Independent instrument/voice presets?

I finally got to try out Mainstage during a practice. I ended up using the keyboard/vocal channel strips so I could do both keys/voice- but had to modify the instrument portion to reflect my desire AU's. Is there any way of mixing and matching instrument channel strips and vocal channel strips on the same concert- I would like to have a list of my favorite pads/leads that I can choose from- and at the same time- pick from a set of different vocal setups. It seems that I am only able to do 1 setup with both a specific instrument and vocal channel strip.
Hopefully that makes sense.

Yes, you can create individual sets and songs that contain various combinations of the channel strips with the instrument that you want and just select the preset that you need, when you need it.
Each patch can contain multiple channel strips with different AU's according to your needs.
Alternative, or In addition to, you could also create certain patches/presets with "extra" channel strips that you can then externally control via a MIDI controller and bring up certain instruments when you need them.

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    Odd... maybe check the input sample rate in the Audio Midi Setup utility, perhaps it's been set to something funky? Should be 44.1Khz, normally.

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    It's very easy:
    • Create a "real instrument" track and select a voice preset or no effects at all.
    • Hit "record" to record your voice, hit the record button again or the stop button to stop recording.
    • Move the playhead to the appropriate position for playback.
    • If you like your recording, select "Share to iTunes" from the menu and select compression with MP3.

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    A polyphonic staff is one where multiple MIDI channels are available on a single staff. So here, "polyphonic" means that you have two or more independent instrument parts, each assigned to its own MIDI channel, but intended to be written on the same staff.
    The Piano 1+2/3 selection is just such a staff style. Channels 1 and 2 are available on the top staff, meaning that you can display two independent parts on that staff (on ch. 1 and 2, natch). The bottom staff will display notes on channel 3.
    The concept of a polyphonic staff style that provides for the display (in this case, Piano 1+2/3) of three independent lines written on two staves. This differs from a staff style that has three actual staves assigned to ch. 1, 2, and 3 respectively. That would not be a polyphonic staff style; it's just one that has three staves, each capable of displaying a single part. Note that a "single part" does not mean a monophonic line. You could display chords or single lines on any given MIDI channel.
    For example, you could use the Piano 1+2/3 to display the following:
    *top staff*: top part (channel 1) = piccolo, secondary part (ch. 2) = flute
    bottom staff: (channel 3) = cello, playing double-stops (chords)
    Implicit in this example is the idea that the top part will display two independent monophonic lines, the bottom part displaying chords, but intended for one instrument. And per the defaults for that staff style, the piccolo part's stems are up, the flute's down.

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    The first step would probably be to convert the samples into AIFF files, that's what GB's sample files are in.
    But so far that's only a collection of samples - what you need is a sampler file that tells the software which sample to trigger with which key (the .exs files in GB's instrument library).
    Since your software is old, t works pretty well with soundfonts (the latest versions have problems), so you might try this software to create them:
    All about soundfonts:
    P.S.: The softare costs $60, but you can create 10 instruments for free.

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    JWD88 wrote:
    I see references to Jampacks, but then see they are no longer available.
    all the JamPacks now come free as a digital download when you buy MainStage 2 from the Mac App Store for $30 (each JamPack used to cost $99)
    JWD88 wrote:
    where [can] I go to add software instruments
    try out some SoundFonts (5,000 ish):
    how to install them (short story):
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
    how to use them (short story):
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
    install and use tutorial (the long hand-holding story):
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
    JWD88 wrote:
    Also, should I update to to GB11? Thanks for any input.   -JW
    only you can answer that - what was added to version 5:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
    what was added to version 6:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • Score styles: spontaneously self-replicating

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    I'm not sure what you mean about a "default" style... AFAIK, there is no such thing in Logic. The closest thing to "default" that I can think of is something that's manipulated by the "style" setting of a instrument (MIDI or Audio). In case you're not familiar with this, do the following:
    1. Go to the Arrange page and click on any instrument track
    2. On the LH part of the screen is a dark gray box containing the name of the instrument. There's a little white triangle pointing to that name. If it's not already pointing downwards, click on the triangle and information about that instrument will appear. At the bottom of the list is a parameter called "style".
    If "style" is set to Auto, what Logic does is it analyzes the note range of the region (right after it's recorded). If it determines that the part is mainly in the lower register, it applies a Bass score style to the score display for that part. A flute part, on the other hand, would result in a Logic applying a Treble score style. You get the idea...
    You can override this and set up a "default" score style (of your choosing) for any particular instrument in your Environment.
    Other than that, I don't know of any other Logic defaults for score styles.
    Have you tried starting a new song (based on your Autoload), playing in a part or two, and seeing how that new song's score display reacts? Might be worth a shot to try to get to the bottom of this very strange problem.

