Inserting text containain an & character

I'm trying to use the following line of sql+ code:
INSERT INTO CARRIER ( CarrierID, CarrierName, CarrierDescription) values ('551', 'AT&T', 'AT&T Wireless');
However, do to the special/reserved meaning of the '&' within SQL+, the insert fails. I also have been unable to find any way of escaping the '&' character.
Is this possible from SQL+?
You can email any thoughts to [email protected]

Issue a SET SCAN OFF command in SQL*Plus.

Similar Messages

  • Want to Insert Text at Beginning of a Paragraph Using GREP

    I'd like to find the beginning of a paragraph and insert a text (that uses a specific character style) into that paragraph. Below is how I've set up the find/change:
    It almost works. The phrase "SECOND ITEM IS FREE!" is inserted at the beginning of the paragraph, which is what I want. But the first letter of the word that was originally at the beginning of the paragraph picks up the character style used on the inserted text. How do I insert the text without changing the character style of the existing text?
    Thanks in advance for any ideas on this

    [Jongware] wrote:
    (Short) Can't be done.
    (Long) Well, it can, but not in a single replace. You'd have to first insert the text, then assign the correct character style.
    (Slightly longer) You are physically re-inserting that final character, and so it will get that character style assigned. The usual way of finding-but-not-marking is to use a positive lookahead; but that doesn't work, because you would end up with two locations (the caret and the lookahead), and InDesign's particular implementation of GREP does not allow that. (Or rather -- irritatingly -- sometimes it seems to work if you press the Find button, but then a Change All is not going to work.)
    So that's why you have to insert at least one character in the Find What, and re-insert it in the Replace With fields.
    If all instances of the specific paragraph style need the prefixed text in a specific character style, consider redefining the paragraph style's autonumbering to include text and character style. Redefine the style, and all instances in the current document are changed. All future uses of the style automatically use the prefixed text and style. To update existing instances of the style in other documents with the new definition, use load paragraph styles; to apply the new definition to to other documents in an InDesign book, synchronize the styles. Search Google for terms like "InDesign paragraph styles numbered lists," "InDesign load styles," and "InDesign synchronize styles in book," without quotes for details.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • JDBC + SERVLET: inserting text data  to access file from Html form

    Hi everybody !
    I'm trying to insert text data from my html form to access database using servlet and jdbc technologies.
    The problem that I'm that the data is TEXT, but not the English language !!!
    So my access db file gets - ???????? symbols instead the real text.
    This is the form line that sending data to my servlet:
    ACTION=http://localhost:8080/servlet/myServlet enctype="text/html">
    And this is servlet line that defines response content:
    res.setContentType( "text/html" );
    What can I do to get in access db file the right text format and not a ???????? symbols.
    Maybe I must to ad some <meta ...> , but where ?

    You're dealing with Unicode, I'd guess, and not ASCII.
    I guess I'd have two questions:
    (1) Is the character encoding on your pages set properly for the language you're trying to use?
    (2) Does Access handle Unicode characters?
    Access isn't exacly a world-class database. (If it was, there'd be no reason for M$ to develop SQL Server.) I'd find out if it supports other character sets. If not, you'll have to switch to a more capable database that does. - MOD

  • Problem inserting text with special Hungarian characters into MySQL database

    When I insert text into my MySQL db the special Hungarian
    characters (ő,ű) they change into "?".
    When I check the
    <cfoutput>#FORM.special_character#</cfoutput> it gives
    me the correct text, things go wrong just when writing it into the
    db. My hosting provider said the following: "please try to
    evidently specify "latin2" charset with "latin2_hungarian_ci"
    collation when performing any operations with tables. It is
    supported by the server but not used by default." At my former
    hosting provider I had no such problem. Anyway how could I do what
    my hosting provider has suggested. I read a PHP related article
    that said use "SET NAMES latin2". How could I do such thing in
    ColdFusion? Any suggestion? Besides I've tried to use UTF8 and
    Latin2 character encoding both on my pages and in the db but with
    not much success.
    I've also read a French language message here in this forum
    that suggested to use:
    setEncoding("form", "utf-8");
    setEncoding("url", "utf-8");
    <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    I' ve changed the utf-8 to latin2 and even to iso-8859-2 but
    didn't help.
    Thanks, Aron

