Inserting JAVA program in HTML

I want insert a program made with JAVA in a HTML file. How can I do it? I think is not possible!!

I have a hard time believing that this can't be an applet. You might not want it to be an applet, but you should be able to do anything in an applet that you can do in an application. The only way I know to run it on a web page is to make an applet.
If this has to be an application, I think you're only option is to allow the user to download and run it.
Here is a link for making jar files more or less runnable.
You might also look at Web Start

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    This code goes with the tutorial from this web page
    good luck.
    * This is a demonstration JDBC applet.
    * It displays some simple standard output from the Coffee database.
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class OutputApplet extends Applet implements Runnable {
    private Thread worker;
    private Vector queryResults;
    private String message = "Initializing";
    public synchronized void start() {
         // Every time "start" is called we create a worker thread to
         // re-evaluate the database query.
         if (worker == null) {     
         message = "Connecting to database";
    worker = new Thread(this);
    * The "run" method is called from the worker thread. Notice that
    * because this method is doing potentially slow databases accesses
    * we avoid making it a synchronized method.
    public void run() {
         String url = "jdbc:mySubprotocol:myDataSource";
         String query = "select COF_NAME, PRICE from COFFEES";
         try {
         } catch(Exception ex) {
         setError("Can't find Database driver class: " + ex);
         try {
         Vector results = new Vector();
         Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,
                                  "myLogin", "myPassword");
         Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
         ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
         while ( {
              String s = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
              float f = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
              String text = s + " " + f;
         } catch(SQLException ex) {
         setError("SQLException: " + ex);
    * The "paint" method is called by AWT when it wants us to
    * display our current state on the screen.
    public synchronized void paint(Graphics g) {
         // If there are no results available, display the current message.
         if (queryResults == null) {
         g.drawString(message, 5, 50);
         // Display the results.
         g.drawString("Prices of coffee per pound: ", 5, 10);
         int y = 30;
         java.util.Enumeration enum = queryResults.elements();
         while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
         String text = (String)enum.nextElement();
         g.drawString(text, 5, y);
         y = y + 15;
    * This private method is used to record an error message for
    * later display.
    private synchronized void setError(String mess) {
         queryResults = null;     
         message = mess;     
         worker = null;
         // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.
    * This private method is used to record the results of a query, for
    * later display.
    private synchronized void setResults(Vector results) {
         queryResults = results;
         worker = null;
         // And ask AWT to repaint this applet.

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    thanks alot!!

    you may write a applet,for example:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class Testexample extends Applet {
         public void init() {
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
              g.drawString("Welcome to Java!!", 50, 60 );
    compile this java.and then write a html in the same path with Testexample.class:
    <BODY BGCOLOR="000000">
         code     = "Testexample.class"
         width     = "500"
         height     = "300"
    now you may show this java program from html

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    input.addEntrysheetservices(new Bapiesllc());
    My question is how I can let view class know "input".
    Message was edited by: li dong
    Message was edited by: li dong

    Hi li dong,
    You need to establish context mapping between view and controller. Open view, select "Properties" tab, In "Required Controllers" section press "Add" and add your controller. Create model node in view (Bapi_Entrysheet_Create_Input) and click "Edit context mapping" in context menu for node. Establish context mapping. Than you can call
    wdContext.nodeBapi_Entrysheet_Create_Input().modeObject().addEntrysheetservices(new Bapiesllc());
    from view.
    Best regards, Maksim Rashchynski.

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    package forums;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    public class Translate {
    public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
    if (args.length != 2) {
    System.err.println("usage: Translate wordmapfile textfile");
    try {
    HashMap words = ReadHashMapFromFile(args[0]);
    System.out.println(ProcessFile(words, args[1]));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // static helper methods
    * Reads a file into a HashMap. The file should contain lines of the format
    * "key\tvalue\n"
    * @returns a hashmap of the given file
    private static HashMap ReadHashMapFromFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    BufferedReader in = null;
    HashMap map = null;
    try {
    in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
    String line;
    map = new HashMap();
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
    String[] fields = line.split("\\t", 2);
    if (fields.length != 2) continue; //just ignore "invalid" lines
    map.put(fields[0], fields[1]);
    } finally {
    if(in!=null) in.close(); //may throw IOException
    return(map); //returning a reference to local variable is safe in java (unlike C/C++)
    * Process the given file
    * @returns String contains the whole file.
    private static String ProcessFile(Map words, String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    BufferedReader in = null;
    StringBuffer out = null;
    try {
    in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
    out = new StringBuffer();
    String line = null;
    while( (line=in.readLine()) != null ) {
    out.append(SearchAndReplaceWordsInText(words, line)+"\n");
    } finally {
    if(in!=null) in.close(); //may throw IOException
    return out.toString();
    * Replaces all occurrences in text of each key in words with it's value.
    * @returns String
    private static String SearchAndReplaceWordsInText(Map words, String text) {
    Iterator it = words.keySet().iterator();
    while( it.hasNext() ) {
    String key = (String);
    text = text.replaceAll("\\b"+key+"\\b", (String)words.get(key));
    return text;
    * @returns: s with the first letter capitalized
    String capitalize(String s)
    return s.substring(0,0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);

