Installed apk's version cant show (air for android flash builder 4.6)

I create android apk using flash builder 4.6.
apk create successfully but after installed the apk , I cant see apk's version no on device.
version no is wrote in my-app.xml like this
I also create android apk using same my-app.xml by flash builder 4.5
then I can see the apk's version no on device
does anyone know how the apk's version visible using flash builder 4.6??

Me Also !!!  This is extremly frustrating.  We follow the Updatinging the ADT Plugin instructions for Android and Flash Builder 4.6 is supposed to be Eclipse based.
Well it shows up and installs -- BUT It Never shows up in the Flash Builder 4.6 Preferences.
Installing the ADT Plugin
Which is at
Did Adobe fire all their good developers?
Hey ADOBE - We've spent a lot of money on your products and we're trying to get Jobs and any other work we can done.
I'm planning on moving to the SF/Bay Area and there isn't crap here in Michigan.
Resume at,
Just a holding page site for an Independent Software Developer looking for W2 or 1099-MISC as I just ended work with a Healthcare company and a Real-Estate company >> but coming soon is the MARCH of the TABLETS.

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    you need upgrade to flash cc.

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    any help would be greatly appreciated.

    In Flash CS6, I built my own downloader for when the app is run the first time. First it creates a list of files to be downloaded then downloads them one at a time. After all files are downloaded I used the ELS to save the download status.
    import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
    import flash.filesystem.File;
    import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import VideoInfo;
    function downloadAllFiles():void {
        //downloads files
        fileIndex = 0;
    function downloadNextFile():void {
        //downloads one file
        if (fileIndex <= video_list.length-1) {
            //progress bar
            //progress_mc.width = 1;
            //progress_txt.text = "";
            status_txt.text = "Download in progress...";
            var fileURL:String           = video_list[fileIndex].videoURL;
            fileName                         = video_list[fileIndex].videoName;
            fileSize                           = video_list[fileIndex].videoSize;
            var fileMimeType:String = video_list[fileIndex].videoMimeType;
            var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Content-Length", "0");
            var header2:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Content-Type", fileMimeType);
            fileRequest = new URLRequest(fileURL);
            fileRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
            fileRequest.contentType = fileMimeType;
            urlLoader = new URLLoader();
            urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDownloadComplete);
            urlLoader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onDownloadProgress);
            urlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onDownloadError);
            urlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
        } else {
            trace("All files have been downloaded.");
            wait_txt.text = "";
            status_txt.text = "All files were downloaded.";
            //show continue button
            btn_box_mc.btnLabel.text = "CONTINUE";
            btn_box_mc.visible = true;
            downResBtn.visible = true;
            downResBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDownloadCompleteFunc);
            //saved download status in the local store
    function onDownloadCompleteFunc(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        //downloads complete handler
        //start app
    function onDownloadComplete(evt:Event):void{
        //download complete handler
        status_txt.text = "Downloaded " + fileName + ".";
        //trace(fileName + " downloaded to " + File.applicationStorageDirectory.nativePath);
        var dataD:ByteArray =;
        //save the file
        var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
        var dFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
        dFile = dFile.resolvePath(fileName);, FileMode.WRITE);
        fileStream.writeBytes(dataD, 0, dataD.length);
        fileStream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSaveComplete);
        fileStream.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onSaveProgress);
        //accumlated oize
        totalAccumulatedSize += curVideoAccumulatedSize;
    function onDownloadError(evt:IOErrorEvent):void {
        //download error handler
        trace("Error downloading " + fileName);
        wait_txt.text = "";
        status_txt.text = "Error downloading " + fileName + ".";
        //show exit button
        btn_box_mc.btnLabel.text = "QUIT";
        btn_box_mc.visible = true;