    I read that it would be the most straightforward way to do
    everything in UTF-8 because it handles well special characters so
    I've tried to set up a simple testing environment. Besides I use CF
    MX7 and my hosting provider creates the dsn for me so I think the
    db driver is JDBC but not sure.
    1.) In Dreamweaver I created a page with UTF-8 encoding set
    the Unicode Normalization Form to "C" and checked the include
    unicode signature (BOM) checkbox. This created a page with the meta
    tag: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=utf-8" />. I've checked the HTTP header with an online
    utility at and it gave me the following info:
    HTTP/1.1, Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8, Server:
    2.) Then I put the following codes into the top of my page
    before everything:
    <cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding = "utf-8">
    <cfset setEncoding("URL", "utf-8")>
    <cfset setEncoding("FORM", "utf-8")>
    <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    3.) I wrote some special Hungarian chars
    (<p>őű</p>) into the page and they displayed
    well all the time.
    4.) I've created a simple MySQL db (MySQL Community Edition
    5.0.27-community-nt) on my shared hosting server with phpMyAdmin
    with default charset of UTF-8 and choosing utf8_hungarian_ci as
    default collation. Then I creted a MyISAM table and the collation
    was automatically applied to my varchar field into wich I stored
    data with special chars. I've checked the properties of the MySQL
    server in MySQL-Front prog and found the following settings under
    the Variables tab: character_set_client: utf8,
    character_set_connection: utf8, character_set_database: latin1,
    character_set_results: utf8, character_set_server: latin1,
    character_set_system: utf8, collation_connection: utf8_general_ci,
    collation_database: latin1_swedish_ci, collation_server:
    5.) I wrote a simple insert form into my page and tried it
    using both the content of the form field and a hardcoded string
    value and even tried to read back the value of the
    #FORM.special_char# variable. In each cases the special Hungarian
    chars changed to "q" or "p" letters.
    Can anybody see something wrong in the above mentioned or
    have an idea to test something else?
    I am thinking about to try this same page against a db on my
    other hosting providers MySQL server.
    Here is the to the form:
    Thanks, Aron

  • How to insert text in current Pdf?

    I try to insert text into current pdf i am getting unexepected error
        PDEContent pdeContent;
        AVDoc avDoc = AVAppGetActiveDoc();
        PDDoc pdDoc = AVDocGetPDDoc (avDoc);
        PDPage pdPage = PDDocAcquirePage(pdDoc,AVPageViewGetPageNum(AVDocGetPageView(AVAppGetActiveDoc())));
        pdeContent = PDPageAcquirePDEContent(pdPage, NULL);
        //Create a PDEText object
        PDEText pdeText = PDETextCreate();
      //  Create a DEGraphicState object and set its attributes
        ASFixedMatrix textMatrix;
        //Create an ASFixedMatrix object
        memset(&textMatrix, 0, sizeof(textMatrix)); /* Set the buffer size */
        textMatrix.a = Int16ToFixed(24); /* Set font width and height */
        textMatrix.d = Int16ToFixed(24); /* to 24 point size */
        textMatrix.h = Int16ToFixed(1*72); /* x,y coordinate on page */
        textMatrix.v = Int16ToFixed(2*72); /* in this case, 1" x 2" */
        PDEGraphicState gState;
        PDEColorSpace pdeColorSpace = PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName(ASAtomFromString(colour_space.c_str()));
        memset(&gState, 0, sizeof(PDEGraphicState)); = = pdeColorSpace;
        gState.miterLimit = fixedTen;
        gState.flatness = fixedOne;
        gState.lineWidth = fixedOne;
        PDSysFont sysFont;
        PDEFont pdeFont;
        PDEFontAttrs pdeFontAttrs;
        //Set the size of the PDSysFont and set its attributes
        memset(&pdeFontAttrs, 0, sizeof(pdeFontAttrs)); = ASAtomFromString("CourierStd");
        pdeFontAttrs.type = ASAtomFromString("Type1");
        //Get system font
        sysFont = PDFindSysFont(&pdeFontAttrs, sizeof(PDEFontAttrs), 0);
        //Create a font that is used to draw text on a page
        pdeFont = PDEFontCreateFromSysFont(sysFont, kPDEFontDoNotEmbed);
        char *chrNewFilePath = "Doc.pdf";
        ASText  asFilePath =  ASTextFromUnicode(reinterpret_cast <ASUTF16Val *> (chrNewFilePath), kUTF8);
        //Create a character pointer
        char *HelloWorldStr = "Hello There";
        //Create new text run
        PDETextAdd(pdeText, //Text container to add to
                   kPDETextRun, // kPDETextRun
                   0, // in
                   (unsigned char*)HelloWorldStr, // Text to add
                   strlen(HelloWorldStr),// Length of text
                   pdeFont, // Font to apply to text
                   &gState, //Address of PDEGraphicState object
                   sizeof(gState), //Size of graphic state to apply to text
                   &textMatrix, //Transformation matrix for text
                   NULL); //Stroke matrix
        ASFileSys  asFileSys =  ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString( "ASTextPath" ), asFilePath);
        ASPathName asNewPath =  ASFileSysCreatePathName(asFileSys,  ASAtomFromString( "ASTextPath" ), asFilePath, 0);
        PDDocSave(pdDoc, PDSaveFull , asNewPath , asFileSys, NULL, NULL);

