Improper Filtering in forums

Hi Team,
After login to technet, i filter forum to Scripting & sharepoint questions it shows me correct result. But if page is refreshed my filter is changed to Exchange and microsoft office. Is this the expected behaviour ??
Below screenshot for reference:
Prasad Tandel

I tried to duplicate this combo but could not find the PowerShell forum within msdn/office branding. Only way I could get there was via TechNet branding.
Regards, Dave Patrick ....
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

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    According to the T&Cs, Apple monitors/filters these forums and;
    General Clause 6. Apple involvement. Apple does not formally provide technical support on the Site. However, any information that is provided by Apple or Apple employees is offered on an “AS IS” basis without warranties of any kind.
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    Disable AxtiveX filtering.
    If that doesn't help, then use another browsewr besides Internet Exploder.
    Firefox (from Mozilla)
    Opera (from Opera)
    Safari (from Apple)
    Chrome (from Google)
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    private ByteArrayOutputStream     output;
         private int                              contentLength;
         private String                         contentType;
         private CharArrayWriter               myOut;
         private int                              mode;
         public JPServletResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse response) {
              output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
              this.myOut = new CharArrayWriter();
         public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
              return new JPServletOutputStream(output);
         public PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException {
              return new PrintWriter(this.myOut);
         public byte[] getData() {
              return output.toByteArray();
         public int getContentLenght() {
              return this.contentLength;
         public void setContentLength(int len) {
              this.contentLength = len;
         public String getContentType() {
              return this.contentType;
         public void setContentType(String type) {
              this.contentType = type;
         public int getMode() {
              return mode;
         public void setMode(int mode) {
              this.mode = mode;
         public String toString() {
              return myOut.toString();
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    I think RowOrdinal is the problem. You can try below suggestion:
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

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    "Chrome plays videos fine
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    Chrome has its own embedded Flash Player - the installed version DOESN'T affect it.
    HTML5 DOESN'T use Flash (It's MP4 or webm)
    Download the Flash Player uninstaller. Flash Player uninstaller
    Download the Adobe Flash Player installer directly by clicking the following links.
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    SAVE all files.
    On each workstation:
    Run the uninstaller to remove both ActiveX and regular Flash Player.
    Reboot and then run the installers to replace both plugins.
    Check to be sure FP is enabled for IE:
    Disable ActiveX filtering:

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    ID: 4677731
    Position: 1630 seconds
    Protocol: rtmp
    Extension: mp4
    Transfer: 30 Bytes
    Video size: 640 x 360
    Audio codec: mp4a
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    Max speed: 0 bps
    Video FPS: 25
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    Audio frequency: 44100 hz
    Memory: 58.61 MB
    Buffer: 0%
    Buffer size: 0.202 seconds
    Dropped Frames: 1
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    "Chrome plays videos fine
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    Chrome has its own embedded Flash Player - the installed version DOESN'T affect it.
    HTML5 DOESN'T use Flash (It's MP4 or webm)
    Download the Flash Player uninstaller. Flash Player uninstaller
    Download the Adobe Flash Player installer directly by clicking the following links.
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    SAVE all files.
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    Check to be sure FP is enabled for IE:
    Disable ActiveX filtering:

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    John Bertram
    (FCP 5.1.4)

    Layer the footage and use the garbage matte to
    isolate the area you want.
    Just to clarify, is that the route I was actually starting to consider earlier (but then abandoned thinking there had to be a way to do it within the one track):
    i.e.: Copy the clip's video up one track, do the matte + customized filter thing on the upper track, after which that isolated part of the image blocks out the identical but improperly filtered area below it.
    I guess the only downside will be that when I adjust one of the other filters in the stack (changing the contrast or diffusion levels, for example), I'll have to remember to make the exact same change in the duplicated stack of filters one track up.
    And should I also take from your suggestion of the two-track workflow that there is indeed no FCP equivalent to the Photoshop technique of making a selection, and then creating an adjustment layer which applies only to that selected area?

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    Thank you a million times in advance, Tupy.

