Installing Arch Linux from Arch Linux .

Is there a form to  install the base system from Arch Linux? I have Arch Linux I686 and a partition with free space. Maybe in a virtual box and then copying to the partition?

i put X84_64 in /etc/pacman.conf and pacstrap dowload the correct x86_64 files BUT. When the programs are installing pacman calls execv and there is a arch imcopatibility see:
# mnt pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel
==> Creating install root at /mnt
==> Installing packages to /mnt
:: Sincronizando las bases de datos de paquetes...
core 105,4 KiB 30,5K/s 00:03 [#####################################################################] 100%
extra 1440,5 KiB 199K/s 00:07 [#####################################################################] 100%
community 1885,8 KiB 153K/s 00:12 [#####################################################################] 100%
:: Hay 52 miembros en el grupo base:
:: Repositorio core
1) bash 2) bzip2 3) coreutils 4) cronie 5) cryptsetup 6) device-mapper 7) dhcpcd 8) diffutils 9) e2fsprogs 10) file 11) filesystem 12) findutils 13) gawk 14) gcc-libs
15) gettext 16) glibc 17) grep 18) gzip 19) heirloom-mailx 20) inetutils 21) iproute2 22) iputils 23) jfsutils 24) less 25) licenses 26) linux 27) logrotate 28) lvm2
29) man-db 30) man-pages 31) mdadm 32) nano 33) netcfg 34) pacman 35) pciutils 36) pcmciautils 37) perl 38) ppp 39) procps-ng 40) psmisc 41) reiserfsprogs 42) sed 43) shadow
44) sysfsutils 45) systemd-sysvcompat 46) tar 47) texinfo 48) usbutils 49) util-linux 50) vi 51) which 52) xfsprogs
Introduzca una selección (por defecto=todos):
:: Hay 14 miembros en el grupo base-devel:
:: Repositorio core
1) autoconf 2) automake 3) binutils 4) bison 5) fakeroot 6) flex 7) gawk 8) gcc 9) gettext 10) libtool 11) m4 12) make 13) patch 14) pkg-config
Introduzca una selección (por defecto=todos):
atención: saltando el objetivo: gawk
atención: saltando el objetivo: gettext
resolviendo dependencias...
atención: bucle de dependencias detectado:
atención: filesystem será instalado antes que su dependencia systemd
verificando conflictos...
Objetivos (129): acl-2.2.51-2 archlinux-keyring-20130114-1 attr-2.4.46-2 ca-certificates-20121105-1 cloog-0.18.0-1 cracklib-2.8.19-1 curl-7.28.1-1 db-5.3.21-1 dbus-1.6.8-6
dirmngr-1.1.0-4 expat-2.1.0-1 gdbm-1.10-1 glib2-2.34.3-1 gmp-5.1.0-1 gnupg-2.0.19-3 gpgme-1.3.1-4 groff-1.21-2 hwids-20121203-1 iana-etc-2.30-3 iptables-
isl-0.11.1-1 kbd-1.15.5-3 keyutils-1.5.5-3 kmod-12-1 krb5-1.11-2 libarchive-3.0.4-2 libassuan-2.0.3-1 libcap-2.22-3 libffi-3.0.11-1 libgcrypt-1.5.0-3
libgpg-error-1.10-2 libgssglue-0.4-1 libksba-1.2.0-2 libldap-2.4.33-3 libltdl-2.4.2-7 libmpc-1.0.1-1 libnl-3.2.11-1 libpcap-1.3.0-1 libpipeline-1.2.2-1
libsasl-2.1.23-9 libssh2-1.4.3-1 libtirpc-0.2.2-4 libusbx-1.0.14-1 linux-api-headers-3.7.1-1 linux-firmware-20121118-1 mkinitcpio-0.12.0-2 mkinitcpio-busybox-1.20.2-1
mpfr-3.1.1.p2-2 ncurses-5.9-3 openssl-1.0.1.c-1 pacman-mirrorlist-20121128-1 pam-1.1.6-1 pambase-20130113-1 pcre-8.32-1 pinentry-0.8.2-1 popt-1.16-5 ppl-1.0-1
pth-2.0.7-4 readline-6.2.004-1 run-parts-4.3.4-1 systemd-197-4 sysvinit-tools-2.88-9 tzdata-2012j-1 xz-5.0.4-1 zlib-1.2.7-1 autoconf-2.69-1 automake-1.13.1-1
bash-4.2.042-1 binutils-2.23.1-3 bison-2.7-1 bzip2-1.0.6-4 coreutils-8.20-1 cronie-1.4.9-2 cryptsetup-1.5.1-1 device-mapper-2.02.98-1 dhcpcd-5.6.4-1 diffutils-3.2-1
e2fsprogs-1.42.6-1 fakeroot-1.18.4-1 file-5.11-1 filesystem-2012.12-1 findutils-4.4.2-4 flex-2.5.37-1 gawk-4.0.2-1 gcc-4.7.2-3 gcc-libs-4.7.2-3 gettext-0.18.2-1
glibc-2.17-1 grep-2.14-1 gzip-1.5-1 heirloom-mailx-12.5-3 inetutils-1.9.1-4 iproute2-3.6.0-2 iputils-20121221-1 jfsutils-1.1.15-3 less-451-1 libtool-2.4.2-7
licenses-2.9-1 linux-3.7.3-1 logrotate-3.8.2-2 lvm2-2.02.98-1 m4-1.4.16-2 make-3.82-5 man-db-2.6.3-1 man-pages-3.45-1 mdadm-3.2.6-1 nano-2.2.6-2 netcfg-3.0-1
pacman-4.0.3-5 patch-2.7.1-2 pciutils-3.1.10-1 pcmciautils-018-6 perl-5.16.2-2 pkg-config-0.27.1-1 ppp-2.4.5-5 procps-ng-3.3.5-1 psmisc-22.19-1
reiserfsprogs-3.6.21-4 sed-4.2.2-1 shadow- sysfsutils-2.1.0-8 systemd-sysvcompat-197-4 tar-1.26-2 texinfo-4.13a-7 usbutils-006-1 util-linux-2.22.2-1
vi-1:050325-3 which-2.20-5 xfsprogs-3.1.10-1
Tamaño de descarga: 153,97 MiB
Tamaño instalado: 579,04 MiB
¿Continuar con la instalación? [S/n] s
:: Descargando paquetes desde core...
linux-api-headers-3.7.1-1-x86_64 614,4 KiB 81,1K/s 00:08 [#####################################################################] 100%
tzdata-2012j-1-any 140,1 KiB 63,7K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
glibc-2.17-1-x86_64 7,9 MiB 87,0K/s 01:33 [#####################################################################] 100%
ncurses-5.9-3-x86_64 946,6 KiB 153K/s 00:06 [#####################################################################] 100%
readline-6.2.004-1-x86_64 295,0 KiB 72,2K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
bash-4.2.042-1-x86_64 788,4 KiB 165K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
bzip2-1.0.6-4-x86_64 54,7 KiB 29,6K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
gcc-libs-4.7.2-3-x86_64 767,2 KiB 79,2K/s 00:10 [#####################################################################] 100%
db-5.3.21-1-x86_64 1139,3 KiB 134K/s 00:09 [#####################################################################] 100%
zlib-1.2.7-1-x86_64 77,3 KiB 41,4K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
cracklib-2.8.19-1-x86_64 239,1 KiB 47,4K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
libgssglue-0.4-1-x86_64 29,4 KiB 23,8K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
libtirpc-0.2.2-4-x86_64 168,8 KiB 68,7K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
pambase-20130113-1-any 1032,0 B 567K/s 00:00 [#####################################################################] 100%
pam-1.1.6-1-x86_64 632,5 KiB 62,1K/s 00:10 [#####################################################################] 100%
attr-2.4.46-2-x86_64 64,2 KiB 41,1K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
acl-2.2.51-2-x86_64 124,8 KiB 64,0K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
gmp-5.1.0-1-x86_64 441,0 KiB 81,2K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
libcap-2.22-3-x86_64 33,9 KiB 27,5K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
coreutils-8.20-1-x86_64 2,0 MiB 92,0K/s 00:22 [#####################################################################] 100%
run-parts-4.3.4-1-x86_64 19,2 KiB 23,0K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
cronie-1.4.9-2-x86_64 58,6 KiB 39,0K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
libgpg-error-1.10-2-x86_64 48,0 KiB 37,8K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
libgcrypt-1.5.0-3-x86_64 303,2 KiB 59,4K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
shadow- 1030,6 KiB 90,0K/s 00:11 [#####################################################################] 100%
util-linux-2.22.2-1-x86_64 1566,2 KiB 67,2K/s 00:23 [#####################################################################] 100%
expat-2.1.0-1-x86_64 101,4 KiB 33,0K/s 00:03 [#####################################################################] 100%
iana-etc-2.30-3-any 319,8 KiB 52,6K/s 00:06 [#####################################################################] 100%
filesystem-2012.12-1-any 6,0 KiB 19,7K/s 00:00 [#####################################################################] 100%
dbus-1.6.8-6-x86_64 416,0 KiB 49,0K/s 00:08 [#####################################################################] 100%
pcre-8.32-1-x86_64 970,1 KiB 138K/s 00:07 [#####################################################################] 100%
libffi-3.0.11-1-x86_64 33,7 KiB 29,9K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
glib2-2.34.3-1-x86_64 1904,6 KiB 50,8K/s 00:38 [#####################################################################] 100%
kbd-1.15.5-3-x86_64 1025,0 KiB 59,1K/s 00:17 [#####################################################################] 100%
kmod-12-1-x86_64 92,4 KiB 53,5K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
hwids-20121203-1-any 281,1 KiB 32,4K/s 00:09 [#####################################################################] 100%
xz-5.0.4-1-x86_64 217,9 KiB 44,1K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
systemd-197-4-x86_64 1788,3 KiB 61,7K/s 00:29 [#####################################################################] 100%