    without what arguments?Without any arguments. If there are no arguments, there are no arguments of any kind. If you have a zoo with no animals in it, it's not meaningful to ask whether the animals which are not there are zebras or elephants.
    does it prompt me to give it a text file name?Apparently.
    when i run it this is all i get:
    usage: Translate wordmapfile textfile
    Press any key to continue...Right. And "wordmapfile" is almost certainly supposed to be a file that holds the word map, and "textfile" is almost certainly the file of text that it's going to translate.

  • Using the Insert statement in a Java program without hardcoding the data

    this is james mcfadden. i have developed a program called, which is used with another program called (a program that allows data to be viewed in a JTable). The program displays a menu, connects to a database, allows the user to add data into the database and allows the user to view data that is already in the database. I have a problem with the program. I have hardcoded the Insert statement in it. How do you use the Insert statement to put data into a database without hardcoding the data?
    import java.awt.*;//Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images
    import java.awt.event.*;//Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components
    import javax.swing.*;//Provides a set of lightweight components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms
    import javax.swing.table.*;//Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTable
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;//provides a class that makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog box that prompts users for a value or informs them of something
    import java.sql.*;//Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source using the Java programming language
    public class Demo extends JFrame{
       static String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";//a static variable that allows a connection to be made to a database called VideoLibrary
       static Statement stmt;//a static variable that allows a statement to be made once a connection is set up
       static Connection con;//a static interface that allows a connection to be made to a database
         //global variables
         JTextField hostField;//a class that allows a line of text to be changed
       JTextField queryField;//a class that allows a line of text to be changed
       QueryTableModel qtm;//a class that shows and changes regular two-dimensional tables of cells
       JComboBox comboBox;//a class that puts a button or editable field and a drop-down list together 
       public static void main(String args[]){     
          int choice=-1;//a variable of type int that is set to -1
             choice=getChoice();//invokes the method getChoice()
                getSelected(choice);//invokes the method getSelected(choice)
             }//end if
                   //if the user chooses 5, it will cause him or her to exit the system
          }while(choice!=5);//end do-while
          System.exit(0);//closes down the menu screen
       }//end main
       public static int getChoice(){
          String choice;//a variable of type string
          int ch;//a variable of type int
          choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"1. Maintain product details\n"+"2. Maintain member details\n"+"3. Maintain rental details\n"+"4. View product, member and rental details\n"+"5. Log Off\n\n"+"Enter your choice");//asks the user for some input   
              ch = Integer.parseInt(choice);//a class that wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object     
              return ch;//a method that returns an integer value
       }//end getChoice
       public static void getSelected(int choice){   
             maintainProductDetails();//invokes the method maintainProductDetails()
          }//end if
             maintainMemberDetails();//invokes the method maintainMemberDetails()
          }//end if
             maintainRentalDetails();//invokes the method maintainRentalDetails()
          }//end if
                 Demo test = new Demo();//invokes the constructor Demo()
             test.setVisible(true);//shows the JTable component by marking it as visible
              }//end if
       }//end getSelected
       public static Connection getConnection(){
          try {
             Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");//used to create a JDBC connection using a database
          }//end try
              catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e){//causes an exception to be thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name
             System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");//displays an error message
             System.err.println(e.getMessage());//returns the exception that was raised if an error occurred while attempting to load the ClassNotFoundException class
          }//end catch
          try {
             con=DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");//tries to create a connection with the database using the DriverManager class
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
          return con;
       }//end getConnection
       public static void maintainProductDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();//creates a connection with the database
          String  addProduct1, addProduct2, addProduct3, addProduct4, addProduct5, addProduct6, addProduct7, addProduct8, addProduct9, addProduct10;//string variables that represent information about the different types of product data that will be stored in the database
          addProduct1 = "insert into Product values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct2 = "insert into Product values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct3 = "insert into Product values (110003, 'Razorlight - Razorlight', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct4 = "insert into Product values (110004, 'My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct5 = "insert into Product values (110005, 'Snow Patrol - Eyes Open', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct6 = "insert into Product values (110006, 'Scissor Sisters - Ta-Dah!', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
              addProduct7 = "insert into Product values (110007, 'Lovesounds - Justin Timberlake', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct8 = "insert into Product values (110008, 'Director - We thrive on big cities', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct9 = "insert into Product values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct10 = "insert into Product values (110010, 'Pussy Cat Dolls - PCD', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
              try {
             stmt = con.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
