Install CD-R of SOLARIS 8 / long filenames / ISO

Hi all,
First, a precision. I'm french and i don't know if i can explain my
problem, 'cause my english ;((
I've been burning solaris 8 apps to CD, with Easy CD Creator.
When I want to access the install CD under Solaris, the filename appear as
DOS names i.e. with 8 caracters and cut.
So, my SUN Sparc 10 write :
" bad magic number in disk label"
"can't open disk label package"
1/ The problem is it because the filename is too short and cut ?
=> if yes, Is there any way to preserve the long filenames when viewing CD
=> I told Easy CD Creator to not generate Joliet file system but ISO9660,
but it do not allow long filenames under ISO9660 !! ;(((
The resulting CD's are what i explain to you.
The problem is it due to bad filenames ?
2/ So, if that is the reason of my difficulty, How can i do to solve it ?
Thanks for your help.
[email protected]

The solaris 8 CDs you've downloaded contains "ISO9660" images already,
so if you're using options like "don't create joliet filenames" in
your CDR software you're obviously generating another ISO9660
filesystem layer around the solaris 8 ISO9660 image. That's wrong.
Your supposed to write these bits directly to a CDR, without creating
a new file tree structure. Check the documentation for your CDR
software how to write a "raw cd image" to a CDR.
Btw. the
Solaris 8 download page contains some explicit instructions
for burning the solaris 8 cds with "Easy CD Creator". In step 7. the
page says:
For example, if you use Easy CD Creator, add the extension .iso
to the file name. Next, from the File Menu in the program, select
Create CD from CD image. Then, select that image file.

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    And how are you spawning the php instances? I don't see that in the daemons array anywhere.
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    $szLogFile=shift @ARGV;
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    } else {
    if ($szLogFile eq "")
    } else {
    # open logfile
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    local $szBaseDir=$_[0];
    use File::Find;
    sub process_dirs
    print "Checking: $szFile\n";
    if ((length $szPath) > 255)
    $nPathLength=length $szPath;
    print "Full pathname $szPath is $nPathLength characters, which exceeds limit of 255 characters\n";
    print OUTPUTFILE "Full pathname $szPath is $nPathLength characters, which exceeds limit of 255 characters\n";
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    print "File $szPath is $nFileNameLength characters, which exceeds filename limit of 64 characters\n";
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    find (\&process_dirs, $szBaseDir);
    sub parameters
    print "Usage: path logfile\n";
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    undoMakeFileName =
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    Thanks for checking in, BDAQua.
    Problem solved.
    In the docs that came with my Powerlogix accelerator card, I found this sentence buried:
    "If you reset the PRAM, the NVRAM code for OS9 compatibility is cleared, so you will have to boot from the Firmawre Update CD and perform this process again in order to boot in OS9."
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    So, thank you BDAQua, for your "Ah yes" . . . that's all I needed to steer me in the right direction.

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    Check also if the t-bit is set:
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    drwxrwxrwt 11 root root 4096 Apr 10 11:44 /tmp
    This is needed to mark the filesystem/directory as temporary.
    Sometimes this can cause such problems also
    Command: chmod +t   /tmp                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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