Insipre 7700's (Side-Left connection wont work under direct-7.1 mix)

Hi all
I just noticed today my side left speaker wasnt working.. well first I thought it might be the speaker so I checked all connections and the terminal wire behind speaker and all is good. So I do some channel test on the THX setup program and it doesnt work.. I switch the speaker with rear left, and the speaker works but then whatever is plugged into the side left connector behind the subwoofer doesnt work. So its not the speaker but the sub side left connector thats not working it seems..
any ideas how I can fix this or do I have to get a replacement? No matter is plugged in the side left it wont work

Hey man, I have the exact same problem. ONly I can get all the speakers to work but not all of them at the same time. I can hear all the speakers but during the speaker testing I get nothing from the rear right. In fact when the proper plugs are put in the color coded holes the side speakers aren't the side speakers at all they are the rear speakers, and the speakers at the rear are the side speakers. Go figure. well I was kinda thinking that it was the wire from the sound card to the woffer but when I tested the speakers again using the THX software when the woffer came on and was left on for about 10 secs. the left side speaker came on, then off then the ride side came on, then off. then both the side speakers came on. Now if something isn't all messed up I don't know what is. Wish I could figure out who to call. Dam puters these days. :manindifferent:

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    Your connection since you use the ddts-100 is digital so you use a coaxial or optical cable and the maximum speakers that can play with digital signal are 6.1.
    If you want to use all of you speakers you have to connect the 4:3 cable.You can connect it directly from your soundcard to your speakers or through the cable divider .
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    I hope I helped you.
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    #bannerMaker {
    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="400" height="400" id="shortdiscount" align="middle">
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    Which one are you talking about? If it is the first one (blue, magnifying glass) why not add the padding to the text?
    You can wrap the swf in its own div and float the div...

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    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Ok, I'll try to rephrase. There is one speaker, only one speaker. You will not hear music through the other opening as it is the microphone. Your phone is working exactly as designed.

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  • 11g R2 wont work under windows 2008 R2 doesnt support UTC, and cant change.

