Initialization requests archived

Greetings Experts,
We have a situation where the delta load failed because the init request was archived.
We want to know who performed the archiving of those requests. How can we know the details for this?
Do we have any Tcode or a table where I can get it?
Please assist.

Mr. Mukherjee,
Sorry to bother you, I was reading thru this thread and saw your answer to the question regarding product hierarchy:
Hierarchy structure Change!
I was wonder if you have a link or idea as where I can get information on how to u201Cdeactivate and reactivate your aggregates again for the changes to reflectu201D
Best Regards,

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    the early delta initialization request of a info package failed for the data source 2LIS_11_VAITM & 2LIS_18_I3OPER due to disk space problems (log overflow).
    Is there a possibility to rerun the early delta initialization load without destroying the delta queue and without a new source system initialization? The job has to been already scheduled to push the data into delta queue and the delta info package was not started jet.
    Edited by: Claudio Forte on Oct 11, 2010 11:22 PM

    Take a look on the information given in below links:
    Re: Early Delta Intialization!!!
    Re: Early Delta Initialization
    Re: Early Delta Initialization
    Re: Lo Extraction
    Re: reg:early delta andinit delta with out data transfer
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

  • BI Publisher Report for Archived OIM tables

    We perfomed Request archival operation in our OIM DB using Now ARCH* tables are created and it has relevant details.
    Now our requirment is to create a new report to read data from this archived tables using BI publisher. We are looking something similar to OOTB Attestation Request and Approval Reports -> Request Details in BI.
    We created a new report called "Request Details from Archive tables" similar to the OOTB one in BI front end. Also modifed data template by replacing "request*" tables to "arch_request*" as below. When we try to gernerate report now it is not working as expected.
    Do we need to change anything else ? Please advise
    Modified data template for reference
    <dataTemplate name="ArchRequestDetails" description="Each group that contains the logged in user as its direct user. All groups that are administered by the above set of groups are visible to the logged in user.">
              <parameter name="xdo_user_name" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqFN" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqLN" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqUID" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqID" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqPID" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqStatu" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqTyp" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_ReqDtFrom" dataType="date"/>
              <parameter name="p_ReqDtTo" dataType="date"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_BenFN" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_BenLN" dataType="character"/>
              <parameter name="p_varchar_BenUID" dataType="character"/>
              <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_AllRequests">
                   <![CDATA[ SELECT ReqID as RequestID, 
            decode(ReqAction, 'Create Entity', 'Self Registration', 'Add', 'Provision Resource', 'Disable',   'Disable Resource',   'Enable',   'Enable Resource',   'Revoke',   'Revoke Resource',   'Modify Entity',   'Modify Profile') as RequestType,   
            ReqUID as RequesterUserID,
            ReqDate as RequestDate, 
            CurStatus as RequestStatus,
            null as ParentRequestID
       FROM (select distinct
              req.req_key as ReqID,
              req.req_obj_action as ReqAction, 
              usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
              req.req_create as ReqDate,
              ost.ost_status as CurStatus
         from req left outer join rqu on req.req_key = rqu.req_key,
              usr usr2
        where rqu.usr_key = usr2.usr_key
          and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
          and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
          and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
          and usr2.act_key in (select aad.act_key
                from aad,usg,usr
                where usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
                  and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key
                  and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
                  and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqStatu,' ')=' ' or upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
                  and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqID,' ')=' ' or req.req_key like (:p_varchar_ReqID))
                  and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
              req.req_key as ReqID,
              req.req_obj_action as ReqAction, 
              usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
              req.req_create as ReqDate,
              ost.ost_status as CurStatus
              req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
              and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
              and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
              and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
              and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
              and ost.ost_status != 'Request Complete'
            select req.req_key as ReqID,
              req.req_obj_action as ReqAction, 
              usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
              req.req_create as ReqDate,
              ost.ost_status as CurStatus
         from req,
              usr usr2,
        where req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
              and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
              and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
              and usr2.usr_login =(select upper(rqd.rqd_attr_value) from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID')
              and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
              and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
              and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
              and usr2.act_key in (select aad.act_key from aad,usg,usr
          where usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
            and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
            and ost.ost_status = 'Request Complete')
          UNION ALL
          SELECT distinct request.request_key as RequestID, 
            request.request_model_name as RequestType,
            usr1.usr_login as RequesterUserID,
            request.request_creation_date as RequestDate,
            request.request_status as RequestStatus,
            request.request_parent_key as ParentRequestID
       FROM usr usr1 JOIN request req1 ON usr1.usr_key = req1.requester_key,
            (select distinct req3.request_key rk,
              usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
              usr2.usr_last_name bln,
              usr2.usr_login buid
            from arch_request req3,
              arch_request_beneficiary reqb1,
              usr usr2
            where req3.request_key = reqb1.request_key
              and reqb1.beneficiary_key = usr2.usr_key
            select distinct req3.request_key rk,
              usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
              usr2.usr_last_name bln,
              usr2.usr_login buid
            from arch_request req3,
              arch_request_entities re1,
              usr usr2
            where req3.request_key = re1.request_key
              and re1.entity_key = usr2.usr_key)user1
            req1.request_key = request.request_key
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqFN, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_first_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqFN))
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqLN, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_last_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqLN))
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqUID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_login) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqUID))
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_key) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqID))
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqPID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_parent_key) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqPID))
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqStatu, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_status) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqTyp, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_model_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqTyp))
            and request.request_creation_date between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenFN, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.bfn) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenFN) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenLN, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.bln) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenLN) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
