Importing from my PC

I have saved files of which I have downloaded from other sites. Sounds that are not available in iTunes. I wanted to import them to iTunes. I want to combine songs I have purchased from iTunes and other sites. If I am not going to be able to do this I will not purchase anymore music on the web.
Sure, I can burn those songs to a cd and then import them to iTunes, but why do I have to waste a cd. This seems stupid. Please, any help either importing songs into iTunes or exporting iTunes to other platforms (Music Match Jukebox). I am holding off purchasing any iTunes songs until I can merge files.

Can anyone else please repond?

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    Did you import an iPhoto Library from the old Hard Drive? Do you still have that old Library?
    The way to clear out a Library is to Export the photos - Apps like iPhoto2Disk or PhotoShare will help you export to a Folder tree matching your Events.
    For the annoying start-up message:
    Go to your Pictures Folder and find the iPhoto Library there. Right (or Control-) Click on the icon and select 'Show Package Contents'. A finder window will open with the Library exposed.
    Look there for a Folder called 'Import' or 'Importing'.
    Drag it to the Desktop. *Make no other changes*.
    Start iPhoto. Does that help?
    If it does then look inside that folder on your desktop. Does it contain anything you want? If not you can trash the folder.

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    I am not sure if Data Modeller is still in Beta./Production. First couple off initial versions of a new product are normally buggy.
    Alternatively, If this product is still in Beta, then you can contact the development team or report the issue so that they can take care of this issue in next beta release.
    Edited by: skvaish1 on Mar 30, 2010 3:18 PM
    Edited by: skvaish1 on Mar 30, 2010 3:26 PM

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    Unplug your USB cable and then press func. to enter the menu on your camera.
    plug in your cameras power supply. Then select Finalize. This will close the disc and prepare it for importing.
    I'm still having trouble, but this is a step you must follow.

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    PeriodKey = 5/31/2013 12:00:00 AM
    PriorPeriodKey = 4/30/2013 12:00:00 AM
    Rule Name = 6001
    Execution Mode = FULLREFRESH
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    at Oracle.Erpi.ErpiFdmCommon.ExecuteRule(String userName, String ssoToken, String ruleName, String executionMode, String priorPeriodKey, String periodKey, String& loadId)
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    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
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    and that Documents and Data thing was not there before.
    Can someone please give me ideas on how I can stop this rediculousness without buying a new phone?

    Did you already try the suggestions mentioned in this article?
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases

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    iTunes does not use the .xml it uses the .itl
    If you are sure your old library file migrated across (does the file size and modification dates suggest it has?) start iTunes while holding down the option/alt key and guide it to the .itl file to get it to use that one.

  • Importing from iMovie 09

    I have iMovie 09 and I just bought Final Cut Express. I created a simple movie in iMovie 09. I exported it as Final Cut XML. I imported the file in Final Cut Express. All as described in the Final Cut Express video tutorial.
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    I have tried reconnecting the files, but it doesn't seem to let me select the right file...
    Very confused... Is there anything I can do to get this working? (Preferably without having to attempt to reconnect the files)

    Thanks Tom.
    In the video tutorial it appears as if you do not need to reconnect the files. I assumed that this would only be necessary if the files had been moved, but I didn't move them. I thought that the XML files would include directions to where the video clips are stored. Do you have to manually point to the files every time that you import from iMovie?
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  • Importing from iMovie to FC Express

    I have attepted to import AVCHD files from my Canon XA20 Camcorder to FC Express with no success. I then attepted to import the same files into iMovie with success.
    I have 2 questions.
    1. How can I import AVCHD files direct int FC Express.
    2. To import from iMovie to FC Express I cannot find where iMovie video file are on the system. In FCE you can nominate a drive for the files to be put.

    That is PAL 25 fps?
    The data rate should be fine.
    AVCHD is possible to ingest directly to FCE.
    Make sure you set the comatching Easy Setup BEFORE trying to capture.
    Use Log and transfer over USB cable.