                 //statements are allowed to be made once a connection is set up
             stmt.close();//closes the Statement object
             con.close();//terminates the connection with the database
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
       }//end maintainProductDetails
       public static void maintainMemberDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();//creates a connection with the database
          String addMember1, addMember2, addMember3, addMember4, addMember5, addMember6, addMember7, addMember8, addMember9, addMember10;//string variables that represent information about the member data that will be stored in the database
          addMember1 = "insert into Member values (1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', 'Upper Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135210', '(087)-2030172', #5/11/85#, #5/12/06#)";
          addMember2 = "insert into Member values (2345, 'John', 'Murphy', 'Lower Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135211', '(087)-2030173', #4/12/85#, #6/13/06#)";
          addMember3 = "insert into Member values (1324, 'James', 'McFadden', 'Lower Ardsbeg, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165314', '(087)-2030171', #4/11/85#, #6/14/06#)";
          addMember4 = "insert into Member values (1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', 'Ardsmore, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165325', '(087)-2031234', #6/13/60#, #6/15/06#)";
          addMember5 = "insert into Member values (1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135212', '(087)-2030184', #5/14/73#, #6/16/06#)";
          addMember6 = "insert into Member values (2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135213', '(087)-2030185', #6/13/85#, #5/13/06#)";
          addMember7 = "insert into Member values (2347, 'James', 'Ferry', 'Meenlaragh, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165360', '(087)-2031345', #9/12/85#, #5/14/06#)";
          addMember8 = "insert into Member values (2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', 'Derryconner, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165324', '(087)-2031456', #4/11/86#, #5/15/06#)";
          addMember9 = "insert into Member values (2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', 'Brinalack, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176425', '(087)-2030282', #9/12/85#, #5/16/06#)";
          addMember10 = "insert into Member values (2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', 'Derrybeg, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176536', '(087)-2030393', #9/14/85#, #5/18/06#)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
                   //statements are allowed to be made once a connection is set up
             stmt.close();//closes the Statement object
             con.close();//terminates the connection with the database
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
       }//end maintainMemberDetails
         public static void maintainRentalDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();//creates a connection with the database
          String addRental1, addRental2, addRental3, addRental4, addRental5, addRental6, addRental7, addRental8, addRental9, addRental10;//string variables that represent information about the loan data that will be stored in the database
          addRental1 = "insert into Rental values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', #9/01/06#, #9/10/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental2 = "insert into Rental values (120001, 'Mission Impossible 3', 2345, 'John', 'Murphy', #9/02/06#, #9/09/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental3 = "insert into Rental values (130001, 'Need for Special Carbon', 1324, 'James', 'McFadden', #9/03/06#, #9/12/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental4 = "insert into Rental values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', #9/04/06#, #9/11/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental5 = "insert into Rental values (120015, 'Prime', 1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', #9/05/06#, #9/14/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental6 = "insert into Rental values (130015, 'FIFA 07', 2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', #9/06/06#, #9/13/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental7 = "insert into Rental values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 2347, 'James', 'Ferry', #9/07/06#, #9/16/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental8 = "insert into Rental values (120003, 'The Break Up', 2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', #9/08/06#, #9/15/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental9 = "insert into Rental values (130027, 'Gears of War', 2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', #9/09/06#, #9/18/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental10 = "insert into Rental values (110021, 'Scooter - Mind the Gap', 2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', #9/10/06#, #9/17/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
                   //statements are allowed to be made once a connection is set up
             stmt.close();//closes the Statement object
             con.close();//terminates the connection with the database
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
       }//end maintainRentalDetails
       public Demo(){//a constructor
          super("Demo Test Frame");//overrides the constructor
          setSize(350, 200);//Resizes this component so that it has width of 350 and height of 200 
          comboBox = new JComboBox();//invokes the class JComboBox
          comboBox.addItem("jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary");//adds the specified item to the end of the scrolling list
          qtm = new QueryTableModel();//invokes the class QueryTableModel
          JTable table = new JTable(qtm);//a class that shows and changes regular two-dimensional tables of cells
          JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane(table);//a class that provides a scrollable view of a lightweight component
          JPanel p1 = new JPanel();//a class that puts the combo box and query field in a panel
          p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));//Sets the layout manager for this container
          p1.add(comboBox);//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          p1.add(new JLabel("Enter your query: "));//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          p1.add(queryField = new JTextField());//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          p1.add(new JLabel("Click here to send: "));//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          JButton jb = new JButton("Search");//a class that is an implementation of a "push" button
