Installing  Ant/JUnit/Maven on Tiger 10.4.11

Hi all,
I am working on installing Java JDK 1.7 on a PPC 7450 chipset running 10.4.11 following the installation instructions for
OpenJDK <a href=""> here </a>, appropriately modified for the PPC.
I am now trying to get a newer version of Ant installed (1.8.4). Ant needs JUnit to install.
In turn JUnit, from github, needs Maven installated first to work, via the command "mvn".
And to complete the circle, Maven needs Ant installed first!
I followed the detailed instuctions <a href=""> here </a> to install Maven on OSX.
Unfortunately, those instuctions seem to only be for the newer Intel-based machines.
I have the environment variables JAVA_HOME = /Library/Java/Home set for java.
java -version yields the expected result :
java version "1.5.0_19"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_19-b02-306)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_19-138, mixed mode, sharing)
which is the last Apple-supplied JDK for tiger.
The JUnit installation guides I have seen all seem to expect Maven to already be installed since they all seem to end in "mvn install".
I have not been able to find installation instructions to build JUnit from source code directly even though one can download it. In the file
BUILDING that is in the JUnit distribution it explicitly states :
      "We do not at this time have an official way to build from the src jar or zip.  If this is an important missing feature, please let us know
Does anyone have instructions on how to build JUnit from source code, or how to build Maven from source code?
This seemingly circular dependency is very frustrating. I know I am missing something.
Any tips or links would be greatly appreciated!

I think I got to the bottom of the seemingly circular requirements to Ant / Junit / Maven.
Since ant 1.7.0 the Ant source distribution has two additional XML files: fetch.xml and get-m2.xml
The first, fetch.xml is used to go and download optional libraries for ant, one of which is junit.
The second XML file, get-m2.xml was originally part of fetch.xml and later split off into a separate file.
This file, get-m2.xml, similarly gets the Maven 2 Ant tasks.
However, it uses the  XML syntax typefound for the condition property in the Ant task "probe-m2"  which determines if Maven 2 Ant tasks are already installed.
That is a problem since that particular syntax is new in Ant 1.7 and later. If you are using ant .1.6.5, like I am trying to do, to build ant 1.7 on the way to getting a newer JDK, the build process fails right there since that syntax is not understood yet by the older ant.
The error I am referring to is:
get-m2.xml:70: Class doesn't support the nested "typefound" element.
which I see quite often in searching the web for clues.
I *think* the assumption was that one would run the fetch.xml XML file after one had built and installed the newer version of ant first. That makes sense if everything in fetch.xml is indeed optional.
However, they also hard-coded the new dependence on junit into ant 1.7 and later, so it seems to me that one needs an option to run fetch.xml first to grab all required dependencies, install them, and only then run the main script to build ant.
I therefore edited the get-m2.xml and fetch.xml to use the older XML syntax only available in ant 1.6.5 and was indeed able to get the scripts to download the rest of the dependencies.
Interestingly, all the code download was placed in the Maven 2 repository in my $HOME area and not in the ant 1.7.0 source code tree as I expected.
I do now see in my $HOME/.m2 Maven 2 repo 3 versions of junit: 3.7, 3.81 & 3.8.2
Now I have to just re-write and maybe build.xml to point them to the Maven 2 repo to get the required junit code and hopefully the build will then proceed.

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    <Install Document>
    Installing Ant
    The binary distribution of Ant consists of the following directory layout:
    +--- bin  // contains launcher scripts
    +--- lib  // contains Ant jars plus necessary dependencies
    +--- docs // contains documentation
    | +--- ant2    // a brief description of ant2 requirements
    | |
    | +--- images  // various logos for html documentation
    | |
    | +--- manual  // Ant documentation (a must read ;-)
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    Only the bin and lib directories are required to run Ant. To install Ant, choose a directory and copy the distribution file there. [Q1] This directory will be known as ANT_HOME.
    Windows 95, Windows 98 & Windows ME Note:
    On these systems, the script used to launch Ant will have problems if ANT_HOME is a long filename (i.e. a filename which is not of the format known as "8.3"). This is due to limitations in the OS's handling of the "for" batch-file statement. It is recommended, therefore, that Ant be installed in a short, 8.3 path, such as C:\Ant.
    On these systems you will also need to configure more environment space to cater for the environment variables used in the Ant lauch script. To do this, you will need to add or update the following line in the config.sys file
    shell=c:\ c:\ /p /e:32768 I can do this one ;-)
    Before you can run ant there is some additional set up you will need to do:
    Add the bin directory to your path. [Q2]
    Set the ANT_HOME environment variable[Q3] to the directory where you installed Ant. On some operating systems the ant wrapper scripts can guess ANT_HOME (Unix dialects and Windows NT/2000) - but it is better to not rely on this behavior.
    Optionally, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable (see the Advanced section below). This should be set to the directory where your JDK is installed.
    Note: Do not install Ant's ant.jar file into the lib/ext directory of the JDK/JRE. Ant is an application, whilst the extension directory is intended for JDK extensions. In particular there are security restrictions on the classes which may be loaded by an extension.
    </Install Document>
    Q1: What is this distrobution File? -- If the directory contents are needed to answer this one, then just perhaps a brief description of what to look for (file extentions or name or somthing) would suffice.
    Q2: Add the bin directory to your path. Ok so how would I do this?
    Q3: Set the ANT_HOME environment variable... How can I do this?

