Initial AX Setup as Client

New Mac User. Bet this has gone around many is my specific situation:
new macbook pro, new AX 802.11n, existing DSL and Dlink router setup.
Trying to use AX to stream itunes to home stereo only.
Thinking that i can leave my internet running off the existing setup and just add in the AX. Have tried to follow instructions online and AX box and cannot get close. Thought it would be easy...was i wrong! Dont know all the tech jargon being thrown around.
Anyone able to give me steps to do this? Think i must have to do a factory reset yet again (fyi, i dont ever get flashing green after the paperclip trick...).
Help greatly appreciated.
ps will i be able, if this works, to use internet and stream itunes to stereo simultaneously? that is my hope...

Got rid of the dlink router and am using the AX for itunes and internet. guy at mac shop i bought the MBPro from helped to reconfig the AX.

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    Hi Akber,
    I think you didnt understood what i was trying to say here :-( No problem..I will explain my theory again.Your requirment is to autheticate user from ACS internal database (you have already added the MAC address as the username on your ACS internal database) as well as from ACS external database (in your case this is AD).
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    ORCL =
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    ORCL_172.168.0.234 =
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    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 06-MAR-2
    007 07:54:10
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
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    OK (990 msec)
    C:\Documents and Settings>
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    31-Oct-2008 03:12 PM
    xzulien wrote:
    I clearly don't understand what is going on here :
    first My Nokia won't work using Bluetooth on Mac while Apple says it can
    Hi xzulien
    Unfortunately several phones for which iSync plug-ins worked under Tiger don't work under Leopard.
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    Any other suggestions?

    It doesn't make sense to me that you would have a
    problem like this. I have bought 2 iMacs this year.
    One of them was about 7 weeks old when I got it and
    my installation of the test drive worked just fine.
    Bought a 3 month old e Mac last year and used the
    test drive for 30 days while awaiting delivery of my
    full version of Office.
    It has nothing to do with the date the software was
    installed but from the date it was first opened.
    Wierd problem. Did you buy this Mac new?
    yes brand new, from the apple store online at,, I talked to some guy on the apple help chat thing and he said my machine was manufactured on 10/22/05 I ordered it 11/28/05. Anyway I did trash it lastnight and am going to try and reinstall it it. The tech suggested it then he said he didnt think it would work lol. I also downloaded the program suggested and it works well also.. so either way Im covered now.

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    I think we have a big problem.  I have posted a similiar question before, but answers are confusing to me.  Let me explain our current situation and please comment.
    1. We are loading billing documents, thus using VDITM.
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    3. On R3 we filled the setup tables with the smaller number of billing documents.  Then in BW ran a full load.
    4. The second billing document number range was kicked off in R3 and setup tables filled.
    5. Now, here is where I think there is a problem.  This second and final load from the setup table was setup and ran as a full load on BW.  Shouldn't this have been the Delta Init?
    Please comment on this:
    I believe this second load should be the delta init.  Then after this was done schedule the RMBWV313 job in R3 to run, for us, hourly.  In BW schedule the daily delta to run at night (for us).  Everything is in sync this way.
    My concern is the second setup table load from BW was setup as a Full Load.  After this load is done can we just schedule RMBWV313 in R/3 to run hourly and then schedule the Daily Delta in BW to run later that night.
    Please comment asap...please.
    Appreciate it,

    Hi Mike,
    You may be okay!  You can run the Init Delta InfoPackage in BW <i><b>without</b></i> transferring data, and your delta process would then be set up.  If you have the means, check your data in R/3 and verify in BW after a couple of days (couple of delta extracts) to make sure your billing totals match.
    The setup tables are only good for doing your initial load (or full load). 
    Your other solution would be to delete the second full load in BW, fill your setup table with the second range again (to get the new billing data), and then run the Init Delta InfoPackage in BW <i><b>with</b></i> data transfer, and you should be set to go.
    Let us know if you succeed!

  • Questions on Initial MARS setup

    I have a question on the ?Topology Discovery? piece in MARS. I will be using SNMP to discover and poll all devices in the network. What I don?t want is the MARS box to scan entire subnets looking for devices. I want to control exactly what MARS is doing with respect to SNMP scanning. I want to import sections of the network via a seed file and then have MARS ?discover? the devices in that seed file without me having to use the GUI to discover each device. My first question is how do I set up the Topology Discovery to only look for devices in my imported seed file?
    Second question I have is on periodic polling. There is a section within the GUI where you can set up how often MARS will go and do polling of devices. What I want is to have the Layer 2 devices polled every 5 minutes (for CAM table changes) with other L3 devices polled periodically (maybe every hour or so?. Open to suggestions on this. How do most of you set up periodic polling?). How do you set up polling of differing devices with different polling times? I would like our access layer switches polled differently than our core routers (Is this how most of you are using this?)
    Third question is if via the seed file, you can have the ?Monitor Resource Use? specification set? I did not see a field within the seed file to tweak something like this.
    The documentation section also noted that ?L2 devices must be manually added? but then proceeded to use the seed file approach. I can use the seed file for L2 or L3 devices can?t I?
    Any other Best Practices on initial setup would be greatly appreciated. Also any words of wisdom on what not to do would be helpful as well!

    "My first question is how do I set up the Topology Discovery to only look for devices in my imported seed file?"
    my understanding is that topology discovery doesn't work until you manually configure it. importing devices via the seed file doesn't enable it. As part of setting it up, you can control it by using the "valid networks" setting.
    "How do you set up polling of differing devices with different polling times? "
    I don't believe this is configurable. When I pressed Cisco for details about when SNMP is used, I was told that devices may even be polled based on actual events coming into CSMARS. There is a totally separate 5 minute polling time when "monitor resource use" is enabled.
    "Third question is if via the seed file, you can have the ?Monitor Resource Use? specification set?"
    Can't answer this. I don't imagine it would be defaulted to enabled, but it should be easy to test.
    "The documentation section also noted that ?L2 devices must be manually added? but then proceeded to use the seed file approach"
    this just means that they won't be automatically added by the topology discovery process. A seed file will work.
    "Any other Best Practices..."
    verify that your devices are actually reporting into CSMARS as expected.

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