Importing an image file from a folder not inside iPhoto????

I can't find a way to just import a jpg or other image file into iMovie O8. Do you really have to put it in iPhoto and then bring it in.
Thanks - Larry

Do you really have to put it in iPhoto and then bring it in.
No, you can simply drop them to the "Project" window from the desktop to automatically create a "Still Frame" sequence.

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    Hi debesh05,
    Please mention the Operating System that you are using and also make and model of the Camera that was used to capture those clips. Also, try to make another folder with the same name in the same location where the .MTS files are and move all the clips into the new folder and then try to import the files again using Media Browser in Premiere Pro CS6. If this doesn't work then make a copy of one file and rename it as .M2TS and then import that single file into Premiere Pro CS6. Please update if either of the solution works for you.

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    Try this code. Make an object of this class and call
    copyTo method.
    import java.util.*;
    public class FileUtil
    extends File {
    public FileUtil(String pathname) throws
    NullPointerException {
    public void copyTo(File dest) throws Exception {
    File parent = dest.getParentFile();
    FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(this); //
    Open the source file
    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest); //
    Open the destination file
    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; // Create an input
    int bytes_read;
    while ( (bytes_read = != -1) { //
    Keep reading until the end
    out.write(buffer, 0, bytes_read);
    in.close(); // Close the file
    out.close(); // Close the file
    This is poor object-oriented design. Use derivation only when you have to override methods -- this is just
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    //Open images directory
    $imglist = '';
    $dir = dir("C:\Documents and Settings\april09mpsip\My Documents\Flex Builder 3\PHPTEST\src\Assets\images");
    //List files in images directory
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="pic.send();">
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    public var image:Object;
    private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    image = (event.result);
    ta1.text = String(event.result);
    private function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
    ta1.text = "Fault Response from HTTPService call:\n ";
    <mx:TileList x="31" y="22" initialize="init();" dataProvider = "{image}" width="630" height="149"/>
    <mx:String id="phpPicture">http://localhost/php/Picture.php</mx:String>
    <mx:HTTPService id="pic" url="{phpPicture}" method="POST"
    result="{resultHandler(event)}" fault="{faultHandler(event)}"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="136" y="325" width="182" height="221" id="ta1" editable="false"/>
    <mx:Label x="136" y="297" text="List of files in the folder" width="182" height="20" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="13"/>
    Thanks. Need help as soon as possbile. URGENT.

    i have made some changes, in the php part too, and following is the resulting code( i tried it, and found that it works.):
    PHP Code:
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
    //Open images directory
    $dir = dir("images");
    //List files in images directory
    while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false)
    if (eregi("gif", $file) || eregi("jpg", $file) || eregi("png", $file))
    echo "<image>" . $file . "</image>"; // i expect you to use the relative path in $dir, not C:\..........
    Flex Code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    private var arr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    private function callPHP():void
    var hs:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
    hs.url = 'Picture.php';
    hs.addEventListener( ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler );
    hs.addEventListener( FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler )
    private function resultHandler( event:ResultEvent ):void
    arr = event.result.root.images.image as ArrayCollection;
    private function faultHandler( event:FaultEvent ):void "Fault Response from HTTPService call:\n " );
    <mx:TileList id="tilelist"
    <mx:Image source="images/{data}" />

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    Waiting for Reply....
    Thanks in advance..........