            and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenUID, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.buid) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenUID) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
    ORDER BY RequestID ]]>
              <sqlstatement name="sql_L2_Approver_BPEL" dataSourceRef="BPEL JDBC">
    SELECT distinct wfproductivity_view.username as ApproverUserID
    FROM wfproductivity_view
    WHERE identificationkey = :RequestID
              <sqlstatement name="sql_L2_Approver">
    SELECT distinct usr.usr_login as ApproverUserID
    FROM rqh join usr on rqh.rqh_createby = usr.usr_key
    WHERE rqh.req_key = :RequestID
    And rqh.rqh_status = 'Approved'
              <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_Beneficiaries">
                   <![CDATA[  SELECT distinct
      FirstName as BenFName, 
      LastName as BenLName,
      userid as BenUserID,
      usr_emp_type as BenEmpType, 
      UsrStatus as BenUserStatus,
      OrgName as BenOrg
      (select distinct
        usr2.usr_login AS userid,    
        usr2.usr_last_name AS LastName,
        usr2.usr_first_name AS FirstName,    
        usr2.usr_emp_type AS usr_emp_type,
        usr2.usr_status AS UsrStatus,    
        act.act_name AS OrgName
      from req left outer join rqu on req.req_key = rqu.req_key,
        usr usr2
      where req.req_key = :RequestID
        and rqu.usr_key = usr2.usr_key
        and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
        and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
        and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
        and usr2.act_key in
          (select aad.act_key
          from aad,usg,usr
            usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
            and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key
            and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
        and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqStatu,' ')=' ' or upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
        and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqID,' ')=' ' or req.req_key like (:p_varchar_ReqID))
        and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
        and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
        and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
        and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
        (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID') AS userid,
        (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.Last Name') AS LastName,
        (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.First Name') AS FirstName,
        (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.Xellerate Type') AS usr_emp_type,
        null AS UsrStatus,    
        null AS OrgName
      from req,
      where req.req_key = :RequestID
        and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
        and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
        and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
        and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
        and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
        and ost.ost_status != 'Request Complete'
      select usr2.usr_login AS userid,
        usr2.usr_last_name AS LastName,
        usr2.usr_first_name AS FirstName,
        usr2.usr_emp_type AS usr_emp_type,
        usr2.usr_status AS UsrStatus,
        act.act_name AS OrgName
      from req,
        usr usr2,
      where req.req_key = :RequestID
        and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
        and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
        and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
        and usr2.usr_login =(select upper(rqd.rqd_attr_value) from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID')
        and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
        and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
        and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
        and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
        and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
        and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
        and usr2.act_key in
          (select aad.act_key
          from aad,usg,usr
            usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
            and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
        and ost.ost_status = 'Request Complete')
          UNION ALL
          SELECT distinct user1.bfn as BenFName, 
            user1.bln as BenLName,
            user1.buid as BenUserID,
   as BenEmpType, 
            user1.bus as BenUserStatus,
   as BenOrg
            (select distinct req3.request_key rk,
              usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
              usr2.usr_last_name bln,
              usr2.usr_login buid,
              usr2.usr_emp_type bet,
              usr2.usr_status bus,
              act.act_name bo
            from arch_request req3,
              arch_request_beneficiary reqb1,
              usr usr2,
            where req3.request_key = reqb1.request_key
              and reqb1.beneficiary_key = usr2.usr_key
              and usr2.act_key = act. act_key
              and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
              and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
              and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
            select distinct req3.request_key rk,
              usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
              usr2.usr_last_name bln,
              usr2.usr_login buid,
              usr2.usr_emp_type bet,
              usr2.usr_status bus,
              act.act_name bo
            from arch_request req3,
              arch_request_entities re1,
              usr usr2,
            where req3.request_key = re1.request_key
              and re1.entity_key = usr2.usr_key
              and usr2.act_key = act. act_key
              and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
              and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
              and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
            user1.rk = :RequestID                 
              <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_RequestDetails">
    SELECT distinct
    null as ReqDetailsName,
    obj_name as ReqDetailsValue
    req.req_key = :RequestID
    and req.req_key = rqo.req_key
    and obj.obj_key = rqo.obj_key
    SELECT distinct reqdet.detname as ReqDetailsName,
    reqdet.detval as ReqDetailsValue
    (select req1.request_key rk,
    rbe1.rbe_entity_name detval,
    rbe1.rbe_entity_type detname
    from arch_request_beneficiary_entities rbe1,
    request req1
    where rbe1.rbe_request_key = req1.request_key
    select req1.request_key rk,
    red1.entity_field_value detval,
    red1.entity_field_name detname
    from arch_request_entity_data red1,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    request req1
    where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
    and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
    and red1.entity_field_name != 'Organization'
    and red1.entity_field_name != 'User Manager'
    select req1.request_key rk,
    act.act_name detval,
    red1.entity_field_name detname
    from arch_request_entity_data red1,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    request req1,
    where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
    and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
    and red1.entity_field_value = act.act_key
    and red1.entity_field_name = 'Organization'
    select req1.request_key rk,
    usr3.usr_login detval,
    red1.entity_field_name detname
    from arch_request_entity_data red1,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    request req1,
    usr usr3
    where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
    and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
    and red1.entity_field_value = usr3.usr_key
    and red1.entity_field_name = 'User Manager') reqdet
    reqdet.rk = :RequestID
              <group name="AllRequests" source="sql_L1_AllRequests">
                   <element name="RequestID" value="RequestID"/>
                   <element name="RequestType" value="RequestType"/>
                   <element name="RequesterUserID" value="RequesterUserID"/>
                   <element name="RequestDate" value="RequestDate"/>
                   <group name="grp_AllApprovers" source="sql_L2_Approver_BPEL">
                        <element name="ApproverUserID" value="ApproverUserID"/>
                   <group name="grp_AllApprovers" source="sql_L2_Approver">
                        <element name="ApproverUserID" value="ApproverUserID"/>
                   <element name="RequestStatus" value="RequestStatus"/>
                   <element name="ParentRequestID" value="ParentRequestID"/>
                   <group name="Beneficiaries" source="sql_L1_Beneficiaries">
                        <element name="BenFName" value="BenFName"/>
                        <element name="BenLName" value="BenLName"/>
                        <element name="BenUserID" value="BenUserID"/>
                        <element name="BenEmpType" value="BenEmpType"/>
                        <element name="BenUserStatus" value="BenUserStatus"/>
                        <element name="BenOrg" value="BenOrg"/>
                   <group name="RequestDetails" source="sql_L1_RequestDetails">
                        <element name="ReqDetailsName" value="ReqDetailsName"/>
                        <element name="ReqDetailsValue" value="ReqDetailsValue"/>