  • G5 "Q87" Dual 2.7GHz - Persistent Kernel Panic

    Hello All,
    I have a Power Mac G5 (trusty old pro audio box) which has been experiencing regular Kernel Panics (grey screen of death) for the past month or so.
    I'm wondering if it might be the Logic Board or something having to do in particular with either the SATA or memory areas which might be having the trouble.
    My G5's specs and latest Kernel Panic report are as follows:
    Power Mac G5 Dual 2.7 GHz "Q87 970fx" model | 8GB | 1TB HD | 10.4.11
    RME 9632 PCI based audio interface. (connected to Lexicon PCM 80 via S/PDIF which coincides with the Kernel Panics but may be a coincidence?)
    The Kernel Panic mainly happens whenever I save a large group of samples in Native Instruments Kontakt 3.5 or when playing back large (usually orchestral) multi-instrument sample presets in Wave Editor or other audio editing programs. Crashes also occur whenever large audio files (300MB+) are loaded or are being edited/converted.
    Can anyone decipher the meaning of the Kernel Panic report? I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.
    Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access DAR=0x000000004000021C PC=0x00000000000A44B8
    Latest crash info for cpu 0:
    Exception state (sv=0x7FC85C80)
    PC=0x000A44B8; MSR=0x00001030; DAR=0x4000021C; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x000A4404; R1=0x482A3820; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
    0x389EA004 0x000E09F4 0x000DD63C 0x000DCBBC 0x0022A7F4 0x000FC674
    0x000F59B4 0x0027F7F0 0x0027F52C 0x002ABDB8 0x000ABD30 0x67743B26
    backtrace terminated - frame not mapped or invalid: 0xF05090D0
    Proceeding back via exception chain:
    Exception state (sv=0x7FC85C80)
    previously dumped as "Latest" state. skipping...
    Exception state (sv=0x603F2C80)
    PC=0x900147AC; MSR=0x0200F030; DAR=0x2317D000; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x002D4588; R1=0xF05090D0; XCP=0x00000030 (0xC00 - System call)
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.0: Wed Oct 10 18:26:00 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.24.17~1/RELEASE_PPC
    Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 1): 0x300 - Data access DAR=0x0000000048538DD0 PC=0x000000000003FFD4
    Latest crash info for cpu 1:
    Exception state (sv=0x7EF98000)
    PC=0x0003FFD4; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x48538DD0; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x0003FFBC; R1=0x48113C30; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
    0x00000000 0x00075640 0x000712B4 0x0006271C 0x000A865C 0x000ABB80
    backtrace terminated - frame not mapped or invalid: 0xBFFFF340
    Proceeding back via exception chain:
    Exception state (sv=0x7EF98000)
    previously dumped as "Latest" state. skipping...
    Exception state (sv=0x7EF98500)
    PC=0x000D0DD0; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x005F6014; DSISR=0x42000000; LR=0x000D0DBC; R1=0xBFFFF340; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.0: Wed Oct 10 18:26:00 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.24.17~1/RELEASE_PPC
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0xFFFF0003): 0x300 - Data access
    Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
    0x000954F8 0x00095A10 0x00026898 0x000A8204 0x000ABB80
    Proceeding back via exception chain:
    Exception state (sv=0x7FC85C80)
    PC=0x000A44B8; MSR=0x00001030; DAR=0x4000021C; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x000A4404; R1=0x482A3820; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
    0x389EA004 0x000E09F4 0x000DD63C 0x000DCBBC 0x0022A7F4 0x000FC674
    0x000F59B4 0x0027F7F0 0x0027F52C 0x002ABDB8 0x000A@Model: PowerMac7,3, BootROM 5.2.4f1, 2 processors, PowerPC G5 (3.1), 2.7 GHz, 8 GB
    Graphics: ATI Radeon 9650, ATY,RV351, AGP, 256 MB
    Memory Module: DIMM0/J11, 1 GB, DDR SDRAM, PC3200U-30330
    Memory Module: DIMM1/J12, 1 GB, DDR SDRAM, PC3200U-30330
    Memory Module: DIMM2/J13, 1 GB, DDR SDRAM, PC3200U-30330
    Memory Module: DIMM3/J14, 1 GB, DDR SDRAM, PC3200U-30330
    Memory Module: DIMM4/J41, 1 GB, DDR SDRAM, PC3200U-30330
    Memory Module: DIMM5/J42, 1 GB, DDR SDRAM, PC3200U-30330
    Memory Module: DIMM6/J43, 1 GB, DDR SDRAM, PC3200U-30330
    Memory Module: DIMM7/J44, 1 GB, DDR SDRAM, PC3200U-30330
    AirPort: AirPort Extreme, 405.1 (
    Network Service: Built-in Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
    PCI Card: pci10ee,3fc5, sppci_audio, SLOT-3
    Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HDS721010CLA332, 931.51 GB
    Serial ATA Device: ST31000528AS, 931.51 GB
    Parallel ATA Device: SONY DVD RW DW-Q28A, 1.96 GB
    USB Device: Hub, Up to 480 Mb/sec, 500 mA
    USB Device: Keyboard Hub, Apple, Inc., Up to 480 Mb/sec, 500 mA
    USB Device: USB Receiver, Logitech, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 100 mA
    USB Device: Apple Keyboard, Apple, Inc, Up to 1.5 Mb/sec, 100 mA
    USB Device: Apple Cinema HD Display, Up to 1.5 Mb/sec, 500 mA
    USB Device: MIDI Timepiece AV, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA

