Import plays fast

I have FCP 6 on a G5.
I am having an unusual experience with video that I import.
Items that I capture via my decklink card are fine.
When I import a that has the DV codec
( 720x480 29.29 48kHz 16 bit str )
it will seem to play fast , and it ends before the audio is done. But if I scrub through it , I will hear that the audio is there. I have tried a render all ( i have no red line )
These are videos that I am getting from an Avid Xpress and with DV codec that I get from other sources.
What is going on?
How can i solve this?

This may be kind of a stupid question, but what frame rate does FCP say the footage is? You posted that the file is 29.29fps. If it truly is, that may be where your problem is. NTSC footage should be 29.97fps.

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    Welcome to iMovie Discussions.
    When you say "transition" I think you mean "import" ..the process of passing the video from the camcorder into iMovie. (..A "transition" is generally something which you apply in iMovie; a means of changing from one video clip to another via a 'cross-fade' or a 'dissolve', etc..)
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    If you've shot your movie(s) using progressive recording (..using a shutter speed marked 'p', such as '30p' or '24p'..) then iMovie may play it back faster than normal. This is because iMovie normally expects DV to consist of two 'interlaced' fields of video (two sets of lines which each make up half-a-picture) instead of single full frames of video.
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    I will show you how I played my audio or mp3 files at any particular speed. This method will allow you to simply enter in your desired speed.(ex. 1.5 or 1.33)
    In my case Im using an audio book [Lord of the flies] I download off youtube as a MP3 file using this program: 3.html
          First off,  you will need to make sure your audio file is open in QuickTime player rather then iTunes. First you need to locate the audio file. If your audio file is in itunes then right click the file and select "Show in Finder"
         The file should open in a finder window, highlighted. Right click the file, go to "Open With.." And click Quicktime Player. (If quickTime Player is not an option, you need to go to "Other..." and select QuickTime Player from your Applications folder)
    Now that your mp3 file is open in a QuickTime window you may proceed to step 1.
    1) Open Finder
    2) Click Applications
    3) Click Utilities
    4) Open AppleScript Editor
    5) In the program copy and paste the script below.
    6) Click "Compile"
    7) Now to test this script, click "Run" A window should pop up prompting you to enter your desired speed (default is 1.5)
    8) press "OK" and quick time should start playing your audio at the speed you entered in.
    9) If you would like to use this script again, go to File > Save... >Name your AppleScript and save it Anywhere (I saved mine in the Music Folder for easy access)
    tell application "iTunes"
    set myTrack to location of current track
    # the player’s position within the currently playing track in seconds
    set mySeconds to player position
    end tell
    # show a Dialog
    set SpeedFactor to 1.5
    display dialog "Enter speed factor:" default answer SpeedFactor
    set SpeedFactor to text returned of the result
    tell application "QuickTime Player"
    # pause all previously opened documents
    set open_docs to documents
    repeat with doc in open_docs
    pause doc
    end repeat
    # open the track just played in iTunes
    open myTrack
    # get the 'QuickTime' document, MyTrack should be equivalent but it isn't
    set MyMovie to first document
    # rewind by 10 seconds
    if mySeconds > 10 then
    set mySeconds to mySeconds - 10
    end if
    # set current time
    set current time of MyMovie to mySeconds
    # set Speed Factor and start playing
    set rate of MyMovie to SpeedFactor
    end tell

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    I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store. 
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
    Find the items that are not playing properly. If you can't see "Report a Problem" next to the items, click the "Report a problem" button. Now click the "Report a Problem" links next to the items.

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    Commands used to convert flv to mp4 using ffmpeg is  "-i \"" + fileToAnalyze + "\" -b 120kbps -vcodec libx264 -g 30 \"" + outputFile + "\""
    Please provide appropriate solution :
    Vishal Parmar

    Hello, wrong part/forum.
    Or try it again with:

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    Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)
    Resolution: 1280x688
    Frame rate: 23.976023
    audio Codec: MPEG AAC Audio (mp4a)
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    I have searched all over the web too to find any solutions regarding the unavoidable problem of Macs with Adobe's Flash Player. There are little improvements of reducing the high CPU during Flash use on a Mac through changing your main browser to Opera, Camino ... BUT it is still a problem which cannot be solved for now. The following URL is from Adobe's Bug Website and explains exactly what is wrong with Flash on a Mac:
    Very High CPU usage and thus High Fan speed.
    Here's another link to a similar problem in the Apple Discussions:
    And finally the comparison of CPU usage between Mac and Windows which shows very clear that there's obviously something MAJOR not working and Adobe has to fix it!
    It is a shame that this problem is out for years and Adobe is NOT trying to fix it, or at least not as intense as they should. So this is the reason why many people all over the world have to live with their Mac running high fan and a hot CPU when just browsing the internet.

