks for your help.

    It isn’t entirely clear to me what it really is that you’re trying to do, as the thread you referred to refers to yet another thread that is no longer available...
    If Preferences > Accounts > Advanced > Keep copies of messages for offline viewing is set to All messages and their attachments (the default setting), then Mail 2.x maintains a local copy of server-stored mailboxes using the exact same format it uses for locally stored mailboxes, except the suffix of the mailbox folder in the filesystem is .imapmbox instead of .mbox.
    You cannot import *.imapmbox mailboxes directly into Mail because when you do File > Import Mailboxes and choose Mail for Mac OS X as the data format, Mail looks for *.mbox folders only, but if Keep copies of messages for offline viewing was indeed set to All messages and their attachments when the backup of those mailboxes was made, you can easily overcome that limitation by just changing the suffix to .mbox:
    1. Copy the entire account folder from the backup to the Desktop.
    3. Change the .imapmbox suffix of the folders within the account folder on the Desktop to .mbox.
    3. In Mail, do File > Import Mailboxes, choose Mail for Mac OS X as the data format, and follow the instructions to import the account folder that’s on the Desktop.

  • Imported Mailboxes Showing Up Empty

    Hi there.
    I'm trying to import mailboxes from one mac to another, the source mac is 10.4 and the other is 10.3. Everything seems to go smoothly, the mailboxes show up in Mail but they're all empty. In Finder the size of the folders are right but there are no emlx files in there.
    Any ideas?

    Going backwards, (1.4 to 10.3) may be the problem... no way for 10.3 to know about the changes.
    What are the Permissions on those folders?

  • Importing PST file using Import-Mailbox Command Crashes Powershell

    I am attempting to import a .pst file into a mailbox via the Import-Mailbox powershell command. The command starts and imports the deleted items and creates the folder structure in the Inbox then crashes powershell. I am running Outlook 2007 SP2 on a Windows 2003 Std SP2 server w/Exchange 2007 SP1 Update Rollup 8 management tools. I have tried everything i can think of. This happens on multiple machines with similar packages installed. No anti-virus software is installed. It happens on both pst files i am testing with and no errors are logged in the event logs either on the exchange mailbox server or the server i am using to do the import.

    Have you tried to do this from the actual Exchange 2007 server?  I assume you are trying to import the pst to an Exchagne 2007 email account to Exchange 2007 correct?
    Have you tried to perform the import on a Windows XP machine using the 32bit EMC/EMS rather then using Windows 2003 server? 
    I honestly recall in the back of my head a problem with Exchange 2007 and Outlook CDOs or something like that.  I could be wrong but I remember something from a year ago.....
    Seriously though, try it from a Windows XP machine running the Exchange Managerment Tools and see what happens rather then a W2K3 Server.
    Yea I double check the link i posted as well I never tried from a 2003 server either, I've always done it from an XP machine, but again we know its works because you got it to work with a newly export PST, so I think its more to do with the PST file itself, hopefully you dont have a bunch of them, if so let the users re-import them =)

  • How do I import mailboxes in Lion?

    I want to copy a mailbox from one Mac (iMac) to another (MacBook). Previously in Leopard this was easy, using Import Mailboxes... in the File menu, and selecting the appropriate mailbox(es) in the Library folder.
    However, in Lion, the Library folder is hidden, so on my MacBook I cannot see the iMac's mailboxes I want to copy. I tried copying the mailboxes to the iMac Desktop and selecting them from there but this did not work - I just imported empty mailboxes.
    I believe I can archive the mailboxes to the iMac desktop then import them to the iMac, but is there a way to make the iMac's Library folder visible on my MacBook so I can import them directly?
    My iMac is running Lion 10.7.5 and my MacBook Leopard 10.5.8 (for Rosetta compatibility with legacy apps).

    don't do it.  It will make your mac slower.  If you insist:
    Clear cache in Lion
    Open a finder window and select “Go to Folder” in the Go menu
    Type in ~/Library/Caches
    This is optional, but you can highlight & copy everything to a different folder in case anything goes wrong.
    Highlight everything and press CMD and Backspace
    Restart your machine

  • Where do imported mailboxes get stored

    I used a PST converter to convert my PST files to .mbox and imported those into MAC mail but after looking around, mailboxes are stored in the user/library/mail/mailboxes folder but that doesn't exist so I don't know where my imported mailboxes are currently being stored. 

    You can sometimes get the URL to the .SWF (flash) file by examinig the "Activity Window" in Safari.
    Once you have your hands on the direct URL to that file, you can dump it into a HTML link tag, save as HTML and use it to download the file.
    in Textedit, open a new file, put this in it...
    This is the link
    then save as whatevername.html
    Just double-click the new HTML file, Safari will open it up. Then CTRL+Click the link, and select "Download Linked File".

  • Restored OS, can't import mailboxes from previous system

    Dang. I've tried every which way to get email files from the archived "previous systems" folder over to my new email library. If I try to import mailboxes, it doesn't detect valid mailboxes to import. If I literally drag and drop email files to the new inbox, the files move over but I can't see them in mail viewer. The only way it has worked is to open each old file individually (they do open and read OK) and choose 'move to' from the message menu. I can then move the file to a mailbox on the new viewer and it shows up fine. But I have thousands of old emails and this would drive me nuts.
    Any input or ideas?

    Hi jdlaln, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Not certain, but this can fix myriad Mail problems, & I think may make the ones you moved over show up...
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), it will try to repair your Disk Directory while the spinning radian is happening, so let it go, run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, then move these folder & file to the Desktop.
    Move this Folder to the Desktop...
    Move this file to the Desktop...
    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail/Envelope Index

  • Import mailboxes disabled

    Hello, I updated my Imac to Leopard (10.5.6) and I would use mail instead thunderbird I'using until now.
    I tried importing mail using Mail>File> import mialboxes but it's disabled (light grey color text).
    Someone knows how to make it work?
    thanks in advance, Matteo

    I don't use Mail regularly but fired up v 3.5 (930.3) today for the first time since 10.4, and it definitely was not happy.
    It converted some old mailboxes on first startup, and then displayed the same behaviors you're both describing: No "Import Mailboxes..." menu item active, and Quit won't work. Wasn't bold enough to ask it to actually try sending or receiving mail.
    Following the procedure oulined in the Apple discussion here completely fixed the problem for me.
    <Edited by Moderator>

  • Import Mailbox Missing Some Messages

    I am trying to move my local mailboxes in Mail from a Macbook Pro with OSX 10.5 to a Macbook Pro with OSX 10.7.  I backed up each mailbox on the old computer using Mailbox > Archive Mailbox within Mail.  I then copied those files from the old computer to the new computer.  On the new computer, I imported each mailbox using File > Import Mailboxes within Mail.
    Unfortunately, several of the mailboxes on the new computer don't have all of the original messages.  For example, one mailbox that has about 2000 messages on the old computer now has only about 1500 messages on the new computer.
    Can anyone tell me why this happening and how to fix it?
    Thanks for any help!

    Thanks!  This helped, but not fully.
    On the old computer, I rebuilt each of the mailboxes that hadn't imported correctly.  I then archived those mailboxes, copied to the new computer, and imported in Mail.  More of the missing messages are now there, but not all.
    For example, one mailbox had 5481 messages on the old computer.  When I first moved it to the new computer, it only had 1693 messages.  Once I went back and rebuilt, then archived, copied, and imported again, it now has 4129 messages on the new computer.  But there are still about 1300 messages missing.
    I also tried rebuilding the mailboxes once they had been imported on the new computer, but that didn't change anything.
    Is there another use of Rebuild that I'm missing?

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