"install failed" on all apps in catalog

While I have read through the many threads regarding this error, I have not been able to solve my issue.
Palm Pre Plus P101EWW
Any app I try to install from app catalog fails with "install failed".
I have run WebOS Doctor a few times. I have both reused my profile and created a new profile.
I have run full erase, restarted countless times.
When I first got the phone, I was able to install Weather Channel app and Whendle. After that, nothing has worked.
Open to any other ideas/suggestions.

I have heard that we are working on a fix for this, but do not have any further information on when that will happen.  I'll post an update when I hear something, but until then be aware that this is not an issue with the phone and performing a webOS Doctor or some other means on your phone is not recommended.
I will be closing all threads related to this issue and pointing to the this thread, where I will also post any additional information as I hear it.
Thank you.

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    Try using Pacifist to find, extract and install just iPhoto from the iLife 08 disk. It might succeed where the Apple installer failed.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

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    We have this problem for a few weeks and despite various test the problem persists. I hope the community can help me on this problem.
    Problem : During TS New computer Win 7 x64 or X86 OSD, app failed to install randomly. Some example
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    Do you have an idea ? Thank you in advance.

    Finally the pause Works and all app was installed after 8 test on different models.
    For my case I following this order :
    - 1 Before install app: Put a pause (3m) with this script 
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Wscript.Sleep 180000
    And this command line : %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\wscript.exe Pause_TS_3m.vbs
    - 2 Then put a pause ( about 30s) before each app with a run command line ping :
    cmd.exe /c "ping -n 30 localhost" > NUL
    As Damon
    A. Johns say "At the very least it can result in unreliable results."
    Well I hope i'll find a reliable solution, thanks a lot all for help me it was a long time to test.
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    It sounds like you may have multiple problems, but none of them are likely to be caused by malware.
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    (Fair disclosure: I may receive compensation from links to my sites, TheSafeMac.com and AdwareMedic.com, in the form of buttons allowing for donations. Donations are not required to use my site or software.)

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    I create another topic and my problem (App install during OSD) is now solved yes:
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    Now I used the feedback option in iTunes to send a similar message directly to them... but shy of a rant here I have no idea what I can do.
    If all my data is lost forever... this ABSOLUTELY *****... not just because I lost it right now... but I don't ever want to buy/download another app now... if I know that there is a very, very high probability that I will again completely lose everything in the next iOS update.
    So now I seem to have 2 options....
    1.) Never update iOS on any device ever again due to fears it will fail and erase everything
    2.) Simply shelf the device because I have no faith that I'll be able to maintain the data on it long term
    Please tell me there is another option... a manual backup or restore option outside of iTunes.... or a way to look inside a backup file and make sure it really does have all the content you think it should have in it... in it.
    I censored myself in this post... but for anyone working at Apple that wants to really understand my "mood" when writing this... insert 2-3 4 letter curse words before every CAPS or bold words... to get an idea of how insanely frustrating this whole process is.

    1st off, thanks @turingtest2 I do appreciate your efforts it has helped explain some of this mess.
    Well... as much as I'm ashamed to admit it... this does seem to be the case.
    So, a "Backup" of an iOS device puts the "settings" back on your PC...
    An "OS Upgrade" wipes your device of all content and updates the OS cleanly to the next level
    A "Restore from Backup" effectively does next to nothing.... because in order to get all your stuff back... that you "Backed up"... you actually need to re-sync all your Apps, all your music, all your videos etc. manually once your "Backup" is complete.
    You also need to figure out which apps were actually on this device because it maintains 1 list per account, not a list per device... thus manual hand picking is required.
    Likewise you need to manually re-pick through your music and video collection because these settings too were not "really" backed up.
    Seems completely messed up to me that the backup step doesn't save a list of the media (songs/videos) you had on the devices and automatically syncs them when performing a restore.  Ditto for apps.
    I'm so glad my non-Apple devices don't follow this crazy 1/2 baked backup/restore scheme.
    As a software developer myself... there's no way I'd release software this messed up....

