Info on cell editors for specific rows

Hi all,
Could anyone tell me how to return different components to be the editors for different rows in a table.
I have certain rows that will use a checkbox editor and certain rows that will use a formatted textfield editor. I have coded an outline to my custom editor which extends Component and implements TableCellEditor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Override getCellEditor() for the JTable
    public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) {
        if(row==rowOfmyChoice) //Or whatever Logic You want
                  return new MyCellEditor()
        return super.getCellEditor(row,column);

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    Kind Regards

    A short update for all interested:
    My current work around is to always set the lead selection to the summary line. It does in a kind "mark" that line as special as long as I cannot mark it using a different cell design.
    How do I assure this?
    I have implemented the following code in a redefinition of the method ADJUST_SELECTION:
    *- alter selection
       ls_size TYPE rstabix.
      "get index of summary line
      ls_size-tabix = mo_collection->size( ).
      "change only if there are any cash conc. proposals
      IF ls_size-tabix > 0.
        "do FPM selection
        CLEAR: ev_lead_index, et_selection.
        ev_lead_index = ls_size-tabix.
        APPEND ls_size TO et_selection.
        "do BOL selection
        mo_collection->if_bol_bo_col_multi_sel~unmark_all( ).
        mo_collection->if_bol_bo_col_multi_sel~mark( iv_index = ls_size-tabix ).
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    Kind Regards,

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    Hi Zolotoj ,
    Please go through following links : ers-empty nderers-classfactory-and-ifactory/
    It will provide you some idea to how to proceed further for this problem.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Vibhuti Gosavi | [email protected] |

  • Setting cell editor for individual cell in JTable

    Hi there,
    I want to provide individual cell editor for my JTable. Basically, my JTable shows property names and values. I want to show different cell editors for different properties.
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    but I have a question:
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    I am extremely confused.
    Someone please help!

    Actually, that's what I am currently doing.
    Here is my cell editor class:
    public class ObjectPropertyEditor extends DefaultCellEditor
           public ObjectPropertyEditor()
              super(new JTextField());
              Vector list = new Vector();
             myCombo = new JComboBox(list);
          public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
              boolean isSelected, int row, int column)
             String colName = (String)table.getValueAt(row,0);
             if(colName.equalsIgnoreCase("Leaf-Node?")) //if it is the "Leaf" property, return the combo box as the editor
                 return myCombo;
            else  //for all other properties, use JTextField of the super class
                return super.getTableCellEditorComponent(table,value,isSelected,row,column);
        private JComboBox myCombo;
    }The problem I have is that when I select a new item from the combo box, the new selection is not reflected in the tableModel. I don't know how I can achive that. I think I need the functionalities that DefaultCellEditor gives to its delegate when its constructor arguments is a combo box. But how can I get two different sets of functionalities (JTextField and JComboBox) ?
    Please help!

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    Thanks in advance

    take there:

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    So, you have a big table whose cells each contain a little table. I assume you already have the little tables working correctly with cell editors and so on, and you want to write a cell editor for the big table. Correct?
    My problem with this is that I can't imagine how this would actually work in practice. Suppose I click on a cell in the big table; then the cell renderer displays the appropriate little table. At this point should I see one of the cells in that little table selected, and should I be able to use the Tab key to move around the little table? And if so, then I can't use the Tab key to move around the big table. Next, suppose I press F2 indicating that I want to edit the little table. What should change? Should I now be able to tab around the little table, whereas I couldn't before? And if so, how do I indicate that I have stopped editing the little table? Pressing Enter indicates to the little table's cell editor that its editing is finished, but how should I tell the big table's cell editor that its editing is finished?
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  • JTable Cell Editor For Decimal Input

