Installer stops running

I have been trying to install the latest flash player plugin for Firefox but it keeps stopping after the first dialog window.
OS: Windows 8
Installer: install_flashplayer16x32_mssa_aaa_aih.exe
When the installer first started, a dialog window asked if I allow it to modify the hard disk. After answering yes, nothing happened afterwards. When I opened up the task manager, I could not find the installer. So it just stopped running.
I have Norton Internet Security running in the background. But I confirmed that it is NOT configured to block the flash installer.
I have not been able to find any discussion on this particular problem. Please help. Thanks in advance.

Please try using the full installer posted at the bottom of the Installation problems | Flash Player | Windows page in the 'Still having problems' section.

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  • Coldfusion 64 bit windows installer stops working after recent microsoft update

    Coldfusion 64 bit windows installation stops working after recent microsoft updates and how I worked around it.
    My question is at the end.
    Trying to deploy coldfusion 9 enterprise 64 bit trial  version onto a Windows 2003 64 bit datacenter OS with all OS updates from MS (as of 4-7-2011).
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    1. Installed the base OS which was slipstreamed with SP2.
    2. Checked w/ microsoft and installed 63 OS updates.
    3. Launch the CF9 trial exe.
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    6. Got a copy of rarunzipper and extracted the coldfusion_9_WWE_win64.exe file.
    7. From the windows directory created by step 6, I launched adobe_cf.exe.
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    11. OK, so now I am thinking ntdll.dll !! Native code !! It is like Java is telling me that for some reason it can't dance with the OS.
    12. On a hunch, I decided to test a CF install again on a server with just the base install of W3K3 64 SP2 (ie: skipping step 2 above this time).
    13. Bingo! That install works.
    14. Therefore, one of the 63 patches I had downloaded from MS had triggered a problem with the CF installer.
    15. Back on the first server (the one with the MS security  patches installed and the one that CF won't install on). In the CF file  adobe_cf.lax (one of the files extracted in step 6) there is a line that  mentions where the install gets it's java. Find that file, and check java version installer is using. It is using 1.6.0_14-b08.
    16. Off to the Java website, and there is a newer version of java (1.6.0_24-b07). Downloaded and installed it.
    17. Modify a line in adobe_cf.lax :
       after\\program files\\java\\jre6\\bin\\java.exe
    (that assumes that you let step 16 install to the default location)
    Save the file.
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    And now the interesting part. Although I forced the installer to used the new java, it did not incorporate it into the cf build (ie: in jvm.config, you still see c:/coldfusion9/runtime/jre AND the  version of java.exe that is in that directory is the original version,  not the newer version I forced the installer to use).
    On the surface, CF seems to run OK, but I have not done any application testing yet.
    And finally my
    ** QUESTION **
    Would it be appropriate to simply point the java.home var to the new java directory? I see that the directory structures and files are not exactly the same  (close though) so I certainly don't want to break things by doing this,  but instinct tells me that if the installer broke using the older  version, then something else is gonna break down the road if I don't use  the new version. On the other hand, the differences in the  directories and files is enough that it makes me very nervous, with my  limitied java skill set, to make this decision. 
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hi Byron,
    Wow great post no doubt much of the information will be useful for those on Win03 SP2 +. Have to say not come across similar problem on Win08 r2 SP1 +.
    So to your question. Adobe security bulletin ( recommends running CF8 and CF9 with JVM 1.6.0_24. The bulletin does not say how to do that. I take you installed JDK and not just JRE 1.6.0_24? Post install of JDK follow these steps:
    Stop CF - SERVICES.msc stop "ColdFusion 9 Application Server".
    Take a copy of CF\runtime\bin\jvm.config - so you got a backup.
    Edit CF\runtime\bin\jvm.config find line "java.home=" and comment it out eg:
    Add new line like so and save jvm.config:
    java.home=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_24/jre
    Note  there the slashes and the location of the JRE (runtime) - you need to  point to the one in JDK because the other JRE in C:\Program  Files\Java\jre6 will be missing a DLL.
    Start CF via SERVICES.msc.
    HTH, Carl.

