Incipio products - stylus, chargers, screen protectors - seeking reviews

I am considering buying the incipio "Esentials Kit" for my new "new iPad."  It contains a stylus, a USB/30 pin cable, wall charger and car charger, and 2 screen protectors.  All this for the low, low price of $35.
Most of the products only have one review on Amazon.  They are available at WalMart, too.  I would in particular like to see if anyone has comments about the stylus, screen protectors, and wall charger.
Thanks in advance!!

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    You. I am using them and they are good as far as I can see. The application is a bit tricky. Make sure you get all the dust off the iPod first. If you do get dust under the film just wrap a piece of regular scotch tape around your finger and lift the film up. Remove the dust with the tape and you are good to go.
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    reply asap

    I use the Jot Pro with a tempered glass screen protector and it works flawlessly.

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    I recommend those too but they need to be modified as the protector covers the proximity sensor.
    Review taken from the Mobilefun site.
    Not a bad product with the exception that you need to modify the screen protector itself in order for your phone to work correctly. Specifically, the 5800's proximity sensor does not like being covered by anything, even this thin protector. The resultant effect is that when applied, you will not be able to hold/mute calls etc when on a call as the sensor senses the protector and activates the key lock. Similarly, it means that you cannot see who's calling, as the proximity sensor kicks in as soon as the phone starts to ring. I'm not happy at having to modify what is otherwise an expensive protector but other than that, it works well.
    Grayburn @ & say Hello!!!
    If you appreciate ANY help from a member,then show it by clicking on the Blue Star button, cheers

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    I bought the Crystal film
    ( E6BBB&fnode=home/shopiphone/iphoneaccessories&nplm=TN612LL/A)
    It came with 2 protectors but I lost the other one since the first one still looks great. Its been on for months and with the constant use in and out of the phone holster, etc it still looks good. Can't help you in regards to if there's a residue or anything.

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    I'd also like to hear from those who don't have it and find it unnecessary.
    I read some reviews about a Zagg screen protector. Some reviewers swore by it. Others swore at it because they found it difficult to install. A couple users even ended up making the $30 item unusable during the install process.
    Message was edited by: BuckyBoy

    I don't think it is necessary. There are YouTube videos showing how scratch resistant the glass is on these and iPhones. Car keys are too "soft" a metal to scratch the optical quality screen. Unless you are going to be scraping the screen with some high-carbon steel tools from your garage, or etching it with a diamond, I wouldn't worry about it. I have had my iPad since day one, as well as an iPhone for 3 years. I am an airline employee, and travel constantly. With my unprotected screens going through security constantly, non-stop on-the-road use, I have never had the slightest blemish to any of my screens. There is an entire economy based on the screen protector myth, to get you to spend $20 to $40 for a piece of plastic film.
    Not only are they unnecessary, but they degrade the image quality from the screen. The simple physics of optics and light. Additionally, search for "screen protector" at the Apple Store and you will see you wont find any. You might find one anti-glare film, but no screen protectors for the phones or iPads. That is because Apple didn't like the implication that their product needed protecting, when in-fact it didn't.
    check out this video to set your mind at ease.

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