IMS: Cannot connect... error -9813

I have QT 703, and iTunes 6; I have my Firewall set in Sharing to accept iTunes. I cant even find the definition of -9813...
Not only can I NOT buy songs-It wont even let me open an account!(same error)-was testing...I have one.

well, they had d*mn well better get this fixed-either by 10.4.3 or iTunes 6.01-It just amazes me that they issue updates that fix one problem, only to create another.
I thought the whole point of APPLEs mono system structure was to avoid these problems

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    I suppose you might have a proxy. In Browser, you can specify proxy used.
    Same to ODI, in Studio, tools->Reference, specify your proxy. Then try.
    Next time, you can also use SoapUI to try, if SoapUI can access, ODI should can access.

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    Anyone else having this problem?
    I've already tried a bunch of things: rebooted the ipad, logged out then back into iTunes, changed the DNS servers to, and set date ahead one year. I still can't see more music genres in the iTunes Store.

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  • App store cannot connect, error 0x80072efd

    Win 8.1 Pro 64 Bit
    To clear some other issues, I un-joined the domain on this system and re-joined the domain and linked my MS account with the domain account. All networking is fine expecpt app store. I get cannot connect, 0x80072efd.
    Metro Weather, IE & Maps do not work. In my non-domain account on the system, they all do.
    I have been all over google to find corrective action to no avail.
    In the old configuration (before un-join), all work
    What is going wrong & how to fix it?
    John Lenz

    Meanwhile, you can run wsreset.exe in the domain account to clear the Windows Store app cache, see if it works.
    Since this issue only happens after joining to the domain, so does this issue happen on other domain accounts? You can contact the domain administrator, check whether there're some policies applied block the connection.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • TS1368 Done all of the above...everything is in order, still cannot connect to the store.  I have the 5th gen iPod and $50 iTunes gift card.  I am going to return both of these items it I cannot find a fix for this.

    Make sure that you can access the Internet on your computer or device.
    Make sure that your computer meets the iTunes minimum system requirements.
    Make sure that your operating system is up-to-date:
    Done all of the above...everything is in order, still cannot connect to the store.  I have the 5th gen iPod and $50 iTunes gift card that I cannot use(been trying now for 6 days).  I am going to return both of these items if I cannot find a fix for this.

    When I called Apple (after wating 42 min. for a live person) I was told to run the APPLE Software Update and turn off location services then restart my computer.  There were no available updates. The iPod touch I got on Christmas day.  The iTunes app was downloaded the same day.  Since day 1 I have not been able to connect.  I also followed lllaass's advice and followed instructions on the following 2 websites.
    After restarting my computer:
    From the iTunes app I click on the 'iTunes Store'
    A new window opens and I get the following message:
    This Apple ID has not yet veen used with the iTunes Store.
    Please review your account information
    So I click on 'Review' and am taken to a crude screen that says
    Welcome to the iTunes Store
    With an Apple ID, you can download the latest music, videos, and more.
    To begin creating your Apple ID, click Continue.
    So I click on 'Continue'
    A pop up window says:
    We could not complete your iTunes Store request. An unknown error occurred (-1202).
    There was an error in the iTunes Store.  Please try again later.
    And the only option I am left with is to click 'OK'
    After every fix this same scenerio just loops and loops and loops