  • HP LaserJet Pro MFP M127fw installer stopped working

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    Downloaded software stops halfway
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    Searched this forum and more people seem to have this problem but there is no solution mentioned in the end.
    Please help
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi @Lize2 ,
    I see that you are having issues installing the printer, the installer stops working. Thanks for providing that detailed information. I would like to help you out today.
    It sounds like something is blocking the software from installing, since just the driver are being installed.
    Disconnect the USB cable, run the uninstall from the CD.
    Touch the Windows key and the E key to access the computer window. Right click on the CD for the printer, left click open in a new window, double click on uninstall.
    Do a msconfig to turn off any startup programs that might be interfering with the installation.
    Click on Start, in the search box type in Run, enter, then type in Msconfig, click OK.
    Click the Services tab. Click to select the Hide All Microsoft Services check box. Click Disable All, and then click OK.
    Then click on the Start Up tab at the top. Click on disable all.
    Reboot the computer.
    Temporarily turn off any Antivirus software and Real Time Scanning. Especially if you are using Mcafee.
    Then run the installation again. Right click on the install and select Run as Administrator.
    Test the printer again.
    Then go back into msconfig and Enable the All Microsoft Services and Enable All on the Start Up tab. Turn the Antivirus software back on again and the Real Time Scanning.
    If you need further assistance, just let me know.
    Have a great day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • How does one get officeclicktorun.exe to stop running?

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    I can't believe that a simple method of stopping all automated upgrade activity isn't being provided by Microsoft.

    Officeclicktorun.exe runs as a service named 'Microsoft Office ClickToRun Service' (ClickToRunSvc). It helps manage resource coordination, background streaming, and system integration of Microsoft Office products.
    As far as I know, this service is required to run during the use of any Microsoft Office program, so you cannot just stop it permanently.
    It shouldn't consume "that" much CPU. Is your Outlook update to date? Try to update it to the latest version and then verify result. Or you might need to
    repair your Office 2013 and see if it's due to an improper installation.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Installing Patch Weird "Stop Running Services" Screen

    Hi to all.
    I found this issue in several places, including this forum, but I never saw a working proposal for a satisfying solution. Installing Oracle Patch over a on XP Pro, I was confronted with a "Stop Running Services" screen, that listed ALL running Windows Services, even the most basic ones, which are required for a working OS and cannot/should not be stopped. Of course I had stopped the Oracle listener and instance services (including the recovery service, omtsreco.exe).
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    - Whether the issue has been solved, that the "Stop Running Services Screen" lists
    most basic services like "Event Manager". Could it have been caused by using the
    wrong OUI version or under what circumstances will it appear?
    - Secondly, what is this mysterious "svchost -k netsvcs" (netsvcs = NETSerViCeS ?)
    locking many of the DLL files in the Oracle "BIN" folder. It is definitely NOT
    one of the Oracle listener or instance services (all of which start with "Oracle").
    How can this service be disabled or be prevented from loading the Oracle DLLs?
    Sorry for the long story and partially unclear details, since I do not recall all of the long installation session. Any input is welcome.

    Ok, "netsvcs" CAN be found in the registry, but I used FINDSTR.EXE to seach a UNICODE .REG file, and of course had no hits. Meanwhile, I learned more about SVCHOST.EXE and it's service groups, one of which is "netsvcs". In HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SvcHost, I found a value and a key named "netsvcs", the value contains this string (abbreviated):
    These are the symbolic names of the services presented to me in the "Stop Running Services" screen! Now it's clear, why this screen appears, since "svchost -k netsvcs" is the process locking the Oracle DLLs.
    But the question remains: WHY does "svchost -k netsvcs" need access to Oracle DLLs? Which system or application setting controls whether svchosts tries to load the DLLs?
    Still puzzled. Werner.

