Importing sony cx115 data to imovie

When I am trying to import videos to Imovie I get this error message (translated from dutch). "Event cant be made. Importing has been canceled. Possibly you have insufficient rights to write to '/Users/me/movies/ImovieEvents.localised." What to do?!?!?! I am desperate, first I thought it had to do with my camcorder (returned a JVC), then I thought it had to do with my older version of Imovie (updated to version 11)....Before I updated imovie to imovie 11, I tried it out in the store, worked perfectly there...My guess is that its a some kind of protection issue, for example when I am copying a large file from an external HD to my mac it asks my to type in my password but it doesnt give me that opportunity when I want to import data to imovie...I would highly appreciate your help!! Have a merry X-mass everybody.

Yes, Brorsoft MXF converter for Mac can keep the original video quality after the conversion. I have use it for a long time and I haven't met any trouble with it. It fastly converts MXF to comfortable video format for FCP, FCE, iMovie, Adobe PPro, Avid MC, ect, as I want. The included profile allows you set the best video and audio settings for playing and editing on your Mac.
You can click here to free download and have a try, you will find it is easy to use. Thanks for sharing.

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    The best way to do this is to take a SD card out of your camera and insert it into a card reader. Then you can import directly from the camera. Do this for all future movies you shoot. There is no need for a third party converter.  You can also connect your camera via USB and import directly from the camera. In this case, you need to hook up your camera to AC power, not batteries only.
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    Message was edited by: BobB93

    Have you seen this page: rect=&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MTEsMT EmcF9wcm9kcz0wJnBfY2F0cz0mcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9wYWdlPTEmcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1tYWMgaW 1vdmll&p_li=&ptopview=1

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    *First: it sounds like you are not importing to iMovie, it sounds like you are trying to browse to the clips. That may not work.*
    Ok - I was trying to import and also to view directly on the camcorder (but not at the same time). It was maybe 2 questions rolled into one so apologies if that was confusing...
    *Second:You have SD and HD mixed, All of the SD has to be imported before any HD can be imported according to the manual.*
    So what would I do, import SD movies first, and then delete it to then import HD specifically? Or do I just import SD and then import HD separately without deleting SD footage from the camcorder?
    *Third point: The clips can be on the hard drive or the card. The camera has to be set to the media with the clips you want to import. If you recorded to the card, then switched to the hard drive, you won't be able to import the card video until you switch back.*
    I dont have a card at the moment - only using the HDD.
    *When you have the import working it is a matter of using the check box to select the clips you want.*
    i assume iMovie loads them all up and asks you which ones you want to import?
    *Alos one final point for video on the card I find it much easier to use a card reader to import. When I plug in the card reader to my usb port it mounts on the desk top, I start iMovie and the import screen comes up after iMovie is all opened up and running.*
    I dont see much point in the card reader at the moment as the HDD is 120GB whereas I assume memory sticks only go to 8GB or so max...
    *I hope I have been of some help.*
    yes thanks for that - but am still confused by the whoel iMovie & HD import situation and how I should be doing it
    All help appreciated

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    Not really, but I would have persued the matter further by checking the source files manually. If you open your iMovie HD project package, you will find a folder named "Media" inside. This folder contains your "imported" files, as well as, any rendered transitions, titles, and/or special effects currently in use in the project. Any or all of these files may be movied (if you plan to manually "trash" the project) or copied (if you wand to keep the iMovie HD project) to another area of your hard drive where they would be accessable for normal import by iMovie '08. Further, if you want to import the current "assembled" timeline from iMovie HD, you can do the same to the file you will find in the "Shared Movies > iDVD" folder in your project. If such files cannot be imported either, then I would lean towards your have some sort of "problem install" of the application, software conflict problem, or possible problem at the system level.

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    Hi Walter,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below will give you some insight as to how iMovie organizes video:
    iMovie '11: Organize your video
    Organize the Event Library
    When you import video from your camera into iMovie, you name the video (called an Event), and then by default iMovie lists it in the Event Library by the date it was recorded.
    To separate clips in the Event browser by the days they were recorded, choose View > “Show Separate Days in Events.”
    You might want to do this if you have any Events that contain video that was recorded on more than one day. For example, an Event could have video recorded on New Year’s Eve and on New Year’s Day. To find specific clips more easily, you could separate the footage by date.
    I hope this information helps ...
    - Judy

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    Another option is to download the free app MPEG Streamclip from Squared 5 here:
    After loading the DVD on your Mac, drag the icon onto Streamclip's window. From the menu choose File>Export to QuickTime then for Compression select the Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC). Adjust the quality slider from 50% to about 75% - that should give good quality at a reasonable file size. Leave other settings as they are and click on Make Movie. From the next box, choose a name for the file (it will be a .mov file) and a save location (say Desktop).
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    Note that you may be asked to instal a file from Apple. It's named QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component for Mac OS X. It's priced at US$19.99 and is available from the US Apple Store here:
    Message was edited by: John Cogdell

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    iMovie does not natively support 60P. Suggest you try 30P from Motion. When you export out of iMovie, it will be 30P anyway.

