InDesign Plugin missing

I'm hoping someone can help identify my problem. I recently received an error message upon opening a document the file used a plugin that was not available.
Missing plugin: sfmkitcs3.InDesignPlugin
I am aware of issues similar to this when trying to open CS3 documents into CS2, however I am using InDesign CS3 version 5.0.3.
Exporting to Interchange format and then re-saving in InDesign seems to resolve the error message, but I am wondering about the origin of the message and if I have defeated any content of the file.
Can anyone shed any light on the "sfmkitcs3.InDesignPlugin" plugin?
Thanks in advance for any help provided!

Hey Jim,
thats quite interesting! This is a plugin especially developed for some translation database we use.
It looks like someone involved to our worklflow used this plugin for other jobs also.
Maybe you should give a short explanation about plugin management to the sender of this file. ;-)
But nevertheless you can just ignore this message. It doesnt make any changes to the documents content.

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    You can install Adobe Programs ONLY from the originals installer which is provided from Adobe. Time Machine (which is a form of migration) will not result in working Adobe programs. As Bob said, use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool, which is also working for CS versions, to wipe out everything from Adobe and start with a clean installing.
    I am not sure, if CS4 is running on Maverick, at least it is not supported officially, your are here alone. It might be so that you have to upgrade your software to a later version.

  • Missing  SMD Channel Model.sdk.InDesign Plugin

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    Sorry that the screenshots are in german. I hope you can use them anyway.
    Thanks for your help! -- Jannie

    Hi Jannie,
    This is not a big issue, it seems that the document you are using was created from a later version of InDesign than the one you are using to open it. Since you are using CS5 the document is probably created using CS5.5 or CS6, and you cannot open a doc of later version in a previous version of InDesign for obvious reasons.
    And for the reason this problem(your first screenshot) occurs is that every plugin in InDesign can save some persistent data on the document and if it does so then whenver you open such a document and the plugin is not loaded then this prompt occurs. However if the developer coding the plugin has some foresight he can avoid such alerts to the user by using Ignoretags resource in the plugin code.
    Hope my explanation cleared out the confusions you had on this behavior of InDesign

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    A forum search for "missing required fonts" brings up this thread which should solve your problem:

  • How to give call to dll in indesign plugin

    Hello All ,
    I am developing one indesign plugin on Mac OS X 10.4.
    I want to give a call to one dll in pluging code.
    But the problem with mac os x according to my knowladge ,dll need to be build in same project where we are calling that dll.
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    Seems to me I don't understand something, or text format plugin isn't quite well example. But, I got some code from sdk to create layer with automation like this:
    SPErr MakeLayer(void) {
    PIActionDescriptor descriptor = NULL;
    PIActionReference reference = NULL;
    PIActionDescriptor result = NULL;
    SPErr error = kSPNoError;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->Make(&descriptor);
    if (error)
    goto returnError;
    // Move this to the top of the routine!
    error = sPSActionReference->Make(&reference);
    if (error)
    goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionReference->PutClass(reference, classLayer);
    if (error)
    goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutReference(descriptor, keyNull, reference);
    if (error)
    goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionControl->Play(&result, eventMake, descriptor,
    if (error)
    goto returnError;
    if (result != NULL) sPSActionDescriptor->Free(result);
    if (descriptor != NULL) sPSActionDescriptor->Free(descriptor);
    if (reference != NULL) sPSActionReference->Free(reference);
    return error;
    and wrote aeta resource:
    resource 'aete' (16000, "myFile" " dictionary", purgeable)
    1, 0, english, roman,
    vendorName " myFormat",
    "create type",
    "make layer"
    And what now? Is any better examples?

  • Compile indesign plugin with Panel

    I make a new question with a tittle more explicit, because i didn't have answer to my last question.
    I have :
    - Xcode 3.2.1
    - SDK CS 5.5
    And i don't know how to do to have an Indesign plugin file.
    Can you help me ?
    I tried to do what they say to do in the "GETTING STARTED WITH ADOBE INDESIGN CS5.5 PLUG-IN DEVELOPMENT" PDF file but :
    - I tried to use : i don't know what to do !
    - i tried with the "SDK project template" but after they say that : "Open WFPID.h in your IDE and find the widget definitions for the dialog, as shown here:"
    But where is "WFPID.h" ? Is it in finder ? in xcode project ?
    Please help me.