          jb.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){//Adds an ActionListener to the button
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                qtm.setHostURL();//invokes the method setHostURL
                qtm.setQuery(queryField.getText().trim());//invokes the method setQuery; and returns the text that is presented by this text component and returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespaces omitted
          } );//end addActionListener
          p1.add(jb);//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);//Returns the content pane
          getContentPane().add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);//Returns the content pane
       }//end Demo
    }//end class Demo
    import java.sql.*;//Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source using the Java programming language
    import*;//Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system
    import java.util.Vector;//provides a class that implements a growable array of objects
    import javax.swing.*;//Provides a set of lightweight components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms
    import javax.swing.table.*;//Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTable
    public class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{
         Vector cache;//a class that constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero 
         int colCount;//a variable that counts the number of columns in the three tables
         String[] headers;//a class that represents character strings and all string literals in this program are implemented as instances of the String class
         Connection db;//an interface that allows a connection to be made to a database
         Statement statement;//an interface that allows executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object
         String currentURL;//a variable that allows the URL to be displayed in a combo box
         public QueryTableModel(){//a constructor
              cache=new Vector();//constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero
             Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");//used by opening a JDBC connection using an URL
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("problem loading the driver ");//an error message
              }//end catch
         }//end QueryTableModel
         public String getColumnName(int i){//Returns the designated column's name
            return headers;//returns the name of each column in the three table
         }//end getColumnName
         public int getColumnCount(){//Returns the number of columns in the column model
         return colCount;//returns the number of columns in the three tables
         }//end getColumnCount
         public int getRowCount(){//Returns the number of rows in this table's model
         return cache.size();//returns the number of components in the vector
         }//end getRowCount
         public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){//Returns the cell value at row and column
              return ((String[])cache.elementAt(row))[col];//Returns the component at the specified index
         }//end getValueAt
         public void setHostURL(){//sets the URL for the database
         String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";//a variable that allows a connection to be made to a database called VideoLibrary
         closeDB();//invokes the method closeDB()
    db=DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");//tries to create a connection with the database using the DriverManager class
    statement=db.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
    }//end try
    catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");//an error message
    e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
    }//end catch
         }//end setHostURL
    public void setQuery(String q){//sets the kind of query that is to be sent to the database
              cache=new Vector();//constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero
    String s="select * from Product";//a variable that causes all the data that is in the product table to be displayed in a JTable, which also means that all the data that is in both the member and rental tables can also be displayed in a JTable
                   ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(q);//an interface that is used to generate a database result set by executing a statement that queries the database
                   ResultSetMetaData meta=rs.getMetaData();//an interface that is used to get information about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet object
                   colCount=meta.getColumnCount();//Returns the number of columns in this ResultSet object
                   headers=new String[colCount];//gets the name of each column in the three tables
                   for(int h=1;h<=colCount;h++){
                        headers[h-1]=meta.getColumnName(h);//Get the designated column's name
                   }//end for
                        String[] record=new String[colCount];//stores the name of each column in the three tables in memory
                        for(int i=0;i<colCount;i++){
                             record[i]=rs.getString(i+1);//Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a String
                        }//end for
                        cache.addElement(record);//Adds the specified component to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one
                   }//end while
                   fireTableChanged(null);//Forwards the given notification event to all TableModelListeners that registered themselves as listeners for this table model
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   cache=new Vector();//constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero
                   e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
              }//end catch
         }//end setQuery
         public void initDB(String url){
                   db=DriverManager.getConnection(url);//tries to create a connection with the database using the DriverManager class
                   statement=db.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");//an error message
                   e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
              }//end catch
         }//end initDB
         public void closeDB(){
                   statement.close();//Releases this Statement object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed
                   }//end if
                   db.close();//Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released
                   }//end if
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not close the current connection.");//an error message
                   e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
              }//end catch
         }//end closeDB
    }//end class QueryTableModel