    Thanks to all for the replies.
    I ran Rember and there were some test failures. It doesn't look like the program is able to tell me which DIMM is bad so I'll probably have to go by process of elimination, right?
    I'm still hoping to find Apple Hardware Test and/or Apple Service Diagnostic for this particular machine and I'll try other memory test programs as well. For anyone who's interested, here are the results of the memory test by Rember. Perhaps someone could tell by looking which DIMM it might be?
    Memtest version 4.2 (64-bit)
    Copyright (C) 2004 Charles Cazabon
    Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Tony Scaminaci (Macintosh ports)
    Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 only
    Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S165) running in multiuser mode
    Memory Page Size: 4096
    System has 2 PPC processor(s) with Altivec
    Requested memory: 7508MB (7873560576 bytes)
    Available memory: 7508MB (7873560576 bytes)
    Allocated memory: 7508MB (7873560576 bytes) at local address 0x000000008ff4e000
    Attempting memory lock... locked successfully
    Partitioning memory into 2 comparison buffers...
    Buffer A: 3754MB (3936780288 bytes) starts at local address 0x000000008ff4e000
    Buffer B: 3754MB (3936780288 bytes) starts at local address 0x000000017a9b6000
    Running 2 test sequences... (CTRL-C to quit)
    Test sequence 1 of 2:
    Running tests on full 7508MB region...
    Stuck Address : setting 1 of 16testing 1 of 16
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    Actual Data: 0xbcfffffe2e4a2ff7
    Linear PRN : setting 1 of 16testing 1 of 16
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    Expected Data: 0xfd4f12295fbc0e3e, Actual Data: 0xbc4f12295fbc0e3e
    Running comparison tests using 3754MB buffers...
    Random Value : \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xf7fd1f4473cf0953, BUFB Data: 0xb4fd1f4473cf0953
    Compare XOR : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5018, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d018
    BUFA Data: 0xf200492442812737, BUFB Data: 0x3000492442812737
    Compare SUB : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xf15b15668fc2fc3e, BUFB Data: 0xb05b15668fc2fc3e
    Compare MUL : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xc0afdaf5d6b0e04e, BUFB Data: 0x84afdaf5d6b0e04e
    Compare DIV : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f8378, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b60378
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000001, BUFB Data: 0x0000000000000000
    Compare OR : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0x4dd7b8d31f7f3d72, BUFB Data: 0x0cd7b8d31f7f3d72
    Compare AND : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0x409020821e5a3d52, BUFB Data: 0x009020821e5a3d52
    Sequential Increment: 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0x4c26436776a26c08, BUFB Data: 0x0c26436776a26c08
    Solid Bits : setting 1 of 64testing 1 of 64
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e74ed3e8, BUFB address 0x00000001d1f553e8
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000000, BUFB Data: 0x8000000000000000
    Block Sequential : setting 1 of 256testing 1 of 256
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e74ed3e8, BUFB address 0x00000001d1f553e8
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000000, BUFB Data: 0x8000000000000000
    Checkerboard : setting 1 of 64testing 1 of 64
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, BUFB Data: 0xa8aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Bit Spread : setting 1 of 128testing 1 of 128
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xfffffffffffffffa, BUFB Data: 0xbcfffffffffffffa