    any help please ? if you need any more information to know more about the issue, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Thank you.

  • BI Publisher Report for Archived OIM

    We perfomed Request archival operation in our OIM DB using Now ARCH* tables are created and it has relevant details.
    Now our requirment is to create a new report to read data from this archived tables using BI publisher. We are looking something similar to OOTB Attestation Request and Approval Reports -> Request Details in BI.
    We created a new report called "Request Details from Archive tables" similar to the OOTB one in BI front end. Also modifed data template by replacing "request*" tables to "arch_request*" as below. When we try to gernerate report now it is not working as expected.
    Do we need to change anything else ? Please advise
    Modified data template for reference
    <dataTemplate name="ArchRequestDetails" description="Each group that contains the logged in user as its direct user. All groups that are administered by the above set of groups are visible to the logged in user.">
    <parameter name="xdo_user_name" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqFN" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqLN" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqUID" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqID" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqPID" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqStatu" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqTyp" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_ReqDtFrom" dataType="date"/>
    <parameter name="p_ReqDtTo" dataType="date"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_BenFN" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_BenLN" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_BenUID" dataType="character"/>
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_AllRequests">
    <![CDATA[ SELECT ReqID as RequestID,
    decode(ReqAction, 'Create Entity', 'Self Registration', 'Add', 'Provision Resource', 'Disable', 'Disable Resource', 'Enable', 'Enable Resource', 'Revoke', 'Revoke Resource', 'Modify Entity', 'Modify Profile') as RequestType,
    ReqUID as RequesterUserID,
    ReqDate as RequestDate,
    CurStatus as RequestStatus,
    null as ParentRequestID
    FROM (select distinct
    req.req_key as ReqID,
    req.req_obj_action as ReqAction,
    usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
    req.req_create as ReqDate,
    ost.ost_status as CurStatus
    from req left outer join rqu on req.req_key = rqu.req_key,
    usr usr2
    where rqu.usr_key = usr2.usr_key
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and usr2.act_key in (select aad.act_key
    from aad,usg,usr
    where usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
    and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key
    and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqStatu,' ')=' ' or upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqID,' ')=' ' or req.req_key like (:p_varchar_ReqID))
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    req.req_key as ReqID,
    req.req_obj_action as ReqAction,
    usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
    req.req_create as ReqDate,
    ost.ost_status as CurStatus
    req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and ost.ost_status != 'Request Complete'
    select req.req_key as ReqID,
    req.req_obj_action as ReqAction,
    usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
    req.req_create as ReqDate,
    ost.ost_status as CurStatus
    from req,
    usr usr2,
    where req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and usr2.usr_login =(select upper(rqd.rqd_attr_value) from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID')
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and usr2.act_key in (select aad.act_key from aad,usg,usr
    where usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
    and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and ost.ost_status = 'Request Complete')
    SELECT distinct request.request_key as RequestID,
    request.request_model_name as RequestType,
    usr1.usr_login as RequesterUserID,
    request.request_creation_date as RequestDate,
    request.request_status as RequestStatus,
    request.request_parent_key as ParentRequestID
    FROM usr usr1 JOIN request req1 ON usr1.usr_key = req1.requester_key,
    (select distinct req3.request_key rk,
    usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
    usr2.usr_last_name bln,
    usr2.usr_login buid
    from arch_request req3,
    arch_request_beneficiary reqb1,
    usr usr2
    where req3.request_key = reqb1.request_key
    and reqb1.beneficiary_key = usr2.usr_key
    select distinct req3.request_key rk,
    usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
    usr2.usr_last_name bln,
    usr2.usr_login buid
    from arch_request req3,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    usr usr2
    where req3.request_key = re1.request_key
    and re1.entity_key = usr2.usr_key)user1
    req1.request_key = request.request_key
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqFN, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_first_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqFN))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqLN, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_last_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqLN))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqUID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_login) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqUID))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_key) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqID))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqPID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_parent_key) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqPID))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqStatu, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_status) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqTyp, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_model_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqTyp))
    and request.request_creation_date between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenFN, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.bfn) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenFN) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenLN, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.bln) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenLN) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenUID, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.buid) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenUID) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
    ORDER BY RequestID ]]>
