Insert Loop through a Report or Insert using a Column Link

I think I have an easy one.
I have created a site that tracks "issues" with the curriculum of a university's courses. If a curriculum developer sees something that must be updated, they use this site to log the "issue" so we have a running list of how the curriculum has changed for the particular course or courses. Some "issues" span multiple courses, so a table was created to allow the issue to be associated with as many courses as necessary.
The "Courses" table holds a list of all courses at the university
The "Issue_Courses" table combines the primary key for the "issue" and the "course" and creates the association between issues and courses.
The page users use to create the associations has a report called "add_courses" which is searchable and filterable so the user can narrow down the list of courses they want to view (the list is well into the thousands), and this report contains a column with check boxes. This page also contains a hidden field containing the primary key for the issue, "p13_Issue_ID"
I would like to create an insert statement that grabs the primary key for the issue from "p13_issue_ID" and loops through the report, inserting a new record for each checked box in the report. Any assistance would be great! Admittedly, my sql is pretty week.
Another option that I think would work, if possible, would be to have a "column link" that simply runs the insert process by grabbing the issue primary key from "p13_issue_ID" and the course id from the report. Then, the user could simply click on an "Add" link or something similar on the report, which would run the insert statement, and basically create that association. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
Edited by: 846852 on Mar 23, 2011 3:12 PM
Edited by: 846852 on Mar 23, 2011 3:14 PM

Start with adding a checkbox column to the report in page (13 ??)
select apex_item.checkbox(1,course_id) CHECK
FROM courses
I assumed that course_id is the PK of the courses table , if not change the column names appropriately
In report attributes of the "CHECK" column, change the column type to "*Standard Report Column*" (important).
Now you should see a report with courses lists and checkboxes to choose them, You can also do the same with an interactive report(if you want to use it features to filter down records)
Inorder to process the records create a PLSQL process that loops over the selected records(courses) and creates the relation in the Issue courses table using the hidden item and checked course primary key(course_id above)
  ln_course_id NUMBER;
    ln_course_id := APEX_APPLICATION.G_f01(i);
    --Insert new relation using Issue Id and course ID
    INSERT INTO ISSUE_COURSES(course_id,issue_id) VALUES( ln_course_id,:P13_ISSUE_ID);
END;If you have a submit/save button , make the process conditional for that button.

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    0.44056     0.00162     print column headings
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    Yann39 wrote:
    <font size="4">Is it an APEX bug ?</font>
    - Create a new Region of type Classic Report, then set Region source as :
    return test_return_query;
    end;- Run the page, the report works as expected
    - Go to Report Attributes and click Add Column Link (and just specify a text for the link and a page to go to).
    - Run the page, you should get the error !This might be unorthodox but try wrapping your returned query within an SQL statement, like so:
          return 'SELECT t.* FROM ('||test_return_query||') t';
    I can reproduce it on if needed...If my suggestion doesn't work, I think this might be the only option. You could create a new forum posting with the word "BUG" in the title, along with a link to this thread and the relevant workspace details (with guest developer credentials).

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    Thank you in advance,
    Regards, FM

    CASE WHEN status = 'ACTIVE' then
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    What exactly is the error you get? What HTML is showing in the HTML source?
    Just by looking at this I would say you need to remove the "/" in front of the f?p
    Keep in mind this way could cause problems if you start to use checksum, then you might want to look into using APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL to create your URL.