    1) What you downloaded should be a packed file (zip, tar.gz, etc) that needs to be unpacked into the directory of your choice.
    2) & 3) are answered by Ant's installation documentation (the page you're quoting from):

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    Ken Kline wrote:
    I shall continue to use Tiger Intel with ClamXav 2.2.1 as long as support for Tiger Intel continues.
    I guess I'm a bit confused by what you mean by support.
    I'm sure you realize that Apple hasn't supported it since Sep 2009 and there won't be any software updates beyond ClamXav 2.2.1. The scan engine will continue to work and could possibly be updated by you with some degree of difficulty. The signature updates are the only thing that will continue and there are even plans to improve the OS X coverage that is TBD. The only danger is that the ClamAV® folks did disable engine 0.94 back in 2009 with no warning, so hopefully that won't happen again.

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    McHagihara wrote:
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    When you installed Snow Leopard, Tiger was replaced, leaving your programs and files intact.
    What is causing your freezing problem is unknown, you can take Kappy's advice and remove everything, but you lose your files and free iLife programs that came with Tiger/new machine.
    The 10.6.3 disk you "upgraded" with has the full 10.6.3 on it, but no free iLife suit, so a erase and install will remove what you already have installed.
    You can try to locate your problem without the erase and install method by running through this list of fixes.
    Step by Step to fix your Mac
    But before you do anything, backup your personal data off the machine to a extenal drive and disconnect.
    Most commonly used backup methods
    Because if you have to follow Kappy's advice and wipe and install 10.6 fresh, it will cure your problem in nearly 99% of cases, but you have to rebuild everything. All programs and files.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6
    If this is all too much for you, then STOP and call a local PC/Mac service or competant friend to assist you.
    Yuo might need to install more RAM into the machine to make 10.6 run better as well.

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    I want to be able to click on each test case results and view its methods.
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    here is my code,
    <target name="tests" depends="" description="Run tests ant create report">
                        <property name="testinputs.dir" location="C:\johnTemp\testreports"/>
                        <mkdir dir="${TEST_HTML_OUTPUT}"/>
                        <mkdir dir="C:\johnTemp\testreports"/>
                            <junit printsummary="yes"
                              <formatter type="xml" />
                              <classpath path="../bin/classes/"/>
                               <classpath path="../../common/bin/classes"/>
                               <classpath refid="im.test.path"/>
                               <batchtest todir="${TEST_HTML_OUTPUT}">
                                            <fileset dir="${TEST_CLASSES}">
                                                <include name="**/**ManagerTest**.class"/>
                            <junitreport todir="${TEST_HTML_OUTPUT}">
                              <fileset dir="${TEST_HTML_OUTPUT}">
                                <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
                               <report format="frames" todir="${TEST_HTML_OUTPUT}"/>
                              <report todir="${TEST_HTML_OUTPUT}"/>
                             <jar destfile="${TEST_OUTPUT}/junitResults.jar" basedir="${TEST_HTML_OUTPUT}"/>
        </target>Thanks for any advice?

    I'm getting the same problem with Ant 1.6 installed in /opt/ant. They've changed things in 1.6, but they claim it should work similar...
    I'll search the docs.
    I don't know why this was working for me before and isn't now, but I found the solution. junit.jar must be placed in $ANT_HOME/lib because of strange classloader issues. I guess this must be a recent "bug", as it wasn't happening with earlier versions of ant.
    I'm using my local build of ant because it's more recent, but I think hapy's build would also work with junit if you plared junit.jar in /usr/lib.