device-mapper-2.02.98-1-x86_64 155,8 KiB 59,9K/s 00:03 [#####################################################################] 100%
popt-1.16-5-x86_64 59,3 KiB 24,9K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
cryptsetup-1.5.1-1-x86_64 158,4 KiB 39,0K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
dhcpcd-5.6.4-1-x86_64 74,7 KiB 37,8K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
diffutils-3.2-1-x86_64 217,9 KiB 56,7K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
e2fsprogs-1.42.6-1-x86_64 694,9 KiB 61,4K/s 00:11 [#####################################################################] 100%
file-5.11-1-x86_64 200,7 KiB 83,5K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
findutils-4.4.2-4-x86_64 368,8 KiB 56,8K/s 00:06 [#####################################################################] 100%
gawk-4.0.2-1-x86_64 798,3 KiB 68,2K/s 00:12 [#####################################################################] 100%
gettext-0.18.2-1-x86_64 2,1 MiB 128K/s 00:16 [#####################################################################] 100%
grep-2.14-1-x86_64 194,2 KiB 52,4K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
gzip-1.5-1-x86_64 75,2 KiB 49,2K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
gdbm-1.10-1-x86_64 81,4 KiB 20,2K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
perl-5.16.2-2-x86_64 12,4 MiB 145K/s 01:28 [#####################################################################] 100%
openssl-1.0.1.c-1-x86_64 2,5 MiB 64,1K/s 00:40 [#####################################################################] 100%
libsasl-2.1.23-9-x86_64 115,5 KiB 34,8K/s 00:03 [#####################################################################] 100%
libldap-2.4.33-3-x86_64 375,1 KiB 33,4K/s 00:11 [#####################################################################] 100%
keyutils-1.5.5-3-x86_64 55,0 KiB 28,7K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
krb5-1.11-2-x86_64 1063,4 KiB 39,8K/s 00:27 [#####################################################################] 100%
heirloom-mailx-12.5-3-x86_64 205,3 KiB 29,9K/s 00:07 [#####################################################################] 100%
inetutils-1.9.1-4-x86_64 244,2 KiB 43,3K/s 00:06 [#####################################################################] 100%
iptables- 243,0 KiB 57,0K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
iproute2-3.6.0-2-x86_64 426,4 KiB 34,8K/s 00:12 [#####################################################################] 100%
sysfsutils-2.1.0-8-x86_64 28,9 KiB 20,7K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
iputils-20121221-1-x86_64 71,4 KiB 37,2K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
jfsutils-1.1.15-3-x86_64 165,8 KiB 59,5K/s 00:03 [#####################################################################] 100%
less-451-1-x86_64 88,6 KiB 21,6K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
licenses-2.9-1-any 59,4 KiB 29,0K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
linux-firmware-20121118-1-any 15,7 MiB 102K/s 02:37 [#####################################################################] 100%
mkinitcpio-busybox-1.20.2-1-x86_64 163,5 KiB 44,0K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
libarchive-3.0.4-2-x86_64 533,0 KiB 121K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
mkinitcpio-0.12.0-2-any 30,6 KiB 27,7K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
linux-3.7.3-1-x86_64 43,9 MiB 72,3K/s 10:22 [#####################################################################] 100%
logrotate-3.8.2-2-x86_64 29,7 KiB 24,1K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
lvm2-2.02.98-1-x86_64 635,5 KiB 49,3K/s 00:13 [#####################################################################] 100%
texinfo-4.13a-7-x86_64 673,3 KiB 52,1K/s 00:13 [#####################################################################] 100%
groff-1.21-2-x86_64 1633,4 KiB 68,4K/s 00:24 [#####################################################################] 100%
libpipeline-1.2.2-1-x86_64 33,1 KiB 16,2K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
man-db-2.6.3-1-x86_64 348,1 KiB 68,6K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
^[[6~ man-pages-3.45-1-any 4,1 MiB 54,7K/s 00:06 [###############################################################------] man-pages-3.45-1-any 4,4 MiB 58,4K/s 01:18 [#####################################################################] 100%
mdadm-3.2.6-1-x86_64 271,8 KiB 68,8K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
nano-2.2.6-2-x86_64 300,0 KiB 25,2K/s 00:12 [#####################################################################] 100%
netcfg-3.0-1-any 29,6 KiB 20,7K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
sed-4.2.2-1-x86_64 119,3 KiB 28,8K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
ca-certificates-20121105-1-any 134,1 KiB 25,9K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
libssh2-1.4.3-1-x86_64 186,0 KiB 35,8K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
curl-7.28.1-1-x86_64 505,7 KiB 23,8K/s 00:21 [#####################################################################] 100%
pth-2.0.7-4-x86_64 75,9 KiB 46,2K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
libksba-1.2.0-2-x86_64 109,9 KiB 30,7K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
libassuan-2.0.3-1-x86_64 76,5 KiB 39,1K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
pinentry-0.8.2-1-x86_64 95,3 KiB 36,7K/s 00:03 [#####################################################################] 100%
dirmngr-1.1.0-4-x86_64 163,9 KiB 38,9K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
gnupg-2.0.19-3-x86_64 1450,2 KiB 61,8K/s 00:23 [#####################################################################] 100%
gpgme-1.3.1-4-x86_64 207,9 KiB 51,9K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
pacman-mirrorlist-20121128-1-any 2,3 KiB 2,14M/s 00:00 [#####################################################################] 100%
archlinux-keyring-20130114-1-any 344,0 KiB 61,6K/s 00:06 [#####################################################################] 100%
pacman-4.0.3-5-x86_64 508,1 KiB 81,1K/s 00:06 [#####################################################################] 100%
pciutils-3.1.10-1-x86_64 81,2 KiB 21,9K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
pcmciautils-018-6-x86_64 18,9 KiB 20,4K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
libnl-3.2.11-1-x86_64 197,9 KiB 44,6K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
libusbx-1.0.14-1-x86_64 40,1 KiB 20,3K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
libpcap-1.3.0-1-x86_64 193,0 KiB 34,2K/s 00:06 [#####################################################################] 100%
ppp-2.4.5-5-x86_64 270,3 KiB 54,5K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
procps-ng-3.3.5-1-x86_64 213,5 KiB 40,8K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
psmisc-22.19-1-x86_64 84,6 KiB 35,6K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
reiserfsprogs-3.6.21-4-x86_64 210,4 KiB 17,4K/s 00:12 [#####################################################################] 100%
sysvinit-tools-2.88-9-x86_64 26,1 KiB 22,5K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
systemd-sysvcompat-197-4-x86_64 5,3 KiB 16,6K/s 00:00 [#####################################################################] 100%
tar-1.26-2-x86_64 560,2 KiB 121K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
usbutils-006-1-x86_64 51,9 KiB 27,4K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
vi-1:050325-3-x86_64 141,4 KiB 44,6K/s 00:03 [#####################################################################] 100%
which-2.20-5-x86_64 13,8 KiB 22,2K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
xfsprogs-3.1.10-1-x86_64 615,1 KiB 54,9K/s 00:11 [#####################################################################] 100%
m4-1.4.16-2-x86_64 162,4 KiB 39,8K/s 00:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
autoconf-2.69-1-any 580,6 KiB 45,7K/s 00:13 [#####################################################################] 100%
automake-1.13.1-1-any 565,1 KiB 54,6K/s 00:10 [#####################################################################] 100%
binutils-2.23.1-3-x86_64 3,5 MiB 55,5K/s 01:04 [#####################################################################] 100%
