Indexorg/Re Indexing jobs in Primary server which has Logshipping

Hi All,
I have primary server(SQLServer 2008 R2) with 200 Database and 90 databases are configured in Log shipping(stand by).
We are planning for Indexing jobs on primary server.
Please some body advise us best practices to implement indexing jobs in primary server.
Thanks in advance

There is few consideration
1. To rebuild index online or to rebuild offline. Online produces less logs than offline  I proved this fact in below link. Online rebuild in Enterprise Only option
Make sure your SQL server is patched to latest Service pack because Online index rebuild
MIGHT cause increase in database size after rebuild. Below is MS support article . This happens because extra 14 byte is added
2 You should only rebuild index whose fragmentation is > 40 and page_count is >1000 and reorganize if fragmentation is between 10 and 30 .
3. Are you using SORT_IN_TEMPDB option if yes make sure your tempdb has enough space if not make sure drive on which index resides has enough space.
4 Index rebuild is maintenance task so you also need to figure out how much time index rebuild would take. Ola script would surely be helpful if you use it.
5 Logs will be produced so you need to make sure just after rebuild when logs will be transferred to secondary the link must not be heavily utilized or else you will start receiving alerts from Log shipping 
Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it.
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    Congrats we have successfully cloned the database server itself.
    Please check the steps i did. And add if you think it should be added and taken care of.
    Bhushan Altekar
    Edited by: user13368428 on Aug 23, 2012 3:13 PM
    Edited by: user13368428 on Aug 31, 2012 4:58 PM

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    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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    1. Check latest WSP is deployed in the central admin. If not, Retract and deploy it again.
    2. Check latest assembly is installed in GAC otherwise uninstall and install the assembly using GACUTIL
    3. Do IISRESET
    4. Restart the SharePoint Timer job in services.msc
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    there are so many posts in SCN , please search .
    write data to application server in background and then download to presentation server online.

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    DROP INDEX IX_t1 ON dbo.t1
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    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
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    From the Mail menu bar, select
    Window ▹ Connection Doctor
    Click the Show Detail button. A drawer opens. Click Check Again and post the text that appears. Anonymize any personal information before posting.

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    Can anyone advise me as to whether this could be made possible.
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    Thanks for your help in advance.
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    Is there any option similar to that in BODS ?
    Also would like to know :
    how to use the smtp_to or mail_to functions ?
    how to set up the smtp server for this ?
    Edited by: Indumathy Narayanan on May 31, 2011 3:47 PM

    Since am new to this BODS. I need some help.
    I already have many jobs which are running absolutely fine.
    And when a job runs, and finishes, am able to see the trace saying
    e.g. :
    Job_abc is completed successfully.
    We got the smtp service activated for our test server.
    and we hae a group email id.
    I have put the details of the smtp server / ip address / and said apply restarted.
    The i created a simple test script as below :
    print (' Before email ' );
    smtp_to('', 'Job ' || job_name() ||' on ' || host_name() || ' has FAILED',
    ' the job has failed', 0, 0);
    print('After Email ');
    It does send a email to as per smtp_to whatever email is specified.
    But how to differentiate between a job success
    And a job which has failed.
    I wish to have a mail which says on the subject :
    'Job ' || job_name() ||' on ' || host_name() || ' has completed successfully'
    ==> IF it is a success
    'Job ' || job_name() ||' on ' || host_name() || ' has failed'
    ==> if it has failed
    How to make the system identify, whether
    to send a success message or a error message whatever
    Could anyone advise.

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    Hi All,
    I have to insert the data into a SQL SERVER 2005 Database table.
    I am able to insert the data into a normal SQL Server table.
    When I am trying to insert the data into a SQL Server table, which has a identity column (i.e. auto increment column in Oracle) I am getting error saying that can't insert value explicitly when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
    Had anybody tried this??
    There are some SRs on this issue, Oracle agreed that it is a bug. I am wondering if there is any workaround from any one of you (refer Insert in MS-SQL database table with IDENTITY COLUMN
    V Kumar

    Even I had raised a SR on this in October 2008. But didn't get any solution for a long time, finally I had removed the identity column from the table. I can't to that now :).
    I am using and MS SQL SERVER 2005, They said it is working for MS SQL SERVER TABLE, if the identity column is not a primary key and asked me to refer to note 744735.1.
    I had followed that note, but still it is not working for me.
    But my requirement is it should work for a MS SQL SERVER 2005 table, which has identity column as primary key.
    V Kumar

  • Indexing Schedule Manager on Server Failed!!!