        downResBtn.visible = true;
        downResBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, exitFunc);
    function exitFunc(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    function onDownloadProgress(evt:ProgressEvent):void{
        //download complete handler
        //trace("Progress: " + evt.currentTarget.bytesLoaded + "/" + fileSize);
        //var temp_txt:String = debug_txt.text;
        //debug_txt.text = temp_txt + "\nFile: " + fileName + " (bytes downloaded: " + evt.currentTarget.bytesLoaded + "/" + fileSize + ")";
        curVideoAccumulatedSize = evt.bytesLoaded; //file must reside on a server that doesn't gzip enabled
        var count:Number = fileIndex + 1;
        var perc:Number = Math.round(100*(totalAccumulatedSize + curVideoAccumulatedSize)/totalSize);
        var partialMB:Number = (totalAccumulatedSize + curVideoAccumulatedSize)/1048576;
        progress_txt.text = String(perc) + "% completed (" + String(partialMB.toFixed(1)) + " of " + totalSizeMB.toFixed(1) + " MB)";
        status_txt.text = "Downloading file #" + count + " of " + video_list.length + ":  "  + fileName;
        //progress bar
        progress_mc.width = 480*(partialMB/totalSizeMB);
    function onSaveProgress(evt:ProgressEvent):void{
        //save complete handler
        trace("Saving file... ");
    function onSaveComplete(evt:Event):void{
        //save complete handler
        trace("File saved.");
    function createVideo(fn:String, fs:int, mimetype:String):VideoInfo {
        //returns a video
        var assetsURL:String = "";
        var fURL:String = assetsURL + fn;
        var video:VideoInfo = new VideoInfo(fn, fURL, fs, mimetype);
        return video;
    function createVideoList():void {
        //creates the list of videos to download
        //populate video list
        video_list.push(createVideo("building2_1.flv", 1858694, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building2_2.flv", 1905661, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building2_3.flv", 1810634, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building2_4.flv", 1994332, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building3_1.flv", 1828362, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building3_2.flv", 2550128, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building4_1.flv", 2249678, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building4_2.flv", 1301540, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building5_1.flv", 3152689, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building5_2.flv", 4258518, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building5_4.flv", 1741195, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building6_1.flv", 3295741, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("building7.flv", 1723062, "video/x-flv"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("district1.mp4", 1876220, "video/mp4"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("district3.mp4", 2087587, "video/mp4"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("district6.mp4", 2011591, "video/mp4"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("district8.mp4", 4870888, "video/mp4"));
         video_list.push(createVideo("global1.mp4", 2007542, "video/mp4"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("global2.mp4", 4148857, "video/mp4"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("global3.mp4",  3563990, "video/mp4"));
        video_list.push(createVideo("global4.mp4", 2452995, "video/mp4"));
        //calculate total size
        for (var p=0; p < video_list.length; p++) {
            totalSize += video_list[p].videoSize;
        totalSizeMB = 0.1*Math.round(10*totalSize/1048576);
        //start download
    var fileName:String;
    var fileSize:int;
    var fileRequest:URLRequest;
    var urlLoader:URLLoader;
    var fileIndex:Number = 0;
    var curVideoAccumulatedSize:Number = 0;
    var totalAccumulatedSize:Number = 0;
    var totalSize:Number = 0;
    var totalSizeMB:Number = 0;
    var video_list:Array = new Array();
    //create list of files to be downloaded
    package {
        public class VideoInfo {
            public var videoName:String;
            public var videoURL:String;
            public var videoSize:Number;
            public var videoMimeType:String;
            public function VideoInfo(videoNameP:String, videoURLP:String, videoSizeP:Number, mimetypeP) {
                videoName             = videoNameP;
                videoURL             = videoURLP;
                videoSize            = videoSizeP;
                videoMimeType        = mimetypeP;

  • AIR for Android monetizing

    I am new to this so forgive me, but i launched a paid version of an AIR for Android App and wanted to launch a free version with ads in an attempt to see how the monetizing of an app goes.  Does anyone have experience doing this with AIR for android?  if so what are my options?