bison-2.7-1-x86_64 460,7 KiB 57,6K/s 00:08 [#####################################################################] 100%
fakeroot-1.18.4-1-x86_64 53,4 KiB 34,7K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
flex-2.5.37-1-x86_64 783,7 KiB 76,5K/s 00:10 [#####################################################################] 100%
mpfr-3.1.1.p2-2-x86_64 340,1 KiB 60,4K/s 00:06 [#####################################################################] 100%
libmpc-1.0.1-1-x86_64 75,7 KiB 47,8K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
isl-0.11.1-1-x86_64 618,0 KiB 51,9K/s 00:12 [#####################################################################] 100%
cloog-0.18.0-1-x86_64 95,0 KiB 51,2K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
ppl-1.0-1-x86_64 3,0 MiB 57,8K/s 00:54 [#####################################################################] 100%
gcc-4.7.2-3-x86_64 18,5 MiB 62,7K/s 05:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
libltdl-2.4.2-7-x86_64 150,2 KiB 68,8K/s 00:02 [#####################################################################] 100%
libtool-2.4.2-7-x86_64 268,1 KiB 40,1K/s 00:07 [#####################################################################] 100%
make-3.82-5-x86_64 349,3 KiB 73,7K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
patch-2.7.1-2-x86_64 72,9 KiB 14,8K/s 00:05 [#####################################################################] 100%
pkg-config-0.27.1-1-x86_64 29,6 KiB 24,0K/s 00:01 [#####################################################################] 100%
(129/129) verificando la integridad de los paquetes [#####################################################################] 100%
(129/129) cargando los archivos del paquete... [#####################################################################] 100%
(129/129) verificando conflictos entre archivos [#####################################################################] 100%
(129/129) verificando el espacio disponible en disco [#####################################################################] 100%
( 1/129) instalando linux-api-headers [#####################################################################] 100%
( 2/129) instalando tzdata [#####################################################################] 100%
( 3/129) instalando glibc [#####################################################################] 100%
( 4/129) instalando ncurses [#####################################################################] 100%
( 5/129) instalando readline [#####################################################################] 100%
( 6/129) instalando bash [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 7/129) instalando bzip2 [#####################################################################] 100%
( 8/129) instalando gcc-libs [#####################################################################] 100%
( 9/129) instalando db [#####################################################################] 100%
( 10/129) instalando zlib [#####################################################################] 100%
( 11/129) instalando cracklib [#####################################################################] 100%
( 12/129) instalando libgssglue [#####################################################################] 100%
( 13/129) instalando libtirpc [#####################################################################] 100%
( 14/129) instalando pambase [#####################################################################] 100%
( 15/129) instalando pam [#####################################################################] 100%
( 16/129) instalando attr [#####################################################################] 100%
( 17/129) instalando acl [#####################################################################] 100%
( 18/129) instalando gmp [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 19/129) instalando libcap [#####################################################################] 100%
( 20/129) instalando coreutils [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 21/129) instalando run-parts [#####################################################################] 100%
( 22/129) instalando cronie [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para cronie
pm-utils: defer anacron on battery power
smtp-server: send job output via email
smtp-forwarder: forward job output to email server
( 23/129) instalando libgpg-error [#####################################################################] 100%
( 24/129) instalando libgcrypt [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 25/129) instalando shadow [#####################################################################] 100%
( 26/129) instalando util-linux [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 27/129) instalando expat [#####################################################################] 100%
( 28/129) instalando iana-etc [#####################################################################] 100%
( 29/129) instalando filesystem [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 30/129) instalando dbus [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para dbus
libx11: dbus-launch support
( 31/129) instalando pcre [#####################################################################] 100%
( 32/129) instalando libffi [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 33/129) instalando glib2 [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para glib2
python2: for gdbus-codegen
( 34/129) instalando kbd [#####################################################################] 100%
( 35/129) instalando kmod [#####################################################################] 100%
( 36/129) instalando hwids [#####################################################################] 100%
( 37/129) instalando xz [#####################################################################] 100%
( 38/129) instalando systemd [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
Dependencias opcionales para systemd
cryptsetup: required for encrypted block devices
libmicrohttpd: systemd-journal-gatewayd
quota-tools: kernel-level quota management
python: systemd library bindings
python2-cairo: systemd-analyze
python2-gobject: systemd-analyze
systemd-sysvcompat: symlink package to provide sysvinit binaries
( 39/129) instalando device-mapper [#####################################################################] 100%
( 40/129) instalando popt [#####################################################################] 100%
( 41/129) instalando cryptsetup [#####################################################################] 100%
( 42/129) instalando dhcpcd [#####################################################################] 100%
( 43/129) instalando diffutils [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 44/129) instalando e2fsprogs [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 45/129) instalando file [#####################################################################] 100%
( 46/129) instalando findutils [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 47/129) instalando gawk [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 48/129) instalando gettext [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
Dependencias opcionales para gettext
cvs: for autopoint tool
( 49/129) instalando grep [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 50/129) instalando gzip [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 51/129) instalando gdbm [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 52/129) instalando perl [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 53/129) instalando openssl [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para openssl
( 54/129) instalando libsasl [#####################################################################] 100%
( 55/129) instalando libldap [#####################################################################] 100%
( 56/129) instalando keyutils [#####################################################################] 100%
( 57/129) instalando krb5 [#####################################################################] 100%
( 58/129) instalando heirloom-mailx [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para heirloom-mailx
smtp-forwarder: for sending mail