    I posted this in error under general, and got no responses. So now Im cutting and pasting it into installation, in a last ditched attemtp to find a way to get a clean installation of oralce on a clean installation of Windows Server 2008 R2 working.
    1) cannt connect to oracle outside of box. Get "TNS Connection timeout occured"
    2) em console "Sepecify Host and Target Database Credentials" always says "Connection refused: connect", even though the OS user/pass and DB user/pass are correct.
    What does work:
    1) I can "select * from dual" using "sqlplus / as sysdba" from the commandline on the box itself.
    2) Once, before I got em console half working, I could connect to the DB from outside the box with SYS as SYSDBA using toad. Now I cant.
    How I installed it:
    1) created a user called "oracle" and put them in the Administrators group.
    2) ran the downloaded installer for enterprise version, partition option chosen, AL32UTF8 char set, global db name: orcl, sid: orcl, "Assert all new security settings on" (No idea what this is) etc.
    3) at the end of the installer it came up with the following error:
    "Set the environment variable ORACLE_UNQNAME to the database unique name"
    3.5) opened up the incomming connections in the windows FW for 1158 and 1521 TCP from all.
    4) set ORACLE_UNQNAME as a system env var for oracle as "orcl"
    5) set ORACLE_HOME to c:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0 (or should this be c:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1 ??)
    6) set ORACLE_SID to orcl
    7) set ORACLE_HOST to dilbert (the machine name)
    8) logged into em console on https:
    dilbert:1158 (works from inside or outside the box).
    9) Entered the oracle windows user userame & pass, and SYS and pass (with connect as SYSDBA). However, it always says "Connectoin refused: connect"
    Im not using a domain. computer name is correctly setup as "dilbert" in the OS.
    I cant think of anything to try, and dont know how to start debugging this problem.
    If I look at the running services, i see:
    OracleDBConsolorcl Stopped
    OracleJobSchedulerORCL Stopped
    OracleMTSRecoveryService Stopped
    OracleOraDb11g_home1CLRAgent stopped
    OracleORADb11g_home1TNSListener Stopped
    OracleServiceORCL Running
    OrclVssWriterORCL Stopped
    nd if i try and start those services as oracle (who is in the Administrators group) it says "The operation could not be completed. Access is denied". If I run task manager as Administrator, I can start all of them except for the TNSListener which doesnt do anything, you say start, and it stays stopped. No errors, now warnings. and the JobSchedulreORCL which says no associated devices.
    HAving manually started some of the services (no idea if you are supposed to do that, cant find any installation documentation which covers before/after running the installer), when I try and specify the host and target database credentials in em console, it says:
    Validation Error
    Please correct the following error:
    dbUserPassword - This field must be specified
    However, the DB password for SYS IS specified and correct - so I have no way to fix this.
    I cant find anyinformatin online where to look for log files, but there is nothing in sysman\log
    Now em console is saying "Conection refused" again, and the following process have killed themselves (as will I soon)
    OracleDBConsolercl Stoppped
    The others which I succeded in starting are still running. So TNSListener nor jobscheduler will start, and Consolerocl kills itself after a minute.
    Well, looks like I'm on my own on this one. Oracle will not intall on windows, and none seems to have noticed. Doing a day of googling reveals that all the log files which are supposed to live in sysman/log do not exist in this installation, so no help there.
    However, I did find an obscure log which says:
    The agentTZRegion value in C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\wario_orcl/sysman/config/ is not in agreement with what agent thinks it should be.Please verify your environment to make sure that TZ setting has not changed since the last start of the agent.
    The TZ of the windows server is set to "UTC" at long time ago. There is nothing in the oralce windows installation guide to say "Do not use UTC, the most comon server time zone in europe". There is no mention of supported windows timezones.
    Now if Oracle doesnt support basic UTC, then we are all in trouble.
    There are hundreds of articles with this problem and how to solve it on Unix, but almost none for Windows. Do we have to solve Oracle installation bugs ourselves? Is there no support?
    Doing the below reveals that Oracle thinks that UTC is America/Rio_Branco. That HAS to be a bug.
    C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>emctl config agent getTZ
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2010 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Unable to open file for logging. C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1/wario_orc
    l/sysman/log/emctl.log: Permission denied
    So what next?
    The list of "supported" timezones in supportedtzs.list only lists UNIX timezones, and NO UTC!!!!!
    Googling this turns up nothing - noone on the planet seems to use UTC on their servers. I find this absolutely shocking.
    Windows server ONLY users UTC - it doesnt support GMT any more.
    So I have to now randomly try timezones in Windows which I dont want, which will be different from all the other servers in the Datacenter. It means all our reports will be out by 1 hour in summer ifI have to chose a timzeone which has daylight savings, compared with all the other databases which are UTC (not daylight savings).
    I would expect this from freeware maintained by one person in his garage.
    It seems that this Timezone issue emans Oracle will not run on windows.
    Tried a lot of things, including setting the timzeonse in windows to be "(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London", which unfortuantely is not UTC (as it is affected by daylight savings).
    When you run
    "emctl config agent getTZ"
    you get:
    The only oracle documentation I can find on this subject tells you to edit the, and modify the agentTZRegion property, which doesnt exist.
    I tried the following command:
    "c:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>emctl resetTZ agent"
    Which tells you to execute:
    SQL> exec mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('wario:3938','Europe/London')
    SQL> commit
    However, when I do this, I get:
    SQL> exec mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('wario:3938','Europe/London')
    BEGIN mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('wario:3938','Europe/London'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20233: Invalid agent name wario:3938
    ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_TARGET", line 3811
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Great. Obviosly, Im loggin in as SYS as no other users have been setup, and certainly I have not seen nor created nor set the password for "em repository user".