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    So my question is: Has anyone heard of this happening before and what would be the best thing for me to do? And i hope that if i must reinstall the whole OSX tiger, that i can use the "archive and install" mode so i won't lose any 3rd party software on my powerbook.
    Thankyou for reading.
    powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   10.4.6 installed then updated to 10.4.7

    I would not advise an Archive and Install because it will preserve components of the old system such as your users folder (unless you opt not to do that) which may contain items that are now not compatible. Archive and Install also keeps applications that now are incompatible.
    I would recommend the following:
    1. Boot from your Tiger DVD. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button, then select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Set the number of partitions from the dropdown menu (use 1 partition unless you wish to make more.) Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled, if supported.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the volume(s) mount on the Desktop.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled, if supported.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process will take 30 minutes to an hour or more depending upon the drive size.
    After formatting has completed quit DU and return to the installer. Now proceed with OS X installation.

  • How do I install a bootable copy of Tiger to an external Firewire drive?

    I've got a problem with my optical drive and cannot boot from a CD or DVD on my 17" flat panel iMac, running 10.2.8. I have bought Tiger and would like to upgrade my OS but want to be able to run some disc repair utilities on the iMac prior to doing the upgrade but can't run them on my boot disc.
    I'd like to be able to install Tiger on my external FW hard drive, install Techtool pro on that same drive and then try to repair the internal drive on my iMac by booting from the external drive. Is that possible? Is it a good idea? Can I install to the external drive from my internal Superdrive without being able to boot from the install DVD? How should I do that?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Because you must boot from the Tiger DVD in order to install Tiger I'm afraid you are somewhat out of luck. However, with no guarantee either express or implied here's something you can try:
    First, download a freeware utility called Carbon Copy Cloner from or Second, connect your Firewire drive and insert the Tiger DVD into the optical drive. Be sure it mounts on the Desktop along with the Firewire drive. Third, open your Disk Utility from the Utilities folder and use it to format or erase the Firewire drive. If you prefer you may wish to partition the Firewire drive to allocate a partition for the Tiger DVD (you will need about 6 GBs.) Fourth, open the CCC utility and click on the Lock icon beside the grayed out Clone button and authenticate. Then click on the Preferences icon. In the section labeled "Target Disk Options" be sure that the box labeled "Make bootable" is checked. No other items should be used. Click on the Save button. Fifth, select the Tiger DVD as the Source Disk, select the partition on the Firewire drive as the Target Disk. Now click on the Clone button.
    Go away for a while because the clone process will take time. Once it finally completes you can eject the Tiger DVD. You now should be able to boot the computer from the Firewire drive partition. Open your Startup Disk preference pane, select the Tiger partition on the Firewire drive from the icon list, then click on the Restart button.
    If this works your machine will boot into the Tiger installer from the Firewire drive. You can then install it onto your iMac. I would suggest you use the Archive and Install option. You may find the following helpful:

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    My trusty old dual 1GHz Quicksilver has finally died so I bought a used G4 Quicksilver MMD to replace it. Thing is, this other G4 has Leopard installed on it. To use Photoshop 7, I need to be running Tiger. If I install my old Tiger boot drive in this "new" box, can I choose to boot into either version of OS by simply holding down Option when starting up?
    G4 1.25GHz Quicksilver Mirrored Drive Doors 1Gb RAM

    Yes you can.
    PhotoShop may need de-authorizing by phone to get it to work in the new Mac though... at least my CS3 was that way & still haven't done it.

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    I saw a similar post:
    But their question wasn't answered....
    Thanks for your help,

    By all means get a replacement for disc 2. In the meantime if you perform a custom install, omitting a lot of fonts and application extras, you can get to the point where it won't ask for disc 2 to install extras and at least you can get your computer up and working again. Some of those extras are things such as iTunes which you can download. Others are unique to the disc. In that case if you can't wait you can try extracting them using [Pacifist|>. It may be the errors on disc 2 are too much for the installer which is very fussy but may not affect some of the others things you could isolate with Pacifist.
    [Pacifist Documentation| tml]

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    If the computer isn't connected to the Internet, download the Pacifist dmg file on another machine and then transport it to the computer where you are trying to install iCal to. If you download it on a PC, don't attempt to open the downloaded file on the PC.

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