Inspector - Library Layout user control and Batch Red Eye

Hey guys...
3 days into using Aperture for first time...
2 Questions:
1) Is there a way to organize the Library Tree? Currently, everytime I add/create a folder it places it further down the tree. But some I want to move up the tree.
For example, right now I have following layout:
Projects & Albums
Library Albums
* or better
etc, etc
2010 <Folder>
NYE 2010 <Project>
2009 <Folder>
Christmas 2009 <Project>
Thanksgiving 2009 <Project>
If I create another Folder, say "Misc", it places it under folder labled "2009". Yet, i want to drag that folder up so that it's at the top above 2010. Dragging the folder only allows me to drop it into another folder or Project, not before or after.
How do I customize my folder tree, this has to be possible.
2nd questions:
I am a Picasa convert. One thing I was able to do with Picasa was it would search the photo for red eye (when u asked it to look), then auto-fix it as preview with option to save red fix if satisfied. This made for a very fast red correction. In Aperture, it appears I have to manualy "circle" each individual red eye for edit to take effect.. ??? Is there a batch option? 1 eye at a time is very time consuming.

Nope...dosent work. Allows you to move Folders but only to move them "into" another existing Folder or "Project".
**Edit: Nevermind, I think I got have to have surgeon hands to place folder very very specifically...a little to right or left and it will drop it in a completely different part of the tree.
Message was edited by: SailorFitz

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    Check the bottom right hand corner of the window, see the slider there? Move it to the right does that help?
    If not, right click on the pic and choose 'Show File', what folder does this take you to?

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    <DataGridTextColumn Width="100" Binding="{Binding Path=ownership}"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Width="100" Binding="{Binding Path=magazineNumber}"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Width="100" Binding="{Binding Path=note}"/>
    here is the code:
    var tabItem = new TabItem { Header = item.FormName };
    var adornerDecorator = new AdornerDecorator();
    var stackPanel = new StackPanel();
    adornerDecorator.Child = stackPanel;
    tabItem.Content = adornerDecorator;
    tabItem.SetValue(ControlsHelper.HeaderFontSizeProperty, 18.0);

    i tried your way to know if there is an error
    the result is yes
    for the implementation of IDataErrorInfo
    here is the code :
    public string Error
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weaponNumber))
                        return "error 1";
                    if (weaponTypeID == null || weaponTypeID == new Guid())
                        return "error2";
                    return string.Empty;
            public string this[string columnName]
                    if (columnName == "weaponNumber")
                        bool valid = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(weaponNumber);
                        if (!valid)
                            return "error1";
                    if (columnName == "weaponTypeID")
                        bool valid = weaponTypeID != null && weaponTypeID != new Guid();
                        if (!valid)
                            return "error2";
                    return null;

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    > First problem  i could not find a User Control (Farm Solution only) under the Office/SharePoint section
    if you mean New item in Visual Studio, then check it under general Web category. User controls are basic ASP.Net functionalities, not Sharepoint-specific. If it is not there, you may use the following trick:
    1. Create new project in other VS instance using "ASP.Net Empty Web Application" template
    2. Add new user control there (in this project type it should exist for sure under Web category. Called "Web User Control")
    3. Copy all user control's files to the folder of your Sharepoint project (ascx, ascx.cs, ascx.designer.cs)
    4. In VS instance with Sharepoint project add existing items: all copied user control files. They should be grouped under ascx file automatically after that
    > The type or namespace name 'TaxonomyFieldControl' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
    you need to add reference to Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.dll assembly, which is located in the GAC (assume that you have installed Sharepoint on your dev env)
    Blog -
    Dynamic CAML queries via C# -
    thanks a lot for your help. so can i do the following steps:-
    I follow these steps to deploy a user control.
    using Visual Studio 2012 , i added a new Farm solution.
    then inside the farm solution i added a new User Control(Farm Solution Only).
      3.   inside the user control i entered the following code:-
    using Microsoft.SharePoint;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;
    using System;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    namespace WikiPopUp.ControlTemplates.WikiPopUp
    [ToolboxData("<{0}:CustomValidationRequiredFieldsOnPage runat=server></{0}:CustomValidationRequiredFieldsOnPage>")]
    public class CustomValidationRequiredFieldsOnPage : WebControl
    protected override void CreateChildControls()
    if (SPContext.Current.FormContext.FormMode == SPControlMode.Edit)
    bool arethere = AreThereAnyMissingRequiredFieldsOnPage();
    if (arethere)
    //Provides an ASP.NET control that handles the Ribbon buttons controlling the state of a Microsoft SharePoint Server wiki or publishing page,
    //such as the CheckInCheckOutButton or the PublishingButton.
    SPPageStateControl baseParentStateControl = Page.Items[typeof(SPPageStateControl)] as SPPageStateControl;
    //Publish button: SPListItem MissingRequiredFields checks this.FieldHasValue(link.Name, field);
    //the field is empty (which is right) when the page is first created (MMD field is never filled in)
    //when the field was once filled, saved and emptied the field in sp code still has the previous value and the check MissingRequiredFields succeeds
    //after succeeding this check the page is validated (this.Page.Validate()) and this one fails which results SP validating the page as the Save button does
    if (baseParentStateControl.HasError)
    //this overwrites the previous PageErrorState
    //and validates the page
    //no popup anymore and status updates in yellow area
    //there are missing fields at this listitem, but they're not on the page
    //do nothing here, because the SerializedErrorState contains the navigate url to the Edit Properties page
    //and a message pops up
    /// <summary>
    /// Check if required fields are missing which are present at the page
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static bool AreThereAnyMissingRequiredFieldsOnPage()
    foreach (Control control in SPContext.Current.FormContext.FieldControlCollection)
    //get the control type
    string type = control.GetType().Name;
    FieldTypes controlType = (FieldTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(FieldTypes), type);
    switch (controlType)
    case FieldTypes.TaxonomyFieldControl:
    TaxonomyFieldControl tfc = control as TaxonomyFieldControl;
    if (!tfc.IsValid)
    return true;
    return false;
    enum FieldTypes
    DateTimeField, FieldValue, TextField, RichImageField, NoteField, RichHtmlField, PublishingScheduleFieldControl, TaxonomyFieldControl, BooleanField, ComputedField
      4. i add a reference for the Sharepoint.taxnomy
      5. then i deploy the solution to my site collection. and now i can see the new solution inside the farm solution under central administration.
    but not sure if these are all the required steps to register the user control or still i need to do extra steps ?