    'Getting started' has enough details to create and build projects. It would be better to read again 'Build the plug-in' section.
    1. run application->terminal
    2. cd dollyxs path and run
    3. a tabbed window opens, with default values for dollyxTest project. if u want a project with different name change it
    4. next tabs are mac, win. set paths for mac and skip win.
    5. in final tab, select 'indesign product' and check panel/dialog and now Ok.
    Now a message will show that project is successfuly created.
    open project file in xcode, and build. now plugin file .pln will be created. copy it to the 'application/adobe indesign/plugins' folder. start/restart indesign.
    Unless u can start with sample plugins provided in sdk. Project files will be available in "D:\H\SDK\Adobe InDesign CS5 SDK\build\mac\prj".
    1. open basicdialog / basicmenu prj.
    2. build
    3. 'application/adobe indesign/plugins' folder. start/restart indesign.
    Ays. Hakkim

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    Can you please guide in reading an external XML file in a indesign Plugin in MAC system. I am an windows user.We are using this file for reading some inputs.

    Hello Daniel,
    I am uncertain about the actual question. If you are developing a plug-in or otherwise interfacing with the guts of ID, I suggest asking the question in the SDK forum:
    InDesign SDK Forum
    Otherwise, what is it you are wanting to know concerning importing XML into InDesign?

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    we are developing a commercial plugin for Adobe InDesign for B2B.
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    There are not many developers here. Try the InDesign SDK forum where you'll find more developers.

  • Boost regex not working inside indesign plugin

    Hi, While i was writing the below code in a separate project inside visual studio express, It works fine!
    Now when I am using the same code in a Adobe InDesign plugin then boost::regex_search fails..
    I am not getting the exact reason...
    Any idea for resolving this will be great help.
    void MTSTestFunctions::ParseAllMarker(std::wstring& inText, std::vector &outMarkerInfoVec)
        std::wstring::const_iterator start = inText.begin();
        std::wstring::const_iterator end = inText.end();
        boost::wregex pattern(L"((<.*?>)|(\\[[^[].*?[^]]\\])|(\\[\\[.*?\\]\\]))");
        boost::wsmatch what;
        boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_default;
        int32 index = 0;
            while(boost::regex_search(start, end, what, pattern, flags))
                MarkerInfo tmpMarkerInfo;
                tmpMarkerInfo.mStartIndex = (what.position() + index);
                index += what.position();
                tmpMarkerInfo.mEndIndex = (index += what.position());
                tmpMarkerInfo.mMarkerTextLength = (index + what.length());
                index += what.length();
                // update search position:
                start = what[0].second;
                // update flags:
                flags |= boost::match_prev_avail;
                flags |= boost::match_not_bob;
        catch(std::runtime_error ex)

    If I modify by above code as below for using std::tr1::regex the I gets the same crash...and error.
    void MTSTestFunctions::ParseAllMarker(std::wstring& inTextO, std::vector<MarkerInfo> &outMarkerInfoVec)
        std::wstring inText;
        std::wstring::const_iterator start = inText.begin();
        std::wstring::const_iterator end = inText.end();
        std::tr1::wregex pattern(L"((<.*?>)|(\\[[^[].*?[^]]\\])|(\\[\\[.*?\\]\\]))");
        std::tr1::wsmatch what;
        std::tr1::regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =  std::tr1::regex_constants::match_default;
        int32 index = 0;
            while(std::tr1::regex_search(start, end, what, pattern, flags))
                MarkerInfo tmpMarkerInfo;
                tmpMarkerInfo.mStartIndex = (what.position() + index);
                index += what.position();
                tmpMarkerInfo.mEndIndex = (index += what.position());
                tmpMarkerInfo.mMarkerTextLength = (index + what.length());
                index += what.length();
                // update search position:
                start = what[0].second;
                // update flags:
                flags |=  std::tr1::regex_constants::match_prev_avail;
                //flags |=  std::tr1::regex_constants::match_not_bob;
        catch(std::runtime_error ex)

  • Make an Indesign plugin

    Hi !
    I need help to make a indesign plugin with panel. It's doesn't work for me !
    I have :
    - Xcode 3.2.1
    - SDK CS 5.5
    When i open a exemple project that is working (many exemple project make error when i build them) and when i build it, it create many files in the folder "". Some .dat, .dep, .sh, etc.
    What can i do with these files ? Why i don't have a .InDesignPlugin file ?
    And a second question, how can i make panel interface (with buttons, champ, etc.) ?
    Thank you for help !!