    Layer the footage and use the garbage matte to
    isolate the area you want.
    Just to clarify, is that the route I was actually starting to consider earlier (but then abandoned thinking there had to be a way to do it within the one track):
    i.e.: Copy the clip's video up one track, do the matte + customized filter thing on the upper track, after which that isolated part of the image blocks out the identical but improperly filtered area below it.
    I guess the only downside will be that when I adjust one of the other filters in the stack (changing the contrast or diffusion levels, for example), I'll have to remember to make the exact same change in the duplicated stack of filters one track up.
    And should I also take from your suggestion of the two-track workflow that there is indeed no FCP equivalent to the Photoshop technique of making a selection, and then creating an adjustment layer which applies only to that selected area?

  • Intensive slider control use may lead to LabVIEW hang and system instability when coupled to event loop "Value Change"

     Occasionally, over the past year or two, I have noticed on different machines and versions of LabVIEW (8.0 and 8.5) that intensive operation of the LabVIEW slider control (holding down the left mouse button and shaking the mouse quickly back and forth to move the slider for several seconds) may cause LabVIEW to hang with high CPU usage (50% on my current test machine, which has a Pentium IV "hyperthreaded" processor, so 50% is the max that a single thread can take up). In some instances, after the LabVIEW process is forced to quit, the system itself becomes unstable (more high CPU usage) or hangs, up to and including the need for a hard restart. I have seen this behavior both when handling slider change events the "old fashioned" way with a while loop and a case structure; and also when using a while loop with an event structure handling the "Value Change" event for the slider. 
    Attached is an .rtf file dump of the front panel and block diagram of a simple test VI that replicates this problem in my hands (using an event structure). The loop count runs to at least several hundred iterations before the crash occurs.
    At least for the "old fashioned" loop handling method, adding a forced wait of a few dozen msec per loop didn't seem to be a workaround. I haven't tried this idea with the event structure, but don't expect joy to follow. The possibility of a system hang discourages aggressive experimentation. 
    Is this a known issue? Can anyone else replicate it (carefully)? In any case, I'd welcome other suggestions for workarounds.
    Darin Nelson
    Hang Slider.rtf ‏683 KB

    Thanks for all your responses, and especially to those who are waggling their mice around trying to reproduce this. I'll respond to (most aspects of) the last several posts in one message.
      I'll see if I can get the original code to post in a separate message, I posted the .rtf originally because I thought there might be filtering on forum posts (I'm sort of new here). But I doubt you re-created it wrong.
      The "more modern" test hardware was an Intel Core2 , 2.4 GHz, 2Gb RAM, on an Intel 965 family motherboard. As I said, it took me two tries to trigger the error on this hardware; in the case where it triggered, I was at almost 12000 iterations before things went south. 10000 iterations, therefore, might not be enough--or you might never get it, for all I know. My Pentium 4 Hyperthreaded machine (3.2 GHz, 2 Gb RAM) triggers the hang much more easily (always within 2500 iterations, usually within 1000), so there seems to be some hardware dependence here. Maybe the workaround is just to use hardware recent enough that no one not under the influence of strange compulsions will accidentally trigger the hang.
      After reading your suggestion, I tried something even more radical  -- getting rid of the handling code altogether. I took the slider node out of the while loop, and removed all code inside the "Slide" case of the event structure.
     On my Pentium 4 machine, the hang triggered after 677 iterations.
    Brian Beal:
    /* Style Definitions */
    p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
    font-family:"Times New Roman";
    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
    font-family:"Courier New";
    mso-ascii-font-family:"Courier New";
    mso-hansi-font-family:"Courier New";
    mso-bidi-font-family:"Courier New";
    @page Section1
    {size:8.5in 11.0in;
    margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;
     Huh, I never even noticed that checkbox existed. Anyway, yes, I
    kept the default to lock out the front panel while the event process. If I
    disable it… I still get the hang.
    Message Edited by dman on 02-04-2008 06:36 AM