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L2_Approver_BPEL" dataSourceRef="BPEL JDBC">
    SELECT distinct wfproductivity_view.username as ApproverUserID
    FROM wfproductivity_view
    WHERE identificationkey = :RequestID
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L2_Approver">
    SELECT distinct usr.usr_login as ApproverUserID
    FROM rqh join usr on rqh.rqh_createby = usr.usr_key
    WHERE rqh.req_key = :RequestID
    And rqh.rqh_status = 'Approved'
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_Beneficiaries">
    <![CDATA[ SELECT distinct
    FirstName as BenFName,
    LastName as BenLName,
    userid as BenUserID,
    usr_emp_type as BenEmpType,
    UsrStatus as BenUserStatus,
    OrgName as BenOrg
    (select distinct
    usr2.usr_login AS userid,
    usr2.usr_last_name AS LastName,
    usr2.usr_first_name AS FirstName,
    usr2.usr_emp_type AS usr_emp_type,
    usr2.usr_status AS UsrStatus,
    act.act_name AS OrgName
    from req left outer join rqu on req.req_key = rqu.req_key,
    usr usr2
    where req.req_key = :RequestID
    and rqu.usr_key = usr2.usr_key
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and usr2.act_key in
    (select aad.act_key
    from aad,usg,usr
    usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
    and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key
    and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqStatu,' ')=' ' or upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqID,' ')=' ' or req.req_key like (:p_varchar_ReqID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID') AS userid,
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.Last Name') AS LastName,
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.First Name') AS FirstName,
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.Xellerate Type') AS usr_emp_type,
    null AS UsrStatus,
    null AS OrgName
    from req,
    where req.req_key = :RequestID
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and ost.ost_status != 'Request Complete'
    select usr2.usr_login AS userid,
    usr2.usr_last_name AS LastName,
    usr2.usr_first_name AS FirstName,
    usr2.usr_emp_type AS usr_emp_type,
    usr2.usr_status AS UsrStatus,
    act.act_name AS OrgName
    from req,
    usr usr2,
    where req.req_key = :RequestID
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and usr2.usr_login =(select upper(rqd.rqd_attr_value) from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID')
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and usr2.act_key in
    (select aad.act_key
    from aad,usg,usr
    usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
    and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and ost.ost_status = 'Request Complete')
    SELECT distinct user1.bfn as BenFName,
    user1.bln as BenLName,
    user1.buid as BenUserID, as BenEmpType,
    user1.bus as BenUserStatus, as BenOrg
    (select distinct req3.request_key rk,
    usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
    usr2.usr_last_name bln,
    usr2.usr_login buid,
    usr2.usr_emp_type bet,
    usr2.usr_status bus,
    act.act_name bo
    from arch_request req3,
    arch_request_beneficiary reqb1,
    usr usr2,
    where req3.request_key = reqb1.request_key
    and reqb1.beneficiary_key = usr2.usr_key
    and usr2.act_key = act. act_key
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    select distinct req3.request_key rk,
    usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
    usr2.usr_last_name bln,
    usr2.usr_login buid,
    usr2.usr_emp_type bet,
    usr2.usr_status bus,
    act.act_name bo
    from arch_request req3,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    usr usr2,
    where req3.request_key = re1.request_key
    and re1.entity_key = usr2.usr_key
    and usr2.act_key = act. act_key
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    user1.rk = :RequestID
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_RequestDetails">
    SELECT distinct
    null as ReqDetailsName,
    obj_name as ReqDetailsValue
    req.req_key = :RequestID
    and req.req_key = rqo.req_key
    and obj.obj_key = rqo.obj_key
    SELECT distinct reqdet.detname as ReqDetailsName,
    reqdet.detval as ReqDetailsValue
    (select req1.request_key rk,
    rbe1.rbe_entity_name detval,
    rbe1.rbe_entity_type detname
    from arch_request_beneficiary_entities rbe1,
    request req1
    where rbe1.rbe_request_key = req1.request_key
    select req1.request_key rk,
    red1.entity_field_value detval,
    red1.entity_field_name detname
    from arch_request_entity_data red1,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    request req1
    where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
    and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
    and red1.entity_field_name != 'Organization'
    and red1.entity_field_name != 'User Manager'
    select req1.request_key rk,
    act.act_name detval,
    red1.entity_field_name detname
    from arch_request_entity_data red1,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    request req1,
    where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
    and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
    and red1.entity_field_value = act.act_key
    and red1.entity_field_name = 'Organization'
    select req1.request_key rk,
    usr3.usr_login detval,
    red1.entity_field_name detname
    from arch_request_entity_data red1,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    request req1,
    usr usr3
    where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
    and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
    and red1.entity_field_value = usr3.usr_key
    and red1.entity_field_name = 'User Manager') reqdet
    reqdet.rk = :RequestID
    <group name="AllRequests" source="sql_L1_AllRequests">
    <element name="RequestID" value="RequestID"/>
    <element name="RequestType" value="RequestType"/>
    <element name="RequesterUserID" value="RequesterUserID"/>
    <element name="RequestDate" value="RequestDate"/>
    <group name="grp_AllApprovers" source="sql_L2_Approver_BPEL">
    <element name="ApproverUserID" value="ApproverUserID"/>
    <group name="grp_AllApprovers" source="sql_L2_Approver">
    <element name="ApproverUserID" value="ApproverUserID"/>
    <element name="RequestStatus" value="RequestStatus"/>
    <element name="ParentRequestID" value="ParentRequestID"/>
    <group name="Beneficiaries" source="sql_L1_Beneficiaries">
    <element name="BenFName" value="BenFName"/>
    <element name="BenLName" value="BenLName"/>
    <element name="BenUserID" value="BenUserID"/>
    <element name="BenEmpType" value="BenEmpType"/>
    <element name="BenUserStatus" value="BenUserStatus"/>
    <element name="BenOrg" value="BenOrg"/>
    <group name="RequestDetails" source="sql_L1_RequestDetails">
    <element name="ReqDetailsName" value="ReqDetailsName"/>
    <element name="ReqDetailsValue" value="ReqDetailsValue"/>