    After a lot of trouble (account canned on ADMOB ) and research, I have gotten Ads to work in all my Android Apps. This will work on a lot of AD networks, but most will ban you click fraud. Only one network allows this method and they provide support for it too.
    I have over 100 games apps. with this method implemented and working. Here is a link to one of them for you to see how it will look in game. I am using multiple ads in this to force the user to click and make me some money:
    Does LeadBolt offer HTML integration for banner ads?
    LeadBolt does allow banner ads to be integrated into your app using HTML, rather than using our SDK. To create a HTML banner ad after adding an app to the LeadBolt portal, simply click “Add Ad” and select “App Banner (HTML)” from the drop down box. The HTML snippet can then be added directly into your app’s HTML framework.
    So far my eCPM is $6.15
    I have created this guide to show my appreciation:
    Publisher Code:
    STEP I:
    Get an Account:
    STEP II:
    Click on the “APPS” tab and “Create New APP” to create an AD. Remember to change content unlocker to HTML Banner. While in the process.
    Get the HTML AD Code and keep it safe. That is all we need from the site. How simple was that?
    Create an HTML File and Load it to your site. Remember to replace your HTML Code from above step with where I have put: ****ENTER HTML AD CODE HERE****
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/>
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body,td,th {
         color: #FFF;
    body {
         background-color: #000;
         margin-left: 0px;
         margin-top: 0px;
         margin-right: 0px;
         margin-bottom: 0px;
         text-align: center;
         position: relative;
    Action Script Code:
    STEP I:
    Credit: I found this on another site and would like to give credit to the author of
    The only change you need to make is to enter your website html url where you have placed the AD HTML FILE in the space where I have put : "****ENTER COMPLETE HTML URL HERE****". Where ever you want the AD, place the following code:
    // imports
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    // setup variables
    var _stageWebView:StageWebView;
    var myAdvertURL:String = "****ENTER COMPLETE HTML URL HERE****";
                    // check that _stageWebView doersn't exist
                    if (! _stageWebView) {
                                    _stageWebView = new StageWebView () ;
                                    // set the size of the html 'window'
                                    _stageWebView.viewPort = new Rectangle(0,0, 800, 100);
                                    // add a listener for when the content of the StageWebView changes
                                    // start loading the URL;
                    // show the ad by setting it's stage property;
                    _stageWebView.stage = stage;
    function toggleAd(event:MouseEvent):void {
                    trace("toggling advert",_stageWebView);
                    // check that StageWebView instance exists
                    if (_stageWebView) {
                                    if (_stageWebView.stage == null) {
                                                    //show the ad by setting the stage parameter
                                                    _stageWebView.stage = stage;
                                    } else {
                                                    // hide the ad by nulling the stage parameter
                                                    _stageWebView.stage = null;
                    } else {
                                    // ad StageWebView doesn't exist - show create it
    function destroyAd(event:MouseEvent):void {
                    // check that the instace of StageWebView exists
                    if (_stageWebView) {
                                    trace("removing advert");
                                    // destroys the ad
                                    _stageWebView.stage = null;
                                    _stageWebView = null;
    function onLocationChange(event:LocationChangeEvent):void {
                    // check that it's not our ad URL loading
                    if (_stageWebView.location != myAdvertURL) {
                                    // destroy the ad as the user has kindly clicked on my ad
                                    // Launch a normal browser window with the captured  URL;
                                    navigateToURL( new URLRequest( event.location ) );
    // setup button listeners
    Hope this works and helps you. If you have questions, let me know. Enjoy.

  • Cant install AIR for Android on HTC Legend

    Is Air for android compatible with the HTC Legend?
    I have a legend running Android 2.2, but the market will not allow me to install the app. I thought it might be a temporary error so I downloaded an APK from the web, it fails and says cannot install.
    The legend plays flash content in 2.2, so i cant see why AIR wouldnt be supported?

    Hi Chris,
    I also have an HTC Legend, and I'm trying to make some tutorials about publishing from Flash Builder to Android.
    I've notice this also, and I must say, it's a complete deception that AIR cannot support this phone, and certainly it seems that upgrading to the Android 2.2 was a bad option, since I defenitly was able to make a simple flash game, and some other exeperiments, and got them to work with AIR when this phone had Android 2.1
    If it runs on Android 2.1, maybe it was a an upgrade that make AIR incompatible with this device on Android 2.2. Is there any way of running it, maybe forcing to install a AIR version that works.
    I was starting to program on Flash Builder, and experimenting on my Legend, but now I stumbled on this.

