Insert Comma if

I am using floating values into a paragraph.
Lets use the following for an example:
The first page of the form gathers some information including x amount of names. later on in the form I insert the names into a paragraph as such -
We will be including the participants {name1} {name2} {name3} {name4}.
I have successfully been able to insert the names but want to separate each name with a comma but only if there are the additional names because sometimes there is 2 names, other times 4.

weird. When I do it, I have to spell out comma and period if I don't want the punctuation... I just tried the exact same phrase and got "As I said, please don't disturb me." Is there a setting under dictation that says something like "spell out punctuation"?

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    Hi Rohit,
    Maximum insert commit size specify the batch size that the component tries to commit during fast load operations. The value of 0 indicates that all data is committed in a single batch after all rows have been processed. A value of 0 might cause the running
    package to stop responding if the component and another data flow component are updating the same source table. To prevent the package from stopping, set the Maximum insert commit size option to 2147483647.
    Rows per batch specify the number of rows in a batch. The default value of this property is –1, which indicates that no value has been assigned.
    For more details about those two properties, please refer to the following document:
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    If it is inserting 50 a time, it means that setbased is failing and then it is switching to rowbased.
    If it is always failing in set based, it will be better to run in row based so as not spending time in set based.
    In row based mode, you can increase bulk size (like 5000 or 10000 or more ) for efficient execution. Keep commit freq same as bulk size.

  • Inserting comma seperated values

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    CREATE TYPE [dbo].[ppg] AS TABLE(
    [ProductId] [int] NULL,
    [PriceId] [int] NULL,
    [garnishId] [VARCHAR](MAX) NULL
    this is the stored procedure:
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_create_order]
    (@userId uniqueidentifier, @productPriceGarnishes dbo.ppg READONLY, @comment varchar(250))
    DECLARE @orderId int
    DECLARE @orderDetailId int
    INSERT INTO orders (user_id, confirmed,comment) values(@userId,0,@comment);
    --Select last inserted PK
    -- insert products and price tag using @orderId
    INSERT INTO order_detail (order_id, product_id,price_id)
    SELECT @orderId, p.ProductId,
    FROM @productPriceGarnishes p
    SELECT @orderDetailId=SCOPE_IDENTITY()
    -- insert garnishes using the orderDetailId
    INSERT INTO order_detail_garnish (order_detail_id,garnish_id)
    SELECT @orderDetailId, (SELECT * FROM SplitDelimiterString(p.garnishId))
    FROM @productPriceGarnishes p
    RETURN @orderId
    I found a function that splits the string by a delimiter in this website:
    Where you can retrieve the ids by this query:
    (SELECT * FROM SplitDelimiterString(p.garnishId)
    The problem is that I don't know how to add these ids with their corresponding orderDetailId, after each product is added.

    Unfortunately it appears you assume too much.  Presumably the reason you chose to define @productPriceGarnishes as a table is to support the creation of multiple rows. And you use these rows to insert into the order_detail table which has an identity
    column as the primary key (again, presumably).  So the question then becomes how do you get the identity values for ALL of the inserted rows?  You can't do that with SCOPE_IDENTITY - your code currently is designed with the assumption that there
    is only one row to be inserted.  To work around that limitation you need to use the output clause (examples can be found by searching). 
    Next comes another problem.  How do you know which identity value is assigned to which row of your table variable during the insert?  You need some sort of natural key to associate the inserted rows with the rows in the table variable.  Do
    you have one?  Before you think you do, you need to think about what restrictions are placed on the content of the table variable (if any).  Is it possible to have multiple rows with the same values for ProductId and PriceId?  Do not assume
    - you need to be certain that this is or is not a possibility.
    Assuming that the rows are unique (which simplifies things greatly), you associate the inserted order_detail rows to the table variable via something like:
    select ... from @ins_detail as ins inner join @productPriceGarnishes as ppg
    on ins.ProductId = ppg.ProductId and ins.PriceId = ppg.PriceId
    Note that @ins_detail is a table variable that you would declare and populate via the output clause. It will contain the identity values for each row that you inserted.  With that, you can then generate the rows that you need to insert into the garnish
    table by applying the results of your splitter function.  Which is a step that I'll skip for now since you have much reading and work to do. 
    Now some last comments.  I am suspicious of a column named PriceId.  That is not a good sign - price is an attribute of something and not the basis of a relationship between tables.  The use of identity columns (especially as primary keys)
    can be a problem - and this is one good example.  Based on what I've just written and its assumptions, the natural key for order_detail is (order_id, product_id, price_id) - why do you need an identity column?  Again, searching will find past
    discussions about identity columns and their usage.