    Bit Flip : setting 1 of 512testing 1 of 512
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e74ed3e8, BUFB address 0x00000001d1f553e8
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000001, BUFB Data: 0x8000000000000001
    Walking Ones : setting 1 of 128testing 1 of 128
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xfffffffffffffffe, BUFB Data: 0xbcfffffffffffffe
    Walking Zeroes : setting 1 of 64testing 1 of 64
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e74ed3e8, BUFB address 0x00000001d1f553e8
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000001, BUFB Data: 0x8000000000000001
    Test sequence 2 of 2:
    Running tests on full 7508MB region...
    Stuck Address : setting 1 of 16testing 1 of 16
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    Actual Data: 0xbcfffffe2e4a2ff7
    Linear PRN : setting 1 of 16testing 1 of 16
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    Expected Data: 0xfd4f12295fbc0e3e, Actual Data: 0xbc4f12295fbc0e3e
    Running comparison tests using 3754MB buffers...
    Random Value : \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ -\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0x9fdbd99c7aaf69c9, BUFB Data: 0x9cdbd99c7aaf69c9
    Compare XOR : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0x64edd19e0452b7f6, BUFB Data: 0x24edd19e0452b7f6
    Compare SUB : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xff0e4cf50497b570, BUFB Data: 0xbc0e4cf50497b570
    Compare MUL : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0x3087daf1460be490, BUFB Data: 0x1087daf1460be490
    Compare DIV : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5028, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d028
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000001, BUFB Data: 0x0000000000000000
    Compare OR : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0x76af64a01eb9f469, BUFB Data: 0x34af64a01eb9f469
    Compare AND : 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0x5687002018091400, BUFB Data: 0x1487002018091400
    Sequential Increment: 
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0x7f7b5eda2e229391, BUFB Data: 0x3c7b5eda2e229391
    Solid Bits : setting 1 of 64testing 1 of 64
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e74ed3e8, BUFB address 0x00000001d1f553e8
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000000, BUFB Data: 0x8000000000000000
    Block Sequential : setting 1 of 256testing 1 of 256
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e74ed3e8, BUFB address 0x00000001d1f553e8
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000000, BUFB Data: 0x8000000000000000
    Checkerboard : setting 1 of 64testing 1 of 64
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, BUFB Data: 0xa8aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Bit Spread : setting 1 of 128testing 1 of 128
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xfffffffffffffffa, BUFB Data: 0xbcfffffffffffffa
    Bit Flip : setting 1 of 512testing 1 of 512
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e74ed3e8, BUFB address 0x00000001d1f553e8
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000001, BUFB Data: 0x8000000000000001
    Walking Ones : setting 1 of 128testing 1 of 128
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e70f5008, BUFB address 0x00000001d1b5d008
    BUFA Data: 0xfffffffffffffffe, BUFB Data: 0xbcfffffffffffffe
    Walking Zeroes : setting 1 of 64testing 1 of 64
    FAILURE! Data mismatch at local BUFA address 0x00000000e74ed3e8, BUFB address 0x00000001d1f553e8
    BUFA Data: 0x0000000000000001, BUFB Data: 0x8000000000000001
    * Address Test Failed * One or more DIMM address lines are non-functional.
    Execution time: 346 seconds.