  • The Error Message 'Application descriptor file cannot be parsed' shows when compiling (Ctrl + Enter) Adobe AIR for Android applications on Flash Professional CS5.5

    The Error Message 'Application descriptor file cannot be parsed' shows when compiling (Ctrl + Enter) Adobe AIR for Android applications on Flash Professional CS5.5
    This is happening for most of the pupils and staff at our school and they are unable to complete their work.
    This also happens on a fresh copy of windows and CS5.5 without any updates and also with all latest updates.
    I have tried it on 32-bit and 64-bit CS5, Windows, Air and Java with the same error every time.
    There are a small minority of users where this works fine for them with no issue.
    I have tried re-setting user profiles.
    I have tried a local admin and domain admin account with the same issue
    I have noticed however that if the file is moved to the shared area it will compile. If it is on their documents area it will not compile. The users have full control in both locations. This is fine for staff but we are unable to give full control or modify access to the shared area for the pupil's
    I have been through the online support section and it directed me to phone Adobe Customer care who informed me that all support has been discontinued for CS5, CS5.5 and CS6 and they will only support creative cloud.
    Any ideas what to try next? There is no other information about this error and I cannot work out what is causing it.

    I have tried and  able to package an apk using your XML file.Could you please make sure your XML file starting from line 1 and coloumn 0.Any space will results in the error (Application Descriptor file cannot be parsed)

  • Hi. I was trying to open some pdf files and got a message my adobe reader was deinstalled. I installed a new version of Adobe Reader for Mac and when trying to open a PDF file I am getting a message in a foreign language. Any suggestions?

    Hi. I was trying to open some pdf files and got a message my adobe reader was deinstalled. I installed a new version of Adobe Reader for Mac and when trying to open a PDF file I am getting a message in a foreign language. Any suggestions?

    Are you launching Pages from an icon in your Dock? Installing the update does not change the Dock icons & it does not remove the older versions. Go to your Applications folder & launch the new Pages from there.

  • What AIR for android version should I choose to publish Flash game on Google play store ?

    My team and I are almost done whith our mobile game development using Flash professional CS6.
    We wonder what version of AIR for Android we should publish for as a target (in publish settings)???
    because we will publish it on play store and we want it to be compatible with largest number of android phones.
    knowing that users have different versions of AIRs, different Flash Players and different OS versions on their phones.
    and are there any useful points we should take into consideration when publshing flash game on play store??

    The current version of AIR (version 13) is still compatible with the same set of Android devices as version 3 was, and there no doubt have been a lot of things fixed over the last two years. So, just use AIR 13. It’s currently compatible with over 4000 devices, which should be enough I think!

  • Getting Device Properties like OS,Model,Brand,SDK,Version and CPU on Air for Android

    Hi there,
    I just wanted to share this old blog post in case no one knew about this here (like i didn't). I have no affiliation with this person, i just think its great!
    Getting Device Properties like OS,Model,Brand,SDK,Version and CPU on Air for Android dk-version-and-cpu-on-air-for-andoid/
    I was able to correctly identify DroidX and Motorola Xoom family edition in my test, with no ane, pretty cool!

    Okay. I've found an answer:
    yes, you can and have to add these icons via the descriptor file, since flash wont let you. But before you do that, go into the "Air publish" settings in flash. Here, right on page 1, there is the "include files" section. Add your icon pngs there. Hit OK and exit these settings. Now open the descriptor with an editor outside of flash and write in the files like I posted above. Close. Save. Make it write protected. No go to flash and publish.

  • I want to install an os upgrade (10.4-10.5) do i uninstall the current version or just install the new version? thank you for any pointers...

    i want to install an os upgrade (10.4-10.5) do i uninstall the current version or just install the new version? thank you for any pointers...

    Just install the new version.

  • Adobe AIR for android, what is going on ?

    Few days ago i decided to try develop adobe air for android.
    Updated my phone to android 2.2 installed Android SDK , Adobe AIR SDK.
    Now there are few tutorials out there how to set up Air ap for android.
    They all state that u have to install Runtime_Device_Froyo_***********.apk
    You can supposidly download it from adobe pre-release, i cant get in there because they don`t let new members to register ?!?!?!
    I searched the entire google for 3h in every possible way to find Adobe Air setup for android, but its like it never existed. There are few disabled rapidshare and megadownload links, it is mentioned in a lot of places but you just cant find it anywhere.
    How can i setup Adobe AIR for my Android phone ?

