Installation on Gentoo / Can't find JRE

I'm trying to install JSC 2 on my Gentoo machine. But, it complains it cannot find the JRE :
This application requires a Java Run Time Environment (JRE)
to run. Searching for one on your computer was not successful.
Please use the command line switch -is:javahome to specify
a valid JRE. For more help use the option -is:help.
So, I try to specify my java home like:
./creator-2-linux-ml.bin -is:javahome /opt/blackdown-jre-
I tried Sun's java distribution as well with no luck. Any Ideas?

% cat jsc.log
Log file created by MultiPlatform installer @Mon Mar 6 19:11:53 EST 2006
command line switch -is:javahome is specified. Verifying the JVM with the JVM files specifed with the launcher.
JVM specified with -is:javahome cannot be verified with the JVM files specified with the launcher. Environment Variables will be checked next...
Checking the environment variables specifed in the JVM files to find the JVM...
No JVM can be found using the shell environment variable. Searching JVM will continue with Path Hints specified in the JVM Files...
jvm files not specified. Searching a JVM cannot be performed.
Extracting bundled JRE...
checking disk space on the parition /linus/tmp/istemp26198065191153 for /linus/tmp/istemp26198065191153/Solaris-Sun-1.4.2_04.bin
54133 512 bytes disk blocks required.
7356474 512 bytes disk blocks available on the partition /linus/tmp/istemp26198065191153
Disk space check on the parition /linus/tmp/istemp26198065191153 succeeded.
/linus/tmp/istemp26198065191153/Solaris-Sun-1.4.2_04.bin is not found. Error extracting bundled JRE. Failed to launch the application.

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    I just download the zip file directly form the link HREF'ed to the file name on the page with the "Download Selected" button.
    Or you could just download with Internet Explorer... :-0)

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    The link that was provided in the 13-Oct-2004 response, (two years ago) still seems to work.
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    Hi Kenan,
    Thank U and please tell me where I can find JDK 1.3.1_04, I searched in google but it couldn't find.
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    : No such file or directory
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    It looks like you have at some time you installed ver 1.4 but your system is finding a java.exe program file that is ver 1.3.
    If you have both a 1.3 and a 1.4 java.exe, then try renaming the 1.3 version to java1.3.exe and see if it clears up your problem. If it does, just delete the 1.3 version. I suspect that something you installed also installed a 1.3 version.
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    Thanks in advance.

    Found the answer myself, it was simple:
    • Select the Track
    • Show the Instrument (info area)
    • Click on Edit
    • Click on the "Sound Generator" pop up field.
    • At the bottom of the pop-up list, select from the Audio Units that you have installed. This is where you see "Sample Tank 2, Vienna Instruments..."
    • NEXT -- IMPORTANT:   CLICK ON THE PICTURE next to the Sound Generator pop-up field.The AU unit loads up, the interface pops up, you load up the instruments in this AU Unit. You do NOT see the sounds from the AU unit in the normal Apple instrument list.
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    Should this ne a warrenty coverage? 
    Take it to an Apple Store, and while it's there buy a replacement for the disk it came with.

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    Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 05:33:37 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Where can I find the serial number for installation
        Re: Where can I find the serial number for installation
        created by Rave in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    Hi memorse414414, Your Adobe ID will suffice for activation. For subscription, the installer would validate from the server using your Adobe ID.
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    I need to re-install DW CS4 on a new system, but have misplaced the installer. Where can I find this?
    Went through tech-support, btw, and was directed here.
    Thanks in advance.

    if you follow all 7 steps you can directly download a trial here:
    and activate with your serial number.
    if you have a problem downloading, you didn't follow all 7 steps, or your browser does not accept cookies. 
    the most common problem is caused by failing to meticulously follow steps 1,2 and/or 3 (which adds a cookie to your system enabling you to download the correct version from 
    failure to obtain that cookie results in an error page being displayed after clicking a link on

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    Doesn't it come with jdk1.3.1 and gets installed automaticly or do I need an earlyer version.
    Where does my classpath have to point?

    It's all packed in rt.jar in the jre\lib directory - swing classes and everything. There is no separate swing.jar. (src.jar contains the source code, by the way)
    So you can't compile a class like this one:
    public class SwingTest {
    javax.swing.JButton jb;

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    Hi Jeng,
    If your machine came with Windows 8 installed, backup and recovery media creation is via Windows in-built tools:
    Methodology to create Recovery Media and reload a Lenovo system with Microsoft Windows 8 preload
    How Do I Create a System Image Backup?
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
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