  • Filtering of result list in Forums

    When browsing the list of questions in a forum, there is a filter box available that provides 4 options for controlling which questions are displayed:
    - All Threads
    - Open Questions
    - Answered Questions
    - Questions with no replies
    While these 4 options are useful, I wonder if the list could be expanded or changed to provide better results.
    With the new stricter moderation, there are quite a number of threads being locked in some forums.  The "Open Questions" option does not exclude locked posts, but I would suggest that anyone looking for open questions is probably not interested in locked ones.  The "Questions with no replies" option also seems to include locked posts.   Perhaps an additional check-box "Include Locked Posts?" could be added next to the filter dropdown, defaulting to "Off".
    Or perhaps just an additional option - "Exclude Resolved and Locked entries"?
    The option for "Questions with no replies" might also be more useful if it could be used as "Questions with less than [n] replies" with [n] selectable by the user.
    An option to filter the list based on Title "contains" / "does not contain" a specified word would also be of use to limit the display list in forums like ABAP General to items that are of interest.
    It would also be nice if the filter option was available to filter the results in the "Recent Threads" part of the display when when looking at group category levels such as ABAP Development. 
    Additional options to filter based on view count or author also come to mind.
    One that I would like would be the ability to filter based on who has replied to the thread - there are a number of names out there that make me read a thread even when it is a question I know nothing about, just to see what gems the reply contains.  I have learned new techniques more than once in this manner.
    Given the number of threads that are posted in ABAP Development each day, any way to control the list of questions viewed will make it more likely that questions will be seen by the person(s) best able to answer them.
    I am sure others will have different requirements for filtering the lists depending on their personal approach to reading and responding to questions, and that options available will be restricted by the way the SCN forum data is organised. 

    I wrote the below code
    onFilter: function(oEvent) {
         // add filter for search
        var aFilters = [];
        var sQuery = oEvent.getSource().getValue();
        if (sQuery && sQuery.length > 0) {
          var filter = new sap.ui.model.Filter("Mcod1", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Contains, sQuery);
        // update list binding
        this._oDialog = sap.ui.xmlfragment("MyDialog", "", this);
        var list = sap.ui.getCore().byId("MyDialog--master1List");
      list.bindAggregation("items", {path:pathStr
             ,template : new sap.m.ObjectListItem(
                    {title:"{Mcod1} ",
                      number : "", type: "Active",
                      attributes: [new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
                            text : "(#{Kunn2}, {Vkgrp}, {Vkbur})"
                      new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
                            text : "#{Stras}, {Mcod3}, {Regio}-{Pstlz}"
    But displaying the below errors in console
    2015-04-23 17:42:12 [index.html] adding element with duplicate id 'MyDialog--salesOffice'
    Uncaught Error: Error: adding element with duplicate id 'MyDialog--salesOffice'
    2015-04-23 17:42:12 [index.html] adding element with duplicate id 'MyDialog--salesGroup'
    Uncaught Error: Error: adding element with duplicate id 'MyDialog--salesGroup'

  • [Forum FAQ] A custom filterable list definition

    A list can be filtered by query string from URL, now we need to create a custom list definition contains this feature.
    Here are the steps in details:
    1. Create a List Definition project in Visual Studio 2010;
    2. Modify the Schema.xml file in the list definition project as below:
    3. Build and deploy the solution to SharePoint 2010 server;
    4. Here are the screenshots about how it works:
    Filter the list with such an URL:
    Creating SharePoint 2010 List Definitions in Visual Studio 2010
    SharePoint 2010 - Create List Definition and Instance
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    A good solution. Liked it very much. Can you please make it a technet blog for others.
    [email protected]

  • My Forums Threads "selected forums" filters should be links

    First of all, let me say, "Nice changes in today's new forum software!" There are many improvements.  Keep up the good work.
    I think the "selected forums" chips in the left bar should function as links to the individual forums.  Right now they are nothing but labels and X's to remove the filter.  Making them a link too would be useful.  They are really
    bold looking now (perhaps too much so) and they draw my attention a lot.  So it makes me want to investigate particular forums by clicking on them.  But that doesn't happen because they aren't links.