    here's an uncommented version of the code.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Demo extends JFrame{
       static String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";
       static Statement stmt;
       static Connection con;
       JTextField hostField;
       JTextField queryField;
       QueryTableModel qtm;
       JComboBox comboBox;
       public static void main(String args[]){
          int choice=-1;
       public static int getChoice(){
          String choice;
          int ch;
          choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"1. Maintain product details\n"+"2. Maintain member details\n"+"3. Maintain rental details\n"+"4. View product, member and rental details\n"+"5. Log Off\n\n"+"Enter your choice"); 
          ch = Integer.parseInt(choice);    
          return ch;
       public static void getSelected(int choice){   
             Demo test = new Demo();
       public static Connection getConnection(){
          try {
          catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e){
             System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
          try {
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
          return con;
       public static void maintainProductDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();
          String  addProduct1, addProduct2, addProduct3, addProduct4, addProduct5, addProduct6, addProduct7, addProduct8, addProduct9, addProduct10;
          addProduct1 = "insert into Product values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct2 = "insert into Product values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct3 = "insert into Product values (110003, 'Razorlight - Razorlight', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct4 = "insert into Product values (110004, 'My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct5 = "insert into Product values (110005, 'Snow Patrol - Eyes Open', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct6 = "insert into Product values (110006, 'Scissor Sisters - Ta-Dah!', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct7 = "insert into Product values (110007, 'Lovesounds - Justin Timberlake', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct8 = "insert into Product values (110008, 'Director - We thrive on big cities', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct9 = "insert into Product values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct10 = "insert into Product values (110010, '***** Cat Dolls - PCD', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          try {
             stmt = con.createStatement();
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
       public static void maintainMemberDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();
          String addMember1, addMember2, addMember3, addMember4, addMember5, addMember6, addMember7, addMember8, addMember9, addMember10;
          addMember1 = "insert into Member values (1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', 'Upper Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135210', '(087)-2030172', #5/11/85#, #5/12/06#)";
          addMember2 = "insert into Member values (2345, 'John', 'Murphy', 'Lower Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135211', '(087)-2030173', #4/12/85#, #6/13/06#)";
          addMember3 = "insert into Member values (1324, 'James', 'McFadden', 'Lower Ardsbeg, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165314', '(087)-2030171', #4/11/85#, #6/14/06#)";
          addMember4 = "insert into Member values (1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', 'Ardsmore, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165325', '(087)-2031234', #6/13/60#, #6/15/06#)";
          addMember5 = "insert into Member values (1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135212', '(087)-2030184', #5/14/73#, #6/16/06#)";
          addMember6 = "insert into Member values (2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135213', '(087)-2030185', #6/13/85#, #5/13/06#)";
          addMember7 = "insert into Member values (2347, 'James', 'Ferry', 'Meenlaragh, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165360', '(087)-2031345', #9/12/85#, #5/14/06#)";
          addMember8 = "insert into Member values (2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', 'Derryconner, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165324', '(087)-2031456', #4/11/86#, #5/15/06#)";
          addMember9 = "insert into Member values (2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', 'Brinalack, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176425', '(087)-2030282', #9/12/85#, #5/16/06#)";
          addMember10 = "insert into Member values (2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', 'Derrybeg, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176536', '(087)-2030393', #9/14/85#, #5/18/06#)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
       public static void maintainRentalDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();
          String addRental1, addRental2, addRental3, addRental4, addRental5, addRental6, addRental7, addRental8, addRental9, addRental10;
          addRental1 = "insert into Rental values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', #9/01/06#, #9/10/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental2 = "insert into Rental values (120001, 'Mission Impossible 3', 2345, 'John', 'Murphy', #9/02/06#, #9/09/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental3 = "insert into Rental values (130001, 'Need for Special Carbon', 1324, 'James', 'McFadden', #9/03/06#, #9/12/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental4 = "insert into Rental values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', #9/04/06#, #9/11/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental5 = "insert into Rental values (120015, 'Prime', 1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', #9/05/06#, #9/14/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental6 = "insert into Rental values (130015, 'FIFA 07', 2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', #9/06/06#, #9/13/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental7 = "insert into Rental values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 2347, 'James', 'Ferry', #9/07/06#, #9/16/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental8 = "insert into Rental values (120003, 'The Break Up', 2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', #9/08/06#, #9/15/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental9 = "insert into Rental values (130027, 'Gears of War', 2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', #9/09/06#, #9/18/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental10 = "insert into Rental values (110021, 'Scooter - Mind the Gap', 2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', #9/10/06#, #9/17/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
       public Demo(){
          super("Demo Test Frame");
          setSize(350, 200);
          comboBox = new JComboBox();
          qtm = new QueryTableModel();
          JTable table = new JTable(qtm);
          JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane(table);
          JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
          p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));
          p1.add(new JLabel("Enter your query: "));
          p1.add(queryField = new JTextField());
          p1.add(new JLabel("Click here to send: "));
          JButton jb = new JButton("Search");
          jb.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
          getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          getContentPane().add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{
         Vector cache; 
         int colCount;
         String[] headers;
         Connection db;
         Statement statement;
         String currentURL;
         public QueryTableModel(){
              cache=new Vector();
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("problem loading the driver ");
         public String getColumnName(int i){
            return headers;
         public int getColumnCount(){
         return colCount;
         public int getRowCount(){
         return cache.size();
         public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){
              return ((String[])cache.elementAt(row))[col];
         public void setHostURL(){
         String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";
    catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");
    public void setQuery(String q){
              cache=new Vector();
    String s="select * from Product";
                   ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(q);
                   ResultSetMetaData meta=rs.getMetaData();
                   headers=new String[colCount];
                   for(int h=1;h<=colCount;h++){
                        String[] record=new String[colCount];
                        for(int i=0;i<colCount;i++){
              catch(Exception e){
                   cache=new Vector();
         public void initDB(String url){
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");
         public void closeDB(){
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not close the current connection.");