    Hi friends in my program i am using jtable, in that table two columns are decimal value. I am using defaultcelleditor for to check the user input but it does not work. so how can i check the user input, ie number or string using the cell editor. My aim is to check the user input, if the user give the wrong value, ie string input the warning message want to be displayed and the editor color also want to change. Please help me.
    I refer some tutorials and get some source code and i used but it does not work. this is the code.
    DecimalFormat format=new DecimalFormat("######0.00");
    tableField=new JFormattedTextField();
    tab_Bill.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).setCellRenderer(new DecimalRenderer(format)); tab_Bill.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).setCellEditor(new ProblemEditor(tableField));
    class DecimalRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
      DecimalFormat formatter;
      DecimalRenderer(String pattern) {
        this(new DecimalFormat(pattern));
      DecimalRenderer(DecimalFormat formatter) {
        this.formatter = formatter;
      public void setValue(Object value) {
       /* setText((value == null) ? "" : formatter.format(((Double) value)
    setText((value == null) ? "" : formatter.format(Double.parseDouble(value.toString())));      
         class ProblemEditor extends DefaultCellEditor implements TableCellEditor{
       private JFormattedTextField ftf;
       public ProblemEditor(JFormattedTextField myfield) {
       public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table,
               Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
           ftf = (JFormattedTextField) super.getTableCellEditorComponent(table, value, isSelected, row, column);
            Double d = null;
            catch(Exception e)
               // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Wrong");
           ftf.setValue(d); // remove and okay
           return ftf;

    You might find it easer to use on of the [Table Format Renderers|].

  • Setting Table Cell Renderer for a row or cell

    I need to make a JTable that has the following formats:
    Row 1 = number with no decimals and columns
    Row 2 = number with no decimals and columns
    Row 3 = percent with 4 decimals
    I can use a table cell renderer to set each COLUMN as one or the other formats like this:
    NumDispRenderer ndr = new NumDispRenderer();
    for(int i = 1;i<dates.size();i++) {
    Where NumDispRenderer is a class as follows:
    public class NumDispRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent (JTable table, Object value,boolean isSelected, boolean isFocused, int row, int column) {
    Component component = super.getTableCellRendererComponent (table,value,isSelected,isFocused,row,column);
    if (value != null && value instanceof Double) {
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###,###");
    String output = df.format(value);
    } else {
    ((JLabel)component).setText(value == null ? "" : value.toString());
    return component;
    This is fine for the first two rows, but the third row (which is also an instance of Double) I would like to format differently.
    The tutorial and other postings have not given a solution to this problem. Any suggestions would be very appreciated.

    the method getTableCellRendererComponent() of your renderer gets the row as a parameter. So just create the label depending on that value. For 0<=row<=1 you create the label as is, and for row=2 you create another label with the Double formatted as you wish.

  • IsCellEditable() to disable cell editing for specific columns

    Hello experts:
    My SSCCE for this question is at the below link:
    My question is how do I disable cell editing for all but the "Price" column of my table in the SSCCE. I tried adding the below lines of code right after creating the JTable. But get compilation errors.
    //Here is the block of code that I am trying to include.
         public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {     
         if (col == 7) {                                                  
                   return true;
              } else {
                   return false;
         } //Below is the method in showing the block of code added
    private JScrollPane BuildEmptyTable() {
         model = new DefaultTableModel();
         model.addTableModelListener( this );
         model.setColumnIdentifiers(new String[] { "SKU","Qty", "Price"});
            tblDetailTest = new JTable(model);
         public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {     //     <----- I tried placing the
         if (col == 7) {                                        //                  the code block here
                   return true;
              } else {
                   return false;
         tblDetailTest.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(900, 100));
         JTableHeader tblHdr = tblDetailTest.getTableHeader();
         JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(tblDetailTest);
         return scrollPane;
    }Can somebody please guide me? Thank you very much.

    Sorry, my bad! I did not tell you what I tried. Following your suggestion, I made the following 2 changes to the code:
    In the method, BuildEmptyTable(), where I build the table structure, I have the following statement:
         tblDetail = new JTable(model){
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
           return col == 8;
    };And in a separate method after the table is populated with data, I have the below code:
         tblDetail.getModel().addTableModelListener(new TableModelListener() {
         public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
         if (e.getType() == TableModelEvent.UPDATE)
              int row = e.getFirstRow();
              int column = e.getColumn();
                 if (column == 8){
                   //code here
                   System.out.println("Updating item price!");
         }I do understand that the message gets displayed as many number of times equal to number of rows inserted into the table, because of the UPDATE event. But my problem is I do not know how to make a code change to do what I exactly want, as I have indicated in my previous note. Meaning I want the listener to be called only when the
    data in the editable cell changes.
    Thank You.