    Yes i started with "getting-started.pdf" and i have take a fast look to "plugin-programming-guide-vol1" and "plugin-programming-guide-vol2" but i can't open the first exemple and i can't do the same things.
    So i have some notion of C++ but my problem is to use xcode or sdk. How compilate the plugin to run the plugin in indesign (to have a .indesignplugin file) ? I do "build" but i have many file and i don't know what do after with these files .
    And how make the panel with buttons or else things ?

  • InDesign Plugin question

    Hi All,
    I was wondering if you or someone is currently looking for a new project. I am looking for a Adobe InDesign Plugin Developer who knows how to write extensions for the desktop publishing applications; Adobe InDesign and Quark.
    Familiarity with scripting languages such as JavaScript, AppleScript, or VB Script.
    Good problem solving abilities and strong programming skills.
    Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a collaborative manner.
    Experience on Macintosh and Windows systems.
    Experience in XML.
    Experience with server-side technologies such as J2EE, Tomcat, or other application servers helpful
    Please feel free to call me or email me.
    949-202-5814 office
    [email protected]

    Hi Folks,
    I am also after an Indesign Plugin developer.
    I currently have a project I am developing - it is listed at getafreelancer. ml
    Please bid, or contact me at the project for further clarification/information.
    I am looking to get started straight away.

  • "Adobe InDesign is missing required files. Please reinstall."

    Hi EveryOne !
    "Adobe InDesign is missing required files. Please reinstall. Missing files: \Program Files\Common FIles\Adobe\TypeSupport\...\CP1252.TXT" This is the message I keep receiving on CS5.5 of InDesign.
    I am running InDesign CS5.5 North American, English, with updates on my WinXP SP3 machine. Local copy, no network server. Yes, I might possibly need a newer machine, or a newer desk, or to reinstall WinXP to fix this one problem, but everything other than InDesign CS5.5 still runs great and I feel no compelling reason to make system-wide changes or upgrade until Win8 has been thoroughly tested and new hardware is released and tried and true for that OS.
    So, last year, I received the same message and reinstalling didn't work either. So, I pried everything Adobe off of my computer and reinstalled Adobe PageMaker 7.x. But now I am compelled by my co-workers to use ID, which I have grown to love. I have no desire or $ to upgrade to ID6 but must make use of the ID 5.5. I don't want to uninstall PageMaker as we still use it for legacy projects and it has been a faithful companion to me since it was called Aldus Pagemaker.
    My question: what is causing these messages and why does re-installation not help ? If there is a system problem, why is only CS5.5 affected and not my PageMaker and Quark ? I have searched the web and found only related posts (with no responses relevant to me) for users of Apple products.
    Thank you in advance for any information that you may be able to provide.

    and the new and improved clean tool: CS Cleaner Tool for installation problems | CCM, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3