  • Pls Help--- URGENT... Combining XML file and HTML file Using java program.

    Hi, I need to implemnt this for my project....
    I need to combine XML and HTML file and generate a new HTML file
    Sample XML File:
    <txtAge>21 </txtAge>
    Sample HTML File:
    Name: <input type="text" name="txtName" value=""
    Age : <input type="text" Age="txtAge" value=""
    I need a java program to combine the above xml and html files and generate the output in HTML.
    Any kind of help is sincerely Appreciated.

    toucansam wrote:
    So you want us to write it for you? It's pretty straight forward, first parse the xml file with the *[best java xml parser|]* and then go through the nodes and construct the html with strings and concatination. Then write the file using *[the best java file writer|]*.
    He would do better to use existing tools that make this easy [|]

  • How to trigger a java program on INSERT in SAP HANA

    I need to trigger a java program whenever an INSERT happens on a table in SAP HANA.
    Please tell me how can I achieve the same.
    Thanks & Regards
    Divyank Mehta

    Hi Mehta,
    HANA SQL Script is not able to call external commands . May be from the context of your Java , you can keep pinging the database where the insert is happening for a data change via JDBC or ODBC . From SQL Context I don't think it is possible.

  • I need my java program to read HTML tags from the browser...

    so, i've made this java GUI, which can run from my internet explorer toolbar...
    as of now, this program doesn't do anything, it just produces an interface with blank fields
    i want these fields to automatically add information about the current web page on the browser... basically, is there any way that my java program can automatically read the HTML source of the web page opened? i just need it to be able to capture the page's URL and title.
    i programmed it using NetBeans, and it runs from the .jre file outside of NetBeans. I got an icon for it to appear on my IE toolbar by editing my computer's registry. When I click on this icon, my GUI runs, but doesn't do anything. Can I get it to read (i.e. automatically output on one of the textfields on my GUI) the URL and title of the webpage that i'm currently on? I want this to work like Bookmarks/Favourites does, so that means i don't want to download every single webpage before reading from it.
    any help will be greatly appreciated.

    I think that if you wanted to do this, it would involve something like the following:
    Have your toolbar GUI listen on a local port
    Set IE to proxy to localhost at that port
    Tunnel/proxy all requests. This will allow you to intercept the page source and the original request. Between the request URL, the request payload, the HTTP headers of request and response and the response payload, that's everything the browser would 'see'. The downside of the above is that you cannot intercept SSL (HTTPS) requests. You might be able to use the Windows/IE API (native) to fetch page source, but this would definitely be an application and O/S specific solution.
    - Saish