    We used an ant script to build an XML file that will contain the files. The script is configured to use the folder structure of our CVS repository.
    We'd checkout our XML module and then run the build script and import the resulting init file.
    Code to the script is below -- caveat emptor. You'll need to change the folder structure to suit your own environment.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project basedir="." default="all" name="MyInit">
        <target name="init">
            <property location="." name="src.dir"/>
            <property location="." name="dest.dir"/>       
            <property name="" value="${}"/>
            <property location="${dest.dir}/MyInit.xml" name="MyInit.output"/>
            <property name="source.configuration" value="${dest.dir}/configuration"/>       
            <property name="source.emailTemplate" value="${dest.dir}/emailTemplate"/>
            <property name="source.forms" value="${dest.dir}/forms"/>
            <property name="source.reports" value="${dest.dir}/reports"/>               
            <property name="source.resource" value="${dest.dir}/resource"/>          
            <property name="source.rules" value="${dest.dir}/rules"/>
            <property name="source.workflow" value="${dest.dir}/workflow"/>
            <!-- get the source path -->
            <path id="configuration.path">
                <fileset dir="${source.configuration}" >
                   <include name="*.xml" />
             <property name="cp" refid="configuration.path" />
             <path id="emailTemplate.path">
                <fileset dir="${source.emailTemplate}" >
                   <include name="*.xml" />
             <property name="ep" refid="emailTemplate.path" />
             <path id="forms.path">
                <fileset dir="${source.forms}" >
                   <include name="*.xml" />
             <property name="fp" refid="forms.path" />
            <path id="reports.path">
                <fileset dir="${source.reports}" >
                   <include name="*.xml" />
             <property name="rptp" refid="reports.path" />                 
            <path id="resource.path">
                <fileset dir="${source.resource}" >
                   <include name="*.xml" />
             <property name="rep" refid="resource.path" />        
            <path id="rules.path">
                <fileset dir="${source.rules}" >
                   <include name="*.xml" />
             <property name="rp" refid="rules.path" />
            <path id="workflow.path">
                <fileset dir="${source.workflow}" >
                   <include name="*.xml" />
             <property name="wp" refid="workflow.path" />
            <!-- get the path prefix -->
             <path id="source.path">
                <pathelement location="${src.dir}" />
             <property name="sp" refid="source.path" />       
        <target depends="init"  name="win_init">
            <!-- change the path of xml files to windows path -->
            <property name="importfile.path" value="${sp}"/>                            
        <target depends="init" name="make">
        <!-- using XML character entity references to escape
        <  <
        >  >
        '  &apos;      -->    
            <echo file="${MyInit.output}" append="false"><?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>
         <!-- replace path prefix with ImportCommand -->
         <replace file="${MyInit.output}"
                  token = "${sp}"
                  value = "<ImportCommand name='include' file='${importfile.path}" />
         <!-- deal with file and path separators in an os independent way -->
         <replace file="${MyInit.output}"
                  token = "${file.separator}"
                  value = "/" />        
        <replace file="${MyInit.output}"
                  token = "${path.separator}"
                  value = "${line.separator}" />
        <replace file="${MyInit.output}"
                  token = ".xml"
                  value = ".xml'/>" />
        <target depends="init,win_init,clean,make" description="Build everything." name="all"/>
        <target depends="init" description="Clean all build products." name="clean">
            <delete file="${MyInit.output}"/>

  • How to get all image files from a folder to wwv_flow_files?

    Hi there!
    Is it possible in apex to show, in a report look-a-like, all image filenames from a folder in another machine (i enter in that machine by ip) and insert all files into wwv_flow_files?
    I want to see all files, then pick one and open a image...
    But it can't be by browse item... it has to show all filenames as a list...
    If it is possible, how can i do it?
    Best regards,
    Luis Pires

    you can connect to the server using UTL_HTTP.
    Then for each files you copy the response into a BLOB to be able to show it or to store it in a table.
    A piece of code :
       -- initialize the BLOB.
       dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_blob, false);
       -- path to the file
       l_url := 'http://your_server/your_file.jpg';
       -- begin retrieving the target.
       l_req := utl_http.begin_request(l_url);
       -- identify ourselves (some sites serve special pages for particular browsers)
       utl_http.set_header(l_req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0');
       -- start receiving the response.
       l_resp := utl_http.get_response(l_req);
       -- copy the response into the BLOB.
             utl_http.read_raw(l_resp, l_raw, 32767);
             dbms_lob.writeappend (l_blob, utl_raw.length(l_raw), l_raw);
          end loop;
          -- stop when exception end_of_body is raised
          when utl_http.end_of_body then
    end;It's a minimal example, you may need authentication, check l_resp.status_code, etc...

