Indesign : caler un texte

bonjour à tous,
j'ai une question dont la réponse est peut être simple et bête
je la pose quand même ...
dans Indesign CS5, comment caler un texte dans une cellule d'un tableau ?
je souhaite justement pouvoir caler un peu plus mon texte sur les bords de la cellule et eviter des grands espaces comme on peut le voir sur la pièce jointe
subtilité, ce tableau est un sommaire avec des références croisées
j'espère m'etre bien exprimé dans ma question
merci pour vos réponses

bonjour et merci pour la réponse
j'ai essayé de passer en mm mais je reviens systématiquement en px ...
quoi qu'il en soit ca ne change pas grand chose ...
j'ai joint une capture d'écran pour montrer ...
ce sont les marges de gauche et de droite que je souhaiterais réduire ...

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    Edit>InCopy>Export All Strories.
    Open the INDD in InCopy.
    This assumes everyone involved has access to the files.

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    you can try my Export Import InDesign Texts for ID CS1 and CS2:
    let me know if you need it for ID CS3

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    Thanks for your help!
    Just to clarify, are you suggesting going through the export process while in Indesign? I did that and saved the table as an EPS file, then proceeded to open it, trim, and save as png in Photoshop. I noticed it lost it's white background when I reopened it in Photoshop; the table appeared with a transparent background (which isn't a big deal). When I uploaded the png in the website it doesn't appear to be as blurry, so that did help.
    Thank you for the suggestion!

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    Yep--I read your first post too quickly.Sorry about that. Does the tagged structure show up in the structure pane? It should.
    I cannot replicate the problem. Anything I delete in my tagged files do not get exported into the resulting XML whether it is recycling imported XML or creating it from scratch in ID.
    Can you upload a sample to or another large document sharing site (that does not require membership) and provide a download link? If it is sensitive stuff, feel free to click on my name and email or private message me the download link. I would be happy to take a look.
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    @Pinenuthunter – did you consider iBooks Author app (Mac  OSX 10.7 and above) for this task and publishing in ibooks file format to the iBooks app on iPads or to iBooks app in OSX 10.9 (Mavericks)?
    Here a link to a tutorial:
    Adding an interactive lab quiz
    iBooks Author for Teachers: Creating a Lab Manual
    with Mike Rankin tml

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    Voilà, en espérant qu'une personne puisse m'aider,

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    If you use Unicode fonts (most OTF fonts), they automatically contain the characters you need.
    Attention! Unicode and OpenType are only "formats". It's up to the designer(s) of the font which glyphs to include and which not. It's absolutely fine to create a Unicode OTF font that only covers the glyphs for "western" languages. And there are enough OpenType fonts out there with no support for e.g. central European languages.
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    What I think is happening here is that you’re editing a layout done in a prior version.
    When you open it, InDesign honors the prior text composition but the second you start to edit the new text engine takes over.
    You can export the document out of CS3 as INX and open that which will force all the text to recompose at once and you can get it all over with or stick with CS3 to finish up this job.

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    Any body have any thoughts?

    You can get these three (serif) characters in Symbol with
    <0xF6D9><0xF6DA><0xF6DB>. Your three characters come in pink (which
    means they don't exist in the font). It could be that they used to work
    because you had a different Symbol font loaded. I always seem to have at
    least three Symbol fonts (T1, TT, OT) going, even though I try to only
    have one.
    But why bother with the font change? These characters are ANSI: © ALT
    0169, ® ALT 0174, ALT 0153. You should be able to see them in your
    text editor and in just about every decent text font.
    Kenneth Benson
    Pegasus Type, Inc.

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    All is not lost for autoflow even using copy paste. Here's a nifty little trick that will help you:
    ID does not require a text frame before you paste, so if you don't start with one, or don't use the one you've already drawn, ID will conveniently draw a 2" square text frame in the center of the screen if you issue a paste command. This frame will contain all of the copied text, but most of it will be overset (you'll see a red plus sign inthe "out port" on the lower right of the frame).
    Overset text can be picked up and flowed using autoflow, just as if you were placing a text file, so use the selection tool (black arrow) to select that small text frame if it isn't already selected, then click the red plus sign to pick up the overset. You should now have a loaded text cursor that looks sort of like the upper left corner of a page. DON'T click it anywhere yet.
    First press backspace to delete the small text frame (which should have remained selected). Now you can start your auto-flow holding the Shift key and clicking your loaded cursor wherever you like. All of the text, including what was visible in the now deleted frame is in the cursor waiting for you.

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    Did you replace the prefs yet? If not, log in on the old user and do that. It may be enough. If not, see John's list of additional files to be deleted at Adobe Forums: InDesign crashes at startup
    Note that most or all of the files you need to work with will be hidden, so if you don't know how to find them already, see Access hidden user library files | Mac OS 10.7 Lion

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