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    Please run the Adobe Support Advisor - to review your installation log.

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    Download the following file by right clicking and selecting "Save target as".
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Save ALL files to your Downloads folder - DO NOT RUN anything yet.
    Reboot your system.
    BEFORE opening anything else, go to your Downloads folder and run the ActiveX Installer.

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    Tommy5017 what happens when you insert disc two?  If you need a new copy of the installation files you can follow the directions at  Please make sure to complete the Very Important Instructions prior to scrolling down the page and clicking on the download links.

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    Download the offline installer here: r_11_osx.dmg to install without having to download it during the process.
    "Desktop client" can be any number of things. Usually it's Apple Remote Desktop, but if you were running that, you'd know it. Dashboard widgets can also interfere with Flash Player installing.
    Usually the best way to make sure no other processes are running, is to do a hard reboot. If you still see the alert after a reboot, open the Activity monitor, and click EACH Dashboard entry, and then the ocstagonal button in the top bar of the monitor app to terminate the process.

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    I already tried to uninstall and re install totally Indesign CC 2014, and nothing has changed.
    This morning I worked on it without any problem. Randomly, I had a blue screen (Windows) and had to reboot my computer. From this on, I rebooted my computer, tried to open my program again, and this is when the problem occured.
    Does someone has a solution?

    Uninstall again, run the cleaner tool (CS Cleaner Tool for installation problems | CCM, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3) and reinstall.

  • I can't install mcafee siteadvisor  the installer stops and says, "A newer version of SiteAdvisor is already installed on your Mac."

    I have a late 2013 Macbook pro with retina display running OS X (Mavericks) my siteadvisor had recently grayed out and was not protecting against sites so I uninstalled my acfee internet security suite (provided by Cox with my account) and the siteadvisor altogether. I then reinstalled the Mcafee internet security and went to download the siteadvisor website. Once I went to download the siteadvisor installer stops and says "A newer version of SiteAdvisor is already installed on your Mac." How do I get my siteadvisor installed and back working again.

    The download, if you mean this one :
    includes the plugin, as well as other software.

  • Help! All installations stop at "Finishing Installation" activity

    Just got my mac back after having a new hard drive installed. Now when I try to install anything- (safari updates, limewire, etc...) the installer stops when "Finishing installation". It says it is runing the script for whataver I am installing and it just stays frozen there forever..
    Any thoughts?

    Hi Caitlin,
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    The usual reason why updates fail or mess things up, is if Permissions are not fixed before & after every update, with a reboot... you may get a partial update when the installer finds it doesn't have Permissions to change one obscure little part of the OS, leaving you with a mix of OS versions.
    Some people get away without Repairing Permissions for years, some for only days.
    If Permissions are wrong before applying an update, you could get mixed OS versions, if Directory is the slightest messed up, who knows!
    If many Permission are repaired, or any Directory errors are found, you may need to re-apply some the latest/biggest updates.
    May even need to do an Archive and Install if you have room on the HD, but saves all your files and gives a new OS...
    I only use Software Update to see what is needed, then get them for real via...
    That way I can wait a week or so, check the forums for potential problems, and get Permissions & such in order before installing.

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    Instance Name: cn=orcladmin
    ias_admin Password: xxxxxxxx
    then the oracle installer stops to response, just displaying a 'clock-cursor'.
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    Anyone can give me some suggestion?

    Run the setup which is under wsf-fullinstall/disk1 folder of the installation kit. This will install ORacle windows system files. Reboot the system and then restart 9i AS setup, this should solve the problem.

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    I'm wondering if my only option is to format the disk and reimage?
    Message was edited by: Geoff Brewer

    Was that a typo and you meant NOT all documents?
    Windows isn't quite as easy to diagnose crashes as Mac becuase it doen't providet he same crash reports, so we pretty much have to play Twenty Questions...
    Let's start with some basic troubleshooting. Presuming this is isolated to just some files, start with this: Remove minor corruption by exporting
    If that doesn't work, can you export half of the doc at a time?
    Create a new user account onthe machine and log in using that. Are you able to export the document to PDF without a crash?