    any help please ? if you need any more information to know more about the issue, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Thank you.

  • Initialization option for source system in schedular tab

    SAP BW Gurus:
    Please help me with this question.
    This is a new system setup. I used initilization option doing the two years of data loads. I loaded eight loads with each load for a quarter's data.
    Then I found there are some loading issues with one load. So, I need to delete that load and reload again.
    To do that, i need to delete that particular load in the initialization request.
    When I highlighted that request and delete, there is a window pop up saying:" There are active init selections in source system for this data source. Therefore, only ALL init selections can be deleted at once."
    If I choose "no", I couldn't delete that particular package. Then, just for the sake of trying, I click on "yes", then all the 8 initization requests are gone!!!
    Now, I got two questions:
    1. If all the requests are gone, does it mean, I have reload everything again for initilization, ?? (it will take days to do it!!) Now i have two years of data already in my cube and DSO. This is version 7. But I do need to schedule Delta process later.
    2. If I have eight requests, am I able to delete only one of them?? What does the question i listed above mean?
    Thanks so much, guys!!

    System maintains only one delta queue for a datasource irrespective of ...number of inits... which is done from the source system to the target system and this you can see in RSA7.
    You can do init with data for any number number of selections but the delta for all those selections will be combined and will present in one queue.
    If you delete one init request it will delete the whole delta queue as all these request share the same delta queue and therefore all the init selections will go off.
    You should be careful when you do this.
    Now since all the delta is lost and if you can find a way to load the lost delta like doing a full repair on created on or changed on date... then you can just as suggested...but on the safer side I would suggest to the repeat the process or as mentioned in the OSS notes.


    Performing check and potential update for status control table
    Message no. RSM1490
    If data is loaded into an InfoCube, or existing data is edited (aggregated/compressed/deleted/
    got from a DataMart), then there is a change in  the potential reportability of the data ,
    or the possibility of deleting data by request, or of aggregating or compressing.
    This status of each one of these Cubes is stored in a status table, that is updated whenthere is any change to the status of a request in the Cube.
    The system now analyzes the requests in the Cube and compares the calculated status with
    the status table.
    If deviations from the status table arise then you are given the option of adjusting the
    status table.

    Hi Sanjay,
    Delay may be related to the cube content reconstruction.
    Delete request from Cube
    Best regards,

  • No successful initialization of the delta took place

    This morning I am suddenly getting this error in many of my process chains;
    "No successful initialization of the delta took place"
    I'm baffled as I can't think of anything I changed in the system since the last successful day which was Friday morning.  This message is not very useful; all of the 10+ infoproviders that have failed (with same message) have been working for a long time and have indeed had successful delta initialization requests so this makes no sense.
    Anybody experience this or now what I should look into to fix this?  I tried rerunning immediately in foreground and I get the same error.

