Incremental backups won't restore

Everytime Backup, backs up my iMac G5's HD to my external HD I get " incremental backups " which are probably all the files that I added after my first initial full backup. I restored my full back up to my powerbook which was alright but for some reason I can't restore the " incremental backups " ???
  Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

Hi Aaron
Check the Backup Folder. There are plenty of discussions there:
The only other advice I can give is, "Don't use Backup". It has never been a good application. There is no need to use sub-standard software on your Mac. Try SuperDuper! instead:
Matthew Whiting

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    ms364 wrote:
    I am using a macbook (2010 version) and operating Lion.  I had a problem with my Macbook where it wouldn't log on, even in safe mode, so I restored it using Timemachine.
    When you erased the disk, it got a new UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier), which is treated like a different drive, and Time Machine will back it up in it's entirety.
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    Ram on

    felciano wrote:
    Hi --
    We have a 500GB external iomega drive that just died and I have been working to restore it's files from Time Machine onto a new 500 GB drive. I formatted the new drive and gave it the same name as the old one, and it looks like Time Machine was smart enough to do the right thing and restore the files to their original locations.
    That's quite unusual. Normally it does a full backup immediately:
    See #C4 in [Time Machine - Troubleshooting|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).

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    Is your backup still listed in iTunes/Settings/Devices?
    If yes, try to use 3rd party software like Backup Extractor for example to get at least some data back.
    Your backup file is located here:
    Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/
    Note: The "~" represents your Home folder. If you don't see Library in your home folder, Option-click the Go menu.
    copied from: iTunes: About iOS backups

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    \bin\ -d c:\backup -gen 0
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    The netconfig jobs should restore onto an LMS 4.2 installation. The 4.2 Installing and Migrating Guide indicates that LMS 3.2 SP1 backups can be restored, specifically including netconfig jobs.
    You may be getting issues due to the fact that you have updated it all the way to the latest 4.2.3. I say this because the error message says you need a CS (Common Services) 4.1 or above backup. The CS version included with LMS 3.2 SP1 is 3.3.1.
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    I found a solution to Addressbook in the addressbook forum:
    Credit "bneely"
    If you added your Tiger data files to your AddressBook folder on Leopard, then you may need to do an additional step or two to reimport the Tiger data:
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    2 - Open a Finder window and go to (home folder)/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/
    3 - Remove the Metadata folder
    4 - Remove the AddressBook-v22.abcddb file
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    All I can tell you is, it works for me, on a still-current IMAP mailbox (my account). I don't have a non-Mobile Me IMAP account, so I don't know if it might work differently.
    I do note there's often a problem if I select TM with a different selection in Mail; but if I start with the Sent mailbox (not the merged one, but the one from the specific account), then select TM, I can navigate and restore the whole mailbox or selected messages, just as you'd expect.
    I can only surmise that it might be related to the account no longer being active.
    A possible workaround:
    Open a Finder window set to +*<your home folder>/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/+*
    Inside that folder should be a sub folder named something like +*Sent Messages (<account>).mbox+*
    Inside it should be a folder named Messages containing the actual messages, named with numbers and the suffix .emlx
    If you double-click on individual messages, you can see the contents.
    Once you're sure you're in the right place, +Enter Time Machine+ and navigate to the backup in question. You can double-click the individual items there, to see them via Quick Look.
    Then you should be able to restore either selected items, or the entire folder, but I'd suggest clicking the "gear" icon and selecting the +*Restore to ...+* option and putting them on, say, your desktop, rather than back into the original folder. Then you can move them where you want them via Mail.

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    Thank you again for your time and help.  I really appreciate it.

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    EDIT 1: None of my music made it over, either.  We're talking 2,000+ songs.

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  • How to restore using increment backup after full backup restore in RMAN?

    Hi All,
    We have a files of full backup of database after turning on the Archive log.
    And after that, daily incremental backup is taken.
    Now, i want to restore the the database into a new machine using both files of full and incremental backups. Can anybody give me script for restore of full backup and after that restore of incremental backup?