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    , it should keep moving
    Apoorv Kumar Upadhyay

    Hi Apoorv,
    How did you place your Usercontrol on that image? How did you implement the moveable UserControl? Could you provide some code snippets?
    In my experience, we can place a Usercontrol and Image control into Canvas control, to make a moveable Usercontrol, we can handle
    ManipulationDelta event and use Transform, here is my sample:
    <Rectangle Width="100" Height="100" Fill="Red"
    ManipulationDelta="Rectangle_ManipulationDelta" />
    private void Rectangle_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
    var _Rectangle = sender as Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Rectangle;
    var _Transform = (_Rectangle.RenderTransform as CompositeTransform)
    ?? (_Rectangle.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform()) as CompositeTransform;
    _Transform.TranslateX += e.Delta.Translation.X;
    _Transform.TranslateY += e.Delta.Translation.Y;
    <Canvas Name="cv">
    <Image Width="{Binding ActualWidth,ElementName=cv}" Source="Assets/1.jpg" Stretch="Fill" />
    <local:MyUserControl1 />
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    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Why are the CROP and RED EYE TOOLS grayed out?

    My sister, who is new to iPhoto, can't crop her photos because, she says, the crop tool icon is grayed out. She's using iPhoto 4, v. 4.0.3.
    She lives in another state, so when I come up with a solution or solutions, I can try to talk through it on the phone - each of us on our computers.
    It was suggested by someone on another forum that the file in her Preferences folder in her library might be corrupted and that deleting that file & then relaunching iPhoto could solve it.
    I talked my sister through deleting the file & relaunching iPhoto but it didn't do the trick. When she selects a photo and clicks on Edit, both the Red Eye AND the Crop tools are grayed out.

    It's been awhile since I used that level of iPhoto but I believe that you have to select an area on the photo before you can use either of these two tools. For crop simply select the desired area and for red-eye select a small area around the eyes.

  • User control to masterpage in sitedefintion

    I would like to add a usercontrol to my masterpage present in solution which has the site definition. The links on internet show only about creating a basic solution which contains only usercontrol , then signing it and putting safe control attribute and deploying
    and after that adding it on masterpage in designer. But in my solution, where the usercontrol will be a part of another project in the solution,
    1) how do I go about doing this ?
    2) Is using Modules item a preferred way to deploy this or using mapped control template folder better?

    You can build the user control and add the reference to your master page.
    Adding a custom usercontrol to masterpage using Design Manager
    also refer these links
    Delegate controls and Content Placeholders in SharePoint 2013 Publishing Master Page
    Please 'propose as answer' if it helped you, also 'vote helpful' if you like this reply.

  • Run backgroundWorker in user control from MainWindow in WPF

    I have a Background Worker component in a user control and I want to run it from MainWindow, but it doesn't work.
    This Background Worker
    adds some items
    to Listbox. for example my user control name is MyUC and Background Worker name is BGWorker.
    I tried to use MyUC.BGWorker.RunWorkerAsync();
    But after BGWorker
    carried out ,
    there is no item in the listbox.
    How can I run BGWorker from MainWindow?