  • Fix for cannot connect to iTunes store

    I have been working on this problem (iTunes for Windows) since April 2012 and finally got it working. I have gone through all the suggested "advanced" trouble shooting procedures with no luck. I even tried opening a work order with them which was a waste of time because they had me retry everything I had already tried and never read my responses. I am attaching all my notes on what I have tried since the beginning. What I think was the issue all along was .net 4. The fix was listed in 12-03-12 where I removed everything, including .net 4, installed an earlier version back when iTunes was still working. I am now running version and it is still working, Good Luck!
    Updated to latest version of iTunes
    Windows had put back .net ver 4
    Did repair of .net 4 from control panel, add/remove programs
    Did repair of iTunes from control panel, add/remove programs
    Went to store tab, review my Apple ID, it displayed my account info
    From there went to the music icon, selected one of the drop down options
    Store displayed all the music in that category
    Store is still working
    Fixed 12-03-12!!!
    Removed iTunes, all the apple crap, bonjour and QuickTime
    Rebooted and reinstalled an earlier version of  iTunes ver 10.3.1 9 (still didn't work)
    Removed .NET (it was ver 4)
    Rebooted and retried iTunes, still no iTunes store.
    Removed iTunes ver 10.3.1, rebooted and reinstalled iTunes ver 10.3.1 with no .NET stuff at all and it worked.
    So iTunes didn't need the .NET stuff to work but it must have been corrupted in a way that won't let it connect to the iTunes store correctly.
    Next I am going to upgrade to the latest version without .NET to see if it still works. If not I will fall back.
    New items checked 11-28-12: (did not fix issue)
    Set primary DNS to
    Set the Date Forward and Revert Back
    Open the Settings app and go to General > Date & Time
    On the Date & Time screen, tap to turn off ‘Set Automatically’
    Tap on ‘Set Date & Time’ and enter a date a couple of years or more in the future.
    Go out of Settings and then straight back in and turn  ‘Set Automatically’ to restore the current date and time.
    ran the program
    New items checked 04-14-12: (did not fix issue)
    Made sure SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0 enabled (
    Made sure Date and Time was correct
    ran ipconfig /flushdns (
    check for proxy server setting
    added trusted domains (
    ran msconfig configured as per instructions (
    created another windows account and ran iTunes still could not connect to iTunes Store
    Original items checked 04-11-12: (did not fix iTunes Store issue)
    Read through iTunes support forums and tried all these items. Still cannot connect to iTunes Store
    Uninstalled iTunes in this order:
                (1) iTunes
                (2) QuickTime
                (3) Apple Software Update
                (4) Apple Mobile Device Support
                (5) Bonjour
                (6) Apple Application Support
    Then reinstalled the latest version of iTunes
    Winsock Fix:
                netsh winsock reset
                netsh winsock reset catalog
                netsh int ip reset reset.log 
    Opened iTunes in Safe Mode, still could not connect
    Did the autoruns app  -
    turned off antivirus to see if it was blocking access, still could not connect
    turned off firewall - it is configured to allow iTunes access with all protocols
    De-authorized and then reauthorized computer
    updated NIC driver
    Disabled itunes store in Preferences / Parental and then re-enabled it

    When I called Apple (after wating 42 min. for a live person) I was told to run the APPLE Software Update and turn off location services then restart my computer.  There were no available updates. The iPod touch I got on Christmas day.  The iTunes app was downloaded the same day.  Since day 1 I have not been able to connect.  I also followed lllaass's advice and followed instructions on the following 2 websites.
    After restarting my computer:
    From the iTunes app I click on the 'iTunes Store'
    A new window opens and I get the following message:
    This Apple ID has not yet veen used with the iTunes Store.
    Please review your account information
    So I click on 'Review' and am taken to a crude screen that says
    Welcome to the iTunes Store
    With an Apple ID, you can download the latest music, videos, and more.
    To begin creating your Apple ID, click Continue.
    So I click on 'Continue'
    A pop up window says:
    We could not complete your iTunes Store request. An unknown error occurred (-1202).
    There was an error in the iTunes Store.  Please try again later.
    And the only option I am left with is to click 'OK'
    After every fix this same scenerio just loops and loops and loops

  • Cannot connect to workplace (VPN) with wizard

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    Specically, what I am doing is going to Network and Sharing Center, Set up a New Connection, Connect to a Workplace, Use my Internet Connection (VPN).  I use an IP address that I know works on other machines.  I have tried using the Don't Connect
    Now option as well as without that option.
    When I hit Create, I immediately get a "The wizard cannot connect" with only a Try Again option.  If I try again, it will essentially hang and I've given it over 30 minutes at least once to try to figure it out.
    I have Norton Antivirus and I disabled the Smart Firewall.  I have tried uninstalling Norton Antivirus and disabling the default Windows Firewall.  I have tried disabling Windows Defender.  I'm not sure what else to try anymore.