    Can you please give directions where can i clear that cash.
    Anyway i don`t think its the case, because this is first time i hooked phone to internet, and first time i launched Android app store.
    I went to and there is Adobe air app. But when i try to download it says that my device doesn't support it (Samsung Galaxy GT-I5500) By default it comes with android 2.1 and doesn't support Adobe air, but i upgraded firmware to 2.2.
    Maybe that is the reason it doesn't show me Adobe AIR in app store - based on my phone, not my Android version ?

  • AIR for Android Captive Runtime

    Is it possible to package android apps with AIR (or will it be) using Flash CS5.5? I don't see anything on the web about. Just how to do it with Flex and ADT etc...

    I've made a complete working example for publishing an application with captive runtime, assets and native extensions starting from Flash CS5.5
    I was able to make it thanks to hints and suggestions I found in this thread.
    Note: english is not my native tongue so I hope you understand what I've written also if sometime it sounds "engrish".
    Here it is the link to the zip file:
    - You must have Flash cs5.5 pro (obviously)
    - You must have installed the overlay for Air3.0 sdk on your Flash cs5.5 pro
    Here it is a link that explain how to accomplish it:
    Here the steps I made.
    1) Open Flash CS5.5 and create a new AIR for Android application
    2) Add the swc to the libraries used by your FLA (open Actionscript 3.0 settings and add "VibrationActionScriptLibrary.swc")
       Btw, you can find this "ready to use" native extension inside the zipfile that you can download from here:
       However in my example you will find also a directory named "extension" that contains it.
    3) Open and then close the "air for android settings": by doing this Flash will create yourapp-app.xml file in the directory where your FLA resides.
       For example my fla is named "vibrate.fla" so Flash created for me a "vibrate-app.xml" file.
    4) Make a copy of this "vibrate-app.xml" file by naming it "real-vibrate-app.xml" (or choose whatever name you want)
       I've done this because after modyfing the original one by adding the <extension> tag (see below) I wasn't able to test my app from within Flash IDE (when I compile it it simply doesn't start)
       Instead by doing this all worked fine.
    5) Edit the "real-vibrate-app.xml" file by adding somewhere these lines (I added it just before the <initialWindow> tag)
    6) Add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/> in the <android> <manifestAdditions> part in "real-vibrate-app.xml" file.
       You should do something like this:
              <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
    7) Develop your application
       I made a simple one that loads an external jpg and shows it on the stage: then the user can tap on it to make the phone vibrate.
       The function "doVibration" is called only when the app is running on Android Device so I do not get any executions error when I run the app from within Flash Ide
    8) Publish and test it to your USB connected device by launching the "publish.bat" file I have created
       Open a dos prompt and move to your project directory then type publish.bat and press enter.
       Note: it can be that you have to edit the bat file in order to change the path to the ADT tool that comes with Air3.0 sdk
       It should be in [your adobe flash cs5.5 directory]\AIR2.6\bin\adt (rememeber, you must have installed the Air3.0 sdk overlying the old Air2.6/2.7 in the AIR2.6 directory)
       Inside the bat file you can change easily the target type (captive or not) simply by commenting/decommenting the right line.
       Captive version is about 8Mb more than the normal one but the big deal is that the user that installs it do not need the air runtime installed on his phone!
       The "big line" that creates the package is the following one:
       call %ADT_LINK% -package -target %TARGET_TYPE% -storetype pkcs12 -keystore certificate/vibrate.p12 -storepass android AirVibrate.apk real-vibrate-app.xml -extdir extensions vibrate.swf icons assets
       call %ADT_LINK%          it's just the path to the ADT tool
       -package                 it's the command that we want ADT to execute
       -target %TARGET_TYPE%    captive/non captive version
       -storetype pkcs12        certificate related
       -keystore certificate/vibrate.p12  path to your self signed certificate
       -storepass android       certificate related, I created the example certificate with "android" password and this parameters tell ADT to always use it without prompting
       AirVibrate.apk           the name of the Apk
       real-vibrate-app.xml     the apk-xml to use that is the one we modified manually above
       -extdir extensions       it's the path to the directory that contains the native extension
       vibrate.swf              the main swf
       icons                    the icons directory
       assets                   the assets directory (where I put the external jpg)
    That's all.
    If everything is correct, the batch file creates the AirVibrate.apk then installs it on your attached usb device and run it.
    When you tap over the Android image that will appear, your phone should vibrate.
    Now.. does someone wants to develop a Native Extension to show Admob banners in our Android Air Applications?
    If I missed something, please let me know.