  • How to get info who is locking a specific row in the RDBMS 9i?

    could some one please helop me with this? I would like to know the Oracle user name of the user who is locking a specific row in my table. I can display all locking requests with the following SQL statements. What I could not igure out how to find the rownum that is being locked by others?
    SELECT *
    FROM v$lock lk, v$session s , DBA_OBJECTS ao, wf_users wu
    WHERE lk.lmode > 1
    AND s.username IS NOT NULL
    AND lk.SID = s.SID
    AND ao.OBJECT_ID(+) = lk.id1
    AND s.username = wu.NAME(+)
    AND ao.owner = USER
    AND ao.object_name = 'BWF_IKTATASI_ADATLAPOK';
    Thank you in advance,
    Tamas Szecsy

    I'm not sure what's happening with your app. I wrote on up to see if it could handle the CTRL-C. Seems to work fine. Do you have any other JMenuItems with the same accelerator?
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Copy extends JFrame {
         public Copy() {
              this.setSize(400, 300);
         private void initMenuBar() {
              JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
              JMenu edit = new JMenu("Edit");
              JMenuItem copy = new JMenuItem(new CopyAction("Copy"));
              copy.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_C, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK));
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              new Copy();
         private class CopyAction extends AbstractAction {
              public CopyAction(String label) {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                   System.out.println("Action Performed.");

  • Is it possible to recognize and enter value in to a specific cell of a specific row in WPF Datagrid , in Testing?

        I am develop one sample application in that application I am using DataGrid. with this DataGrid I am facing one problem i.e; I want to recognize a specific cell(Like: 2nd row 3rd column in this cell i will enter any value) and enter values
    into that cell. But i don't know how to recognize particular cell and enter the value . Is it possible ? if possible please guide me.
    NOTE: I am facing this problem in Unit Testing?

    What you are looking for might be done with the usage of a boolean variable and some if conditions. However, you can not use datacopy command inside if conditions. I would be the world's happiest person if there was something like conditional data copying, sorry.
    If you choose to use if conditions you might end up using equations for copying data from one scenario to other. This is of course a case which might take ages to calculate.
    Instead, I suggest you to have two seperate business rules for each cases.

  • Cfinclude query: return result for specific row

    I've been trying to crack this all day and I feel like if I
    just had a nudge in the right direction I might be successful.
    I have a query that returns the records for some textbooks
    that are at a specific school. I've normalized the textbook
    database so that the primary, secondary and tertiary subject
    categories are represented by the primary key of that category in
    its own table. As the query loops through the records, I want it to
    return the (varchar) subject category that goes with that
    (numerical) key in the table.
    Since Coldfusion won't allow nested cfoutput, I've tried
    using cfinclude to grab the specific name for the subject category
    that goes with the current textbook - but what I've got so far
    returns all the subjects for the school id in each row - they're
    the right subjects! but I don't want all of them, just the right
    one with the right book/record. Can anyone suggest what I need to
    do? I'm attaching the code for the main page and for one of the
    cfincludes (they're identical except for "primary", "secondary" and
    I realize I must be leaving something out but I can't figure
    out what. Thanks much in advance.