    I posted this in error under general, and got no responses. So now Im cutting and pasting it into installation, in a last ditched attemtp to find a way to get a clean installation of oralce on a clean installation of Windows Server 2008 R2 working.
    1) cannt connect to oracle outside of box. Get "TNS Connection timeout occured"
    2) em console "Sepecify Host and Target Database Credentials" always says "Connection refused: connect", even though the OS user/pass and DB user/pass are correct.
    What does work:
    1) I can "select * from dual" using "sqlplus / as sysdba" from the commandline on the box itself.
    2) Once, before I got em console half working, I could connect to the DB from outside the box with SYS as SYSDBA using toad. Now I cant.
    How I installed it:
    1) created a user called "oracle" and put them in the Administrators group.
    2) ran the downloaded installer for enterprise version, partition option chosen, AL32UTF8 char set, global db name: orcl, sid: orcl, "Assert all new security settings on" (No idea what this is) etc.
    3) at the end of the installer it came up with the following error:
    "Set the environment variable ORACLE_UNQNAME to the database unique name"
    3.5) opened up the incomming connections in the windows FW for 1158 and 1521 TCP from all.
    4) set ORACLE_UNQNAME as a system env var for oracle as "orcl"
    5) set ORACLE_HOME to c:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0 (or should this be c:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1 ??)
    6) set ORACLE_SID to orcl
    7) set ORACLE_HOST to dilbert (the machine name)
    8) logged into em console on https:
    dilbert:1158 (works from inside or outside the box).
    9) Entered the oracle windows user userame & pass, and SYS and pass (with connect as SYSDBA). However, it always says "Connectoin refused: connect"
    Im not using a domain. computer name is correctly setup as "dilbert" in the OS.
    I cant think of anything to try, and dont know how to start debugging this problem.
    If I look at the running services, i see:
    OracleDBConsolorcl Stopped
    OracleJobSchedulerORCL Stopped
    OracleMTSRecoveryService Stopped
    OracleOraDb11g_home1CLRAgent stopped
    OracleORADb11g_home1TNSListener Stopped
    OracleServiceORCL Running
    OrclVssWriterORCL Stopped
    nd if i try and start those services as oracle (who is in the Administrators group) it says "The operation could not be completed. Access is denied". If I run task manager as Administrator, I can start all of them except for the TNSListener which doesnt do anything, you say start, and it stays stopped. No errors, now warnings. and the JobSchedulreORCL which says no associated devices.
    HAving manually started some of the services (no idea if you are supposed to do that, cant find any installation documentation which covers before/after running the installer), when I try and specify the host and target database credentials in em console, it says:
    Validation Error
    Please correct the following error:
    dbUserPassword - This field must be specified
    However, the DB password for SYS IS specified and correct - so I have no way to fix this.
    I cant find anyinformatin online where to look for log files, but there is nothing in sysman\log
    Now em console is saying "Conection refused" again, and the following process have killed themselves (as will I soon)
    OracleDBConsolercl Stoppped
    The others which I succeded in starting are still running. So TNSListener nor jobscheduler will start, and Consolerocl kills itself after a minute.
    Well, looks like I'm on my own on this one. Oracle will not intall on windows, and none seems to have noticed. Doing a day of googling reveals that all the log files which are supposed to live in sysman/log do not exist in this installation, so no help there.
    However, I did find an obscure log which says:
    The agentTZRegion value in C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\wario_orcl/sysman/config/ is not in agreement with what agent thinks it should be.Please verify your environment to make sure that TZ setting has not changed since the last start of the agent.
    The TZ of the windows server is set to "UTC" at long time ago. There is nothing in the oralce windows installation guide to say "Do not use UTC, the most comon server time zone in europe". There is no mention of supported windows timezones.
    Now if Oracle doesnt support basic UTC, then we are all in trouble.
    There are hundreds of articles with this problem and how to solve it on Unix, but almost none for Windows. Do we have to solve Oracle installation bugs ourselves? Is there no support?
    Doing the below reveals that Oracle thinks that UTC is America/Rio_Branco. That HAS to be a bug.
    C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>emctl config agent getTZ
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2010 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Unable to open file for logging. C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1/wario_orc
    l/sysman/log/emctl.log: Permission denied
    So what next?
    The list of "supported" timezones in supportedtzs.list only lists UNIX timezones, and NO UTC!!!!!
    Googling this turns up nothing - noone on the planet seems to use UTC on their servers. I find this absolutely shocking.
    Windows server ONLY users UTC - it doesnt support GMT any more.
    So I have to now randomly try timezones in Windows which I dont want, which will be different from all the other servers in the Datacenter. It means all our reports will be out by 1 hour in summer ifI have to chose a timzeone which has daylight savings, compared with all the other databases which are UTC (not daylight savings).
    I would expect this from freeware maintained by one person in his garage.
    It seems that this Timezone issue emans Oracle will not run on windows.
    Tried a lot of things, including setting the timzeonse in windows to be "(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London", which unfortuantely is not UTC (as it is affected by daylight savings).
    When you run
    "emctl config agent getTZ"
    you get:
    The only oracle documentation I can find on this subject tells you to edit the, and modify the agentTZRegion property, which doesnt exist.
    I tried the following command:
    "c:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>emctl resetTZ agent"
    Which tells you to execute:
    SQL> exec mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('wario:3938','Europe/London')
    SQL> commit
    However, when I do this, I get:
    SQL> exec mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('wario:3938','Europe/London')
    BEGIN mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('wario:3938','Europe/London'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20233: Invalid agent name wario:3938
    ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_TARGET", line 3811
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Great. Obviosly, Im loggin in as SYS as no other users have been setup, and certainly I have not seen nor created nor set the password for "em repository user".