( 59/129) instalando inetutils [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 60/129) instalando iptables [#####################################################################] 100%
( 61/129) instalando iproute2 [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para iproute2
linux-atm: ATM support
( 62/129) instalando sysfsutils [#####################################################################] 100%
( 63/129) instalando iputils [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
Dependencias opcionales para iputils
xinetd: for tftpd
( 64/129) instalando jfsutils [#####################################################################] 100%
( 65/129) instalando less [#####################################################################] 100%
( 66/129) instalando licenses [#####################################################################] 100%
( 67/129) instalando linux-firmware [#####################################################################] 100%
( 68/129) instalando mkinitcpio-busybox [#####################################################################] 100%
( 69/129) instalando libarchive [#####################################################################] 100%
( 70/129) instalando mkinitcpio [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para mkinitcpio
xz: Use lzma or xz compression for the initramfs image
bzip2: Use bzip2 compression for the initramfs image
lzop: Use lzo compression for the initramfs image
mkinitcpio-nfs-utils: Support for root filesystem on NFS
( 71/129) instalando linux [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
Dependencias opcionales para linux
crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country
( 72/129) instalando logrotate [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para logrotate
cron: scheduled log rotation
( 73/129) instalando lvm2 [#####################################################################] 100%
( 74/129) instalando texinfo [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 75/129) instalando groff [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
Dependencias opcionales para groff
netpbm: for use together with man -H command interaction in browsers
psutils: for use together with man -H command interaction in browsers
( 76/129) instalando libpipeline [#####################################################################] 100%
( 77/129) instalando man-db [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
Dependencias opcionales para man-db
( 78/129) instalando man-pages [#####################################################################] 100%
( 79/129) instalando mdadm [#####################################################################] 100%
( 80/129) instalando nano [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 81/129) instalando netcfg [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para netcfg
dialog: for the menu based profile and wifi selectors
wpa_supplicant: for wireless networking support
ifplugd: for automatic wired connections through net-auto-wired
wpa_actiond: for automatic wireless connections through net-auto-wireless
wireless_tools: for interface renaming through net-rename
ifenslave: for bond connections
bridge-utils: for bridge connections
( 82/129) instalando sed [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 83/129) instalando ca-certificates [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 84/129) instalando libssh2 [#####################################################################] 100%
( 85/129) instalando curl [#####################################################################] 100%
( 86/129) instalando pth [#####################################################################] 100%
( 87/129) instalando libksba [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 88/129) instalando libassuan [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 89/129) instalando pinentry [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
Dependencias opcionales para pinentry
gtk2: for gtk2 backend
qt: for qt4 backend
( 90/129) instalando dirmngr [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 91/129) instalando gnupg [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
Dependencias opcionales para gnupg
curl: gpg2keys_curl
libldap: gpg2keys_ldap
libusb-compat: scdaemon
( 92/129) instalando gpgme [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 93/129) instalando pacman-mirrorlist [#####################################################################] 100%
( 94/129) instalando archlinux-keyring [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
( 95/129) instalando pacman [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
Dependencias opcionales para pacman
fakeroot: for makepkg usage as normal user
( 96/129) instalando pciutils [#####################################################################] 100%
( 97/129) instalando pcmciautils [#####################################################################] 100%
( 98/129) instalando libnl [#####################################################################] 100%
( 99/129) instalando libusbx [#####################################################################] 100%
(100/129) instalando libpcap [#####################################################################] 100%
(101/129) instalando ppp [#####################################################################] 100%
(102/129) instalando procps-ng [#####################################################################] 100%
(103/129) instalando psmisc [#####################################################################] 100%
(104/129) instalando reiserfsprogs [#####################################################################] 100%
(105/129) instalando sysvinit-tools [#####################################################################] 100%
(106/129) instalando systemd-sysvcompat [#####################################################################] 100%
(107/129) instalando tar [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(108/129) instalando usbutils [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para usbutils
python2: for usage
coreutils: for usage
(109/129) instalando vi [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para vi
heirloom-mailx: used by the preserve command for notification
(110/129) instalando which [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(111/129) instalando xfsprogs [#####################################################################] 100%
(112/129) instalando m4 [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(113/129) instalando autoconf [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(114/129) instalando automake [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(115/129) instalando binutils [#####################################################################] 100%
(116/129) instalando bison [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(117/129) instalando fakeroot [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(118/129) instalando flex [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(119/129) instalando mpfr [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(120/129) instalando libmpc [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(121/129) instalando isl [#####################################################################] 100%
(122/129) instalando cloog [#####################################################################] 100%
(123/129) instalando ppl [#####################################################################] 100%
(124/129) instalando gcc [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(125/129) instalando libltdl [#####################################################################] 100%
(126/129) instalando libtool [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(127/129) instalando make [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse
(128/129) instalando patch [#####################################################################] 100%
Dependencias opcionales para patch
ed: for patch -e functionality
(129/129) instalando pkg-config [#####################################################################] 100%
llamada a execv fallida (Formato de ejecutable incorrecto)
error: el comando falló al ejecutarse