    You are trying to connect using the wizard. I recommend you try to connect using the connection itself.
    After you are done with the wizard and the creation of your VPN connection (With the Don't connect now ticked), you should go back to Network and Sharing Center, on the left hand click on change adapter settings and you will see your VPN connection.
    Here if you right click and get the properties of your connection, you can configure many options there depending on the settings of the VPN Server. 
    I recommend you do ask your server admin about the required settings of the connection and then change the settings on different tabs accordingly, like the type of encryption and the type of tunneling protocol and etc. or another thing you could do is go
    to your desktop and go ahead with the same procedure and take note of the setting from the connection and then change the connection settings on your laptop accordingly. 
    That will probably help you
    MCT, MCSA/MCSE Security
    Note, I cannot get through the wizard so I cannot get to the properties of the connection or anything else because it does not get created.  Even when I choose the Don't Connect Now, I still get a Cannot Connect error (I mean why is it trying to connect
    if I am telling it not to bother at the moment).
    I am about as much as a server admin (at the company) than anyone else here.  I highly doubt there is something wrong from the server point of view as it is working for everyone else including myself on my desktop.  The issue is with the laptop.

  • I cannot update my ipad2 to ios5.  Updating through iTunes on pc Windows Vista, Error message reads "cannot connect to iPad Software Update Server.  Tried resetting network settings, still not connecting.  Tried updating iTunes, still not connecting.

    I cannot update my ipad2 to ios5.  Updating through iTunes on pc Windows Vista, Error message reads "cannot connect to iPad Software Update Server.  Tried resetting network settings, still not connecting.  Tried updating iTunes, still not connecting.

    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at ork.html
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
     Cheers, Tom

  • Sharepoint list dataheet view error "Cannot connect to the server at this time. You can continue working with this list, but some data may not be available"

    I have a List which is having around 14000 items in it.while opening that list in datasheet view it is giving error .
    Below is a summary of the issue:
    After selecting datasheet view beow error occurs:
        "Cannot connect to the server at this time.  You can continue working with this list, but some data may not be available."
        "Unable to retrieve all data."
        The item counts displays say 100 out of 14000 items.
    Exporting List to excel is giving only 2000 records out of 14000 records.
    Other Observations   -  
    This is happening to only one list on the site .There are other lists in the site whose no. of records is equal to 8000 to 9000.They are working absolutely fine without any error.
    Also, If I am saving this list as a template and creating another list with it ,then it is working absolutely fine with 14000 records,so the issue does not seem to be related with no. of records as the template list is working fine.
    I have checked the Alternate access mapping setting ,its fine.
    It should not be related to lookup,datefield or any other column as the list created from it template is working fine with all these columns.
    I checked below links also ,but doesn't seem to work in my case.

    I have spent two days to resolve this issue. Microsoft has released two KBs with reference to this issue...but are not appearing in search results at the top.
    I am sharing my finding.
    1. First install the
    KB2552989 (Hopefully you might have already installed it. The KB detetcts it and informs the user.)
    2. Then update registry by adding new key for data fetch timeout as mentioned inKB2553007
    These two steps resolved the issue in our environment. Hope it might help others as well.
    Pradip T. ------------- MCTS(SharePoint 2010/Web)|MCPD(Web Development)

  • I cannot connect to I tunes store using I tune 11.1 I get the error 0x80092013 "secure link to I tunes store failed" does anyone know what this is?

    I cannot connect to the I tunes store after recently downloading I tunes 11.1 I just get the error code 0x80092013 so not sure what to do. I have tried deleting and then reinstalling I tunes with no luck. I tried to flush my DNS but that did not work, I tried the diagnostics in I tunes and it told me my connections were fine but said the "secure link to I tunes store failed" Looking for an answer thanks!