    Glad I could help. To meet your requirement it seems like you
    would add one field to my schema in the Subjects table:
    parentSubjectId number (FK)
    That would simply be a recursive reference to another
    subject's ID to which it falls under. Maybe that doesn't make sense
    so here's some example data:
    subjectId, subjectName, parentSubjectId
    1, "Language Arts", null
    2, "Reading", 1
    3, "Phonics", 2
    4, "Other Subject with no parent", null
    So you can see we have built ourselves a nice hierarchy,
    where subjects which fall under other subjects can reference them.
    When you go to allow subjects to be chosen you can then query after
    each drop-down selection by refreshing the page (or via AJAX) to
    get its subjects. In this case we could also possibly do away with
    the "Ranking" field in our linking table since our hierarchy is
    captured in the relationships we now have, but for the sake of
    making our lives easy, let's keep it.
    Like let's say we select "Language arts" with a subjectId of
    1, we can get its child subjects like:
    <cfquery name="getChildSubjects"
    SELECT s.subjectId, s.subjectName
    FROM subjects s
    WHERE s.parentSubjectId = <cfqueryparam
    cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#URL.subjectId#" />
    ORDER BY s.subjectName
    Obviously, modifications would need to be made to fit your
    schema, variable names, etc. but that's the general principles.
    As for how to associate textbooks to subjects you will
    actually be inserting one record into the linking table for each
    subject selected. So let's say you have a book "XSS for dummies."
    To insert the book you would add a single record in your
    textbook table, maybe something like:
    INSERT INTO textbook (
    <!--- Other fields go here, etc... --->
    ) VALUES (
    'XSS for dummies',
    <!--- Other fields go here, etc... --->
    Now, the user has selected three subjects: Computer Science
    (ID: 5), Internet and Web Topics (ID: 11), and Security (ID:98). We
    will thus insert three records into our linking table like:
    INSERT INTO textbookSubjects (
    ) VALUES (
    INSERT INTO textbookSubjects (
    ) VALUES (
    INSERT INTO textbookSubjects (
    ) VALUES (
    So now when we query to get all our textbooks and related
    subjects, we have something like this:
    SELECT t.textbookId, t.textbookName, s.subjectId,
    s.subjectName, ts.ranking
    FROM textbook t
    LEFT JOIN textbookSubjects ts
    ON t.textbookId = ts.textbookId
    LEFT JOIN subject s
    ON t.subjectId = s.subjectId
    ORDER BY t.textbookName
    An example dataset might look like:
    textbookId, textbookName, subjectId, subjectName, ranking
    1, "XSS for Dummies", 5, "Computer Science", "Primary"
    1, "XSS for Dummies", 11, "Internet and Web Topics",
    1, "XSS for Dummies", 98, "Security", "Tertiary"
    2, "Some Other Book With No Subjects", null, null, null
    Now if we iterate over this dataset, you will end up
    outputting the textbook 3 times, which is probably not what you
    wanted. So to control this we can do something like:
    <cfoutput query="myBooks" group="textbookId">
    <!--- Show all the subjects --->
    <!--- These cfoutput tags with no group will give you all
    the values for the current group --->
    #myBooks.subjectName#<br />
    These examples are obviously brief but I hope they get the
    point across and help you accomplish what you're trying to

  • ALV Grid merge cells horizontally for specific record

    Hi Experts,
    We have a requirement regarding ALV Grid developement.
    In ALV Grid, we will have multiple records as normal output.
    Output will be as below.
    In that, we need Summery Text should be in from Field 2 * to*  Field 6 as a single Cell and below that all output
    will be normal each cell wise.
    That Summery will come for each new Field1.
    Field1  Field2  Field3    Field4  Field5  Field6  Field7   Field8   Field9
    001  | . ....      ..        ..  Summery  ........... |  10   |  20      |  30
    001  |  10   |    20  |     30  |   40   |    50  |   60 |    70  |   80     |
    001  |  10   |    20  |     30  |   40   |    50  |   60 |    70  |   80     |
    001  |  10   |    20  |     30  |   40   |    50  |   60 |    70  |   80     |
    001  |  10   |    20  |     30  |   40   |    50  |   60 |    70  |   80     |
    Thanks & regards

    Hi Manglesh,
    sorry ALV is not as flexible as Excel may be.
    You can only define a header in that way but it would be above the column headings.
    The ALV table display allows only to change the width of the whole column.

  • Encountering problems getting the median value for specific rows alone.

    Consider the following columns:
    Call Value
    Median 1.64
    Quartile 1
    Expected Median 1.22
    BO Returns      
    The first column in the table contains call values. The median of all the call values is 1.64. BO displays this value as is (correctly). In case of obtaining the median for Quartile 1, BO returns a null value instead of 1.22.
    Can anyone please tell me what needs to be done in BO to achieve this value 1.22?

    Hi Rajiv,
    Following is the syntax of the formula for median values.
    The Syntax is as follows:
    number Median([measure]), where measure is any measure object.
    Median([Revenue]) returns 971000 if [Revenue] has the values 736431, 971000, and 5476652
    Please note that the Median function in BusinessObjects works differently from the Median function in Microsoft Excel.
    For odd number of rows in the report, the Median will take the middle value and for even number of rows in the report, the Median will take the two middle values and calculate the Average of them.
    Sarbhjeet Kaur

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