  • How can I use a file in flash cs6 that I made in flash cs5.5 air for android

    I have made an app in in air for android in flash cs5.5 air for android, and I want to edit it in cs6 and play it in cs6.
    But if I put Ctrl+Enter I got an error: createWin process failed with error 2: system couldn't find the file. I think the problem is that I'am using air for android 2.6 version in flash cs5.5 and version 3.2 in flash cs6. I have searched the web and found out that you can add older air versions using the sdk manager and I have tried it but first I get the error that the version of the sdk I am trying to install is not valid and after some files that I added to the sdk folder I get this error:Only SDK higher than version 3.4.2540 may be added.
    I there a possible way to update the air for android for an fla or apk? Or how can I let my originally file work fine in flash cs6??

    system couldn't find the file
    If you can´t get a more specific hint why your project can´t compile then I can think of some reasons theis error might occur
    1.You had files included besides the swf, like videos, audio files, xml files, that are not present in the place air expects them to be
    2.somewhere in your createWin functions there is a class import needed that isn`t present in 3.2 anymore, for example some classes or functions from classes that were valid in 2.6 are not any more in 3.2
    3. to achieve better eror logging, allow for debugging in the publishing options and see what specific lines in your code throw the error
    4.any air app needs a cert file, this needs to be created once, if you migrated to e new system it might be you never created that file which air expects to even begin the compiling process
    once you isolate the problem, report back

  • Adobe Air for Android 2.3.4

    I need Adobe Air for Android 2.3.4 Urgently.
    I recently made an app on Flash CS5.5 and it installed correctly.
    It said to install adobe air
    But then it said "This prodict is not comptable with this version of..."
    ANY help?

    Please download latest AIR3.4 SDK from
    Look for the runtime.apk present in the AIRSDK folder \runtimes\air\android\device.
    Install the AIR3.4 runtime on android device using command(Refer -
    adt -installRuntime -platform android -device deviceID -package path-to-runtime
    The above steps will install latest AIR runtime on Android device.
    Please note that - Applications created and published from Flash Professional CS6 for Android platforms will run on devices that run Google Android™ 2.2 operating system or higher.
    Flash Pro Engg Team

  • Air For Android - Full Screen not working

    Opened CS5.5 > Chose "Air For Android" which gave me a stage dimension of 480x800 default. I then created my app.
    I am using a Droid Bionic and testing my app on it. It will not go to full screen, regardless of how I am holding the Droid. When publishing, I clicked "Full Screen" and Portrait, Landscape, Auto Orientation, etc. I tried all of the publishing options, yet still there is white screen on the eastern and southern side of the screen.
    I have a picture on the main screen, and it fits perfectly within the 480x800 dimmensions when playing in Flash. After publishing to an APK file and testing it on Droid, I have that white space as mentioned, as if the stage size grew larger than the picture / app. I also shrank the stage(480x800) dimensions to to (340x600) , but still the same amount of white space. When I move the picture to the right a bit, and publish, it shows the white space on the left hand side of the stage. This can only mean that when I publish, the stage size grows but everything on the stage stays the same. 
    Any ideas?

    I removed:
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    from AS3 and it works better. Now there is even white space on the north and south side of the screen. Clicking "Full Screen" in the publish settings, makes a little more white space, which is weird. It as if now the stage is expanding its height, rather than its height and width due to me using the above code. Still, would like to get rid of that extra white space.
    Edit: It looks like the stage height grew by 60. If I expand the picture by 60, placing it on the stage at 0x and -30y, it fits fine on the bionic. I don't understand why this is happening, and scared that it may be different for each device.

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