  • L2TP VPN connection not working under 10.6.3

    Hi everyone.
    I need to connect to a VPN with L2TP/IPSec.
    The connection works fine if I boot into Bootcamp (win7).
    But if I boot into 10.6.3, it does not work.
    any idea what the problem could be.
    Settings are triple checked and copy pasted into their proper fields (like in win7). router settings are correct, otherwise it would not work in win7.
    So it is a problem with osx.
    The following is out of the ppp.log:
    Thu Apr 22 19:14:03 2010 : L2TP connecting to server '' (x.x.x.x)...
    Thu Apr 22 19:14:03 2010 : IPSec connection started
    Thu Apr 22 19:14:03 2010 : IPSec phase 1 client started
    Thu Apr 22 19:14:03 2010 : IPSec phase 1 server replied
    Thu Apr 22 19:14:04 2010 : IPSec phase 2 started
    Thu Apr 22 19:14:34 2010 : IPSec connection failed
    the server is reachable, but something fails in phase 2.
    in the system log, the entry is:
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname pppd[517]: pppd 2.4.2 (Apple version 412.0.10) started by x, uid x
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname pppd[517]: L2TP connecting to server '' (x.x.x.x)…
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname pppd[517]: IPSec connection started
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: Connecting.
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 1).
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 2).
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 3).
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 4).
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 5).
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKEv1 Phase1 AUTH: success. (Initiator, Main-Mode Message 6).
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 6).
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKEv1 Phase1 Initiator: success. (Initiator, Main-Mode).
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:03 noname racoon[518]: IKEv1 Information-Notice: transmit success. (ISAKMP-SA).
    Apr 22 19:14:04 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode message 1).
    Apr 22 19:14:04 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:07 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    Apr 22 19:14:08 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:10 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    Apr 22 19:14:10 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:13 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    Apr 22 19:14:13 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:16 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    Apr 22 19:14:16 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:19 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    Apr 22 19:14:19 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:22 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    Apr 22 19:14:22 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:25 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    Apr 22 19:14:26 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:28 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    Apr 22 19:14:28 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:31 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    Apr 22 19:14:31 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:34 noname pppd[517]: IPSec connection failed
    Apr 22 19:14:34 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packet: transmit failed. (Information message).
    Apr 22 19:14:34 noname racoon[518]: IKEv1 Information-Notice: transmit failed. (Delete ISAKMP-SA).
    Apr 22 19:14:34 noname racoon[518]: Disconnecting. (Connection tried to negotiate for, 31.609591 seconds).
    Apr 22 19:14:34 noname racoon[518]: IKE Packets Transmit Failure-Rate Statistic. (Failure-Rate = 7.143).
    Apr 22 19:14:34 noname racoon[518]: IKE Information-Notice Transmit Failure-Rate Statistic. (Failure-Rate = 100.000).

    i have the same messages on 10.6.4 and with the sonic xx170:
    28.06.10 11:39:04 racoon[489] IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    28.06.10 11:39:07 racoon[489] IKE Packet: transmit success. (Phase2 Retransmit).
    28.06.10 11:39:08 racoon[489] IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    28.06.10 11:39:10 pppd[488] IPSec connection failed
    28.06.10 11:39:10 racoon[489] IKE Packet: transmit success. (Information message).
    28.06.10 11:39:10 racoon[489] IKEv1 Information-Notice: transmit success. (Delete ISAKMP-SA).
    any ideas?
    waiting on 10.6.5, 10.6.6 ....?
    regards, Arthur

  • Applescript script wont work under Mail's rules

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    there is a known bug in apple script which hangs the script if the a mail rule makes an outgoing message. i submitted a bug report about it a couple of months ago and was told that it's a known issue.
    There is a workaround. see the post by Todd laney in [this thread| =0].

Maybe you are looking for