Input readiness working in BPS but not in IP

Hi everyone,
I would like to plan on cost centers and have a cost center with a controlling area as a compound characteristic. A profit center and business unit is contained in the cost center's master data and is derived via characteristic relation. The planning cube contains the business unit, the profit center, the controlling area, the cost center and a key figure to be planned.
In BPS, I'm able to have a planning layout which contains only a selected cost center and a key figure. In IP, planning is only possible once I have the business unit, the profit center and the controlling area in the drilldown.
Since profit center and business unit are being derived and the controlling area is compounded, I was expecting to have a unique characteristic combination to make the key figure input-ready even without having to display the profit center, the controlling area and the business unit (even though drilldown shows me that the characteristic derivation is handled correctly).
What am I missing? Any help greatly appreciated!

Hi Tilman,
let make an example:
1. Planning Layout PL
PC: PC1, PC2,  used in header
BU: BU1, BU2,  used in header
CA: 0001 (cost area) used in header
CC: 4711 - 4720 (cost center) used in rows
Assume we have one key figure in the data column; assume we have no combination proposal in the layout and one posted record: PC2, BU2, 0001, 4712 with key figure value 42.
Thus one will have one header combination and one row in the layout. Assume we have the following master data table:
0001, 4711, PC1, BU1
0001, 4712, PC2, BU2
With combination proposal in the layout you will get two header combinations, for the first header one will get one row (with CC = 4711) and for the second one row with CC = 4712
2. Query
Selections as above, now CA, PC, BU used as free characteristics and CC drilled down in the rows. No combination proposal (i.e. the 'access mode for result sets' stuff) is used. This means you will get one row, but the query is not input ready since it contains (formally) aggregated values. Simply filter PC = PC2, BU = BU2, the query will be input ready. This view corresponds to the second header combination
in the BPS example. With filter PC = PC1, BU = BU1 you will get no data (since no combination proposal is used), but you can enter new lines. With combination proposal (for all characteristics use 'characteristic relationships' for the setting 'acess mode ...') you would also get one row.
To make a long story short, the only difference of 1. and 2. is that in BPS one can 'page through' the header combinations and the paging in BI-IP corresponds to filtering free characteristics to single values.

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