  • Insert comma within string

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    INSERT INTO hip.ref_hip_specialties VALUES('NP-WOMEN'S HEALTH','NP-WOMEN'S HEALTH');
    But getting error
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00917: missing comma
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    Assuming you're on 10g or greater, then this will work, using Q Notation:
    INSERT INTO hip.ref_hip_specialties VALUES(Q'[NP-WOMEN'S HEALTH]',Q'[NP-WOMEN'S HEALTH]');

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    All help is greatly appreciated.
    God Bless!

    Here are a couple options.  I prefer the first.
    <cfset string = "B01B09B20B21C13E10F07G12G20G24" />
    <cfset newstring = "" />
    <cfloop from="1" to="#len(string)#" index="i" step="3">
    <cfset newstring = listAppend(newstring, mid(string, i, 3), ",") />
    ========================================================================================== =
    <cfset string = "B01B09B20B21C13E10F07G12G20G24" />
    <cfset counter = 0 />
    <!--- Iterate length - 4 times (-4 so that it does not do a final loop and stick a comma on the end) --->
    <cfloop from="0" to="#len(string)-4#" index="i" step="3">
    <cfset string = insert(",", string, i+counter+3) />
    <cfset counter++ />

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    Find:  <meta name="C_NAME" content="(\w+)\s(\w+)\s
    Replace:  <meta name="C_NAME" content="$1, $2,

    The only transition you can add this way is default cross dissolve. If the images are in the timeline, move the playhead to the beginning of the images, select them all, and drag from the timeline to the canvas to overwrite with transition.

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    I think that this thread addresses your question:
    Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there's a fix for the problem yet, though..

  • Inserting comma seperated values into table

    There is a variable like this,
    var= 'C0001,C0002,C0003';
    I want c0001 c0002 and c0003 to get inserted into some temp table as seperate rows, how do I do that.
    Thnx again ur your response.

    There is a variable like this,
    var= 'C0001,C0002,C0003';
    I want c0001 c0002 and c0003 to get inserted into some temp table as seperate rows, how do I do that.
    Thnx again ur your response.

  • How to insert comma delimited values into a table

    I have a variable holding values like,
    'A,Ba,Ccc' OR
    I want to know how to convert and insert these values in oracle table as seperate rows like,
    Ccc[ OR ]

    Answered (I guess) in this dbms_utility.comma_to_table.
    Cheers, the ever helpful APC

  • Dataadapter Fill() is inserting comma in varchar2

    How do I turn this behavior off?
    Yes, the contents of the varchar2 column "looks" like a number (ie 3001, 4002 etc)
    and yes some of the columns contain alphas.
    Honest, the dataset's datatable column shows this correctly as a "string" type.
    Honest, the data stored in the table does NOT contain any comma.

    Look at the read demo in the link

  • Insert comma seperator in a currency

    Hello All,
    I need to condense an amount.So i am assigning it to a char value and condensing it.As I am assigning it to a char value,the thousand seperator (i.e ',' ) is removed from the value.I want that back.
    Here is the sample code am using ...
    data : rwbtr type reguh-rwbtr ,
           value type string .
    rwbtr = 1000.
    value = rwbtr .
    condense value no-gaps.
    write / rwbtr .
    write / value  .
    What next i need to do so that i will get a condensed comma seperated value.
    nsp .

    Use WRITE rwbtr TO value CURRENCY <your currency>.