    Thank you Roberto, the log definitely indicates somebody deleted the init requests!!!  It shows a consultant name though who hasn't been here for ages.  My boss says that many jobs will still appear under this consultants name because he is the one who last saved the objects or something like that.  So I'm not clear on who or how it happened.  Is there a way to fake the system into thinking the inits are there now by performing a 'simulated init request'?

  • How to Use Early Delta Initialization

    Hi BW Experts,
    We are in BI 7.0 Version. Only for Reporting we are using BI 7.0. For modeling, still we are using BW 3.1C only.
    We want to use Early Delta Initialization. But this is in Disable Mode in our system
    I am getting the following Messages:
    <b>"Extractors supporting early delta initialization are not available before plug-in (-A) 2002.1"</b>
    <b>"You cannot execute an initialization simulation together with an early delta"</b>
    Please can anyone give me the suggestion.

    you have the option of writing the data into the delta queue or into the delta tables for the application during the initialization request in the source system. This means that you are able to execute the initialization of the delta process (the init request), without having to stop the updating of data in the source system. You can only execute an early delta initialization if the DataSource extractor called in the source system with this data request supports this..Use the Early Delta Initialization indicator in the InfoPackage if you want to avoid a period when no updates can be made (no document processing and update) in the source system while the delta process is being initialized. In some applications (such as LO Cockpit), an update-free period is nevertheless needed to fill the setup tables. In such cases, the update-free time is merely reduced. If you want to carry out early delta initialization, the update in the source system can continue  and the data can be written to the delta queue while the initialization requests are being processed. Note: DataSources that support early delta initialization are available as of the release Plug-In 2002.1. The field ZDD_ABLE (characteristic value = X) for table RSOLTPSOURCE (in BW) or ROOSOURCE (in the source system) indicates whether a DataSource can support early delta initialization.Not always on our systems an important downtime is possible in the initialization process during the reconstruction and the delta init request (just thinking when you need to ask a billing stop period...a real nightmare in some company !)
    For this reason, as of PI 2002.1 and BW Release 3.0B, you can use the early delta initialization to perform the initialization for selected datasources (just checking in infopackage update mode tab if this function is available): in this way you can readmit document postings in the OLTP system as early as possible during the initialization procedure..In fact, if an early delta initialization infopackage was started in BW, data may be written immediately to the delta queue.
    But, if you are working with the queued delta method, using early delta initialization function doesn’t make sense: as described before, it’s the same method definition that permits to reduce downtime phase.
    But leaving aside that, don’t forget that, regardless of the update method selected, it’s ALWAYS necessary to stop any document postings (for the relevant application) during setup tables recompilation run

  • When are init entries done in source system?And early delta initialization?

    Hi Friends,
    Q1) When are the init entries done in source system?
    If INIT entries are done when I run INIT that means:
    If my setup job finishes at 6AM and I run the INIT at 1 PM will I loose all data between 6AM and 1PM?
    If INIT entries are done when I run setup table i.e. when setup table load finish then
    If my setup job finishes at 6AM and I run the INIT at 1 will load data till 6AM
    and after that data would bere there in Delta queue. So, this is no loss of data.
    Q2) I  have read on that "With early delta initialization, you have the option of writing the data into the
    delta queue or into the delta tables for the application during the initialization request in the source
    system. This means that you are able to execute the initialization of the delta process (the init request),
    without having to stop the updating of data in the source system."
    Does this mean when I run INIT at 1PM, no V1 updates will happen for that DS in Source System?
    If Yes, that means I should always (when users are online) run INIT with early delta initialization
    during times when users would be online?

    You will find the answers to the questions that you ask and the correct procedure to follow in the SAP note 602260.
    Best Regards,

  • Early delta initialization

    Hello Gurus,
    What are the scenarios we use Early Delta Init.
    Is it available for Logistics datasources.
    Full points to right answers.
    Thanks in advance.

    hi BW,
    check this
    Early Delta Initialization
    With early delta initialization, you have the option of writing the data into the delta queue or into the delta tables for the application during the initialization request in the source system. This means that you are able to execute the initialization of the delta process (the init request), without having to stop the updating of data in the source system. You can only execute an early delta initialization if the DataSource extractor called in the source system with this data request supports this.
    Extractors that support early delta initialization were delivered with Plug-Ins as of Plug-In (-A) 2002.1.
    You cannot run an initialization simulation together with an early delta initialization.
    yes, it's available for logistics - oss note 505700, you can cross check the infopackage.
    hope this helps.
    505700-LBWE: New update methods as of PI 2002.1
    g) Early delta initialization in the logistics extraction:
    As of PI 2002.1 and BW Release 3.0B, you can use the early delta initialization to perform the delta initialization for selected DataSources.
    Only the DataSources of applications 11, 12 and 13 support this procedure in the logistics extraction for PI 2002.1.
    The early delta initialization is used to admit document postings in the OLTP system as early as possible during the initialization procedure. If an early delta initialization InfoPackage was started in BW, data may be written immediately to the delta queue of the central delta management.
    When you use the "direct delta" update method in the logistics extraction, you do not have to wait for the successful conclusion of all delta Init requests in order to readmit document postings in the OLTP if you are using an early delta initialization.
    When you use the "queued delta" update method, early delta initialization is essentially of no advantage because here, as with conventional initialization procedures, you can readmit document postings after successfully filling the setup tables, provided that you ensure that no data is transferred from the extraction queue to the delta queue, that is, an update collective run is not triggered until all of the delta init requests have been successfully posted.
    Early Delta Initialization


