Inaccurate Play Count

Quick question - I'm sure it's been addressed before but I couldn't find an answer to my specific concern.
Simply put, all my play counts in iTunes are wrong. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to them. Some songs that I may have played 10 or 20 times show a play count of 1500! Impossible, of course. One song, for example, that I know I've only played maybe 4 times, shows a play count of 652. Just makes no sense. All these crazy numbers throughout iTunes!
'Lil help??

It sounds like the database of playcount information has somehow become corrupted.
You may be stuck having to recreate your library.
You could also try this script
It allows you to set the playcount(s) on selected tracks to any number you want. You could sort your library by playcount, select all the obviously strange entries, and set them to a more normal value.
Here's a tech note about where this info is stored:

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    I have the same problem like you. iMac with Yosemite and iPhone 6. A song, added 2 months ago has 205 counts. Other songs I have for years ago have only 80 counts. And there are other songs, where the same thing is happening. And its starts mixing up everything at my library -.-
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    Command (Apple) key A.
    Or select the first one then Shift click the last one.

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    Ah, my reply was based on the assumption that you had a default installation of iTunes.
    i.e you had all your music in the iTunes media folder inside your iTunes folder.
    If your iTunes folder is so small compared to the amount of music you have, you must have a different arrangement.
    This complicates you situation considerably.
    iTunes can cope with moving around as long as all the music is in the iTunes media folder, not not if it isn't.
    Your first step should be to get iTunes working on the old drive. This will involve editing the xml library file so that the drive letter is correct and then rebuilding the library from the xml file.
    Then you will need to consolidate your library which moves everything into the iTunes media fodler. After that you will be able to use my first suggestion.
    Step 1
    Find the iTunes folder on the old drive and copy the two library files somewhere else so you can find them again. That's iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Library.xml.
    Now open the copy of iTunes Library.xml with WordPad.
    Look for lines starting:
    These contain the paths to tracks.
    You will need to use a find/replace to change the drive letter so that it is correct.
    Make sure that you include enough in the "find" so that you only change the right thing.
    Maybe /c:/ and replace with /d:/ or whatever.
    After that, tell iTunes to use the library on the old drive with a shift key start.
    Hold down the shift key and start iTunes, keep holding the shift key until you are prompted to choose a library. Navigate to the iTunes folder on the old drive and choose iTunes Library.itl.
    Then use the method in the following article to rebuild your library;
    Unfortunately the date added will be today for all tracks.
    If iTunes works correctly after this, consolidate your library
    This copies all tracks into to iTunes media folder and could create a problem if you do not have disk space so don't do it if you are unsure about free disk space.
    Check that iTunes works OK and then use the first method.
    Message was edited by: polydorus

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    I'm using the latest version of iTunes also, if that helps.

    Prior to syncing today, is there any chance that you went into iTunes and changed anything about the tag for this song? It would have had to have happend prior to today's sync, but after the sync prior to that.
    If you do anything to a song's tag in your iTunes library (like adding artwork, updating artist or album name, add lyrics, etc.) then your iPod will not update the playcount of that song on your next sync to the library.

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    Thanks again,

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    See if this helps: Copying personal photos and videos from iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to your computer.
    There are several different apps that enable you to easily transfer data such as PhoneDisk, Pod To Mac - VersionTracker or MacUpdate.

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    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Here adding to the words of “Tim”, a forwarder is a DNS server on a network used to forward DNS queries for external DNS names to DNS servers outside of that network. You can also forward queries according to specific domain names using conditional forwarders.
    A DNS server on a network is designated as a forwarder by having the other DNS servers in the network forward the queries they cannot resolve locally to that DNS server. You can refer information regarding forwarders and how to configure from beneath link.
    Understanding forwarders
    Configure a DNS Server to Use Forwarders
    Hope it helps!