Similar Messages

  • [SOLVED] Trying to install Arch Linux from harddisk using /dev/sda2

    I'm trying to install Arch using my swap partition, following this wiki entry: … stallation
    What I've done:
    Downloaded ISO: archlinux-2010.05-netinstall-i686.iso
    Command: swapoff /dev/sda2
    Command: fdisk /dev/sda and changed the system type to 83 (Linux) on /dev/sda2
    Now it looks like:
    Command (m for help): p
    Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders, total 488397168 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x00017e5b
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sda1 * 1 1060289 530144+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sda2 1060290 3164804 1052257+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sda3 3164805 105579179 51207187+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sda4 105579180 488392064 191406442+ 83 Linux
    It complained about device was busy, but it still seemed to have changed the system type, so I did partprobe as it wrote.
    WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.
    The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at
    the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)
    Syncing disks.
    [root@swamp ~]# partprobe
    <no output>
    Next I did:
    [root@swamp ~]# dd if=archlinux-2010.05-netinstall-i686.iso of=/dev/sda2
    327680+0 records in
    327680+0 records out
    167772160 bytes (168 MB) copied, 4.3025 s, 39.0 MB/s
    [root@swamp ~]# mkdir /mnt/sda2
    [root@swamp ~]# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2
    mount: warning: /mnt/sda2 seems to be mounted read-only.
    [root@swamp ~]# ls -al /mnt/sda2
    total 150466
    dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root 240 May 16 15:54 .
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Nov 5 01:40 ..
    dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root 556 May 16 15:52 boot
    -r--r--r-- 1 root root 448 May 16 15:54 isomounts
    -r--r--r-- 1 root root 8192 May 16 15:54 overlay.sqfs
    -r--r--r-- 1 root root 154058752 May 16 15:54 root-image.sqfs
    And unmounted it again.
    The wiki page says to type: fsck -f /dev/sda2fsck, but I get no such file while trying to open sda2fsck.
    [root@swamp ~]# fsck -f /dev/sda2fsck
    fsck from util-linux-ng 2.18
    e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
    fsck.ext2: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sda2fsck
    The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
    filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2
    filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock
    is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>
    Can I ignore the above and continue modifying grub?
    Thanks :-)
    Last edited by valvet (2010-11-08 14:49:07)

    fsck -f /dev/sda2fsck makes no sense because /dev/sda2fsck is not a deivce. If the wiki says that, then it is wrong. It's only doing a fsck anyway so probably not really needed. If you are just formatting th swap partition then use, mkfs.ext{234}.
    from the wiki
    # fsck -f /dev/sda2fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)
    e2fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)
    Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
    Pass 2: Checking directory structure
    Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
    Pass 3A: Optimizing directories
    Pass 4: Checking reference counts
    Pass 5: Checking group summary information
    /dev/sda2: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
    /dev/sda2: 243/78936 files (8.2% non-contiguous), 310519/314880 blocks
    The first like should just be
    # fsck -f /dev/sda2
    Last edited by sand_man (2010-11-05 06:46:01)

  • Problem when Installing from Existing Linux with Arch's Image

    I'm just getting started with Arch Linux. I made a 20GB unallocated space between my Win7 and Ubuntu partitions, created a new ext4 partition and I'm currently following this guide ("another method" section) in order to install my first attempt of Arch Linux.
    I'm on a 64-bit Ubuntu and want to install a 64-bit Arch Linux too, so I'm using the image archlinux-2011.08.19-core-x86_64.iso and in the process of following the instructions in the mentioned guide, I replaced i686 by x86_64.
    The problem comes up when I try to do the chrooting, where I get:
    chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory
    Any idea what could I be doing wrong?

    Ok, I had just messed up when mounting the different directories. Sorry for the noise...
    Anyway, found more errors when running:
    aif -p interactive
    about not finding /lib/modules/3.0.0-13-generic/modules.dep... what makes me think that this guide is intended to be followed when running also an Arch as the Existing Linux.
    I think I'll just go with the flash drive option...

  • [SOLVED] Installing Windows XP after Arch Linux

    I'm not sure at all where to post this, so I've decided to do it here since I have the problem on a laptop... Please move if it should be somewhere else.
    I installed Arch Linux on my new laptop a month ago or so, and am very pleased to have found the very kind of distro I've been looking for. However, I'm having trouble with my graphics (either wine doesn't support it, or the drivers don't have 2D/3D acceleration), and now I want to install Windows XP next to Arch Linux.
    Using a GParted LiveCD, I've repartitioned the harddrive as such: Unpartitioned Space (27GB), Linux (197GB), SWAP (5GB).
    I've also removed the bootable flag from the Linux partition, just to be sure. However, when I try to install Windows XP, it gets stuck after unpacking a bunch of drivers, giving me a bluescreen that tells me to make sure the hardware isn't broken, check my harddrive with CHKDSK /F, or look for viruses. Ofcourse I know none of these are true, since I'm running Arch Linux just fine.
    A friend suggested that maybe my hardware isn't supported by Windows XP, which sounds like the most reasonable explanation so far, but I can't find a list of supported hardware. The M$ homepage basicly says
    "Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor or faster (300 MHz is recommended)"
    for CPU, which doesn't help me at all.
    My hardware is:
    Processor: Intel Celeron 2.2 Ghz
    Memory: 2GB DDR2
    Graphics: Intel 4500MHD
    And the laptop is called an "eMachines E525", though that doesn't say much since there are very, very many called this.
    Can anyone give me any hints as to what I might be doing wrong?
    Last edited by Noxic (2010-05-29 18:44:32)