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    Are these songs/albums purchased from the iTunes Store?
    If so, is your computer authorized? From the "Store" menu in iTunes, click on "Authorize computer...".
    Try deleteing, and reloading the songs back onto your iPod after authorization.
    If this attempt doesn't help, you may want to try restoring your iPod. This may clear off internal issues with your iPod when it comes to playing these certain songs.
    Restoring your iPod
    If any post helps or solves your problem, please click the "Solved" or "Helpful" buttons on top of that post. Thank you for helping the boards!

  • AVCHD .mts files imported but optimised files play fast in QT and FCPX 10.1.1

    Hi Guys
    Panasonic HC-V700 AVCHD .MTS files (from within the 'Stream' folder) imported and optimised into FCPX 10.1.1 but the imported/optimised clips (found in the Transcoded Media>High Quality Media folder) play too fast in QT and FCPX 10.1.1 . Was able to do this fine until yesterday.
    Using OSX 10.9.1 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7 with just 4GB RAM (hoping to get faster, souped-up new iMac very soon).
    When playing the 1080/50p clips on the camera's video player they play at normal speed. Weirdly, today, FCPX has 'acknowledged' the camera on the import window despite the 1080/50p footage (previously it didn't show the camera as a valid import 'archive' on the import screen). Now, on the import window whenever I play a clip it also plays too quick.
    Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Warm regards

    When attempting to play the .MTS files in import I'm getting the 'dropped frames' error message:
    "Issues that may affect playback include available memory, disk speed, graphics performance, and processor performance.
    You may be able to get better performance by doing the following:
    - Use proxy playback by changing the Media setting to 'Proxy' in the Viewer Options pop-up menu. (Requires proxy media.)
    - Optimize your source clip media."
    Could the lack of RAM in this iMac actually cause the video to speed up in FCPX? (weird)

  • Premiere Pro CC 2014 - Video playing faster than audio - Out Of Sync?

    Hi All, It's been some time since I've had to write about any problems here. Sooo, I've got Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.2.2.  (Using AJA KONA IoExpress BoB)   I've imported a 5 minute AVI file (video=1920x1080, Data=65587kbps, Total=66355kbps, 30fps. - - -  Audio=768kbps, Channels=Mono -and/or- Stereo, 48kHz)  from my Livestream HD-500 Digital Recorder as I have been doing successfully for some time now.. .   The video file plays just fine using windows media player but when I inport into a new project. The visual Video is out of sync. Seems like the Video is playing about 1/3rd faster then the normal audio.  Any thoughts? -  -  -  -  -  -  P.S. Here is a (520mb file) public link of a 1min.40sec. Clip using GoDaddy's FileFolder:
    Here's a 20 second clip from last weeks trial-run-test using exact same configuration that worked just fine:
    Online Storage - Download File
    UPDATE - Problem Solved
    So i got a call from AJA (the Manufacturer of my IoExpress Break out Box for Premiere)
    Here's the Scoop:
    1. When Programs "AutoUpgrade" it's common for some or all Settings to revert to their Default Settings.
    2. Adobe Premiere CC auto-upgraded yesterday when I wasn't looking... (paying attenion)
    3. In Premiere, Preferences>Playback>AudioDevice was reset back to "AdobeDesktopAudio".
    4. I reset the reset back to AJA KONA IoExpress, and WALLA! It Works Great!
    I hope this post will help others stuck in this  seemingly unfixable situation.  My clients will be very happy today. :-)

    Just for some reinforcement on this subject, these are the settings recommended by Aja for running their hardware in CC 2014:
    Make sure you audio is configured like this:
    1. In your MacPro System Preferences:
        Set the input for Line in. 
       Set the output for Built in.
    2. In your PremierePro Preferences:
       Set the Audio Hardware for Built-in Output.
       Set the Audio Output Mapping for Built-in Output.
       Set the Playback for Audio Device on the KONA audio.
    You will likely have to reboot after making any changes.
    We are running Kona 3, 3G and I/O 4k systems and this basic setup is needed for all our systems or we have intermittent audio playback issues.

  • All songs are playing fast

    I just upload all my library in my ipod and when I want to play, all songs are just skipped (played but very fast). I cannot hear anything as IPod will just jump to the next song imediately.
    How can I solve this matter ?

    Well at the moment I don't have definitive answer for you, (maybe someone else has) but I've noticed that some of my AAC files are at 130kbps, which tells us that iTunes and the iPod can handle that bit rate.
    If you have access to the original source of the music (I.E. the CD) then I would suggest re-importing it into iTunes at a different bit rate. On the other hand, if you have downloaded an MP3 (legally, of course) from a musician's web site, there's probably not much that you can do about it.
    Basically though, it sounds (from your clip that I listened to) that the file is corrupt or simply incompatible with an iPod.

Maybe you are looking for

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