    <b>WHAT IS EARLY DELTA INITIALIZATION</b>????(can we select this method the same way we do for Delta init)
    DOES THIS MEAN THAT BEFORE GOING FOR DELTA INITIALIZATION (i mean before filling setup tables ) DO WE NEED TO SHUT DOWN THE INSTANCE ON OUR OLTP --so no transaction data will be updated to the extract structure.
    Message was edited by: neelkamal moganti

    You can find the option for Early Delta Init in the InfoPackage on the Update tab. Using this option, the source system update can continue and data can be written to the delta queue while the initialization request is being processed.
    Early Delta Intialiation is the process in which we run the init of delta and load the delta queue in parallel.
    Generally when we do Initialization we need to stop transactions in R/3 system till the initialization is completed if we do Early delta initialization we don't have to stop posting of transactions in R/3 even when we are doing initialization. Please see this for more explanation
    Early Delta Initialization
    With early delta initialization, you have the option of writing the data into the delta queue or into the delta tables for the application during the initialization request in the source system. This means that you are able to execute the initialization of the delta process (the init request), without having to stop the posting of data in the source system. The option of executing an early delta initialization is only available if the Data Source extractor called in the source system with this data request supports this.
    Assign  points if it helps...

  • Need for locking system for delta initialization (BW-R3-LO)

    Hello all,
    Could someone please help me with the following,
    Please be kind, don't get impatient for the lengthy post
    1. Do we need to lock the system (or posting-free the system) to do early delta initialization or not? If yes, please explain me how that work?
    2. Someone somewhere mentioned that early delta initialization is not preferable compared to normal delta initialization, even though early delta initialization is advantageous. Why is that so?
    3. Imagine, while scheduling Queued Delta Init or un-serialized V3 delta Init, if I choose certain end date and time (say, 10pm, 12-31-2007) for the records, then all the records till that point would be loaded to setup tables and all the records after that point of time will be moved to extraction queue or update tables. My question is, if this is true why would we ever need to lock the system during setup tables filling?
        If you say the records after that particular time and date (10pm, 12-31-2007) will not be collected in extraction queue and update tables, why don't we do the following
                 a). say, I do full load with end date and time (10pm 12-31-2007)
                 b). Next, I do delta init with start date and time (10pm 12-31-2007) (this time I lock the postings)
             If we do this way, we can actually reduce the down time of the system. Is my conclusion right?
             If you say it's not practicable as some transactions' saving time differs from time stamp and some transactions' delta is even measured by pointer.......if this is the case we can use Delta offset. What do you say about this?
    4. How this scenario differs to early delta initialization?
    Your responses would be greatly appreciated
    Thank you


    curious maven wrote:
    > Do we need to lock the system (or posting-free the system) to do early delta initialization or not? If yes, please explain me how that work?
    No,you don't need to lock the Source System which is the advantage of Early Delta Init.
    With early delta initialization, you have the option of writing the data into the delta queue or into the delta tables for the application during the initialization request in the source system. This means that you are able to execute the initialization of the delta process (the init request), without having to stop the posting of data in the source system. The option of executing an early delta initialization is only available if the DataSource extractor called in the source system with this data request supports this.
    [Business Information Warehouse 3.0 Overview Presentation|]
    curious maven wrote:
    > 2. Someone somewhere mentioned that early delta initialization is not preferable compared to normal delta initialization, even though early delta initialization is advantageous. Why is that so?
    Early delta is not supported by all the extractors. See Lo Extraction
    curious maven wrote:
    Imagine, while scheduling Queued Delta Init or un-serialized V3 delta Init, if I choose certain end date and time (say, 10pm, 12-31-2007) for the records, then all the records till that point would be loaded to setup tables and all the records after that point of time will be moved to extraction queue or update tables. My question is, if this is true why would we ever need to lock the system during setup tables filling?
    >     If you say the records after that particular time and date (10pm, 12-31-2007) will not be collected in extraction queue and update tables, why don't we do the following
    >              a). say, I do full load with end date and time (10pm 12-31-2007)
    >              b). Next, I do delta init with start date and time (10pm 12-31-2007) (this time I lock the postings)
    >          If we do this way, we can actually reduce the down time of the system. Is my conclusion right?
    >          If you say it's not practicable as some transactions' saving time differs from time stamp and some transactions' delta is even measured by pointer.......if this is the case we can use Delta offset. What do you say about this?
    This is applicable to Generic Delta where you can set the Safety Interval (Upper Limit and lower Limit) for the extractor based on ALE Pointer, or Time Stamp or Calendar day.
    If you excute a extractor with early delta init, during the setup table fill, the delta records will be directly written to the delta queue. The delta management handles these functionality.
    [How to Create Generic Delta|]
    [SAP BI Generic Extraction Using a Function Module|]
    curious maven wrote:
    How this scenario differs to early delta initialization?
    If you do a Init without Early Delta init, then the user cannot post new documents and you have to either schedule in the weekend or request for a Source System downtime.
    But if you use Early delta , then you don't need the source system down time and the user can post new records during the init, which will be written to the delta queue directly.
    [How to Minimize Effects of Planned Downtime (NW7.0)|]
    [How to Minimize Downtime for Delta Initialization (NW2004)|]