    I changed that code to below mention code, when i was run the plugin and after close the acrobat it asking for save, but it doesn't show any text text
    ASFixedRect  cropBox;
        char  errorMsg[256];
        ASInt32  errorCode = 0;
        PDPageGetCropBox  (pdPage, &cropBox);
        // Initialize the font descriptor then create the font reference.
        // Because we're using one of the base 14 Type 1 fonts, we only
        // need to pass a small amount of information to PDEFontCreate().
        PDEFont  pdeFont =  NULL;
        PDEFontAttrs  pdeFontAttrs;
        memset(&pdeFontAttrs, 0,  sizeof (pdeFontAttrs));  =  ASAtomFromString( "Courier" );
        pdeFontAttrs.type  =  ASAtomFromString( "Type1" );
        // Create the font reference.
        pdeFont =  PDEFontCreate(&pdeFontAttrs, sizeof (pdeFontAttrs), 0, 255, 0, 0,  ASAtomNull, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        ASGetErrorString  (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
        AVAlertNote  (errorMsg);
        return   NULL;
        PDEColorSpace  pdeColorSpace =  PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName(ASAtomFromString( "DeviceGray" ));
        PDEGraphicState  gState;
        ASFixedMatrix  textMatrix;
        // The graphics state controls the various style properties of the text
        // including color, weight, and so forth.
        memset (&gState, 0,  sizeof (PDEGraphicState));  =  = pdeColorSpace;
        gState.miterLimit  =  fixedTen;
        gState.flatness  =  fixedOne;
        gState.lineWidth  =  fixedOne;
        // Fill out the text matrix, which determines the point
        // size of the text and where it will is drawn on the page.
        memset (&textMatrix, 0,  sizeof (textMatrix));
        textMatrix.a  =  ASInt16ToFixed(12);
        textMatrix.d  =  ASInt16ToFixed(12);
        textMatrix.h  = cropBox.left  + (cropBox.right  - cropBox.left)/2 -  fixedSeventyTwo;
        textMatrix.v  =  - (  - cropBox.bottom)/2 -  fixedThirtyTwo;
        PDEText   volatile  pdeText =  NULL;
        // Create a new PDEText element and add a kPDETextRun object to it.
        pdeText =  PDETextCreate();
        PDETextAdd  (pdeText,  kPDETextRun, 0, (Uns8  *) "This page intentionally blank" , 30,
                     pdeFont, &gState,  sizeof (gState),  NULL, 0, &textMatrix,  NULL);
        // Insert text element into page content.
        PDEContentAddElem  (pdeContent,  kPDEAfterLast, (PDEElement)pdeText);
        // Commit the changes to the PDEContent.
        PDPageSetPDEContent(pdPage, gExtensionID);
        // Advertise that we changed the contents so the viewer redraws the
        // page and other clients can re-acquire the page contents if needed.
        PDPageNotifyContentsDidChange  (pdPage);
        // Store the error code.
        errorCode = ASGetExceptionErrorCode();
        // Release any objects we may have created or acquired.
        // Note : PDERelease correctly handles NULL, so we don't
        // need to test for valid objects.
        PDERelease  ((PDEObject) pdeColorSpace);
        PDERelease  ((PDEObject) pdeFont);

  • HOW can I enter text using Japanese character sets?

    The "Text, Plates, Insets" section of the LOOKOUT(6.01) Help files states:
    "Click the » button to the right of the Text field to expand the field for multiple line entries. You can enter text using international character sets such as Chinese, Korean, and Japanese."
    Can someone please explain HOW to do this? Note, I have NO problem inputting Hirigana, Katakana, and Kanji into MS WORD; the keyboard emulates the Japanese layout and characters (Romaji is default) and the IME works fine converting Romaji, and I can also select charcters directly from the IME Pad. I have tried several different fonts with success and am currently using MS UI Gothic.ttf as default. Again, everything is normal and working in a predictable manner within Word.
    I cannot get these texts into Lookout. I can't cut/paste from HTML pages or from text editors, even though both display properly. Within Lookout with JP selected as language/keyboard, when trying to type directly into the text field, the IME CORRECTLY displays Hirigana until <enter> is pressed, at which point all text reverts to question marks (?? ???? ? ?????). If I use the IME Pad, it does pretty much the same. I managed to get the "Yen" symbol to display, though, if that's relevant. As I said, font selected (in text/plate font options) is MS UI Gothic with Japanese as the selected script. Oddly enough, at this point the "sample" window is showing me the exact Hirigana character I want displayed in Lookout, but it won't. I've also tried staying in English and copying unicode characters from the Windows Character Map. Same results (Yen sign works, Hirigana WON'T).
    Help me!