  • Using multiple delta 1010s in logic

    can't use multiple delta 1010s works fine using one when i select multiple on logic comes through very distorted and then slowly dies. any ideas?

    I would say something like:
    "In normal operation, Logic listens to all incoming MIDI ports, and sums the data together, forwards it to the arrange page, and then distributes it to the selected instrument track - hence all controllers which be channelised to control the current instrument (or multiple instruments).
    If you enable "Multiplayer Record" mode, then what happens is that Logic distributes incoming MIDI events to the selected tracks via the MIDI channel.
    So, you can set track 1 to listen to channel 2, track 2 with a different plugin to channel 14 etc - up to 16 channels.
    So in this way, you can play up to 16 independent instruments from up to 16 independent controllers.
    Logic currently has a bottleneck at the summing point, which means you lose the incoming MIDI port info, which is why your controllers need to be sending on different MIDI channels, but in short, set controller 1 to transmit on one channel, set controller two to transmit on a different MIDI channel, have multiplayer record enabled "Auto demix by channel if
    multitrack recording"), and you can then choose which track should respond to which controller by adjusting the track object's MIDI channel.
    The manual explains the procedure in "Recording on Multiple MIDI Tracks" on page 382."
    Now sue me...

  • How can i get a better sound out of my Blue Snowball?

    I recently got a blue snowball usb microphone and have been doing some group recordings using just the snowball as a room microphone. Since Im only doing one take, all of the instruments are on one track, making them hard to mix. I'm wondering if i can get some tips on how to mix in garage band.
    all of the songs are free to download also, so don't hesitate to do so if you find something you like!

    tomcringle wrote:
    all of the instruments are on one track, making them hard to mix.
    that's actually not "hard" to mix, that can not be mixed. you'd need to record one instrument/voice at a time, one per track in order to mix them in post.

  • How to allow cleanup actions to be taken by a reentrant clone before it is killed, when viewed via web server, because of a browser close?

    Here is a question I'm having to luck with.  I have a VI, set to be reentrant, which is published via the web server.  The main VI instance is never interacted with: it makes a clone every time someone navigates to the proper URL, and the user interacts with the newly created clone (never the main instance).  A clones is capable of configuring and calling instrument VI's when proper login credentials are entered, which results in browser popups that are controllable on the user's end (though only one user is ever doing this at a time. To clarify, multiple clones can be open simultaneously for login purposes, but only one user is ever interacting with the instruments, which aren't themselves reentrant). 
    If the user clicks my custom logout button in their browser, it is trivial to close these other, independent instruments and clean up properly.  But if the user simply clicks the red X in their browser, there is no graceful shutdown and the instruments which the clone called stay open on the server, when they should be closing.
    My experience so far:
    No panel close? event seems to be triggered in the clone.  The clone simply ceases to be.
    The remote_panel_connections property doesn't seem to work correctly in this instance (I haven't had any luck so far), since it is possible for more than one clone to be active, and the main parent that is spawning the clones stays running but isn't interacted with in any way.
    What I Need:
    A way for the clone VI to recognize that the user has closed their browser, and communicate that it is closing to all active VI's before terminating.
    I would like to avoid forcing the instruments that the clone calls to poll constantly to see if the clone VI is present on the network.  If there is no other solution but this, I would appreciate a suggestion as to the least resource and code intensive way to implement this type of polling, as the instruments are really meant to be totally independent entities after they are called, rather than sub vi's. 
    Thanks for any input, let me know if more information is needed.
    Go to Solution.

    Hey MTdev,
    Panel close? events cannot be triggered on a VI being viewed or controlled remotely. Some more information on that can be found in the help here:  My suggestion would be to set the Title Bar on the front panel of your remote VI to not be visible so that their only option for closing the window is to click the logout button.  Are you using Remote Front Panels( to do this instrument control?  Using remote front panels allows you to manage a lot of the multiple people accesssing at the same-time type issues so it may be something to look into if you are not already using this method.  
    Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Which Soundcard should i buy for Musicproduction on new iMac ?

    I'm planning to buy a new 20" iMac Intel. The main use will be Music Production as in Home Recording Studio. My question is for reasons of Budgeting. I'm now a Windows user and for music production I use Steinberg System 4 which includes the Steinberg MI4 Soundcard and SL 3.1.
    So... with all the Cubase SX/SL 4 speculation and that it will "probably" come out around end of the year after Vista comes out.... blah, blah, blah. I wonder if my System 4 will work at all on the new iMac.... yes i open this question on the Steinberg forum.
    Well, i would be maybe willing to buy a whole new SoundCard.... so...
    1) Is the Soundcard in the new iMacs good enough or should i get a better one? (I'm a Home Recording guy willing to invest some good ammount of money to get as good recordings as i can for a Home Recording Studio.)
    2) Can somebody recommend me 2-3 different SoundCards for the new iMacs that i could buy ? (Please not more expensive than 300 EUR or equivalent in USD. I think more than 300 EUR is not worth investing in a SoundCard, is it ?! IMHO... if yes no more than 500 EUR)
    Oh yeah, i am using a MindPrint EnVoice II with DI-MOD, so that pre-amp with compressor is enough for me, the Soundcard doesn't has to have a good preamp and compresor stuff neither tons of inputs. I record through my MindPrint one Instrument/voice at a time. For Drums i simply use BFD from XPansion, so i don't have to mic that.
    OK, thanks for your advice!

    The iMac is built more like a laptop with very little room inside for adding/changing anything apart from RAM.
    You could use the internal sound card of the iMac but getting an external audio interface will provide both more sound quality and flexibility.
    Here's a link to suggestions about choosing a suitable audio interface :
    If you search through the Garageband and Logic forums you will find even more on this subject.
    Hope this helps.
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • How can I tell what control the modulation wheel is assigned to?