    When I clean the solution and hit f5 I get a bunch of errors.
    I'm not running anyone's solution without cleaning it first.
    Items is just a list so you don't need any of that dispatcher.invoke
    this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
    ItemToAdd = new Item();
    ItemToAdd.Name = "item " + i;
    ItemToAdd.HasRank = true;
    ItemToAdd.ItemRank = "5";
    You do here
    this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
    view = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Items);
    view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Name", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
    this.LBListBox.DataContext = this;
    And rather than all that messing about with setting datacontext and refreshing the listbox items I would recommend you refactor this into a viewmodel and implement inotifypropertychanged.
    Failing that.
    Put break points in, trace it through and see what's happening.
    Hope that helps.
    Recent Technet articles: Property List Editing;
    Dynamic XAML

  • Editing Red Eye in iPhoto '08

    I read a useful hint in Macworld Nov 06 for editing red eye in iPhoto '06, which gave one the option of the degree of intensity in the color change. I do not seem to be able to do with iPhoto '08. Does anyone know if the old work-around is still workable in '08?

    No. The only control over the red eye correction in iPhoto 08 is the size of the spot used. That would be a good feature request to make at
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There's now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

  • Red-eye editing trouble

    I recently bought my mother a 20" G5 hoping that it would be more reliable than her old laptop. Most things went well except for iphoto.
    As soon as the G5 was online i updated the software ilife, os etc (2weeks ago).
    I saved all her photos from an old XP laptop onto and external harddrive.
    I then imported from the harddrive by dragging straight into iPhoto. The pics went across fine. BUT
    Whenever she tries to adjust red-eye, the editing image changes, the system saves on clicking on done, the thumbnail changes and then when you reopen the file the redeye has returned.
    When i imported the same files in the same way on my slightly older imac G5 the red-eye changes without trouble.
    Her files are not locked or read only.
    Any ideas...

    No. The only control over the red eye correction in iPhoto 08 is the size of the spot used. That would be a good feature request to make at
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There's now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

  • One eye no result in red eye correction?

    When I put a portrait photo into iPhone, and used red eye removal separately on both eyes, one eye only was corrected, but the second eye would not change, but remained red: tried one at a time, and also tried in Preview.
    Any suggestions? Thanks

    Well, now I can try to help your. Assuming you're running iPhoto 11 make a temporary, duplicate copy of the library and try the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    1 - delete  the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your Home/Library/Preferences folder. 
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache files that are located in your Home/Library/Caches/ folder. 
    3 - reboot, launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding the the Option key.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    Fix #2
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys depressed and follow the instructions to rebuild the library. Select options #1, #2 and #6.
    Click to view image full size

  • Removing red eye

    Can any one help me to remove red eye in photo uploaded using jsp

    Most red eye remooval programs are interactive and require the user to select a section of the picture that contains the red eye. If you can manage to find a red eye removal tool that can scan and identify red eye in a picture without user interaction and it contains a command line execution mode you could simply exec this tool and pass the uploaded file to the tool. My guess is finding such a tool may be difficult. Perhaps google can help you with this.

  • Red Eye removal - Green Eye removal

    My subjects are mostly people on horses, and sometimes red eye removal is necessary and works fine. However, horses (as well as most other animals) have a differently colored retina, so I'd need a Green Eye Removal. Would it be possible to make the Red Eye Removal color-independent, or would it stop working then?

    here are 3 more pet eye tutorials

  • Sharing an iTunes Library across multiple user account and a network.

