Install Air app on HTC Incredable

How do you go about installing an air app on my phone? I have a working Air app and want to put it on my phone. Are there instructions?

Hi Daniel,
Could you post or send me ([email protected]) the entire crash log?  I'll at least need the binaries section so I can properly symbolicate the log.

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    I imagine this should be easy since debugging an installed
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    You can enable logging to a text file using settings in the
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    Note that ALL trace output will go to the log.
    Other things you can do are:
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    exceptions, but trace statements are still reported.

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    You must have the correct permissions to install anything.  This includes AIR applications.

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    Sorry, an error has occurred
    The application could not be installed. Try installing it
    again. If the problem persists, contact the application author.
    Error# 3003
    The AIR runtime installed ok:
    Performing runtime install
    UI SWF load is complete
    UI initialized
    enter confirming
    Installation type: new
    stateInstalling: enter install
    Scheduling runtime installation operations
    Beginning runtime installation
    Beginning install
    Execution complete; beginning commit phase
    Commit complete
    The appinstall.log for
    twhirl says:
    Starting app install of
    UI SWF load is complete
    UI initialized
    Converting to C:\Documents and Settings\wmoore\Local
    Conversion is complete
    AIR file is bound to version 1.0
    app id de.makesoft.twhirl
    application is bound to this version of the runtime
    Application is installed? false
    Waiting for user confirmation
    User confirmed action: install
    Starting install
    Destination for installed application is C:\Program Files
    Beginning install
    Installing C:\Documents and Settings\wmoore\Local
    Execution complete; beginning commit phase
    Commit complete
    stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false
    cancelable=false eventPh
    ase=2 text="Error #3003" errorID=3003]
    Starting cleanup
    Installation exited
    System is WinXP Pro SP2, I
    do not have Admin rights on this machine.

    Installation of both AIR and AIR-based applications on XP
    requires admin rights. I'm not sure why, or even if, the AIR
    install is actually completing successfully. I recommend trying
    again from an account with admin privilege.
    Oliver Goldman | Adobe AIR Engineering

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    I have uninstalled Adobe Air and reinstalled. I can't figure out the issue here. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Do you have administration privileges on your computer?
    Because AIR apps could install only if you have them

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    Which AIR app are you trying to install?  Can you please post your install log?  It is located here:
    Vista/Win7- XP- C:\Users\user name\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\logs
    (must "show hidden files and folders" in View settings on your OS to see certain folders)
    Also, by any chance did you turn off the User Account Control (UAC) operating system feature?  If so, please turn it back on.  To do so, from Control Panel, Open UAC and enable/turn on. A reboot maybe required.  Retry installation again.

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    Thank you.

    This was covered a couple of times just in the last week.
    Search for "runtime redistribute" or similar.

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    try this one:
    In the address bar, type "about:config", which will give you a large list of the configuration options and press I'LL BE CAREFUL, I PROMISE.
    In the filter box, type "keyword"
    Find and Double click the '''keyword.url''' line and overwrite with the following:
    tell us if this working for you, thank you
    If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when signed-in to the forum to close the topic.

  • Install AIR app + native app simultaneously

    Hi everyone,
    I'm developing an Adobe AIR app but since AIR doesn't provide
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    all, so any hints or links that may help me would be really
    Best regards,
    Manuel F. Lara

    Hi Daniel,
    Could you post or send me ([email protected]) the entire crash log?  I'll at least need the binaries section so I can properly symbolicate the log.

  • Cant Install Air Apps(winxp)

    hey, im making software for a client and i installed newest version of air on his winxp laptop and tried installing my app on his machine by opening the .air in airinstaller and got a "cant install app is damaged get another version from developer" (or something to that effect) and wen i try to install any air app with the badge it gives an error as well. ive searched around for an anwser and there seemsd to be others with this problem and it seemed like adobe was trying to stop it back in 08 and was wondering if anyone has a solution for this problem yet? i tried clearing the temp and i dont know if xp has "certifications" and if it does i dont know how to clear those.
    any help is appreciated!