    Sounds like something I'll want to do. Where did you download the drivers? Do I have to follow some guide? Thanks for the tip
    Indeed I will want to install AHCI drivers, otherwise Arch Linux fails to boot quite badly. There is also a problem preventing me from booting when I'm using AHCI though;
    At boot, Arch Linux checks /dev/sda1 (NTFS) for errors, and expects to check an ext2 filesystem. Obviously, however, /dev/sda1 is an NTFS filesystem.
    Since it tries to read the NTFS partition as an ext2 filesystem, it panics. Arch Linux then prompts me for the root password (or Ctrl+D to reboot), but I've disabled root login and can therefore do nothing at this point.
    I have a GParted livecd and the Arch Linux livecd, so editing files on any of the filesystem isn't a problem at all, but I don't know what to do at this point. Help?
    Last edited by Noxic (2010-05-29 12:40:33)

  • Install 2nd instance of Arch Linux without internet connection

    I have successfully install a first instance of Arch Linux using Arch Linux ISO + pacstrap + pacman with internet connection.
    I have updated to latest package database list (/var/lib/pacman/sync) and package cache files (/var/cache/pacman/pkg) in first instance of Arch Linux with "pacman -Swyu".
    Next, I would like to install 2nd instance of Arch Linux without using internet connection.
    I share the "/var/lib/pacman/sync" and "/var/cache/pacman/pkg" via NFS from first Arch Linux instance.
    I boot the 2nd instance with Arch Linux ISO and attempt to install without internet connection.  I mount the two NFS shares from 1st instance to "/var/cache/pacman/pkg" and "/mnt/var/lib/pacman/sync" respectively.  I execute
       # pacstrap -i -c /mnt"
    to start installation.
    I found it is almost impossible with current implementation of pacstrap script.  The pacstrap script always attempt to update package database list with -Sy option.
    I think some amendments on pacstrap script is needed to install Arch Linux without internet connection.

    I made the edit by adding the option -o to do what you want.
    I am too lazy for a feature request right now...
    # Assumptions:
    # 1) User has partitioned, formatted, and mounted partitions on /mnt
    # 2) Network is functional
    # 3) Arguments passed to the script are valid pacman targets
    # 4) A valid mirror appears in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    shopt -s extglob
    out() { printf "$1 $2\n" "${@:3}"; }
    error() { out "==> ERROR:" "$@"; } >&2
    msg() { out "==>" "$@"; }
    msg2() { out " ->" "$@";}
    die() { error "$@"; exit 1; }
    in_array() {
    local i
    for i in "${@:2}"; do
    [[ $1 = "$i" ]] && return
    track_mount() {
    mount "$@" && CHROOT_ACTIVE_MOUNTS=("$2" "${CHROOT_ACTIVE_MOUNTS[@]}")
    api_fs_mount() {
    { mountpoint -q "$1" || track_mount "$1" "$1" --bind; } &&
    track_mount proc "$1/proc" -t proc -o nosuid,noexec,nodev &&
    track_mount sys "$1/sys" -t sysfs -o nosuid,noexec,nodev &&
    track_mount udev "$1/dev" -t devtmpfs -o mode=0755,nosuid &&
    track_mount devpts "$1/dev/pts" -t devpts -o mode=0620,gid=5,nosuid,noexec &&
    track_mount shm "$1/dev/shm" -t tmpfs -o mode=1777,nosuid,nodev &&
    track_mount run "$1/run" -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev,mode=0755 &&
    track_mount tmp "$1/tmp" -t tmpfs -o mode=1777,strictatime,nodev,nosuid
    api_fs_umount() {
    umount "${CHROOT_ACTIVE_MOUNTS[@]}"
    valid_number_of_base() {
    local base=$1 len=${#2} i=
    for (( i = 0; i < len; i++ )); do
    (( (${2:i:1} & ~(base - 1)) == 0 )) || return
    mangle() {
    local i= chr= out=
    unset {a..f} {A..F}
    for (( i = 0; i < ${#1}; i++ )); do
    case $chr in
    printf -v chr '%03o' "'$chr"
    # fallthrough
    printf '%s' "$out"
    unmangle() {
    local i= chr= out= len=$(( ${#1} - 4 ))
    unset {a..f} {A..F}
    for (( i = 0; i < len; i++ )); do
    case $chr in
    if valid_number_of_base 8 "${1:i+1:3}" ||
    valid_number_of_base 16 "${1:i+1:3}"; then
    printf -v chr '%b' "${1:i:4}"
    (( i += 3 ))
    # fallthrough
    printf '%s' "$out${1:i}"
    dm_name_for_devnode() {
    read dm_name <"/sys/class/block/${1#/dev/}/dm/name"
    if [[ $dm_name ]]; then
    printf '/dev/mapper/%s' "$dm_name"
    # don't leave the caller hanging, just print the original name
    # along with the failure.
    print '%s' "$1"
    error 'Failed to resolve device mapper name for: %s' "$1"
    fstype_is_pseudofs() {
    # list taken from util-linux source: libmount/src/utils.c
    local -A pseudofs_types=([anon_inodefs]=1
    (( pseudofs_types["$1"] ))
    usage() {
    cat <<EOF
    usage: ${0##*/} [options] root [packages...]
    -C config Use an alternate config file for pacman
    -c Use the package cache on the host, rather than the target
    -d Allow installation to a non-mountpoint directory
    -G Avoid copying the host's pacman keyring to the target
    -i Avoid auto-confirmation of package selections
    -M Avoid copying the host's mirrorlist to the target
    -o Do not update the pacman cache for offline installation
    -h Print this help message
    pacstrap installs packages to the specified new root directory. If no packages
    are given, pacstrap defaults to the "base" group.
    if [[ -z $1 || $1 = @(-h|--help) ]]; then
    exit $(( $# ? 0 : 1 ))
    (( EUID == 0 )) || die 'This script must be run with root privileges'
    while getopts ':C:cdGiMo' flag; do
    case $flag in
    die '%s: option requires an argument -- '\''%s'\' "${0##*/}" "$OPTARG"
    die '%s: invalid option -- '\''%s'\' "${0##*/}" "$OPTARG"
    shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
    (( $# )) || die "No root directory specified"
    newroot=$1; shift
    if (( ! hostcache )); then
    if (( ! interactive )); then
    if (( ! offline )); then
    if [[ $pacman_config ]]; then
    [[ -d $newroot ]] || die "%s is not a directory" "$newroot"
    if ! mountpoint -q "$newroot" && (( ! directory )); then
    die '%s is not a mountpoint!' "$newroot"
    # create obligatory directories
    msg 'Creating install root at %s' "$newroot"
    mkdir -m 0755 -p "$newroot"/var/{cache/pacman/pkg,lib/pacman,log} "$newroot"/{dev,run,etc}
    mkdir -m 1777 -p "$newroot"/tmp
    mkdir -m 0555 -p "$newroot"/{sys,proc}
    # always call umount on quit after this point
    trap 'api_fs_umount "$newroot" 2>/dev/null' EXIT
    # mount API filesystems
    api_fs_mount "$newroot" || die "failed to setup API filesystems in new root"
    msg 'Installing packages to %s' "$newroot"
    if ! pacman -r "$newroot" -S "${pacman_args[@]}"; then
    die 'Failed to install packages to new root'
    if (( copykeyring )); then
    # if there's a keyring on the host, copy it into the new root, unless it exists already
    if [[ -d /etc/pacman.d/gnupg && ! -d $newroot/etc/pacman.d/gnupg ]]; then
    cp -a /etc/pacman.d/gnupg "$newroot/etc/pacman.d/"
    if (( copymirrorlist )); then
    # install the host's mirrorlist onto the new root
    cp -a /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist "$newroot/etc/pacman.d/"
    # vim: et ts=2 sw=2 ft=sh:

  • Booting Arch Linux from usb flash [SOLVED]

    I have instaled Arch Linux on usb flash (filesystem is ext2) I have regenerated initrd (mkinitcpio -p) with usb hook (HOOKS="base udev usb ide scsi sata filesystems"), but Arch Linux stop booting with error:  unable mount dev/disk/by-uuid/my-uuid After  pressing Control-D  in recovery shell  Caps Lock and Scroll Lock leds blink on my keyboard
    I have tried booting  from label (dev/disk/by-label/my-label) I have got same error
    Please help me
    PS Please forgive me for my English
    Last edited by vav (2011-02-13 12:42:59)

    GRUB is installed on the usb flash drive
    # Config file for GRUB - The GNU GRand Unified Bootloader
    # /boot/grub/menu.lst
    # Linux Grub
    # /dev/fd0 (fd0)
    # /dev/sda (hd0)
    # /dev/sdb2 (hd1,1)
    # /dev/sda3 (hd0,2)
    # +-------------------------------------------------+
    # | 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024
    # ----+--------------------------------------------
    # 256 | 0x301=769 0x303=771 0x305=773 0x307=775
    # 32K | 0x310=784 0x313=787 0x316=790 0x319=793
    # 64K | 0x311=785 0x314=788 0x317=791 0x31A=794
    # 16M | 0x312=786 0x315=789 0x318=792 0x31B=795
    # +-------------------------------------------------+
    # for more details and different resolutions see
    # general configuration:
    timeout 5
    default 0
    color light-blue/black light-cyan/blue
    # boot sections follow
    # each is implicitly numbered from 0 in the order of appearance below
    # TIP: If you want a 1024x768 framebuffer, add "vga=773" to your kernel line.
    # (0) Arch Linux
    title Arch Linux
    root (hd2,0)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/1e3753e6-01f4-4153-a36a-07a81c552ee0 ro
    initrd /boot/kernel26.img
    # (1) Arch Linux
    title Arch Linux Fallback
    root (hd2,0)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/1e3753e6-01f4-4153-a36a-07a81c552ee0 ro
    initrd /boot/kernel26-fallback.img
    # (2) Windows
    #title Windows
    #rootnoverify (hd0,0)
    #chainloader +1
    Last edited by vav (2011-02-13 08:06:27)

  • How to install Linux from a distro instead of booting a live cd?

    Suppose you have Arch Linux installed in sda and you want to install a new copy in sdc, can you do it from your distro instead of booting with the installation cd?
    Here's my sdc (75 GB):
    /dev/sdc1 ntfs 100 MB
    /dev/sdc2 ntfs 40 GB
    those partitions are used by Windows 7, so there's another 35 GB for Linux.
    Now here's the the problem: this latest Arch Linux install media is kinda complicated because it does not provide the AIF anymore. Also, the installation method differs a little from the old ones. Until 2011.08.19 I would partition the remaining space like this:
    /dev/sdc3 extended 35 GB
    /dev/sdc5 ext2 100 MB /boot
    /dev/sdc6 swap 1 GB swap
    /dev/sdc7 ext4 15 GB /
    /dev/sdc8 ext4 19 GB /home
    However this guide shows a different (suposedly recommended) partition table for the new method.
    1) Is it possible to install Arch Linux from an already installed distro, including GRUB2?
    2) Is it possible to use the partiton table style I provided?
    And how to do it of course.

    Check this article out … ting_Linux
    Note that it says it is out of date because of pacman.  Really all you need to know is that pacman uses signed packages now, so it is now necessary to run the pacman-key stuff.  Or set SigLevel = Never in pacman.conf
    Edit: IMHO the first method is preferred because it more closely resembles a regular install.  Ergo, you will be able to semi follow the beginners guide for config and such.
    Last edited by WonderWoofy (2012-08-17 03:42:12)

  • Arch: Install to & run from External USB Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

    I wanted to play with ArchLinux 2009.02, but replacing the existing Debian-Lenny on the laptop's HDD wasn't an option. So I experimented with installing Arch on an external USB Hard Disk Drive.
    I have tried to make this "newbie-friendly", so I hope the more experienced will forgive the detail.
    Three year old Dell Inspiron 6000
         CPU = 2.0 GHz Pentium
         RAM = 2.0 GB
         Internal HDD = 80 GB
         Internal CD/DVD R/RW
    External USB HDD = Freecom FHD-2 Pro 80 GB
    Archlinux 2009.02 install CD
    Steps to install:
    1. I put the Archlinux install CD in the drive and connected the external 80 GB HDD in the USB port.
    2. When the Dell laptop was booted, I pressed F2 to enter the BIOS setup. I edited the boot sequence to the following:
         Internal CD/DVD
         External USB device
         Internal HDD
    On the Dell, you can also press F12 to select the preferred boot device for that boot.
    3. I started the laptop and the Archlinux installation menu came up and I proceeded with installation following the "Official Arch Linux Install Guide" and the "Beginners Guide".
    4. Used km to change to UK keyboard layout and then began the installer script (/arch/setup). I was installing from the core CD so I skipped the network steps.
    5. HDD preparation.
    This was fairly straightforward with two cautions:
         (a) Make very sure that the external HDD (sdb) is selected for the operations.
         (b) Remember to set the Bootable Flag for the first (/) partition on the HDD.
    I chose 20 GB for /, 2 GB for swap and the remainder for /home.
    6. The package selection and installation was fairly straightforward.
    7. Configuration of System
    This was section was straightforward with one warning:
         USB had to be added to the HOOKS in the /etc/mkinitcpio.conf file!
    I found this to be essential for my external USB HDD to function as a bootable device. Otherwise I got the same sorts of errors relating to unrecognisable file system types that other people have reported in the forum.
    The relevant line from the end of the edited /etc/mkinitcpio.conf file is below:
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect pata scsi sata usb filesystems"
    8. Installation of GRUB was the other point where caution and/or correction was necessary.
    When it asked where GRUB should be installed, I had to select sdb (my external USB HDD) and not any of the particular partitions on sdb. If the root partition sdb1 was selected then the laptop won't boot from the external USB HDD.
    The GRUB /boot/grub/menu.lst as written by the installation routine specifies hd(1,0) which doesn't work when you try to reboot from the external USB HDD. When you boot Arch from the external USB HDD, as far as Arch is concerned - at that point in time - the external USB HDD is the first drive in the system. To fix this:
         (a) When the Arch boot menu comes up, press e to edit the grub entries.
         (b) Change the first line to hd(0,0)
         (c) To the end of the kernel line add rootdelay=8
         (d) Press b to boot the system with these temporary corrections.
         (e) Once your Arch system has booted, edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst to make the above changes permanent.
    The relevant portion of my /boot/grub/menu.lst looks like the following:
    # (0) Arch Linux
    title  Arch Linux
    root   (hd0,0)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/... ro rootdelay=8
    initrd /boot/kernel26.img
    # (1) Arch Linux
    title  Arch Linux Fallback
    root   (hd0,0)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/... ro rootdelay=8
    initrd /boot/kernel26-fallback.img
    9. The laptop happily and consistently boots Arch Linux from the external USB HDD when it's plugged in before startup/booting.
    Running Arch from the external USB HDD seems as quick as running Debian from the internal HDD.
    So if there is a performance penalty associated with using an external USB HDD, my wife and I haven't noticed.
    In summary, the three essential points to address during installation to an external USB HDD are:
         Remember to set the bootable flag for the first partition.
         Add USB to the HOOKS for /etc/mkinitcpio.conf file.
         Correct the /etc/grub/menu.lst file.
    I hope this is helpful.