  • InDesign CS4: Missing Toolbars/Menus

    InDesign CS4: Missing Toolbars/Menus on MacBook Pro
    The program has been working fine for more than year, but all of a sudden the menus and toolbars have disappeared and I can't find a way to turn them back on. The program is USELESS without them since you can't do anything.
    Everything is  turned on (visible) under Edit > Menus... but when you're working in the actual program, NOTHING!
    When opening .indd files in InDesign I get a missing plug-ins error (LILO.APLN) and then this warning appears: The following hyphenation services are not installed on this system - Proximity (English: USA). Uh, watchu talkin' bout InDesign?
        1    I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software
        2    I've tried reseting my preferences (
        4    I've tried installing the latest update (6.0.6)
        5    Keyboard shortcuts do not work to restore the menus
        6    I changed the screen resolution to see if the toolbars were hiding of screen...
              and guess what? They weren't!
    I don't believe it is a problem with the permissions since there is only one user account on this computer and it is an administrator account. No changes have been made to the user profiles since the machine was first set up!
    This sounded EXACTLY like the problem I am having (, but the solution (download the 6.0.4 patch) is not going to fix things for me ~ if 6.0.6 didn't clear it up, 6.0.4 sure as hell ain't gonna do it
    Oh, and I'm a total novice when it come to troubleshooting (I don't have a f*cking clue what I'm doing and have only gotten this far thanks to my limited ability to Google -- hooray for opposable thumbs!... also, I tried calling Adobe tech support and I couldn't understand a single word of what that guy was saying... the only thing that came out clear was "you're gonna have to pay for help or seek it out in the forums").
    So if you've got any advise that might help solve my InDesign issues, please explain it as you would to a child... seriously

    I read through the thread you suggested, but since I'm not computer-savvy enough to match up the Windows based advise with my MAC, I  went straight for the cleaner tool option. I wiped CS4 from my computer, and with hope in my heart I reinstalled the entire suite. As the progress bar neared completion, rainbows exploded across the sky, children laughed and angels got their wings... but as soon as I opened InDesign the whole world went to sh*t again. The toolbars are still MIA. This is CRAZY... they were there last week. No major changes have ocurred that would suddenely make the program stop working... save for the fact that someone has obviously placed a gypsy curse on me. WTF!

  • Shared Content InDesign Plugin for InDesign CS4 won't open file

    Yesterday I discontinued using Adobe CC and went back to using my Adobe InDesign CS4.  CS4 is working OK but there is ONE file that won't open.  I get the message "Shared Content InDesign Plugin is currently not available on your system".  The file will not open. Is there a workaround or how do I get the required plugin?

    You get that error when the file was saved in CS5 or later. You can find out the version using the script at Adobe Forums: [Ann] Identify Your InDesign File.
    You'll need to export the file to .idml from the newer version to be able to open it in CS4. This is something I normally offer to do, but I'm not available for at least a week, so perhaps one of our other regulars can step up and volunteer.

  • Flex Indesign plugin

    Hi guys,
    I am trying to build an Indesign plugin with flex and CreativeSuiteSDK.
    When trying to execute this statement in a shell:
    java -jar ucf.jar -package -storetype PKCS12 -keystore myCert.pfx -storepass mypasswd
    myExtension.zxp -C "./myExtension"
    I get this error:
    not enough arguments
      ucf -package ( -storetype <type> ( -keystore <store> )? ( -storepass <pass> )? ( -keypass <pass> )? ( -providerName <name> )? ( -tsa <url> )? )? <ucf-file> <fileOrDir>* (( -C <dir> <fileOrDir>+ ) | ( -e <file> <path> ))*
      ucf -help
    I am working with this tutorial: m%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2FAdobe%2Fen%2Fdevnet%2Fcreativesuite%2Fpdfs%2FCS_SDK_Guide.pdf&rct=j&q= Using%20the%20Adobe%20Creative%20Suite%205%20SDK&ei=Lw40TZS6BIe_4gbRlLWJDw&usg=AFQjCNHLg2F xFL7DVPiQkErqqhQnB8zMPg&cad=rja
    Thanks for your help

    Similar bug(#3710667) was exist in CC before 9.2.2 update as you can see in release notes of 9.2.2(CC last update) here. before fix simple selected text drag & drop did not work from any application except TextEdit .I have also spent hours before this update to find out bug I used ClipBoardViewer sample App to find out current Drop flavour and its content it may help you and before fix I find some workAround first is add flavour in your drop which Indesign understand even if you are not adding any data for that flavour so that you start receiving couldAcceptType() and under this call parse your actual data from PasteBoard and remove all data from pasteBoard so that another next helper will not consume it. as you mention even after adding text flavour your couldAcceptType() not hit so may be this WorkAround not work for you but it worked for me.
    second is just a finding  i.e before doing drag and drop on indesign create one new document (from Indesign UI not programmatically ) save it on disk close it and reopen it after it every drag & drop will start working work .

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