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    Hi sblackatc - and welcome to Discussions!
    I have the same camera which works perfectly with iMovie '09 version 8.0.5
    iMovie '09 will not recognise HD (AVCHD) footage if you also have SD (MPEG-2) footage on the camera. You must erase all SD video from the camera, after archiving/importing it to your Mac. The camera will then be able to see your HD video. See this Apple article:
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    After connecting to your Mac via USB, open the LCD monitor on the camera. It should show a menu page labelled "USB Select". On this menu touch the item labelled "Computer" with the hard disk icon (not the memory stick icon). The camera will then show that it is connecting with the computer. Wait a while for iMovie to connect and generate the thumbnails for each clip. You should then be able to import and/or archive all clips on the camera.
    Hope this helps!

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    dnito wrote:
    I need to import some video and audio form some beta tapes and am wondering if this can be done in iMovie 09? Some of the tapes are hour long documentaries that i have scored and I have read on this forum that people have run into problems when trying to capture more than 5 minutes of footage. I have also read that there have been issues capturing the audio.
    Would I have more success capturing in FCE? Picture and audio quality is paramount for me.
    You can import into iMovie '09, but you need some kind of analog-digital video converter.
    Apple sells this one:
    but there are many other devices available. Some with less features are substantially cheaper.
    My old Firewire connected camcorders can do this conversion, but not all can, so take a look at your camcorder's manual if you do not already know.
    iMovie can take the Firewire output of your converter and capture the import directly to your disk.
    The video output quality of VCR tapes will not be as high as digital sources, but, in my experience, you will certainly lose some video quality with iMovie '09. I suggest you test a short segment captured or imported into iMovie '09. If you see video too much degradation, test with FCE. FCE will retain all the quality that your VCR tapes can offer.
    EZ Jim
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz w/Mac OS X (10.6.2)  MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.2)
    LED Cinema Display  G4 PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11)  iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

  • Unable to import video from camcorder into iMovie HD

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    The icons on the DVD appear to be PC files and are not compatible. Does anyone know how I can take off the footage I have shot and get it into iMovie HD, please?
    My secondary thought is that maybe I need to be able to convert the footage clips into Quicktime files, maybe, but I don't know how to go about this, if, indeed, that is the solution.
    Please, please help
    regards, Huguenot

    Your camcorder is incompatible with iMovie 5, which is designed to use DV streams from tape, imported via firewire.
    If your camcorder uses DVD disks it likely produces files in mpeg2 format, which is the standard, compressed, final delivery format of a DVD and is not intended for further editing, and cannot be imported into iMovie 5.
    I am a bit puzzled as to why you chose that camcorder!
    Ideally you should take it back and exchange it for a camcorder that records onto mini DV tape and which has a firewire output.
    As it is, firstly you cannot import the footage due to lack of firewire. Secondly, in order to use iMovie at all you will have to convert the mpeg2 files into a DV files which is what iMovie uses.
    For that you need mpegStreamclip:
    which is free, but you must also have the Apple mpeg2 plugin :
    which is a mere $20.
    Another possibility is to use DVDxDV:
    which costs $25.
    But any way you do it, there will be penalty in terms of quality.

  • Import Fixed Assets data

    Hi all,
    I got error msg when i import fixed asset data, the format data already follow the import template.
    This is the error msg:
    Time     AppID     ExtID     Sev     Scope     Message
    2008-01-29 13:02:55.678      0     BA     ER     CBAMasterDataTransfer::CBAMasterDataTransfer     Year Values: INVK001;Z-007-IKA;Handycam Sony;;2005-01-31;;;;;;;;7247000;;;100;2005-02-01;48;25;LINP;166679896;;1/1/2007;690;23;;;;200;2005-02-01;48;25;D20;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    2008-01-29 13:03:00.037      0     BA     ER     CFrmMasterDataTransfer::FormPutData     Exception caught!
    I use SAP 2005A PL 31 and Fixed Asset version 65
    Thanks in advance

    You have a date in your data sheet that is formatted 1/1/2007, this needs to be formatted as 2007-01-01, I think it is the depreciation start date?

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    I am trying to connect my Sony DCR-TRV350 to iMovie so that I can make DVD's from family videos.  I am having problems getting the video camera connected.  Any advice on how to do this?

    What happens when, after you connect your cam, you go to File > Import Media?
    But before that, does your cam require you to export your video files upon USB connection? I have a JVC Everio HD and I have to "Export to Library" from the cam's menu first-thing. This was true even in prior iMovie versions.

Maybe you are looking for

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