  • Viewing a HTML document in my Java program

    My Java program has a JTextPane that can display plain text or HTML documents. This program can mark up certain parts of the document to draw the user's attention.
    However, I am having problems when it comes to marking up some of the HTML documents. When they are first loaded onto the JTextPane, they appear fine. When I then run the method to apply the mark up styles, I notice that the text turns the same color as the background after a certain point - making it impossible to see the document or markup.
    The HTML (or text) document on display is made into a StyledDocument. And this is how the View for the HTML documents is created:
    HTMLEditorKit htmledkit = new HTMLEditorKit();
    ViewFactory myHTMLViewFactory = htmledkit.getViewFactory();
    return myHTMLViewFactory.create(elem);
    Note that elem is an Element -.-
    - I tried modifying the color tags in the HTML document, but even when I made the text black and the background white, the text still goes white. If it's a black background, the text goes black, etc. The markup style is actually trying to turn parts of the text red - and it works almost all of the time, apart from these certain documents.
    - I then tried applying my own style whenever a HTML document is loaded in, in the hope that I could force the background white and text black, regardless of the tags:
    MutableAttributeSet att = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setBackground(att, Color.white);
    doc.setCharacterAttributes(0, doc.getLength(), att, false);
    The resulting document display kept the original HTML background color, but wherever there was text it looked like someone had run a highlighter over it to change the background white and text black. Kinda ugly! And it still didn't work - come markup time this style was ignored after a certain point.
    - This is one of the HTML documents that causes the problem:
         <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">
         <title>My Document</title>
    In the body tag:
    table here... this displays fine
    And here is the problem point:
    <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
    <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="padding: 3px; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px;">
    <td width=100% style=" padding-left: 6px; padding-right: 6px;">
    <table class=pane cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
    <td width=100% class=panetitlebox align=Center >
    This is the last text that gets displayed! After this sentence, text goes same color as background.
    <tr height=100% valign=top>
    <td class=panebox colspan=2 align=Left style="padding: 0px; border: solid 1px; border-top: none;">
    <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
    <td class=content align=Left style="padding: 4px; background: transparent;">
    <b>Bold text that doesn't show</b> More text that doesn't show
    And so on....
    In the header tag of another HTML document that has the same problem, it says it is HTML version 4.0. I have looked up the Java API and found that the javax.swing.text.html package is still 'migrating' towards HTML 4.0 and only supports HTML version 3.2. (Even in the API for Java 1.5 beta, although I use Java 1.4.2)
    So I assume that Java just can't handle my documents! I also think that most of these HTML documents were generated by a program (I think I saw Frontpage in one of the document's meta tags), because when I make my own HTML it doesn't have the problem.
    But it would be nice if my Java program can support these documents, so does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could get these documents to display properly once I apply mark up styles?
    If I haven't explained something properly, I will clarify as it is a complicated program, and I've been driving myself crazy with this problem for several days!

    I was looking through the HTML document removing pieces of code to see where the problem was. I removed all code relating to styles, alignment, width, padding etc, with no luck. The document has several tables, many of them nested, so I added some comments to see where each started and ended. After I added the comments, I checked the document in my Java program again, ran the mark up styles, and it suddenly worked! So I removed each comment one by one, checking each time, until I found the one that made it work. I then tried typing in the same spot, adding an extra space, moving the <tr> tag onto the same line, but only the HTML comment made it work. Here is the part of the document where I added the comment (it's in bold)
    This is the last text that gets displayed! After this
    sentence, text goes same color as background.
    <tr height=100% valign=top>
    <td class=panebox colspan=2 align=Left style="padding:
    0px; border: solid 1px; border-top: none;">
    <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <!-- This comment makes the document display fine after markup -->
    <td class=content align=Left style="padding: 4px;
    background: transparent;">
    <b>Bold text that doesn't show</b> More text that
    doesn't showDoes anyone know WHY this is happening? It's so weird. I thought if it was something more obvious, like styles, I could just get my program to remove them when reading in the document. But added HTML comments????
    Thank you ^_^

  • How to edit the existing data in the XML file from java programming.

    Hi all
    i am able to create XML file with the sample data as below from java programming.
    i need sample code on how to edit the existing data in the XML file?
    for example
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    i am able to insert the data in the XML.
    now i need sample code on how to modify the data in the above XML file from the java programming for only key2,name2,id2 tags only. the remaining tags data in the XML file i want to keep same data except for key2,name2,id2 which are i want to modify from java code
    [points will be always rewardable]

    u need a parser or validate the xml file for to read the xml file from java coding u need for this
    xml4j.jar u can download this file  from here
    or we can use the SAX(simple API for XML)
    some sample applications for this
    let me know u need any other info

