Insert new pages so they inherit margins etc.

If I use F12 and "Insert new pages" I would expect themto inherit the margin settings etc. from the existing pages next to them.
But they don't. Anything I can do about that?

If by "F12 and insert new pages" you mean using the "Insert Pages" flyout menu item in the Pages Panel, then I think the answer is that it will inherit the margins etc of whichever master page you choose in the Insert Pages dialog box (the bottom-most pop-down menu). Set up your margins, page numbers etc on the A-Master at least and you should get what you are after.

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    One idea would be.....housing the image alone in a subform and set the subform to use "Top of the next Page" under "Object>>Pagination>>Place:". Also you may have to play with "Object>>Pagination>>After:" option to get things in your favor.

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    How could you not find the hundreds, if not thousands, of references here to the missing features in Pages 5?
    Apple removed over 100 features from Pages 5 of which these are only a few: trick
    You should still have Pages '09 in your Applications/iWork folder.
    Use that.

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    All right...
    public class guiClient extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
    static String userString;
    static String currentFont;
    String fontchoice;
    String fontlist;
    static JTextField userName = new JTextField();
    public guiClient() {
         super("My Client");
    public guiClient() {
         super("My Client");
    // Create a ComboBox
    GraphicsEnvironment gEnv = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    String envfonts[] = gEnv.getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
    Vector vector = new Vector();
    for ( int i = 1; i < envfonts.length; i++ ) {
    JComboBox fontlist = new JComboBox (envfonts);
         fontchoice = envfonts[0];     
    //Create a regular text field.
         JTextField textField = new JTextField(10);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    //if the action is from the textfield (e.g. user hits enter)
         if (e.getActionCommand().equals(textFieldString)) {
              JTextField fromUser = (JTextField)e.getSource();
         if (fromUser != null){
    //place user text in editor pane
    //send message to server
                   if (userName.getText() != null) {
                        userString = userName.getText().trim();
                   out.println(userString + ": " + fromUser.getText());
         else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(fontlist)){
         JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
    String newSelection = (String)cb.getSelectedItem();
    currentFont = newSelection;
         userString = currentFont;

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    Have you tried resetting the SMC ?     >  Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)

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    Here are the full instructions I wrote some time ago for setting up your own template.
    You need to create your own default template. Set up your document with the margins, headers, etc. as you'd like. Redefine all of the paragraph & character styles to have your desired font.
    While you're at it, you might want to set default styles for all objects, text boxes, tables, paragraph styles, etc. Start with a blank document & insert an object. Change the color, wrap, etc. to your choosing & then go to Format > Advanced > Define Default Shape Style then delete the object. Repeat with an image/photo, a text box & a table.
    Now, save this as a template then, in Pages > Preferences, select this template as the default for new documents. All of your new documents will have these settings for inserted objects, images & tables. Unfortunately, the settings won't apply to any other templates or "foreign" documents you open with Pages.

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    Right -- you shouldn't have to start MathType separately. If it's running, fine, but if it's not, it will start when you first use the Insert MathType Equation command.
    All the posts and replies have been helpful, but I'm still getting mixed results. The first document I opened in Pages 5.0 was one that I created in Pages 4.3, and it had several MathType equations in it. I could not edit the old equations, but I could insert new ones and edit them once they were inserted. I later rebooted and opened the same document (which was now saved in Pages 5.0 format), and I got a message saying some of the images had been deleted. All of the original equations had been replaced with empty placeholders (gray boxes with a large X), but the new ones were still there.
    I haven't been able to duplicate that behavior with additional "old" documents. I can open Pages 4.3 documents in Pages 5.0, and all the old equations are visible and editable. Someone mentioned re-installing MathType, and I must say that I did that (for a different reason), so I must consider the possibility that this had some bearing on the outcome, but I can't be sure.
    It does appear, as has been reported many times, and as Peter alluded to above, that you can't add equations or other objects to text boxes or tables. I believe this was intentional on Apple's part, but that doesn't mean it was a good idea.
    That said, and this is a Pages thread so I won't say much about it, I haven't seen any problems at all with Keynote 6.0 and Numbers 3.0, when it comes to how they deal with MathType.

  • InDesign crashes when trying to insert a new page!

    I use InDesign CS6 on a PC Win7.
    Suddenly yesterday when I tried to insert pages in one of the chapters in a book I am working on (12 chapters, 260 pages)  the software crashed!
    I have tried 7 times more after that with different changes, like only open the chapter I want to insert pages in, restart the computer and so on.
    Every time I try there is a "pling"-sound and It still crashes.
    What to do?