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    If I buy Lion from apps store can I install it on all the Macs I own?

    Yes. Each one needs to have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 installed in order to re-download from the App Store unless you make your own USB flash drive installer:
    Make Your Own Lion Installer
    1. After downloading Lion you must first save the Install Mac OS X Lion application. After Lion downloads DO NOT click on the Install button. Go to your Applications folder and make a copy of the Lion installer. Move the copy into your Downloads folder. Now you can click on the Install button. You must do this because the installer deletes itself automatically when it finishes installing Lion.
    2. Get a USB flash drive that is at least 8 GBs. Prep this flash drive as follows:
    Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
    3. Locate the saved Lion installer in your Downloads folder. CTRL- or RIGHT-click on the installer and select Show Package Contents from the contextual menu. Double-click on the Contents folder to open it. Double-click on the SharedSupport folder. In this folder you will see a disc image named InstallESD.dmg.
    4. Plug in your freshly prepared USB flash drive. You are going to clone the InstallESD.dmg disc image to the flash drive as follows:
    Open Disk Utility.
    Select the USB flash drive from the left side list.
    Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
    Check the box labeled Erase destination.
    Select the USB flash drive volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination entry field.
    Drag the InstallESD.dmg disc image file into the Source entry field.
    Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    When the clone is completed you have a fully bootable Lion installer that  you can use without having to re-download Lion.

  • Leopard install fails - No Previous systems - packages all over desktop

    *My basic question is this*...+Can I hack into the "packages" and other weird files that the Leopard install has left all over my hard disk (in a mid-install failure) to try to retrieve, photos, stickies, and AppleMail?+
    History: After an iTunes "update" I got a bluescreen on restart. After repeated restarts and ample time (hours) for a reboot, I thought it might be time for the Leopard upgrade. I booted off Leopard DVD and ran Disk First Aid first, then installed Leopard. The install failed midway and left weird install "packages" all over my HD. I was only able to see these after booting off of an external disk. No previous systems or Users were anywhere in the mess left from the mid-install failure. I bought a new 500GB HD and tried to install Leopard on that...also failed. I booted off of the external again and copied the "mess" from the internal HD to the new HD in case the internal factory HD failed or was failing.
    Phone support said it was a bad DVD. Wrong!...I used that Leopard DVD on my G4 to create the external boot disk. I took the G5 into the Apple store and they couldn't install off of the DVD, or their mini-drive(s). They ran Disk Warrior and it went nowhere. They kept the G5 and replaced the HD but said they needed to "image" the OS Leopard onto the disk because the install failed. After picking the Mac up, I didn't think this was acceptable and returned the G5 which was sent out for testing. It was determined that it was bad factory RAM that was the culprit. RAM replaced.
    Now my original internal HD with any historical hidden files or other "baggage" is gone (mistakenly-prematurely replaced) and Disk Warrior and DATA Rescue doesn't seem to work on these weird files that I copied from that original disk.
    Naturally, this G5 (wife's new computer) was the only one in the house not backed up. I was installing Leopard to use Time Machine with my new Time Capsule. To add insult to injury, I'd recently talked my wife into using iPhoto and AppleMail. She will never forgive me for that! As much as I love the on board apps, I am finding it is inherently dangerous to have your eggs in those baskets because all the integrated Apps (iPhoto, Mail, stickies, iTunes, document folder, etc) were/are destroyed or "packaged up" in an upgrade and the 3rd party apps (and their ancillary files, mails,etc) were all fine. (Eudora, Adobe apps, etc.)
    _If there is a way to "crack" open those files and get to at least the photos, that would be great._
    Otherwise, I have learned 6 things from this experience. 1. Backup your photos, music and Document folder (minimum) today...and everyday. 2. Don't think that a simple iTunes update is necessarily innocuous. 3. Mac Genius is a title and job, not a degree or intellectual state. 4. Endorsing computer applications to your spouse is not necessarily a good idea. 5. A computer crash can lead to severe depression and other issues that will negate any quality of life advances you thought your computer had afforded you to date. 6. Backup everyones computer - today! I wish I felt better now, but I don't!

    a true horror story. i can only commiserate. I'm not at all sure your pictures and other stuff are actually in one of the packages that are left but you can use [Pacifist|http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/12743] to open them up and restore anything useful you find inside.