  • Hp installation stop

    I encounter problem when trying to install the newly bought HP laserjet P1102w to my lenovo yoga notenbook running win 8.1. The installation will stop and give an error message which say the" HP installer stop" when come to the point which ask to plug in the USB cable to the computer . I have tried to download the lastest version driver and software and even update the firmware of the printer but the problem persist.
    I tried to install the printer onto my another Samsung notebook running win 8.1Pro and it installed sucessfully! Can anybody guide me how to install the printer to the win 8.1 system?

    Hey @limth,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    I would like to work with you today with resolving the installation issue on your Windows 8.1 computer for your HP LaserJet Pro P1102w Printer. Because you are able to install via USB Cable fine on your second Windows 8.1 computer this is not a USB Cable, USB Port, or hardware issue. What this may actually be caused by is the HP Smart Install feature built into your printer. I'm going to run you through some troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue.
    Step 1: Uninstall Drivers:
    Disconnect your USB Cable
    Open your Start screen by clicking on the Windows icon on the bottom left hand corner of your screen or by selecting the Windows button on the bottom left of your keyboard, to the right of the Ctrl button.
    Once the Start screen opens type Programs and Features
    Click on Programs and Features to launch it
    Under the list of Programs and Features click on the HP Laserjet package and uninstall it.
    Once the HP Laserjet is uninstalled, close this window.
    Step 2: Clear Temp Folder:
    Open your Start screen again and type Run
    Click on Run to open the Run box
    In the Run box type %temp% and select OK
    When the Temp Folder opens select Ctrl + A at the same time on your keyboard to highlight everything in the folder. Next, select 'Delete' on your keyboard. The Temp folder has temporary internet files in it. No files or folders on your actual computer will be affected by deleting the contents of the Temp folder. Should any files still be used in this folder it will automatically pop up with a 'skip' option.
    Once the Temp folder is emptied, close the folder.
    On your Desktop right click on the Recycling Bin and left click on 'empty recycling bin'.
    Step 3: Disable Smart Install: 
    You mentioned in your post that you installed the printer on your Samsung notebook and that it installed successfully. Can I have you go on that Samsung notebook to disable HP Smart Install.
    Plug your USB cable into the Samsung notebook
    If you used the HP download to install the printer: go to you Start screen and type Run. Click on Run to open the Run box. In the Run box type %temp% and select OK.
    When the Temp folder opens, locate the 7z file and open it
    In the 7z file click on the UTIL folder and then SIUtility (SIUtility.exe is for 32 bit computers, SIUtility64.exe is for 64 bit computers)
    Once SIUtility opens disable Smart Install on the Printer.
    If you used the software cd to install the printer: insert your disk into the Samsung notebook. Open your Start screen and type Computer (may populate as This PC as a search result)
    Click on Computer to open it. Then you will see  your HP Installer. Right click on the HP Installer and open it (or browse).
    Click on the UTIL folder and the SIUtility. Once SIUtility opens disable Smart Install on the printer.
    Disconnect your USB Cable from this computer.
    Step 4: Download Drivers:
    Back to the computer now that you're having the issue installing your Laserjet on:
    Leave you USB Cable disconnected.
    Once everything is uninstalled for your printer and the Temp folder is emptied, please click on the following link to download the appropriate drivers for your printer: HP LaserJet Full Feature Software and Driver
    Allow the Software and Driver package to download
    Run the installation once the download is complete
    Follow through the on-screen instructions to reinstall your printer.
    Only plug in your USB Cable when prompted.
    The installation should now complete.
    Please respond to this post and let me know if the steps I provided resolve your installation issue. Best of luck!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the "Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say "Thanks" for helping!

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