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    SELECT CASE WHEN deptno = 10 THEN empno ELSE NULL END empno,
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    <td headers="DEVICE" class="data">000x0</td><td headers="HEALTH" class="data">30</td>
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    ''||DEVICE||'' as DEVICE,
    trunc(HEALTH, 2) as HEALTH
    from [...]
    But APEX convert special characters to &x; values:
    &amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;f?p=104:4:2205607043123699::::THE_DEVICE:000&amp;quot; target=&amp;quot;_self&amp;quot;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;000&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;
    Second thing I thought is to give an Unique ID to Report's Region ("ALARM_DEVICES_REG") and try to modify that text dynamically by adding JavaScript to Footer Region.
    I checked and found in this forum a JavaScript suggested to somebody which had similar problem to mine, then I tried to adapt to my situation.
    The fact is that my JavaScript in Footer Region doesn't seems to work at all! Neither a simple document.write("bye!"); comand!
    How possible?
    The JavaScript I tried to create could also contains errors, and it's the following:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var y = document.getElementById('report_ALARM_DEVICES_REG')
    var x = y.getElementsByTagName('TD');
    var s;
    if (x)
    for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
    s = x.item(i);
    if(s.getAttribute('headers') == 'DEVICE') = replaceHtmlEntites(;
    I noticed the innerTable for Reports area has "report_ALARM_DEVICES_REG" id (while the outer has "ALARM_DEVICES_REG") so I used it to be more selective.
    replaceHtmlEntites is a function which should bring back special character from "&x;" values, and it's the following (I put it in "Function and Global Variable Declaration" area of Report's APEX page):
    var replaceHtmlEntites = (
    function() {
    var translate_re = "/&(nbsp|amp|quot|lt|gt);/g";
    var translate = {
    "nbsp": " ",
    "amp" : "&",
    "quot": "\"",
    "lt" : "<",
    "gt" : ">"
    return function(s) {
    return ( s.replace(translate_re, function(match, entity) {
    return translate[entity];
    Shouldn't this work? And if not, why?
    Thank you all!

    But APEX convert special characters to &x; values:If you had changed the report column type to "Standard Report column" , it would not hav escaped your HTML codes
    As for the JS code
    the function "replaceHtmlEntites" had an error at
    "lt" : "<"gt" : ">"it has to be
    "lt" : "<",
    "gt" : ">"
    In any case , you are doing a lot of extra work unnecessarily , firstly by not using the "column link" functionality and secondly trying to 'unescape' html code.
    Anyways,Here's a bit of code that does 'unescaping'
    function htmlDecode(value){
    return $('<div/>').html(value).text();
    +Note: This method is not a safe one+

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    The Item on the linked page has been set to Date Picker (DD-MON-YYYY HH24MI)
    Application Date Format is DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI

    As David says colon is separator in URL for parameters.
    This is same kind of post about problem about comma. Values are separated by comma in URL. It might help you
    value truncation while printing page field in HTML

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    Info = ID + ";" + played + ";" + won + ";" + lost + ";" is the String im pulling into my client.
    <table border = "1">
    try {
         leglessclient.LegendServiceService service = new leglessclient.LegendServiceService();
         leglessclient.LegendService port = service.getLegendServicePort();
    String Info = port.displayLog();
    String[] log = Info.split(";");
    for (int a = 0 ; a < log.length; a++) {
    for (int b = 0 ; b < 4; b++){
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
         // TODO handle custom exceptions here
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    firstly, if you have multiple rows.. you need to start each row with <tr> and end with a </tr>. You just have one in the beginning and end,which will obivously give data in one row.
    for (int a = 0 ; a < log.length; a++) {
    for (int b = 0 ; b < 4; b++){
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");
    out.println("<td>" + (log[a]) +"</td>");

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    The best way is to probably use Java it iterate through the directories. You could either store the files in the database (BLOB) or just reference their location (BFILE). Unless you have another 300 or so GB to load the files in the database you will have to reference them. Unless you load a few hundred jpgs, delete them, ... loop. That way you would have the storage requirements. Java handles file access great and because you can wrap the java methods with PL/SQL its a great one two punch. Of course, you will need a java developer (ie. me).

  • How to Insert using QBE report in portlet?

    [This is using the latest version of Portal, 9.0.2]
    I have created a portlet which is based on the Report QBE.
    It displays fine, with Update and Delete columns/links for each row.
    When I created the portlet, I specifically said I wanted to display the Query, Reset and Insert buttons in the "Customization Form Display Options" Button Options. When I click on "Customize" from the Develop tab for my portlet, it shows the full page customize, which includes these buttons. But when I add the portlet to a region, and then click on its Customize link (to the right of the portlet's navbar), the resulting customize page does NOT show these buttons.
    How do I get Insert functionality working from a portlet? Do I have to do something more to make the portlet customize page show the necessary buttons?
    I feel like I may be missing something obvious (again!), but I can't figure it out, and I've looked in all the places I can think of.
    Help much appreciated...