    Please, Help me
    I can't install Adobe Ari on my Windows XP
    There is a content of the .airinstall.log
    Performing runtime install
    UI SWF load is complete
    UI initialized
    starting user confirmation
    Version of this installer:
    Installation type: new
    starting install
    Scheduling runtime installation operations
    uninstall scheduled for 1.0.4, 1.0.6, 1.0.5
    Installed Product GUID:  is same:false
    Beginning runtime installation
    Beginning install
    Installing c:\docume~1\anykey\locals~1\temp\air64.tmp\setup.msi
    Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="2" errorID=0]
    Rolling back install of c:\docume~1\anykey\locals~1\temp\air64.tmp\setup.msi
    Rollback due to error complete
    error during install: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="2" errorID=0]
    runtime install entering error state: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="2" errorID=0]
    begin quitting
    How this info can help?

  • Cannot install AIR app in an existing folder

    Hi to all, I'm trying to create a setup for my AIR application. I have an NSIS script that install all the files that the AIR app needs in the targer folder. The AIR app is copied in a temp dir and then is lauched for installation but the installer said that it cannot install the application because the target folder is existing? What can I do to remove this check?
    Thanks a lot,

    Correction to above.
    Can't find folders to choose to place bookmarked item into. There is no list like I had in my XP laptop.

  • ServerSocket  -Error #2004 but only after install air app in win XP

    OOPS wrong section, posted also in Adobe AIR2....sorry
    When i try to connect i receive: Error #2004 after bind().
    but only when start the installed air on win XP,
    testing in flash CS4 is ok and on macOS 10.6 is always ok
    here' the code:
    import flash.errors.*;
    var servSok:ServerSocket = new ServerSocket();
    servSok.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connect);
    var msg:TextField = new TextField();
    function connetti(e:Event):void {
        try {
            var port:int = int(8888);
            var address:String = "";
        } catch (e:Error) {
            this.msg.appendText("errore bind:"+e.message+"\n");
        try {
        } catch (e:Error) {
            this.msg.appendText("errore listen:"+e.message+"\n");
            trace("errore listen:"+e.message);
    function connect(e:ServerSocketConnectEvent):void {
    //----conn is a button....
    Can anyone may help me?

    Well, well, well, right before somenone could answer me. I found the answer just here in the forum. I really love it!!!
      Seems to be a incompatibility with the file created on Folder Lock installation: "windrvnt.sys." In this case, it is just uninstall Folder Lock and tah dah! Everything works perfectly.
      Here comes my request: Hey, developers you all could give a try in resolve this issue, huh? At least give a try...It'll be very nice have the two programs properly installed in anybody's (who wants it) system.
      Thanks, anyway for this space to research, change some infos even undirectly. If it was not this forum and all the debate in here maybe I'll be in the dark search for the resolution of it.

  • Any way to install AIR runtime on HTC MyTouch 3G Slide?

    I see on the list of certified devices that the HTC MyTouch is listed.
    It's not clear whether this implies support for the MyTouch 3G Slide. I have the Slide, and I have done the manual upgrade to 2.2.1 (Froyo). My phone can run Flash animations, so I think the 2.2.1 upgrade came with a built in Flash player of sorts.
    I cannot find the Adobe Air runtime in the Android Market, and I'm not able to install the runtime through adb on the command line either. Moreover, navigating to on the phone in the browser and pulling up the AIR runtime displays an error that my device is not supported.
    I think the Slide has an ARM6 based processor, which could be the issue, but that doesn't explain why the MyTouch is listed in the certified devices. I undersand there are a few different MyTouch models, but I don't think any of them will be higher performance than the 3G Slide -- all of the MyTouch phones are entry level phones. Could it be that the MyTouch listed in the certified devices list is a new 4G model? Am I missing something?
    Regardless, I am not able to install the AIR runtime on my phone.
    Anyone have suggestions, or is it not possible to install the AIR runtime on the MyTouch 3G Slide running Froyo?
    Thanks in advance.

    That's what I figured. Thanks for confirming that.
    If anyone from Adobe is reading this, it seems that the list of certified devices should list the HTC MyTouch explicitly as the MyTouch 4G since there are a lot of MyTouch 3G devices (including, but not limited to the MyTouch 3G Slide) that are apparently not supported for AIR.
    The list of certified devices I'm talking about is here:

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