    Okay I was able to connect back to the I tunes store in I tunes 11.1 taking care of the error 0x80092013. I did this in XP going to the firewall controls, selecting the exception tab. I tunes was already in the exceptions tab but I deleted it anyway, then I added I tunes back using the Add Program button then browsing to the I tunes.exe location in the C drive then selected that as the program. I tunes showed back up in the exceptions once again. I then shut down the computer and restarted it and I then had a connection with I tunes. So the I tunes in the exceptions tab in the firewall was not working I just replaced it with a fresh one.

  • My iPod touch 4th gen. Keeps giving me the error message "cannot connect to the app store when I sign in. I can open the app store and browse it but I can't download anything. I have full signal strength with my wi-fi and safari is working perfect.

    My iPod touch 4th gen. Keeps giving me the error message "cannot connect to the app store when I sign in. I can open the app store and browse it but I can't download anything. I have full signal strength with my wi-fi and safari is working perfect. I turned it off and restarted it 3 times now. I have an iPad 2 and the app store works flawlessly with it. What is going on?

    Same here on my lpad2. Can access the web just fine from browsers but cannot install new apps or updates in appl store.  Seeing a few others reporting same issue tonight so likely an apple server issue and staff will notice it in network monitors and fix it...sometime this weekend.

  • TS3638 i have an internet connection but when i open app store it shows error message "cannot connect to app store".when i try to sign in with my valid apple ID and password it says "connection failed".i tried keychain access settings but it did not help.

    i have an internet connection but when i open app store it shows error message "cannot connect to app store".when i try to sign in with my valid apple ID and password it says "connection failed".i tried keychain access settings but it did not help.please help me!!

    Open Sysem Preferences from your Apple () menu top left in your screen then select the Firewall tab.
    Make sure the Firewall is turned off.

  • Can somebody help me in finding a solution or an explanation to the problem I am currently experiencing as well as others wherein we cannot connect to the iTunes store (iTunes could not connect to the store. An unknown error occurred (0x80096004))?

    Can somebody help me in finding a solution or an explanation to the problem I am currently experiencing as well as others wherein we cannot connect to the iTunes store. An error message appears and either says "iTunes could not connect to the store. An unknown error occurred (0x80096004). Make sure your network connection is active and try again" or "iTunes could not connect to the store.Make sure your network connection is active and try again." Despite the fact that my network connection is working quite fine, this problem still persists. I can say that my connection is fine because I can surf the internet and furthermore, I used to connect to the iTunes store just before this incident happened which started from April 17, 2014 and persists until today. I tried to solve the problem by following the troubleshoot procedures given in the support section of this site but it really did not solve the problem. I believe that others are experiencing this situation as well very similar to mine when it comes to the time of occurrence as I have read in the discussions in this site. Even though we have different network connections, operating systems and other specifications, we still experience the same problem, so is there really a problem with our computers or is it with the iTunes? And by the way, my computer works under Windows XP. Thanks a lot. God bless.

    Try this...
    Triple click anywhere in the line below to select it and press Ctrl+C to copy it.
    cmd /k netsh winsock reset
    Press the WinLogoKey+R to open the run dialog, then Ctrl+V to paste, then press enter/return.
    You should get something similar to this:
    Reboot the computer and the problem should be resolved.
    If it doesn't work then perhaps a full tear down and rebuild of iTunes will fix things. See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for details.

  • TS3297 My 2nd generation ipod touch is giving me the following error when I try accessing Itunes or the app store. "Cannot connect to the Store. A secure connection could not be established. Please check your date & time settings"  I am on a secure networ

    My 2nd generation ipod touch is giving me the following error when I try accessing Itunes or the app store. "Cannot connect to the Store. A secure connection could not be established. Please check your date & time settings"  I am on a secure networkl.

    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    Make sure that time zone is correct in addition to date and time

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