    You can clear the other blocks provided that there's a way to get them back.
    Either by navigating back (back button in browser) or by restoring the filter (perhaps by navigating to "My Forums Threads" again.)
    Note:  What I would not want to see is to have My Forums get reset to just that one forum permanently.  That would be totally wrong.
    I was thinking it would literally just be a hyperlink to the forum.  (the ^/threads link of the particular forum that corresponds to the chip.  Just like all the forum names link in "My Forums" page.)

  • Macbook Pro 15" late 2008 random improper shutdowns on battery

    Hi, my macbook pro 15" late 2008 model shuts down by itself when on battery. The problem started one day out of nowhere about 2 months ago. There seems to be no recurring pattern in the shutdowns as I can sometimes use the computer for one or two hours, sometimes only 5 minutes before it shuts down. The computer works perfectly when the charger is plugged in, and also when the battery is pulled out and only the charger is plugged in.
    Here is what I've done so far:
    Reset of the SMC
    Reset of PRAM
    Repair of hard disk and disk permissions with Disk Utility
    Reinstallation of Snow Leopard 10.6.3 from disc and then install of all software updates
    Reinstallation of all updates with the downloadable Combo Update
    None of this fixed the problem.
    I am a student in Glasgow, but normally live in Luxemburg. When I went back to Lux for the holidays I sent the mac for repair at Lineheart Luxemburg. The first time it was returned to me after a week. They hadn't detected the problem because they had only ran the tests with the charger pluggged in. I was quite annoyed as you might understand. All they told me was to buy an 85W charger for the mac as I only had a 60W one. This is my uncles old computer and I don't know why he had the wrong charger. I got the computer a year ago and it had worked flawlessly until now. The 85W charger didn't fix my problem.
    I sent the mac back to Lineheart and they ran a second test for free. They found the problem and all they did was to repair the hard drive with Disk Utility and reinstall Snow Leopard 10.6.3. WHICH I HAD ALREADY DONE MYSELF. This time I was really annoyed. The problem basically occured again straight after I went to get the computer.
    Now I am back in Glasgow and I have an appointment at the Genius Bar tomorrow. I hope they can be of a bit more help although the people at Lineheart are "Apple Mac Certified Technicians" too. I've already spent 140€ for nothing.
    All I really want is to test the computer with another battery since the problem seems to really come from there. However none of the technicians did this and I don't have any friends with a similar model of Macbook.
    The cycle count is at 263 and the status is "normal" for the battery.
    There is a weird problem though, when I plugg in the charger the icon on the top right will first say "not charging" if I unplug the cable at this moment the computer dies. If I leave it in for about a minute it will start calculating the time until full charge. This takes MUCH LONGER than it used to and when it's done I get something silly like 20 hours or 6:30 hours until full charge. After 5-10 minutes it starts calculating again. After a long time I get something more sensible like 1:30 or 2 hours until full charge. Notice that during this entire time, the percentage of the charge will not have change by a single percent. It can sometimes take up to an hour until the battery actually starts charging.
    I've read on different forums that this can be related to the logic board and then my Macbook will just have to become a stationary computer since I can't pay 1200€ to get the logic board replaced. I really hope I just need battery replacement.
    Also, after I turn on the mac again after an improper shutdown my antivirus (avast!) will give me a message "An internal error has occured. You can find more information in the system logs. After filtering for shutdown this is what I found. (sorry for the screenshot, I couldn't find how to copy the log)
    Sorry for this very long description but I wanted you to have all the information. I'm really getting desperate so any help is appreciated even if it's only on how to locate the problem I would be so gratefull. Thank you all.
    Daniel Lecoq

    Yes, I boot up from the OS 10.6.3 installation disc and use Disc Utility to repair Disk and Permissions. I must tell you though, I've done the disc repair and permission repair quite a few times and it has never helped. Right now I've forgotten the OS disc in Luxemburg so I can only get it when I'm back in 3 weeks.
    I ran Disc Utility today though and repaired permissions. The only one that wasn't fixed was an SUID-file.
    I also checked the disc and it has some problems but I can't fix them until I get my OS disc or if I ask them to do it at the Genius Bar.
    Yes, I have a Time Machine backup on an external usb HDD, last time I backed up was yesterday.

Maybe you are looking for