  • Using a Java Program to execute JavaScript from a website

    Okay, let me try and explain as good as I can. I have a program now, that searched through all files and folders in Unix (Solaris machine) and gets the list of files in the bin and sbin folders.
    Well, I want to find the version of each of these files from the bin and sbin folders and not all of them have the -v, -V or -version feature (or any others there may be). But, I found this page:
    where if you go to the page I can find an md5 number, place it in the box and click submit to find versions, if available.
    My thing is, as I find the number from my java program, I want to be able to open this page, insert in the box (or maybe even call the javascript function) and then submit to get the version numbers. That would mean I could need to get back info from the javascript function.
    I hope that explains what I need and hope that someone can help me.
    I have found information on the JSObject, but not sure what that means exactly so if someone can explain this:
    JSObject win = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    JSObject doc = (JSObject) win.getMember("document");
    JSObject loc = (JSObject) doc.getMember("location");
    String s = (String) loc.getMember("href"); // document.location.href"f", null);     
    it would be greatly appreciated. But, this may not even be what I need. I see that the is where I would call the function needed and I am guessing the null could be where I put the number if that is how the function i need works like that. But, what I dont understand is what "document" is and "location". Also, i the "href" the page I put above? I am just lost on that. Hope someone will understand.
    Thank again for the help!

    Exactly so. Check out the last item - reading and writing to a URL - writing to a URL.
    Pulling out the form code from that page:
    <FORM METHOD="POST"  ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
    <TEXTAREA NAME="md5list" ROWS=16 COLS=66 MAXLENGTH="33792"></TEXTAREA>
    <BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="submit">
    <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="reset">
    </FORM>You should end up with something like this (copying and pasting from the example):
    URL url = new URL("http://");
    String sNumbers = "put your serial nos in this string"
    URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
    out.println("md5list=" + sNumbers);
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
    String inputLine;
    while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null){
      // read in the HTML page result for later parsing?

  • Running a java program at "Start Up"

    Besides running an html file with an applet in it. Are there any simple ways to launch a java program every time the computer is turned on.
    I am not asking for specific directions, but rather just an idea, and i will go find my own guide.

    Well two ideas (if ur on windows) u could try are -
    one, if you had a class file you could simply create a
    batch file on windows that says java <class> and then
    put that batch file in your startup so that the class
    is run at startup or else you could think of modifying
    the registry keys on windows to run this class at
    startup - whichever works for you.Or you could just jar the program up, adding a Main-Class indicator in the manifest, and then add a shortcut to the jar to the startup folder, as someone else stated. Theres little need to go messing around with DOS batch in modern windows.

  • Running a java program via a batch file

    I am unable to run a java program from a batch file that I created.
    spiderpackage.EntryPoint is a class file which I am trying to run with a -v option to output something.What should I do to get the output?
    echo ^<html^>^<body^>
    echo hello^<br^>
    call java spiderpackage.EntryPoint -v
    echo ^</body^>^</html^>

    This has nothing to do with java programming. Have a look at the windows help for the call command.
    The echo <html> stuff doesn't make sense. What's it for?
    The command in you batch file should be:
    java -cp . spiderpackage.EntryPoint -v
    assuming that java is in the system path, and the EntryPoint.class is in a directory called spiderpackage which is a subdirectory of your current working directory

  • Error while executing program

    Hi All,
    I am trying to execute the samples( program from Jdeveloper and provided the following details in runtime.defaults:
    however getting the following exception:
    Error Code: ORACLE.FDK.UnexpectedError
    Detailed Error Code: ORACLE.FDK.FeatureNotEnabled
    Trace Id:
    info (NamedValue[]): null
    can any one please help me to resolve this issue.

    See the Cleartext Authentication note in the running_client_samples.html file of the CDB devkit.
    The default configuration for an out-of-box Oracle Content DB installation allows Cleartext Authentication only if SSL has been enabled (and the Web Services connection string begins with https). See the authentication topic for details.
    To allow Cleartext Authentication to take place over standard (non-SSL) HTTP, set the Oracle Content DB domain property IFS.DOMAIN.WS.CleartextAuthenticationRequiresHttps to false using Enterprise Manager (Application Server Control). See the Content DB Administration Guide for details.
    If the domain property above is not modified to false and Cleartext Authentication is attempted using using standard HTTP, an FdkException will be thrown:
    ORACLE.FDK.UnexpectedError : ORACLE.FDK.FeatureNotEnabled

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  • How to store data from xml in oracle database

    Hello All Could anyone tell me ways of storing XML in Oracle and whats the best one in terms of performance issues. any URL to this q/s would be great. thanks kedar

  • Counting records

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    Apple converted the jpg files smart files and apple can't open them. So I bought a program to convert them back and that does nothing. It may work great but is says nothing. The is an outlet file some where but it doesn't say. Thing only get worse, I

  • URGENT: Certification of Reports 6i for Windows XP

    Hello !!! We have a cust. which is delivering software for small comunities in Germany. They are handling about 4500 Users and they have 1 Mio. $ licenses in DB and reports. the problem is: the customer can't upgrade to reports 9i, because reports is