  • After reinstall not all apps are installed

    I've had the problem that my iPhone 3G freezed and the restart only shows the apple logo. So I started it in recovery mode, reinstalled iPhone, activated it and my computer and synced one time. All contacts, calenders and all settings were restored - wonderful!!!
    But not all apps have been installed. But why? All apps are lying in the directory where the others are lying which were installed. After another sync nothing more happened. Then I double clicked an app-file directly and then it showed up in iTunes under Programs. After another sync some programs are installed on iPhone but not all.
    So is this normal? How could I install all my apps?
    Is it possible to download apps which I didn't synchronized before restore, because iTunes says there are no downloads available.
    Thanks for help in advance!!

    As far as I know you shouldn't have ANY TROUBLES with the NATIVE APPS...you know like Safari, Calendar, Photos...etc. However, the apps that you download from the app store, I believe, need to be re-installed manually. This is what I have to do with my original iPhone with 2.0 software anyway. I would think that it is the same with the 3G.

  • In my Iphone 5, Nothing on my App Store is working its displaying blank (Except for Genius section). I've tried to uninstall and install itunes and all its component but still it doen't fix. Not sure if its problem with apple servers. Someone help please!

    In my Iphone 5, Nothing on my App Store is working,  its displaying blank (Except for Genius section). I've tried to uninstall and install itunes and all its component in my desktop but still it doesn't fix the app store issue. Not sure if its problem with apple servers. Someone help please!

    settigns>itunes and app store to make sure you are signed in.. If  you are, you will see your account name..... anyhow, click your account name, sign out and sign back in
    also go to to settings>general>reset and reset network settings... if that doesnt work settings>general>reset and reset all settings!
    one of those shall work. The last step would be to restore your device (apple.com/support) HT1414

  • WHen I first installed iOS 6 the App Store crashes...and now having iOS 6 for 2 weeks now, all my apps are buggy and now are crashing! Safari and built in apps are becoming slow and crash. I hate how apple leaves iPod touch 4g and iPhone 4 in the dark.

    WHen I first installed iOS 6 the App Store crashes...and now having iOS 6 for 2 weeks now, all my apps are buggy and now are crashing! Safari and built in apps are becoming slow and crash. I hate how apple leaves iPod touch 4g and iPhone 4 in the dark and basically force us to upgrade to newer devices. Apple could of done better with the update and needs to resolve these issues.

    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The App store crashing is a known problem.
    IOS 6 App store crash: Apple Support Communities

  • I am using iphone 3gs and have accidentally clicked "update" to software version 5. However, after I failed and all my data was lost. I manage to restore back to my previous situation. But all my apps has been gone. How can I get back all my aps?

    I am using iphone 3gs and have accidentally clicked "update" to software version 5. However, after I failed and all my data was lost. I manage to restore back to my previous situation. But all my apps has been gone. How can I get back all my aps? I know I can get it by itunes but there are a few problems as below:
    1. I have jailed break my iphone and I never purchased any apps from itunes
    2. I have some important infomation saved in one of the apps called "awesome notes". How can I get it back? Is it store inside my computer? if so, how can i restore?
    3. I am using window 7
    I sincerely hope you guys can help me.
    Stephen Hong

    alrite. I have made my mistake. I should not jail break my iphone. So if I purchase my apps again from itunes is that mean mean my data will be back?
    I hope you guys can giv me some support here since I am Apple genuine buyer. I could be wrong last time and now I turn over a new leaf and learn a lesson.
    Please noted that I can always create new account to ask for the same questions without mention about "jailbreak" if I want to but obviously I won't do that. Please provide me your support! Thank you!

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