  • Importing from iMovie 06, lose capture dates

    When I import old iMovie 06 movies, the capture dates gets lost. Here is one of the original clips in iMovie 06:
    However, after importing in iMovie 11, the capture dates are lost.  I tried many variations, like import the iMovie 06 project, or cd to the *.iMovieProject directory and import the actual clips, etc.
    Now, good iMovie11 clips have the capture date imbedded in the file name (as in clip-2010-03-14 hh;mm;ss.dv).  However, the ones imported from iMovie 06 end up in iMovie 11 with simple names such as clip55.dv.  So it's not surprising I cannot see the capture dates in iMovie 11.
    So I looked inside the *.iMovieProject directory hoping to find the capture dates either in the file name or in a plist, but I couldn't (nothing in the plists below)
    ... Jan 23  2010 Cache/Thumbnails.plist
    ... Jan 23  2010 Cache/Timeline Movie Data.plist
    ... Jan 23  2010 Cache/Timeline
    ... Nov  8  2009 Media/Clip55.dv
    Finally, I opened Clip55.dv in QuickTime and looked at MovieInspector, but I could not see any capture date (similar to exif in jpegs).
    So obviously I missed them. My question is where in the iMovie 06 project can I find them?   If accessible, I can write a script to fix the clips imported in iMovie11 by changing their names. I tried it manually, and it worked.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi - Couple of things.
    Click on the offending clip that you imported from iMovie in your FCP Bin and type Command + 9 to see the item properties. Either report those item properties, or if easier, take a screen shot of the item properties and post that.
    Then click any where on the timeline you are having trouble with and type Command + 0 (Zero) to see the sequence settings. Either report those settings or take a screen shot of the Sequence Settings window and post that.
    In order for FCP to use the video without rendering, both the items properties of the source clip, and the sequence settings must match - and both must be within standard production parameters.
    Also, you can click on the source clip in the FCP Bin, then control-click on the clip and select Reveal in Finder from the drop down menu. Once that file is revealed, open it in Quicktime 7 and see if if plays correctly there.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to prevent users from running PRC: Transaction Import from WebADI form?

    We are 12.1.3 and trying to create a workflow to approve Project transactions coming through web ADI before they become effective. To this end, we want to prevent users from running the PRC: Transaction Import from the Web ADI.
    I know that if the checkbox Automatically run transaction import is not checked, the program does not run. But we want to hide this checkbox and not allow the possibility that the program could get triggered.
    To this end, we updated the BNE_INTEGRATORS_B with source='C'. This allows you to edit the integrator from Desktop Integration Manager.
    In the 4th step, where the value for Uploader Parameters is set, we have set boolean value to No. These are the fields on the page:
    Parameter Name: bne:import
    Display Name: Start Transaction Upload
    Data Type: Boolean
    Category: Field
    Default Value: Boolean Flag: No
    Description: start Transaction Import Concurrent Request
    Display Options: Displayed: Unchecked
    Display Options: Enabled: Checked
    Display Options: Required: Checked
    Prompt Left: Automatically submit Transaction import
    Display Type: Check Box
    Maximun Size: 100
    Display Size:100
    Now the checkbox is not appearing for the user to check it, But the program is automatically running when you hit Upload in the WebADI. 

    Hi ,
    Try removing the PRC: Transaction Import Program from the request group for the responsibility used by customers to submit the WebADI and then check if the program launches.

  • Hi All, We are in to Release is a specific requirement to Prevent users from creating Manual Sales Orders in oracle and yet users should be able to book the Sales Orders Imported from CRM system into Orcale.Please advise.

    Hi All, We are in to Release is a specific requirement to Prevent users from creating Manual Sales Orders in Oracle and  yet users should be able to book the Sales Orders Imported from CRM system into Orcale.Please advise.

    Thanks for your advise.
    However, I missed to mention that we have two set of users  One is for Finished Goods and another for Spares.
    Only Spares users need to be prevented from creating Direct/Manual Sales Orders in Oracle.
    As you suggested, if this will be done at Form level, that may Disallow FG users also to create Manula Sales Orders which should not be the case.
    Further, I tried to test one scenario through Processing Constraints but it did not work.
    Validation Type
    Short Name
    Validation Semantics
    Created By
    Equal To
    Processing Cosntraint
    Order Header
    User Action
    Not Allowed
    Validation Entity
    Record Set
    Validation Template
    Order Header
    Above Created
    Please advise.

  • How to find out what was imported from a dump file

    I got the dump file from a group and they told me to import it. Import job went successfully without errors as following:
    Import: Release - Production on Mon Oct 16 20:53:12 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    Export file created by EXPORT:V09.02.00 via conventional path
    Warning: the objects were exported by OPS$ORACLETS, not by you
    import done in US7ASCII character set and UTF8 NCHAR character set
    import server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)
    export server uses AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set (possible ncharset conversion)
    . importing OPS$ORACLETS's objects into SYS
    . importing BDS_APP's objects into BDS_APP
    Import terminated successfully without warnings.
    How do i find out what was imported from a dump file?

    another way would be to just list the contents of the dump file
    imp user/pass file=dumpfile show=Y

  • After upgrading to Yosemite (I don't have iPhoto anymore, only PHOTOS) my pictures will not import from my iPad or iPhone 5s or any picture from web, it shows "Database Error: failured to persist version"

    After upgrading to Yosemite (I don't have iPhoto anymore, only PHOTOS) my pictures will not import from my iPad or iPhone 5s or any picture from web, it shows "Database Error: failured to persist version".  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Yes, the error message is exactly like that  ("Database error: failured to persist version")
    No photos will import at all.  I use USB to import from iPhone 5s or iPad 2. 
    About the difference?  iPhoto and Photos .  Are there two softwares?
    I also will like to merge and/or synchronize all my photos I had saved to iCloud backups, Macbook Pro,  iPhone 5s and iPad hard drives using iPhoto.  It's call iPhoto library.  At one point I turned off streaming. 
    Thanks again Larry HN.

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