InDesign CS 5.5 Debug Version: Where to get?

It seems that this guy: have the CS5.5 Debug Version for InDesign.
I'm having some trouble with the startup/shutdown service of this version(reported here: and And with the debug version, it might give me something more to figure it out.
Do you guys know where can I get it ?

You need to be an Adobe Technology Partner to access the debug version's of InDesign. For joining this program you will need an Adobe contact, as the membership for this program is only through invitation.
If you are an independent developer then you can contact "Harbs" on this forum using a orivate mesasge. He may connect you to right folks who can help you in the matter.

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    Well, since I couldnt get my hands on one of the debug versions for the same version you want, I tried something else.
    If you're using visual studio, go to your project settings and make indesign output debugging information. Then just attach the debugger in the process and should work just as it would if you were debugging a normal program.
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    What's "CS"? AE is included in the Master Collection and Production Premium, but not in the Web and Design suites, so maybe you simply have one of those?

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    You can try ask Adobe. There used to be 3 levels of partnership with Adobe that alowed you to download debug version of InDesign.
    Here's email address:
    [email protected]

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    a r u l

    That's very, very bad advice!!!
    Yes, It's technically possible to create plugins without the debug version, but there will likely be bugs that go unnoticed...
    You need a partner account to get the debug version.

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    I know this is available to solution providers, if you are registered as such at I don't know what level of membership is required, but that is one place the debug version is available from.
    Max Dunn
    Silicon Publishing

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    It sounds like you're looking for developer material. I'd ask here:
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    It sounds like you're looking for developer material. I'd ask here:
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    Have u supplied registration keys at the time of installation?
    Are other InDesign software woring on ur PC?
    Hope this information will help me to fix it.

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    Once again I'm using CS4, not sure if CS3 writes user prefs in the same fashion.
    Is your concern with user saved preferences?
    I'm assumming that the location you referenced is where user preferences will be written for Indesign on a Windows machine. Since user preferences are comprised of things like color settings, font info, scripts, workspace setting etc. As you change any user stored setting via the release or debug builds both apps will write to the same prefs files. So any changes you make to prefs in the Debug version should be honored when the release version is next launched.
    There are settings specific to the debug build for tracing and so forth, but I beleive those are limited to the current session and are not saved across sessions.
    If your concerned about registration data, that info (on a Mac) is stored in the same Adobe Registration database file but each Adobe app/version has a separate entry.
    Hope that helps

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