Indesign degrading images after Save

I've had an issue since upgrading to InDesign cs5.  I'll put together my document like usual, using place to insert the images. While on High Quality Display and overprint preview the document looks great. I'll run a full sized print quality PDF for a client to proof and it comes out looking clear and sharp. So i'll save my indesign file just in case my proof has some corrections to be made. When I open the indesign file later to make corrections, a majority of the images are pixelated. This is in High Quality display mode. Why are files that print clear at first changing after the save? What can I do to stop this and what can I do to fix it versus re-placing all the images?   Your help is greatly appreciated!     Thanks!

Check the links panel. Does ID show them up to date? Sometimes there are time synch problems on networks that casue links to appear to be out of date.

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    Just go back in photoshop and use the Slice Select tool, then just click and select the slice and hit delete - if you're not sure which one is the active slice just right click and find the one that has the Delete Slice option.
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    • free space on Start-Up hard disk ? How Much ?
    • Brand and type of DVD used
    • Burn Speed ?
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    go back to Replace Your Preferences to get the paths to the folders in your user library, then try moving the entire folders to the desktop and restart ID.
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    Please try to reset the preferences of InDesign.
    Refer the following help document on "How to reset preferences": tml

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    Hi, I can't follow your post...I suggest taking a screenshot in photoshop of your image detail at 100% actual pixels, along with your layers pallet:
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    what compression settings are you selecting in photoshop> save> Ps PDF (screen shots are very usefull here to make your point)?

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    Heres a silly example:
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    * @author Ian Schneider
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            g2.drawString("I maded it better",48,48);
            JLabel l = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(bi));
            javax.swing.JFrame f = new javax.swing.JFrame();
            if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(f,"Should I save my excellent work?") == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
                File out = new File("yourimagebutbetter.jpg");
                System.out.println("vandalized image saved at : " + out);
    }Hopefully that will send you on your way.
    I am new at this Then ignore my bad example of putting everything in main.

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    hmm... did you try a reset to default configuration ?
    hold down ctrl+shift+alt and start indesign. perhaps there will be a message if u are in Windows regarding privilages, still hold down while accepting. then there comes the Reset all settings dialog.
    But you will lose all your configuration if you had those
    hope i could help

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    from your description it is not clear why the page doesn't refresh. It could be a problem in your implementation code - who knows. What if you perform the address check on a command button that actually submits the new address? If the check returns true (address exists) you would call row.refresh(forget new row); and re-query the view object so the address coming from the database is displayed. If you wanted to use the doDML then yuou need to be aware that doDML doesn't help removing the row the user created. It just ignores the database update but the entity is still around, which in my suggested solution wont be the case.

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    helencia wrote:
    Do I have any other options?
    Other options for your InDesign-built template? Not really. It's only of use to a user of InDesign. If your client's need was an MS-Office template, you really should have just built it properly in the appropriate MS-Office application. There is no reason you can't; and it's your only remaining, truly viable "other option."

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    Hi hasvi,
    Need Template(.indt), textframes etc for the following script:
    var myFolderInd = Folder.selectDialog();
    var myFile = myFolderInd.getFiles("*indt");
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myDocName =;
    var mySaveFile = + "/" + myDocName.split(".indt").join(".indd"));
    var myFolderDoc = Folder.selectDialog();
    var myFile1 = myFolderDoc.getFiles("*doc");
    app.activeDocument.textPreferences.smartTextReflow = true;
    var myPDFFile = new File(mySaveFile.filePath + "/" +".indd").join(".pdf"))
    myDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, File("~/Desktop/abc.pdf"));
    alert("Process Completed")

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    Check these Exits:
    QEVA0004 Exit for changing information line in usage decision he
    QEVA0005 User subscreen for displaying add. data for usage decis
    QEVA0006 Entry to usage decision transactions
    QEVA0007 UD: Control of compulsory comment or long text presetti
    QEVA0008 Usage decision: Customer function key (e.g. to cancel U
    QEVA0009 UD: Predefinition of quantity to be posted to sample st
    QEVA0010 UD: Usage decision check
    QLCO0001 QM: Call alternative costs report from UD
    QSS10001 Possibility of calling a different print report

    Hello Tuncer,
    have you checked the BADI QE_SAVE? This is the last possible chance of changing data on saving a QM transaction and should be active in QA32.
    The only other solution I can come up with is a follow-up action i.e. for the UD-code
    Hope this information proves usefull.

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    It's possible to create PO automatically after sales order is saved.
    1. Set up back-to-back, i.e. PR can be automatically created after the SO is saved.
    2. Item category - make sure 'Create PO automatically' checkbox  is ticked.
    3. Enterprise Structure --> Sales Organization - ensure that PO type, purchasing group etc. is maintained.
    4. Transaction code SWETYPV - Ensure that both checkboxes are ticked for BO (object category), BUS2032 (object type), ALECREATEE/CHANGED and ERRORCHANGINGPURORD/ERRORCREATINGPURORD.
    5. Optional: You could execute BD86 to check for consistencies (note that you can still get it work even if BD86 shows errors)

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