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    So I get the new Macbook, fire it up and use Migration Assistant, (with the iMac in Target Disk Mode), to move my data over. When it's done I open the iTunes and am greeted with... nothing. Well, okay, all of my music is there, that's nice, (it's what iTunes is for, etc etc), but NONE of my play count or date added information remains. I weep inside.
    Being that this is my first new computer in five years, (a long time!), you might be able to tell that I was hesitant about upgrading. Before getting my Macbook I asked experts at the Apple Store if this method would work, and even received assurance from several people online that everything would be preserved. So, I did my homework, but my Macs and I both apparently failed the test. Here's where we are now:
    1. The iMac, (running Tiger), still has iTunes on it, with all the information, nothing seems to have changed on that end.
    2. The Macbook has a hard drive full of music with no playlist, play count or date added data.
    3. I do own an iPod where I backed up the music before the move. I know that the data information on playlists, play count and date added is on the iPod. I do not dare plug it in to the new machine for fear of the unknown.
    Which brings me here, is there some way, any way of rectifying this? Here is what I would like:
    1. For the Macbook iTunes to look EXACTLY like the iMac's does.
    2. For it to work with both my old iPods without question.
    This has been long, and I fear that some may pass it over as something too much of an banality to be needed help with. But like some collect shoes or hats, I collect music. It's a lovely collection and it's a large part of who I am. I could start all over, but that's sort of like saying the world could start over if it by chance happened to forget how to turn. It would take a lot of effort, and there would be some (more) tears, but I could move on. But I really, really don't want to. I just want things to be the way they were. I'd very much like to have this information present, and I thank you all for your time.

    Now that I look at it, appears that nothing except for my applications transferred over. My old computer is listed in the Hard Drive, but I can't access any of the folders because I don't have that "level of privileges" or whatever, (odd, considering they're both my computers, do they need to be hooked up for this?). I don't really need for my old applications to be there, (Hello, iWork '06 Demo!), so can I just go and erase them, or am I better just starting all over again?

  • Why does the iPad Mini not have music play count?

    I bought an iPad Mini and also have a macbook. I had listened to various music on my iPad Mini the other day, however when I connected the iPad Mini to the Macbook and iTunes via the lightning connector to sync, it synced the ratings I gave the songs I listened to on the mini, but no play count, as if I had not listened to anything. I hope there is something I can do about this as I often look at my play count!!

    Katrina UK
    It should work work but these kind of bugs pop up between updates, both hardware and software. Try closing all apps in the recently used list on the iPad. Double tap the Home button, tap and hold one of the icons at the bottom till they wiggle then tap the to close them. Tap the Home button to get back to the Home screen then hold the sleep button till you see the slide to power off message. Once it has powered down completely hold the Sleep button till the Apple icon appears.
    Re: Why does the iPad Mini not have music play count? 
    Nov 18, 2012 11:34 AM (in response to Katrina UK)
    Does it even really matter...?
    Many people including myself rely on playcounts to control smart playlist to manage large libraries. Smart playlists can be created to show your most or least played tracks and used more or less as your favorites or other uses. Along with playcounts the date is transferred so to keep a fresh list of music on my smaller iPods a smart playlist set to songs not played in the last month keeps some fresh tunes on it.
    Playcounts are also used to manage Podcasts in iTunes to delete older episode. Bookmarks, which can also be effected by this, can mess up audiobooks, movies and podcast playback between different devices. So yes, it does matter.

  • IPhone 4s does not sync purchased items' play count?

    I recently bought a new album using my iPhone, and subsequently synced.
    Now, looking at my recently played, I can see items I've played over the last several days, but not this album.
    I really want this album to sync play counts as I really like having play counts.
    As an iPhone user since the beginning, I'm really starting to get fed up with these silly little inconsistencies.
    Has anyone ever experienced this problem, or know how to resolve it?
    Would it work to delete from one and sync to the other? If so, which way?
    Suggestions would be very much appreciated!

    Okay, so, a few minutes after posting this, I gave up and decided to try something.
    I deleted the files from my WIndows PC (which I am now using for the main syncing machine).
    I then synced the phone to remove them. I subsequently added them back in, and synced them again.
    Presto, play counts syncing.
    I have a feeling that when I downloaded from iTunes on the computer, and the phone seperately, somehow iTunes didn't consider the iCloud/iTunes songs as the same, and must have been treating them as separate files, rather than the same.
    Now that I've added these "new" files in, it considers them to be the originals I guess!

  • Is it possible to show play counts in Artists or Album view in iTunes 11?

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    Does anyone know if there is any way to show play counts in Artists or Album view in iTunes 11?

    Post Author: kcornett
    CA Forum: General
    typo... sorry
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    Obviously I'm new at Crystal Reports - about 3 weeks.
    Thanks for your help...
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