    Sharing an iTunes Music Library across multiple user accounts.
    Hello Everybody!
    Firstly, this was designed to be run in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. It will not work with earlier versions of Mac OS X! Sorry.
    Here's a handy tip for keeping your hard drive neat and tidy, it also saves space, what in effect will be done is an iTunes music library will be shared amongst multiple users on the same machine. There are advantages and disadvantages to using this method.
    • Firstly I think it might be worthwhile to state the advantages and disadvantages to using this approach.
    The advantages include:
    - Space will be saved, as no duplicate files will occur.
    - The administrator will be able to have complete control over the content of the iTunes library, this may be useful for restricting the content of the Library; particularly for example if computer is being used at and education institution, business or any other sort of institution where things such as explicit content would be less favorable.
    - The machine will not be slowed by the fact that every user has lots of files.
    The disadvantages to this system include.
    - The fact that the account storing the music will have to be logged in, and iTunes will have to be active in that account.
    - If the account housing the music is not active then nobody can use the iTunes library.
    - There is a certain degree of risk present when an administrator account must be continually active.
    - Fast User Switching must be enabled.
    A central account controls all music on the machine/network, this is achieved by storing iTunes files in a public location as opposed to in the user's directory. In effect the system will give all users across the machine/network access to the same music/files without the possibility of files 'doubling up' because two different users like the same types of music. This approach saves valuable disk space in this regard and may therefore prove to be useful in some situations.
    This is a hearty process to undertake, so only follow this tutorial if you're willing to go all the way to the end of it.
    Step 1:
    Firstly, we need to organize the host library, I tidied mine up, removing excess playlists, random files, things like that. this will make thing a bit easier in the later stages of this process.
    Once the library is tidied up, move the entire "iTunes" folder from your Home directory to the "//localhost" directory (The Macintosh HD) and ensure that files are on the same level as the "Applications", "Users", "Library" and "System" directories; this will ensure that the files in the library are available to all users on the machine (this also works for networks)
    Optionally you can set the ownership of the folder to the 'administrator' account (the user who will be hosting the library.), you may also like to set the permissions of 'you can' to "Read & Write" (assuming that you are doing this through the user who will host the library); secondly you should set the "Owner" to the administrator who will be hosting the library and set their "access" to "Read & Write" (this will ensure that the administrator has full access to the folder). The final part of this step involves setting access for the "Others" tab to "Read Only" this will ensure that the other users can view but not modify the contents on the folder.
    So far we have done the following steps:
    1. Organized the host library.
    2. Placed the iTunes directory into a 'public' directory so that other users may use it. (this step is essential if you plan on sharing the library across multiple accounts on the same machine. NOTE: this step is only necessary if you are wanting to share you library across multiple accounts on the same machine, if you simply want to share the music across a network, use the iTunes sharing facility.
    3. set ownership and permissions for the iTunes music folder.
    Step 2:
    Currently the administrator is the only user who can use this library, however we will address this soon. In this step we will enable iTunes music sharing in the administrator's account, this will enable other users to access the files in the library.
    If you are not logged in as the administrator, do so; secondly, open iTunes and select "Preferences" from the "iTunes" menu, now click the "Sharing" tab, if "share my library on my local network" is not checked, the radio buttons below this will now become active, you may choose to share the entire libraries contents, or share only selected content.
    Sharing only selected content may be useful if their is explicit content in the library and minors use the network or machine that the library is connected to.
    If you have selected "share entire library" go to Step 3, if you have selected share "share selected playlists" read on.
    After clicking "share selected playlists" you must then select the playlists that you intend to share across your accounts and network. Once you have finished selecting the playlists, click "OK" to save the settings.
    In this step we:
    1. Enabled iTunes sharing in the administrator's account, now, users on the local network may access the iTunes library, however, users on the same machine may not.
    Step 3:
    Now we will enable users on the same machine to access the library on the machine. This is achieved by logging in as each user, opening iTunes, opening iTunes preferences, and clicking "look for shared music". now all users on the machine may also access the library that the administrator controls.
    This in effect will mean that the user will not need to use their user library, it will be provided to them via a pseudo network connection.
    As a secondary measure, I have chosen to write a generic login script that will move any content from the user's "Music/iTunes/iTunes Music" directory to the trash and then empties the user's trash.
    This is done through the use of an Automator Application: this application does the following actions.
    1. Uses the "Finder" action "Get Specified Finder Items"
    1a. The user's "~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music" folder
    2. Uses the "Finder" action "Get Folder Contents"
    3. Uses the "Finder" action "Move to Trash"
    4. Uses the "Automator" action "Run AppleScript"
    4a. with the following:
    on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Finder"
    empty trash
    end tell
    return input
    end run
    IMPORTANT: Once the script is adapted to the user account it must be set as a login item. in order to keep the script out of the way i have placed it in the user's "Library" directory, in "Application Support" under "iTunes".
    Here we:
    1. Enabled iTunes sharing in the user accounts on the host machine, in effect allowing all users of the machine to view a single iTunes library.
    2. (Optional) I have created a login application that will remove any content that has been added to user iTunes libraries, this in effect stops other users of the machine from adding music and files to iTunes.
    Step 4:
    If it is not already enabled, open system preferences and enable Fast User Switching in Accounts Options.
    We have shared a single iTunes library across multiple user account, while still allowing for network sharing. This method is designed to save space on machines, particularly those with smaller hard drives.
    I hope that this hint proves to be helpful and I hope everybody will give me feedback on my process.
    iBook G4; 60GB Hard Drive, 512MB RAM, Airport Extreme   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   iWork & iLife '06, Adobe CS2, Final Cut Pro. Anything and Everything!!!

    how to share music between different accounts on a single computer

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