  • Importing multiple jpeg files from local folder into database LOB column

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    As I said I don't know how to use object data type, I just given a shot as below. I know the following code has errors can you please correct it for me.
    Sub Main()
    ' Add your code here 
    Dim f1
    As FileStream
    Dim s1
    As StreamReader
    Dim date1
    Dim rline
    Dim Filelist(1)
    Dim FileName
    Dim i
    i = 1
    date1 =
    Filelist(0) =
    Filelist(1) =
    Each FileName
    In Filelist
    f1 = File.OpenRead(FileName)
    s1 = File.OpenText(FileName)
    rline = s1.ReadLine
    Not rline
    If Left(rline, 4) =
    date1 (i)= Mid(rline, 7, 8)
     i = i + 1
    rline = s1.ReadLine
    "date").Value = date1(1)
    "date1").Value = date1(2)
    Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success

  • Importing my class files from another folder

    hello everybody ,im creating a software package for a new company and want to organise my class files into different folders so that it would be easier for someone to navigate through them and update if necessary ,how do i import an instance of a class in a file that is in a subfolder of the folder that contains the class that is calling it.(sorry for being a bit long winded) iv tried diff things and they didn't work.
    At the moment i have all the files in the one folder,but as i said above want to put them into appropriate folders.
    I would be very gratefull if someone could give me some examples and if not some appropriate links,thanks iv tried looking for this on the net but could not find anything.

    What you should probably do is to organise your classes into a heirarchy of packages not merely folders. Java expects the package structure to be reflected in the directory structure holding both the source and class files. If it's looking for a class called, say, com.mycompany.widgets.MainWidget it expects to find it in a directory com//mycompany/widgets relative the the directory on the class path.
    Use the package directive in each source file to indicate the package path.

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    Trying to get a photo file from dowmloads folder to Iphoto so I can burn to disc.Can't figure out how to do it.Tried dragging states unrecognizable file.Help.

    That's not a photo file; it's a compressed container which could contain almost anything.
    Where did you download it from? Was it shown as a photo in Google Images or one of the other search sites?

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    I don't think you understand: I want to open Dreamweaver and build a brand new site, then when I am done I want to host the dreamweaver site on the Business Catalyst platform. I dont want to use anything in BC to build the site, I just want to use the hosting platform. I do not want to import a BC site into dreamweaver or anything like that. I just want to use BC the same way I would use godaddy, or uhost or any other hosting provider. Based on your response you said that "of course its possible to build a BC site in Dreamweaver" I dont want to build a BC site, I want to build a Dreamweaver site and host it on the BC platform. Like I said before it doesnt seem like this is possible. As of now we can only build a new site in MUSE and integrate it into BC without using a BC template. Can you understand what I am saying. I DONT WANT TO USE A BC TEMPLATE, I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH BC WHILE I AM BUILDING THE SITE WITH DREAMWEAVER, JUST LIKE MUSE DOES.

  • HELP!: Question on importing images into from nested folder and subfolders

    I have a bunch of files on a backup drive and I was wondering if it will be possible to have iPhoto 08 import all the files from the top level folder on down without having to hilite all individual files in each folder and then choose IMPORT??
    What is the best way to do this?

