Importing Captured Movie Troubles

So, I've created a template. I've also created movie files.
My movie needed some edits in terms of copy and pasting some
backgrounds for a few slides to aid in the timing of my ojbects and
presentation. Now that I've imported the movie into the template
the timing of these slides / backgrounds seems incorrect again.
Does this mean, I should simply just do my edits to the timing and
backgrounds once I've imported it?
It seems odd that importing would have any impact, because
the preview of the original movie is fine.

Hi cgaunti, and welcome to the Captivate User Community!
I've waited for hours hoping someone else would read your
post and answer it - because frankly, you lost me at the corner.
You said ...
My movie needed some edits in terms of copy and pasting some
backgrounds for a few slides to aid in the timing of my ojbects and
That confuses me. What could pasting backgrounds
have to do with "aid in the timing of ... objects"??
In general, your sentence ...
just do my edits to the timing and backgrounds once I've
imported it?
... is correct. That is, it's correct as far as
I am able to follow the rest of your description. So here's my
problem with your problem ...
I guess I just don't understand what you are doing. You
created a template ... then created movie files ... what's that
about?? Are you inserting SWF or other animations into a custom
template? That would jive with your comment about "timing", kind
Tell you what: If you would try again to describe what you
are doing and how you are trying to do it, then explain what you
expect to see, and what you are seeing instead of that, I'll bet we
can help. Okay? It's probably a "density" problem at my end, but
I'd love to understand you better, so with your help . . .

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    "search is my is my is my is my is my is my is my is my is my friend...."

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    Can you open the file in QuickTime Player?
    If so, click Window/Inspector, and tell us what video and audio codecs are listed by "format:".
    If the audio and video formats look ok, then I would check for chapter tracks, closed captioning tracks, etc. Extra tracks would make the movie uneditable in iMovie.

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    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct and/or helpful accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Try using Image Capture, located in your Applications folder, to import the movie and stills from the camera. You can do it manually and upload to the desktop before importing into iPhoto.
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    I really appreciate your suggestions.
    Message was edited by: iOmar

    When I connect the camera to the computer it does not automatically open iMovie.
    Was actually asking if plugging in the camera, turning it on (in the VTR mode for tape capture), and then opening iMovie '08 automatically recognized the camcorder and opened the "camera import" window. Some have reported this workflow was more successful in ensuring the camcorder was properly recognized.
    When iMovie was open I clicked on the import import button.
    Did this workflow get the iMovie '08 "camera import" window to recognized the camcorder "by name?"
    I could not open or play movie in my computer but when I use the controls in iMovie it plays and stops movie in my camera.
    Are you using the "Automatic" or the "Manual" setting? (I prefer "Manual" since I don't import every clip/file for editing.) In this mode, you use the "controls" in the "camera import" window to rewind/fast forward and start/stop playback of the tape in the import preview window. When you want to "capture" something, you just press the "import" button to begin capture and and the "stop" button to stop capturing a segment/clip. As soon as you stop, the captured clip/segment should be save and the thumbnails created. You then repeat this procedure until you have "captured" all of the files you want. Have never used it, but believe/assume the "Automatic" mode should automatically rewind your entire tape, place it in the play mode, and proceed to capture all clips contained on the tape. In any case, I had no problem capturing using the set up and manual workflow with my TRV520.

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    A year ago I followed this same process successfully to end up with a final DVD. I used the same versions of iLife 6 but, of course was not at Tiger version 10.4.11. My guess is that I was at 10.4.6 at that time.
    If anyone has a fix or a suggestion for this issue, I would be most grateful.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    I stumbled on the problem and it's solution so I thought I would post it for those interested. After two days of frustration, I accidentally discovered that the culprit was the backslash character in the name of my slideshow. While iPhoto has no problem exporting a file with that character in the name, iMovie won't accept it for importing. This sounds like an issue related to our PeeCee friends for whom the backslash is off limits. What is most puzzling is why Apple's iMovie programmers couldn't flag it as an "illegal character" error. It certainly isn't an "unknown error".
    Anyway, thanks for any thought you may have given to this issue.

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    Casey K.
    Thank you for your time!

    I am having trouble importing my movie "Disturbia", which is on my computer, into my iTunes library. It is a m4v file type and I tried dragging the movie into my library but it would not go. I also tried right clicking and open with..iTunes and it still would not go. Any ideas how I could add it to my library??
    Casey K.
    Thank you for your time!

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    Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, what was the solution?  I admit to being very surprised at the difficulty of doing an Apple-Apple transfer.  Thanks.

    What might be happening is you might need to Optimize the Video to Full Size. Use the File Menu > Optimize > Full Size for each of the video clips in your iPhoto Videos folder inside of the iMovie Events Library. That should trigger iMovie to recognize the original size/resolution of the video clips and then enable the HD size output in the iMovie Share Menu.

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