  • Initialization error for 0FI_AA_11

    While trying to initialize the request for the datasource 0FI_AA_11, I am getting the following error. Has anyone seen this error before or could suggest what should be done for this. I have already loaded the master data for asset accounting and have deleted any ealier init requests. Thanks for your help in advance.
    No init. is green for DataSource 0FI_AA_11 from source system BKNCLNT010
        Message no. RSM1094
        The prerequisite for the update of delta data in an ODS object is at
        least one successful initialization request (status green) from source
        system BKNCLNT010 to DataSource 0FI_AA_11.
        The request must have the status green in the monitor.
        o   In the monitor and scheduler, (menu entry: Initialization Selection
            for Source System), check whether there are initializations for this
            DataSource/source system combination.
       o   Find out why existing initializations do not have the status green.
       o   Use the QM action (button All on the monitor tab page Status) to
           green or carry out the initialization again.

    Hi Venkat
    This datasource 0FI_AA_11,gives the afterimage,hence it supports only loading to ODS.
    Can you let me know what is flow you are using for this datasource.
    Are you loading directly to cube or ODS.
    Check this for more info.,
    FI-AA: Transactions  Technical name: 0FI_AA_11
    Application Component
    Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
    Available as of OLTP Release
    Available as of Plug-In Release
    Before you can use the delta extraction, you have to activate the FIAA_BW_DELTA_UPDATE BAdI. This BAdI ensures that the change tables u2013 BWFIAA_AEDAT_TR, BWFIAA_AEDAT_AB and BWFIAA_AEDAT_AS u2013 are updated when you update transactions, or create and change master data and annual values for assets.
    This DataSource supplies the transaction data and annual plan values for fixed assets.
    Delta Update
    Afterimages using extractor
    Extractor Features
    The extractor reads any new transactions since the last run from table BWFIAA_AEDAT_TR. This table also contains the keys of any new or changed annual values, which are also read using this extractor.
    The transaction type for the transaction determines which fields of the extraction structure are supplied with values. The posting amount (ANBTR) is converted, dependent on whether it is, for example, for manual depreciation or an acquisition, so that the transaction type no longer needs to be interpreted in BW. In a similar way, the annual values from table ANLC are converted to pseudo-transactions (using transaction type PLN for planned values and transaction type *** for cumulative annual values).
    The delta process is related to the extraction of data from the general ledger (for example, 0FI_GL_4). For more information, see Financial Accounting: Line Item Extraction Procedure.
    Edited by: Jagadish Sanker on Mar 10, 2009 8:00 AM

  • Script to close old service requests from date X backwards

    Running 12.1.3
    We have a bunch of service requests that are old and need to be closed. Most are from 2005 back. There are around 1600 of them I would like to close but doing it by hand it not really an option.
    Is there a script I can run to close everything older than date X on a one time basis to clear these old ones up?

    Please see these docs.
    How to Bulk Purge Attachments from Service Requests? [ID 567204.1]
    Service Requests: Archive/Purge Enhancement Requests [ID 431321.1]
    FAQ: CRM Teleservice and Service Requests [ID 743032.1]
    How to Purge Archive Programs for Service Modules [ID 1379645.1]
    R12.1.3 Performance Issue with 'Service Request Data Purge' Program [ID 1281517.1]
    What Tables Are Affected By "Service Request Data Purge" Concurrent Program? [ID 1450918.1]

  • Smartform archiving

    I have a problem archiving the output from a smartform. Within the printing program, the function that calls the smartform needs to be called 3 times. The reasoning behind this is related to grouping information on different sheets.  Every time the smartform is called, the following parameters are passed:
    (first call)
    control_parameters-no_open=' '
    (second call)
    (third call)
    control_parameters-no_close=' '
    This is all needed for the way in which we show the data. The rest is done as usual. In every call to the smartform, I pass the  parameters:
    Note that before passing the above parameters, I set the following, in order to request archiving:
    output_options-tdarmod = nast-tdarmod.
    In conclusion, when I call the smartform once, the archiving works well. However,  when I call it more than once, no archiving takes place.  An interesting point to note is that from transaction vf02  (Change Billing Document)  the above behaviour occur (no archiving). However, if I use transaction vf31 (output from billing) I am able to archive all three calls to the smartform. Any ideas? Thanks.

    Thanks for your message. The problem regarding from where the output was triggered was fixed.  I have another question though. We need to make several calls to the smartform function. As of now, it creates an archive for every call to the function. We would like to have it create only one archive, independently of the number of function calls.  Thanks again.

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