    I understand how to reassign the Mod Wheel and other controls with Command-L. However, once I deleted my learned assignments I realized that the modulation wheel had not been working as it should with the thousands of other presets. Apparently, when I assigned it to the EVP88's Tremolo, it became deactivated from controlling all sorts of fun stuff on the synths.
    My questions is in a two parts:
    1. If I open up some presets in the ES E (for example), I hear the mod wheel tweaking the sound, but I don't see the control it's manipulating when I'm looking at the instrument window on the screen. How can I find out what control the mod wheel is linked to in each instrument?
    2. If I want to reassign the mod wheel on a particular instrument preset, how can I tell logic that this assignment should only be aplicable in a particular preset, and to forget that reassignment when swiching instruments or presets?
    Thanks in advance,
    I'm proudly 10.6.8 and staying there
    Logic 9.1.8
    MacBook pro early 2011 refurbished

    I don't recall there being a way that I've seen to find out if the Hotspot is connected to Band 4 or Band 13. The diagnostic pages are very basic.
    A good rule of thumb with Band 4 is to consider the following. If you have 3 bars or less, you're likely not on Band 4. The device will head to Band 13 as it will usually provide better signal reliability. If you're indoors, you're more likely to be on Band 13.
    Also take note that Wi-Fi is a common limiter on the speeds you'll get. You'll usually see nothing more than 30Mbps on most Wireless N devices. Connect to the Hotspot using USB Tethered mode and speeds should be a bit better.

  • Including External LVOOP Public Methods in Executable

    I have an application which on the top level must 'talk' to several different instruments; a LabJack UE9 (USB) , a Newport Motion Controller (USB-Serial), etc.    When I wrote the drivers for these instruments in LV, I used the LVOOP functionality and created individual Classes with public methods for each of the different devices I need to communicate with.  Sounds logical to me, anyway. 
    In my top-level application, I call the public methods (and must include local instances of the LVOOP classes) for those independant instrument-specific classes.  In the development mode, everything works peachy.   However, when I go to build the application executable (build), I get some weird behavior;
    Firstly, with the default setting in 'Additional Exclusions' in the Build Properties of 'Remove as much as possible', I get errors when the builder gets to my independent classes.  I get the message:
    "An error occurred while building the following file:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Wes Ramm\My Documents\Projects\RDT\LabJack\Class\Common Methods\Get DO Line
    The VI became broken after disconnecting type definitions. Open the Build Specification and choose a different option on the Additional Exclusions page."
    Ok, it seems that the class object is not linking, but I can get around that by selecting the second option in 'Additional Exclusions' ; 'Remove unreferenced project library members'.  BUT, when the build is done, I get a couple of subdirectories with vi's named for all the different class methods for each independent that I am calling.  There is no front panel or block diagram for the vis, so it looks like they are correctly 'included' in the build, but it seems cumbersome to include these subdirectories.
    I even tried to 'add' the independant classes to the project by 'Add Folder', but got the same behavior. 
    The classes that I made are not a part of the top level VI, and the top Leve VI is not a member of any of the classes, so this I think is the crux of the matter.  However, I am instantiating only the public methods, and the problems only pop up when I try to build the executable.
    Am I missing something?  Is there a more elegant way to do this?  Any advise / tutorials / knowledgebase articles you can point me to?
    The tree for the directory structure for my build looks like this (for reference)
    \\Application Directory\
                                      \ Class One.lvclass  (first external class that I am calling in my top-level vi)
                                          \ Method 1
                                          \ Method 2
                                          \ Method 3
                                           \ etc
                                      \ Class Two.lvclass
                                            \Method 1
                                            \Method 2
                                            \Method 3
                                            \ etc
    Wes Ramm
    Wes Ramm, Cyth UK

    Hello Wes Ramm,
    It's better late than never! Hence I'm going to address some of the issues that you've brought up.
    1) Which version of LabVIEW are you using? LabVIEW 8.5 has fixed a lot of issues that occured between the Application Builder and LV Classes. If you were using LV 8.2, I would suggest changing to LV 8.5 or at least LV 8.2.1
    2) Apart from setting "Do not disconnect type definitions or remove unreferenced members" in the Additional Exclusions page, I would suggest also checking the box against "Enable Debugging" on the Advanced Page.
    The following forum post has discussed many of the problems that have come up when building an executable which uses LVOOP classes. Hope this helps.

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