    In my case, i have 2 sets of backups. One is full backup and other is incremental backup. In order to keep the restored database upto date, i need to restore the full backup and then restore incremental backup. Now, i got any idea how to restore using full backup. My doubt is how to update the restored database with incremental backup also?
    Restore always looks for level 0 backup, not the incremental backups.
    Incremental backups comes in picture during recovery.
    During Recovery, Oracle looks for incremental backups, if exists, it will do the recovery with the incremental backups, if no incremental backups available, then, it will look for archived logs.
    Therefore, incremental backups never used during restore, they are used only during the recovery.

  • Snapshot vs Incremental backup?

    Hi All;
    How do we use a Snapshot?
    How does it differe from an Incremental backup that I restore?

    Hi Tony,
    mind reading the documentation ? (  -> current documentation).
    Snapshots are no replacement for a backup. They just provide the option to set back the database to a specified point in time.
    That is: you take a snapshot and go on working.
    If you decide to throw away all your changes since you took the snapshot, than you can restore it.
    It does not protect you from media failures, corruption and the like.
    But it's a nice feature if you have a testmachine that you want to reset after the training so that you can use it once again.
    Best regards,

  • I am trying to restore my catalog having previously done a back up to an external hard drive and subsequently an incremental backup. I am using Photoshop Elements 11 and the only option given in the restore procedure is to open a .tly file.

    I have done this but now the restore function is asking for yet another file, which i assume to be the original back up, but that is the only .tly file since the only other relevant file appears to be called catalog.buc but that is just not visible when using the restore function? How do I continue from here with this restoration of my catalog?

    Martin_Had a écrit:
    Thank you Andaleeb. I appear to have an old backup of a year ago, and a more recent full back up plus an incremental backup.
    Regrettably I don't really understand what is going on because firstly the restore does not complete its cycle so I cannot see what that backup file contains and secondly all I have read would suggest that the .tly file is the full backup and the catalog.buc file is the incremental backup. For the present, the catalog shows the photos for 2014 which makes me think I might have backed from the old back up file.
    I am minded to create another catalog and try again.
    Any views on what I can do?
    A backup (full or incremental) is a folder, not a file. It contains renamed pictures file copies as well a copies of the files and subfolders of the original catalog. The catalog.buc is a renamed copy of the database of your original catalog while the backup.tly. That backup.tly file contains the information to restore the renamed pictures where you decide, the original location or a new custom one. You can't do anything with the backup yourself, only the restore process can do the job if it finds the backup.tly file. In the case of an incremental backup, you have to tell the restore process where to find the incremental backup folder; it finds the backup.tly file in that folder and finds what is to restore there; then it asks you for the previous backup folder (in your case the full backup); you then browse to that full backup folder so that the restore process can find find the backup.tly there; the restore then deals with the rest of the files to restore.

  • Restoring a catalog from backup and incremental backups on external Hard drive

    I recently bought a new computer where I installed again Elements 8 (that's the one I'm currently using). From my old computer, I have an initial complete catalog backup which was saved in a folder (I called this folder "Complete catalog backup") on an external hard drive. I also made then subsequent incremental backups which were saved in different folders called "Incremental backup 1", "incremental backup 2" etc. on the same external hard drive. Apparently in Element, I discovered that incremental backups can't be saved in the same folder as initial complete backup!
    How should I proceed now to restore my catalog on my new computer? I know how to do it when one has only a complete initial catalog backup, but now I have also several incremental backups (contained in folders "incremental backup 1", "incremental backup 2" etc.), I just don't know how to proceed.
    Some help would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks a lot

    First and foremost: Forget re-importing. You would loose all your edits. Importing is strictly only for images that have never been imported before.
    The remedy for "missing" photos is to re-link them.
    In Lr / Grid View right-click the top-most folder in the folders panel. By "top-most" I mean the parent folders of all folders. If you have several parent folder right-click one of them.
    Then select <Find Missing Folder>, navigate to the corresponding folder on your new drive E and select it. Do this for every other parent folder. If the folder names and structure haven't changed Lr will find the sub-folders on its own.
    For more see here:

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