    Hi All,
    Below is the error message from the ULS logs regarding the Indexing service. As a result of this, I'm unable to see the Content Sources and Crawl History on Central Admin. I further found out that one of the server in our farm is in Converging Status under
    NLB (Network Load Balancer). Could this be the issue? But why would it say access denied. The search service account has not been modified or the permissions have never changed. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
    Entering monitored scope (Timer Job Indexing Schedule Manager on WCRSPT02) 8a76f83b-9c75-48d4-8764-61fb0d93ca49
    executing job Indexing Schedule Manager on <Server> 8a76f83b-9c75-48d4-8764-61fb0d93ca49
    CContentSourceCollection::ValidateTrigger in m_pScheduler -> Activate or NewWorkItem, Error is 0x80070005  [contentsource.cxx:1126]  d:\office\source\search\native\gather\server\contentsource.cxx 
    The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.IndexingScheduleJobDefinition (ID 0141a0f4-9c0a-4aa3-901f-f0bd5bb7f51d) threw an exception. More information is included below.  Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT:
    0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) 8a76f83b-9c75-48d4-8764-61fb0d93ca49
    Exception stack trace:    at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchApi.RunOnServer[T](CodeToRun`1 remoteCode, CodeToRun`1 localCode, Boolean useCurrentSecurityContext, Int32 versionIn)     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchApi.GetContentSources(Int32
    versionIn)     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.ContentSourceCollection..ctor(Content parent)     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Content.get_ContentSources()    
    at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.IndexingScheduleJobDefinition.Execute(Guid targetInstanceId)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerJobInvokeInternal.Invoke(SPJobDefinition jd, Guid targetInstanceId, Boolean
    isTimerService, Int32& result) 8a76f83b-9c75-48d4-8764-61fb0d93ca49
    Leaving Monitored Scope (Timer Job Indexing Schedule Manager on WCRSPT02). Execution Time=50.1862666903196
    Regards, Kapil ***Please mark answer as Helpful or Answered after consideration***

    According to your post, my understanding is that Indexing Schedule Manager on Server Failed.
    I recommend to reset Index and have a full Crawl. Please refer to:
    Unable to view content sources or crawl history in Search server 2010 Central Administration: share point
    You need to check whether you have an additional Search Service Application and is stuck in an error state. If so, please run the configuration wizard to remove the previously mentioned Search Service Application that was corrupted.
    In addition, please follow the instructions to check whether it works:
    stsadm -o osearch -action stop 
    stsadm -o osearch -action start -role index 
    Open Central Admin - select your SSP
    Check / validate your search service configuration.
    Here are some similar articles for your reference:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Script to redirect a Application to secondary server if primary server is not available in a .ini file

    Hi Team,
    I want to write a script in the .ini file of an excel add-in on the users windows system , where if the primary server is not available it should automatically redirect to the secondary server. 
    Can someone help me in this?

    Hi Jrv, 
    As I said its an Add-in (Twuploader) in excel which uses a ini file to connect to a server. I want the addin to connect to another available server when the primary is not available. This is the ini file content below:
    Let me know how to edit this ini file so that if Server1 is unavailable it should connect server2. 

  • ZCM 11.2 new primary server - How do I

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    Yes, that would Be ideal as it was / is my primary DSFW onsite & DNS. So the new ZCM Box would have a different name & IP.
    My thought was bring up a Second Primary in the exiting ZONE. Get it functioning / updated. (That's been an issue as well, but that will be another thread). Look at doing a DB /Content migration to the new server and shutting down the ZCM services on the old...I am sure I am missing some stuff....
    What other options do we have? I am all ears....I am assuming you / we can not do the "Import/Upgrade" routine to the OVA.
    Originally Posted by CRAIGDWILSON
    Will the OES Box Stay in production?
    If so, you will need to rename and change the IP address of one of them.
    We can think through different options.
    On 8/28/2014 7:16 PM, MCCFL MLA wrote:
    > clarja;2320238 Wrote:
    >> Thanks Anders that would be appreciated.
    >> I may have to rethink how I`m going about this, possibly virtualise the
    >> server I am thinking of replacing and taking on the same name and IP as
    >> the existing ZCM primary.
    > Where did you shake out with this? I have a similar scenario, as I have
    > a single Primary 11.2.4MU1 install on a OES11SP2 / SLES11SP3 box with
    > DSFW. But now keeping ZCM on an OES box is not supported... So what I
    > would like to do is bring up another server Possibly a Secondary Primary
    > (VM - OVA) patch to the equivalent level and then somehow
    > transfer.....the role as primary and remove the original.....
    Going to Brainshare 2014?
    Use Registration Code "nvlcwilson" for $300 off!
    Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
    Novell Technical Support Engineer
    Novell does not officially monitor these forums.
    Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
    These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human.

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