    Apple indicates that it users the sRGB profile for it's printing. Some cameras have a profile very close to the sRGB, my Canon for one. However, some use the Adobe profile which is a much broader profile and produces darker prints on my setup (which is geared for sRGB).
    I've calibrated my monitor to the sRGB profile and set my editor of choice, Photoshop CS3, to manage the color and use the same sRGB profile. It's just way of getting closer to WYSIWYG when it comes to prints, books, etc. I emailed Apple about material quality on books and how to prepare photos and this is what I received back:
    I contacted Apple and asked for information that I could pass on. Here's the reply I received from Apple:
    "Thank you for contacting the Apple Print Products Customer Service.
    I understand that you would like to know the printing process that is used and the color mode the files should be in, so you can better advise users in the iPhoto forum.
    iPhoto version 4 or later, allows you to import and print files through the Apple Print Product service as RGB, grayscale, or CMYK color space. JPEG files with RGB color space are recommended for best results.
    While iPhoto 2 can import files of various formats, including RGB color, grayscale, and CMYK, this version requires JPEG files with RGB color space when printing photos and books.
    For more information regarding iPhoto 2, please visit the following article:
    iPhoto: Color, Black and White Prints Appear Garbled or Distorted
    For more information regarding iPhoto 5, please visit the following article:
    Here are some of the technical specifications for the books, cards, and calendars. I hope this gives you an idea about their quality and form.
    All iPhoto books are printed using acid-free paper for long-lasting image quality. The photos are printed at a high resolution (300DPI if you use iPhoto 6). There is no external modification--such as sharpening or contrast adjustment--of the photos; what you see in the application is what is printed in the book.
    Hardcovers Books
    The cover is hard-bound and covered in linen. You select the linen color during the book-ordering process. The hardcover books have a solid, stiff binding that is glued and crimped. The internal pages, measuring 8.5 x 11 inches, are printed on McCoy 100# Text Gloss paper stock.
    Softcover Books
    The softcover books come in three sizes:
    - Large 8.5 x 11 inches
    - Medium 6 x 8 inches
    - Small 2.6 x 3.5 inches
    All of the softcover books have internal pages that are printed on McCoy 100# Text Gloss paper stock. The large softcover book has a white cover (Kromekoteplus Folding Cover, 16 point) with a cutout on the front that reveals the cover-page photo in the book. The covers for the medium and small softcover books have the cover image and title printed directly on the cover. All of the softcover books have a glued binding and feature a thick cover of McCoy 100# Cover Gloss paper stock.
    All cards are printed on McCoy 120# Silk Cover paper stock. The postcards measure 4 x 6 inches, and the greeting cards measure 5 x 7inches.
    All calendars measure 8 x 10 inches and are printed on McCoy 100# Silk Cover paper stock.
    To ensure the best print quality, we have chosen to use Kodak NexPress technology. The press uses a dry toner, which is fused to the surface of the paper. Please see NexPress' site for more information:
    KODAK NEXPRESS 2500 Digital Production Color Press
    I hope you find this information helpful in answering questions on the iPhoto forum."
    See Dusky's posts in this thread:
    More printing info here:
    Another user posted fairly recently some newer info on book quality, etc. but I can';t find my reference to it. You might do a search in the iPhoto 8 forum for book quality or similar to see if you can find it.

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    Hi there,
    Digging up an old thread slightly, but is this still definitely the case? Last week double-clicking a folder definitely just opened up a folder for me to explore its contents, but now I'm constantly accidentally importing huge folders into things like After Effects and Mail... it's very annoying!
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    Hi Amit,
    you can not move specific changes from Dev to production.
    but you can follow this process to make your workflow as it is as in Dev:
    Create a new workflow on the new list in Product.
    Create at least one step, one condition and one action in this workflow.
    1. In Dev server open your .xomal file as XML and copy the entire contents.
    2.In Production server Open your .xoml file as XML and Paste the entire contents
    3. repeat this operation for the xoml.rules file
    4.Double click the .xoml file for the new workflow to open the workflow in the Workflow Designer and click Check Workflow to verify no errors and then click Finish to ensure the workflow is saved.
    Whenever you need to make changes apply the same.
    Please Mark Answer and Vote me if it will to resolve your issue

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    The Mk III requires an updated version of Camera RAw, so run Help --> Updates and install it.

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