Import Video From Camtasia into Captivate5

I have some Camtasia 7.1 video (which includes audio) that I'd like to import into Captivate 5, so that I can create an intro slide with jump points into various places in that existing video. I tried to import the FLV as an Animation onto a slide, and while that seems to work, and allows me to add overlays such as a highlight box, it doesn't get me the jump/entry points from the intro slide, as the animation is all on one slide.
I created some blank slides in a Captivate5 project and imported the Camtasia 7.1 FLV as a Slide Video onto the first blank slide. Then I used the Edit Video Timing interface to try to distribute that video across a couple of other slides. I thought this would get me the jump/entry points I need into the video from the intro slide. When I click the insert button above the timeline in the Edit Video Timing interface, I see a little dialog message that says "Cannot insert slide.Assign some empty space in the end for new slide". That appears to be an error message as I don't get the expected behaviour when I select OK. Is it an error?
Does it sound like I'm approaching this the right way in terms of getting the existing Camtasian 7.1 FLV video into Captivate5 and creating some extra slides to allow jump/entry points into the video material?
Is the message I'm seeing a known issue with Slide Video import?
Thanks for any suggestions.

Hello and welcome to the Captivate forum,
I do see that your question is not answered yet, which could be due to the fact that other Captivate-users do not understand well what you want, which is the case for me. This could be simply a question of terminology, I'm perfectly aware of that since English is not my native tongue.
You do have a long FLV, created in Camtasia, and you want to jump to different points in that video? I do not know if that is possible, but since you are using slide video and spreading the video over different slides you can jump to the slides on which the video clips sit. Another workflow would be that you created the clips in Camtasia and inserted each of them on a different slide.
Your workflow seems to be OK: insert the video on the first slide, use the Edit Video timing to split it over different slides. But the 'entry point' that you inserted in another app will not be visible, so you will have to do the timing in Captivate. I would have it distributed immedately over the available slides, and adjust the timing afterwards, but your workflow was perhaps to insert it with extending the duration of the first slide to the duration of the video? To redestribute in the Edit Video dialog box:
play the video until the playhead gets to the point where you want to start the second clip on a second slide
decrement the duration of the first slide by dragging the slide marker (is at the end) to the position of the playhead (highlighted in green)
use the small icon (yellow highlightà to insert the next slide into the video; you can ignore the message you mentioned
restart the process by playing until the next point to insert the third slide into the video.
if there is no new slide left, you will get an error message "Cannot insert slide" that you cannot ignore
When you close the dialog box you will see in the Filmstrip that the video is distributed. If you want to adjust the dimensions of the video frame this is possible with the Position&Size accordion in the Properties panel of the video, but do not forget to apply this change with the small curved arrow in the top (Apply to all) of that accordion.
The last slide will always be extended so that the total video can be viewed.
If this is not the answer you are looking for, pleas try to explain more in detail.

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    I am a bit puzzled as to why you chose that camcorder!
    Ideally you should take it back and exchange it for a camcorder that records onto mini DV tape and which has a firewire output.
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    which is free, but you must also have the Apple mpeg2 plugin :
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    which costs $25.
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    Hi Brady,
    I have a new Everio HD that I have been fooling with all day. Finally got a clip into iMovie 6 ....but only once and I'm still figuring this out too.....if you are not using a HD camera this may or may not work for you.
    The Everio Quicktime extension must be installed. (Download and install the patch if you upgrade to Leopard).
    Is your camera an HD? If so you need to capture the clip in 1440 CDR not FHD (FullHighDef).
    Launch iMovie 6. Create a new movie in Video format HDV 1080i . then plug in your camera via firewire.
    Put the camera in playback mode (Play/REC), press the Function, select Dubbing Playback (bottom of the menu). You should get a menu with a start button now. Switch to iMovie 6 and select "Import". This should start the clip playing from the may have to hit the Start on the camera.
    This should get your clips into i Movie.
    We may be ably to create playlists and get them in that way too but I have not had any luck with the JVC instructions to do this. There are video tutorials on the JVC website too but again they have not worked for me.
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    Good luck,

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    RAM: 3 GB
    Please HELP??!!??
    Many Thanks

    Either your camera or your monitor is not properly calibrated. Lucky for you, capturing is just a transfer of digital data without any modification at all, just like copying files from A to B. They do not change in the copy process. So either it is in the eye of the beholder or you monitor is not properly calibrated or you are just imagining things.
    Wish you luck with editing HDV on such a system.

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    Sony TRV22E - CAN ONLY export the VIDEO material via a FireWire Cable (iLinc)
    Then Your Mac need eiter
    - a FireWire port - or -
    - a Thunderbolt port
    if only Thunderbolt - Then You need a FireWire to Thunderbolt converter.
    The USB- can only copy over the Still photos You also cam take with Your Camera. Will NEVER work for Video Export.
    Yours Bengt W

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    First decide which editing program you intend to use; iMovie, FCE, FCP, Adobe Premier, etc. Read the user's manual or Help files for your chosen application to determine the steps needed: the procedure will vary somewhat from application to application.
    Next, with the camera and the computer off, connect the Firewire cable to both units, then power up. Set the camera to VTR (play) mode. Open your editing program and follow the instructions provided in the Help files for capturing DV footage from tape.
    Do NOT expect the camera to mount on your desktop as if it were a hard drive or optical disc.
    Message was edited by: David Harbsmeier
    Message was edited by: David Harbsmeier

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    If you're shooting AVCHD then you'll need to upgrade to iPhoto 11v9.3 to import this material.
    A note on AVCHD: This format was developed for people who are shooting to edit the material afterwards. If you're shooting to edit, then iMovie or Final Cut are the correct home for this material. If you're not shooting to edit consider using one of the other video formats on your Camera.

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