    Unfortunately there are lots of different things that can cause crashing behavior.
    Here is a list of things you could try:
    Check that you have the latest version of InDesign CS6 installed. Help > About InDesign (should be 8.0.2) - Adobe - InDesign : For Windows : Adobe InDesign CS6 8.0.2 update - All Languages
    Save the document as an InDesign IDML file, and reopen that IDML file in InDesign, then save it as an InDesign file again.
    Create a copy of the InDesign document and try opening that and adding a new page.
    In the open InDesign document before adding a page: Edit > Preferences > Type, deselect the Smart Text Reflow option.
    Delete cache files (see: InDesign preferences and support files locations page)
    Rename InDesign preferences file (or delete).
    Disable/Uninstall any third party plug-ins that are installed, and check that any third party plug-ins or extensions that are installed are compatible with the InDesign version used (depending on how they are installed you could do this from the Adobe Extension Manager application - see
    If all of this fails, you might need to try and isolate which object in your document is causing the crash. That's generally a time-consuming task, but hopefully one or some of the above combined will provide you with a fix.

  • Help! The new Pages. I can't copy an entire page or rearrange the pages. In the new formatt also when I insert a new page when using a template it doesn't give me the formatting and guides.  Can anyone help.

    I can't copy an entire page or rearrange the pages. I use this feature a lot, particularly at this time of year. Can't seen to rmove the header and footer markers either.
    Can anyone help or do I need to revert back to pages 09?
    If I do re-install 09 will I be able to open the files that where converted to the new version?
    I don't like this new one. Many of the graphics features have been removed.  Not impressed at all. Very frustrated.
    The business card templates and others behave strangly.  If I insert a page it's blank only. I don't get the guides.  I was in the middle of a design project and had to start again from scratch as it threw everything out of alignment  and I can't copy an entire page. When I use select all, group then copy when I pasted it on the new page it overlayed all the cards in the top two segments.  Frustrating !  I ended up  saving my first page under a different name that was the only way to copy the page then I had to work between three documents instead of one.
    I went in today to last years Christmas tag file and the same issues I can't copy a page. I can't rearrange the pages.
    Simple features like colour choice and transperency for shapes are gone. I want to use my colour choices not someone else.
    Sorry, I am ranting.
    For now all I need is to be able to copy and switch pages around in one document.
    Please Help! I am about to start pulling my hair out in frustration.

        Yes, I am using 09 with out issues.  Just have to remember to use "open with 09" or open pages 09 first then my document.
      I create some amazing cards and posters with 09 that when on a PC I would have to use both Word and Publisher to create.  Flipping back and forth. 
      Apple if you're  listening please, give us back our layout options and even add a few more design options like beveled and 3D text.

  • How do I make it so my client can edit Links in business catalyst when they create new pages?

    Okay so essentially I have built a site in Muse uploaded to business catalyst and I've setup a site template so that the client can create new pages as each new course arrives, but how do I get the link from the homepage to link to the new page? basically I need the link to be editable.
    What would be ideal is a kind of portfolio layout where there is a thumbnail and a new page but for my client to be able to add a new project adn it would create a thumbnail on the homepage and a new page that he can edit. Does anyone know of something like that possible in Business catalyst?

    Editing with Business Catalyst only works with image or text editing , we cannot add new page or page items using in browser editing.
    However, you can manage the site from BC end when your client and login to admin and add pages, modify etc, but if you re-publish the site from Muse then then changes will be overwritten.

  • InDesign CS3 crashes when I try to insert a new page

    I'm working on a document that is currently 70+ pages in InDesign CS3, and whenever I try to add a new page (regardless of where I try to add the new page at within the document), InDesign crashes. I haven't experienced this issue with any other documents. After not having worked on this document for several days, I was able to insert 2 new pages today before the issue started again. I've done several searches on the Adobe forums, and I haven't come across anyone who seems to experience this same problem. But if anyone has, or has a suggestion for me to try, I would really appreciate it, as this document needs to grow to 100 pages, meaning I really need the ability to insert pages!!
    Computer: Mac OS X, 10.5.8, Dual 2.3 GHz PowerPC G5
    Software: InDesign CS3
    Error Message: InDesign has unexpectedly quit. A crash report has been generated....

    Thanks, Peter. The problem still persisted through a new indd file created from an exported inx file though. I was able to work around the issue by setting my document to 100 pages in Document Settings. That added enough extra pages at the end of the document which I can then move to other locations within the document.

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