    You are not 'missing something obvious' , this is how it works. The insert option is not available for qbe reports as a portlets. Reason being that you may not want all users who are able to customize the report to insert data into the base table.
    For insertion of data use a form portlet or a link on one of the qbe columns.

  • Need help - Create an application to loop through folder of images & insert

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    Any feedback much appreciated.

    what you don't understand is that there is rarely a single straightforward solution,
    due to the various customizations available, so most regulars test their solutions
    just to make sure it works. This takes time - perhaps only a few minutes, sometimes
    significantly longer.
    how do you think we feel when we click on another forum, only to find a/the solution
    posted there some hours earlier?
    our time totally wasted, trying to help an inconsiderate arsehole
    keep going through life with no consideration for others - your kind are the first ones
    to go when 'downsizing' - and the current financial situation is looking good for that.
    (free tip: find yourself a good streetcorner now)

  • Loop through nested elements and insert via PL/SQL

    INSERT INTO Orders(id, OrderXML) VALUES
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <Order xmlns="urn:foo" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:foo foo-1.xsd">
    I some questions regarding index search of nested elements like,Items in the above example.
    I would like to know how I can LOOP through the Items like 1..2 LOOP
    and insert those elements(item) into one table. Order information should go in to another table.
    Can this be done with xpath and PL/SQL.

    Hi Marco!
    Here's some more information:
    Price NUMBER(8,2)
    Quantity 10 NUMBER);
    The main problem that I have is to create an solution that can be dynamic so that I can have for instance one order and four items in one XML.
    The second XML can have one order and 10 items.
    First I want to insert the order elements in the order table and then the items records in the item table.
    To complicate things futher my real XML have namespaces in the XML, but this I think I can handle.
    Summary: So for each order row(element) I want to traverse the Item elements and insert them to the Item table.

  • Loop through checkbox in Oracle APEX 4.2 (using JQuery Mobile)

    I want question text and a report containing the possible answers is shown on a page. An answer can be selected by clicking on the checkbox. After hitting the submit button, the selected checkboxes containing the Answer Text, an answer_id and the current session_id are to be inserted into a table within the database.
    Within Oracle APEX 4.2, I am using a classic report to achieve this. Thich is actually a bad solution, because the checkboxes within the report are shown as simple HTML checkboxes, instead of neat JQueryMobile checkboxes). Anyway, this is my current solution:
    Is use this code for creating the classic report:
    SELECT APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX(1,answer_id), answer_id, answer_text
    WHERE question_ID = :P10_Question_ID;
    The insert of the data is done via the on submit process "On Submit - After Computations and Validations"
    This is the code for the on submit process:
    DECLARE var_session_id NUMBER := :P0_SESSION_ID;
    INSERT INTO STUDENT_ANSWERS (answer_id, answer_text, session_id)
    SELECT a.answer_id, a.answer_text, var_session_id
    But this solution does not work. Instead, nothing is inserted into the database.
    I don't know why the process is not inserting into the database, maybe there is something wrong with this line here WHERE a.answer_id = APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(i) ?
    I even tried a simple update process for testing purposes, but this doesnt work either:
    Can anybody tell me how to loop through a checkbox within ORACLE APEX 4.2 and how to insert the values ANSWER_ID, ANSWER_TEXT and SESSION_ID into the table STUDENT_ANSWERS after hitting the submit button? If you would know how to do it without using a report but a simple checkbox, this would be even more helpful for me!

    I would start by putting this after submit, to check the contents of the array.
    FOR i IN 1..apex_application.g_f01.COUNT LOOP
    Then compare the contents with your answers table.

Maybe you are looking for