    Have you changed the regional setting to Japanese?
    Doug M
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    For those unfamiliar with NBC's The Office, my icon is NOT a picture of me
    language.JPG ‏50 KB

  • How can I insert text in a photo?

    How can I insert text onto a photo?  Before Lion used Command T. Have not installed Page or Numbers. Have Microsoft for Mac.

    Open the photo with Preview and select ⌃⌘T.
    (Also, take a look at: Skitch)

  • Script to find a specific section in file & insert text below - how?

    I am dealing with kind of a problem here - I am using pekwm as my window manager and I use menumaker to automatically update the menu on every startup. My problem is that the original pekwm, the first two sections called 'terminal' and 'Run' and the last two sections called 'Go To' and 'pekwm' are overwritten/modified by mmaker so that there's only the applications submenues and  'pekwm' with the 'Themes' section erased and I want to somehow preserve all that. I was thinking of creating a bash script that does the mmaker thing and then use 'sed' or 'echo' to insert the code back into the appropiate areas of ~/.pekwm/menu.
    All I really need to know is how to find a particular string of code in the menu file and insert a block of text below that line using sed or echo.
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by lostinpurdy (2010-07-10 02:32:38)

    Looks interesting. But I'd like to keep it as simple as possible and avoid the part with the extra textfiles and just insert the code text straight into the menu file, kind of like this:
    mmaker --no-desktop -vf pekwm
    sed {
            find-and-goto-line-below-'root menu'-declaration, insert-text {
                                                                                                           entry for 'terminal'
                                                                                                           entry for 'run"
    sed {
             find-line-below-'pekwm'-submenu-declaration, insert-text {
                                                                                                       entry for 'themes'
    Obviously it's not real code but it's just to outline how I'd like to have it. Just need to know the correct syntax to make it work. I don't care much for 'Go To' and the rest.
    Last edited by lostinpurdy (2010-07-10 03:48:10)

  • How to insert text in the text-id using BDC

    Hi Friends,
    I m using the BAPI to upload the data for a transaction .
    In that transaction there are some text id's are created to insert text like 'Container number'.
    I want to insert the text in that text id . But it not a field. Text ids are having object no and table and number .
    Is there any function like 'READ_TEXT' which we use to retrieve the text form text ids to write text in text ids ?
    So that I can use that function to insert the text in the text ids.

    Hi Umesh,
    READ_TEXT is used to Read the text , but SAVE_TEXT is used to save the text. but for reading or saving you need correct iD's and text objects.

  • How to insert text in existing file.?????

    how to insert text in existing file.?????
    my file contains simple text with numbers of lines having more then 10 MB size and it might be increase up to 100MB.
    i required to seek to spec. position and insert chunk of characters to file without overwriting existing one.
    I tried out with RandomAccessFile class Also.
    Pl. Suggest me way to insert String in existing file.
    Thanks ,

    how to insert text in existing file.?????You can't "insert" text into an existing file. You can
    overwrite portions of an existing file or extend one by
    writing past the current end of file.
    If you want to insert text into a file you have to write
    out a new file.

  • Inserting text into a field at the current cursor position

    Does anyone know how to insert text into a field at the current cursor position? I would like it to work similar to the Syntax Palette in Forms. I cannot figure out how to retrieve the current cursor position in order to manipulate the text.
    Any help would be great.

    If the button and the textfield are on in the same subform then this code should work in the click event of the button
    (This is JavaScript code so make sure the code is set to JavaScript and Client on the drop downs in the script window)
    (assuming the name of the textfield is TextField1)
    TextField1.rawValue = "some value";
    If they are in different subforms then you have 2 options
    Please note in both these options it is easier if the subforms have names ( I am assuming this to keep samples simple)
    option 1 -
    use the parent object to move up the tree till you are at the same level as that of the subform that contains the textfield
    (Click Event of the button)
    this.parent.subformname.TextField1.rawValue = "some value";
    option 2 -
    Use the resolve node to make your way down from the top level of the form
    xfa.resolveNode ("form1.subformname.TextField1").rawValue = "some value";
    Hope this helps
    p.s. I am making assumptions as the image/file you attached did not appear for me.