  • Problem in Creating new row & inserting data using CreateInsert and Commit

    Hello All,
    I have created a page there are few input text and i want to insert the data into a database table. I have created an Application Module I am using CreateInsert and Commit operation but there is one problem.
    At first it created a row in database after that it is not creating the new row instead it is updating the same row with the new values.
    In bindings of my jspx page I have created two binding for action (1) CreateInsert for the VO of that Application Module (2) Commit operation of that Application Module.
    Here is the code snippet of my application:
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("CreateInsert");
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    *if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {*
    return null;
    OperationBinding operationBinding1 = bindings.getOperationBinding("Commit");
    Object result1 = operationBinding1.execute();
    *if (!operationBinding1.getErrors().isEmpty()) {*
    return null;
    I have tried using Execute+Commit and Insert+Commit case also in every case it is updating the same row and not inserting a new row.
    Is there anything I am missing?
    Please Help.

    hi user,
    i dono. why are trying with codes. adf provides zero lines codes.
    a wonderful drag and drop functionality provide by the framework.
    while double click the button the codes are  registered in your bean
        public String cb6_action() {
            BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
            OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("CreateInsert");
            Object result = operationBinding.execute();
            if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            return null;
        public String cb8_action() {
            BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
            OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Commit");
            Object result = operationBinding.execute();
            if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            return null;
        public String cb7_action() {
            BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
            OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Delete");
            Object result = operationBinding.execute();
            if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            return null;
        public String cb14_action() {
            BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
            OperationBinding operationBinding =
                bindings.getOperationBinding("Delete4");   // some different here. after deleting usually do commit
            OperationBinding operationBinding1 =  
                bindings.getOperationBinding("Commit");    // so here commit operation.
            Object result = operationBinding.execute();
            Object result1 = operationBinding1.execute();
            if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            if (!operationBinding1.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                //add error handling here
                return null;
            return null;
        }if am not understud correctly. please some more explanation need.

  • How to optimize massive insert on a table with spatial index ?

    I need to implement a load process for saving up to 20 000 points per minutes in Oracle 10G R2.
    These points represents car locations tracked by GPS and I need to store at least all position from the past 12 hours.
    My problem is that the spatial index is very costly during insert (For the moment I do only insertion).
    My several tries for the insertion by :
    - Java and PreparedStatement.executeBatch
    - Java and generation a SQLLoader file
    - Java and insertion on view with a trigger "instead of"
    give me the same results... (not so good)
    For the moment, I work on : DROP INDEX, INSERT, CREATE INDEX phases.
    But is there a way to only DISABLE INDEX and REBUILD INDEX only for inserted rows ?
    I used the APPEND option for insertion :
    My spatial index is created with the following options :
    Is there a way to optimize these heavy load ???
    What about the PARALLEL option and how does it work ? (Not so clear for me regarding the documentation... I am not a DBA)
    Thanks in advanced

    It is possible to insert + commit 20000 points in 16 seconds.
    select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod               
    PL/SQL Release - Production                                         
    CORE     Production                                                     
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production                        
    NLSRTL Version - Production                                         
    drop table testpoints;
    create table testpoints
    ( point mdsys.sdo_geometry);
    delete user_sdo_geom_metadata
    where table_name = 'TESTPOINTS'
    and   column_name = 'POINT';
    insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata values
    create index testpoints_i on testpoints (point)
    indextype is mdsys.spatial_index parameters ('sdo_indx_dims=2,layer_gtype=point');
    insert /*+ append */ into testpoints
    select (sdo_geometry(2001,null,sdo_point_type(1+ rownum / 20, 1 + rownum / 50, null),null,null))
    from all_objects where rownum < 20001;
    Duration: 00:00:10.68 seconds
    Duration: 00:00:04.96 seconds
    select count(*) from testpoints;
         20000                                                                      The insert of 20 000 rows takes 11 seconds, the commit takes 5 seconds.
    In this example there is no data traffic between the Oracle database and a client but you have 60 -16 = 44 seconds to upload your points into a temporary table. After uploading in a temporary table you can do:
    insert /*+ append */ into testpoints
    select (sdo_geometry(2001,null,sdo_point_type(x,y, null),null,null))
    from temp_table;
    commit;Your insert ..... values is slow, do some bulk processing.
    I think it can be done, my XP computer that runs my database isn't state of the art.

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    Hi Experts,
    When I am trying to insert comma in long text of routing comma is appearing as sepecial character like <<,>> in long text preview. Please advice how insert comma.
    Edited by: Sandy2 on Apr 20, 2011 10:30 AM

    Try to use Line Editor instead of GUI editor ie
    from long text screen Goto--> Change Editor and try

Maybe you are looking for

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