Install without Previewers, ifilter, or other shell extensions

How can I install Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 (customizing with the Adobe Customization Wizard) so that I can install Acrobat without an ifilter for Windows Search service, previewers for Windows Explorer or Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, browser plug-ins, Windows Explorer thumbnail previews for pdf files, contextual menu extensions, or any other shell extensions?

I am assuming you tried a custom install. You might be able to remove these items by moving them out of the
plug-ins folder. I would just create a back up folder for the plugins you move. Other than the custom install, the plug-ins is the only option I can think of.

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    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
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    Last edited by bwat47 (2012-01-31 18:22:16)

    nixIT wrote:
    bwat47 wrote:
    I had to remove all the extensions I currently had installed from the repos (including user-theme even though its still there) and gnome-shell-extensions common. Then I did pacman -S gnome-shell-extension-user-theme and it installed fine. After that I got the rest of the extensions from here:
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    If you don't run into any trouble when running an update you should be fine. If you do pacman should tell you which packages are causing the issue.
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    wonder wrote:who cares about extensions. they are unsupported by upstream
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    Yes, there's a problem with the latest version of user theme package. See last post in this thread (post #75):
    Basically, you need to remove user theme extension, download the one specified in that post and install that instead, using pacman -U packagename
    I just fixed that same problem on my machine less than 10 minutes ago
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    sultanoswing wrote:
    derp. deeerrrrrp. DERRRPPRPRPRP. thanks man, forgot how easy things can be. -_-

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    Last edited by trusktr (2012-04-14 05:09:41)

    trusktr wrote:@alexcortes and @Unia, Is it just me or do things seem a little discombobulated now with both gconf-editor and dconf-editor in the mix? Why not just keep one *-editor? It seems like this and many other little "issues" would be easier to catch with just one *-editor. What's the point of two?
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    Use the offline installer from and click on Change Destination Folder

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    I am not sure about the .atn file location but it sounds like you want to create a 'hybrid' extension.
    You create a .ZXP containing your CS extension and then create an MXI file which includes the .ZXP and .atn file.
    You would then wrap this into another .ZXP which will be used as the installer.
    Further information can be found at

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    It will make it easier to help you w/ your problem to know the  size and RAM installed.
    "Yesterday I couldn't update the maps on my Garmin because it said the OS I had wouldn't work"
    What OS will your Garmin work with? Funny there was someone else that did that and upgraded to Yosemite and regretted it.
    I'd say Lion if your Garmin is compatible.
    Both Lion and Mountain Lion are downloadable from the Apple Store:
    The OSs will get more resource hungry the higher you go.

  • How to do a clean install without loosing anything

    Hi all,
    I (foolishly) installed Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard as an update to my existing 10.5.8 Leopard install last year. Ever since I've had a host of small but annoying problems, that no one else seems to be complaining about. (For example in the finder half the time when I right click on a file the pop-up menu disappears after half a second and I have to click and hold to keep it open so I can make a selection.)
    I'm starting to wonder if some of the problems I'm having are caused by the upgrade install, instead of a fresh install.
    So I'd like to do a clean install of the OS, but it's been so long since I've done that I've forgotten how that works. How can I do a clean install without loosing all my data? Do I have to pull all my data off the hard drive, wipe it clean and start from scratch like you do on a PC, or is there an easier way? (I hope there is an easier way.) If someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.

    I'm starting to wonder if some of the problems I'm having are caused by the upgrade install, instead of a fresh install.
    I did an upgrade install on my old MacBook Pro, and it worked just fine. The key is that the system has to be in good working order when the update is applied... if there are minor problems, those problems can be magnified by an upgrade.
    Of course, this may not be your problem... have you checked all your software and hardware for compatibility with Snow Leopard? One site that you can use, though it's by no means comprehensive, is:
    So I'd like to do a clean install of the OS, but it's been so long since I've done that I've forgotten how that works. How can I do a clean install without loosing all my data?
    Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do a true clean reinstall. In a nutshell, here's what you need to do:
    1) Back up all your data. Make sure you've got application serial numbers stored somewhere!
    2) Now back up all your data in another place. If you don't have two copies, you won't have any backups after the next step... the backup from step 1 becomes the original, and a poorly-timed drive failure would ruin you.
    3) Reboot from the Mac OS X install disk (SL disk in this case)
    4) Erase the hard drive with Disk Utility
    5) Install the system
    6) Update everything to the current version via Software Update
    7) Install any apps you need
    8) Update those apps if necessary
    9) Reconfigure anything that needs it (network settings, appearance preferences, etc)
    10) Copy +only documents+, no settings files, from your backup, preferably manually rather than with Migration Assistant (which can sometimes copy more than you might want it to).
    That's about it! For assistance with any of those items, just say the word.

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