  • Inserting text into a Pages document with Applescript

    I want to create a Pages document from a custom template but be able to insert text at various points in the document (inputted data under headings etc). I would like to use Applescript but cannot get insertion points to work, is this possible? As usual, all help gratefully accepted.

    I have made a Pages template that contains tables and I want to enter text into sections of these tables
    That's a completely different story! But that's still possible using GUI Scripting. Here's an example:
    tell application "Pages"
        select table 1 of body text of front document
        tell application "System Events" to tell process "Pages"
            set theWindow to window 1 whose role description is "standard window"
            click button "Table" of tool bar 1 of theWindow
            keystroke "Cell A1"
            keystroke tab
            keystroke "Cell B1"
            key code 125 -- down arrow
            keystroke "Cell B2"
            -- and so on
        end tell
        select insertion point after table 1 of body text of front document
    end tell

  • Inserting Text into a web page

    I need to know how to insert text into a webpage, like google, search, and then get the result.
    Using the wonders of the internet I have been able to display a webpage, and see the HTML code that is generated, however, I don't know how to insert text into a web page, or get the result.
    Any help, or pointing into the right direction would be appreciated.

    What do you mean by insert into web page? Like
    prefill data on a form?
    Or like a search on google? What are you using to
    do this?
    I am guessing based on the info you gave in your
    question, that you might want to just look at the url
    of the page. For example search on google and you
    will see the text entered into the search field
    inside the url. Learn from that and develop a url
    that will search for the text you want to insert.
    If I am not understanding you, please clarify.Right now, I'm using the URL to search for me, which will work, but the search can be different from website to website, and I would like something closer to an automated form filler if I need to implement something like this again.
    Of course, something like an automated form filler would probably work better, if I were able to retreve the results

  • Inserting text from a variable in actionscript

    what is it called when you insert text from a variable in actionscript?

    Your question is not clear.  There is no specific name for the process of inserting text from a variable that I am aware of.
    If you have a dynamic textfield that you have assigned an instance name to, let's say you named it "tField", then to assign a variable called "aVar" to that textfield you would use:
    tField.text = aVar;

  • How use SDK to insert text in indesign using c++

    Hello All
    I want to  use Indesign CS5.5 SDK  in my  c++ project first to create Indesign Document then insert text in textframe.
    How include SDK in my project ?
    Is it right method to create indesign Application using SDK.
    #include "IApplication.h"
    #include "ISession.h"
    # include "IDocumentCommands.h"
    virtual IApplication *  QueryApplication()=0 ;
    ISession *  GetExecutionContextSession();
    IApplication application(GetExecutionContextSession()->QueryApplication());
    It required so many .h file, first I copy .h file from SDK and put in Project directory but it give some error after including these .h file in project.
    There are so many directory(source,build,docs, etc.) in SDK.How include and use this SDK in my project to create Indesign Document.
    How include so many  .h file in my project ?
    I have already included SDK path in VisualStudio2008 ->Tools->Option->ProjectSolutions->vc++Directories

    Hi Jongware,
    This is not correct in C# you have type cast all the object to another Object and then only we can access it in required format
    for example
    if want to get font in active Document
    InDesign.Application myInDesign=  (InDesign.Application) COMCreateObject("InDesign.Application");
    InDesign myDocument = (InDesign.Document)myInDesign.ActiveDocument;
    InDesign.ParagraphStyles pStyles = (InDesign.ParagraphStyle)myDocument.ParagraphStyles
    InDesign.ParagraphStyle pSteyls = (InDesign.ParagraphStyle)myDocument.ParagraphStyle
    for(int i =0;i<pStyles.Count;i++)
         pStyle = (InDesign.ParagraphStyle)myDocument.ParagraphStyles[i];
    public static object COMCreateObject (string sProgID)
        // We get the type using just the ProgID
        Type oType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID (sProgID);
        if (oType != null)
            return Activator.CreateInstance( oType);
        return null;
    like above content
    for selection content u have to type cast selection object.
    InDesign.Selection = (InDesign.Selection).myDocument.Selection;
    but it showing error....
    like this you have to type cast all things in C# and you cannot simply get selection contents like app.selection[0].contents
    pls help me
    Thank you for your reply....
    R. Thangaraj

Maybe you are looking for