    Hi Rookie,
    As you say, it is worth remembering the rootfstype= option for the kernel line just in case someone still has problems with GRUB after making all the other changes.
    I was working with the most recent Arch 2009.2 release.
    I only got messages about unrecognisable file system type when I tried booting with the "stock" or "as-installed" GRUB (before I edited /boot/grub/menu.lst). After editing /boot/grub/menu.lst to identify the drive correctly and add rootdelay, GRUB was able to do the rest and everything worked OK without any error messages.
    Best wishes,

  • Installing linux from windows

    Is there any project like wubi that install linux from windows directly in a partition?

    hack.augusto wrote:
    yeah, 15 minutes to download the core, it takes about 2.5 hours to download all the other stuff (read other stuff as kde )
    thanks for the suggestion of ubuntu, but arch is so better (i tryed ubuntu before, and actually i have some trouble with ubuntu and my laptop).
    maybe i could install linux in a virtual machine and then copy it to the partition (i just don't want get locked at the command line again, i don't care if it takes more effort to install)
    You have one option here - don't use KDE but something lightweight, which doesn't pull 100s of MBs od dependencies, like *box, tiling manager...
    And that stuff with the command line - I see it as a necessary purgatory after using win-do$

  • How to install Oracle 11g on linux from VNC

    I need to install oracle 11g from VNC viewer. The VNC is stalled on linux. I managed login. Now I have a screen that has some icons on the top like, Connection Options, "i", refresh, CTRl, ...
    under that I have
    Accept clipboard from viewers
    Send clipboard to viewers
    Send primary selection to viewers
    From the Connection Options window, I checked Hextile for Use encoding and Let remote server deal with mouse cursor.
    What is next? How do I connect to the server. (When I login I used hostname:1)
    BTW, when I click on "Start TightVNC service" from Start button, I got "Failed to start TightVNC service for the following reason: Access is denied(error code 5).
    The VNC on the linux server is running.
    Edited by: 907485 on Mar 21, 2012 7:21 AM

    907485 wrote:
    I need to install oracle 11g from VNC viewer. The VNC is stalled on linux. I managed login. Now I have a screen that has some icons on the top like, Connection Options, "i", refresh, CTRl, ...
    under that I have
    Accept clipboard from viewers
    Send clipboard to viewers
    Send primary selection to viewers
    From the Connection Options window, I checked Hextile for Use encoding and Let remote server deal with mouse cursor.
    What is next? How do I connect to the server. (When I login I used hostname:1)
    Thankyou.we only know what you post.
    where does linux reside?
    where is VNC installed?

  • Access oracle server installed on linux from client on winxp

    I am new to this forum and oracle on linux too. I am trying to install Oracle 10gr2 on fedora 8. If I installed oracle on fedora 8, can I log onto oracle from windows xp so that i can practice sql, if so how can I do that
    please help me.

    Please download the Oracle Database 10g Client for Windows at
    Then please install the client and configure it, after that, you can use sqlplus to connect the DB on Linux. See for details.
    Also, you can use ssh or telnet to connect to the linux from windows, and run the sqlplus command on the linux server directly.

  • Is it possible to install Oracle linux from usb?

    Hi Guys,
    Is it possible to install Oracle linux from usb? If yes, may I know the exact procedures to do so.
    I am using linux ubuntu and I tried to make a bootable usb with the dvd iso of oracle linux 6 using Unetbootin software. The installation started well.
    but after formatting the harddisk, I got an error as shown below
    Missing ISO 9660 image
    The installer has tried to mount image #1, but cannot find it on the hard drive.
    I think ISO 9660 image is something connected with the CD image or something. But not sure...
    Can anyone help me out with this situation.... Thank you..
    Edited by: 839414 on Feb 24, 2011 12:47 AM

    I know this is an old post but has anyone resolved this issue? I am trying to install OEL 6U4 via usb with no luck. Keep getting Missing ISO 9660 Image. I have tried all the tools under the sun to write it to USB, also tried copying the iso to the Boot disk.. as stated above... no luck ....
    I have checked the installation files using md5 and they are fine... just in case downloaded it again as well as 6U3 and 6U0.
    I have installed almost every version of linux there is... but OEL is definitely the most difficult and after 3 days, I am ready to give up. Any idea?
    BTW. I am using utilities on windows 8 to write the iso to USB.

  • Migrating from Arch to Dual Boot (Arch 64 + Win8.1 64).

    Hello my friends.
    I used to have a dual boot system (MBR, if I'm not mistaken), with Arch Linux on hda (1TB) and Windows 7 on hdb (300GB). I did this installation more than 3 years ago.
    The disk with windows died recently, and because I need it for work (virtual machine is not an option), I decided to make a "refresh" on my machine.
    I bought two new disks, a 240GB SSD and a 3TB HDD.
    What I would like to do is to install both Windows 8.1 and Arch Linux on the SSD disk (100GB for Windows, 140GB for Arch, my main system), and use the 3TB (for Arch) and the 1TB (for Windows) disks as storage.
    While doing a research on how to do the installation, some questions arised.
    I know that I must (or at least should, for make the processe easier) install Windows first. I will install in the EFI mode, as my machine alread has it.
    1. Which boot loader I should use when installing Arch Linux?
    From what I'd read, to keep things simple, I should opt for a bootloader like gummyboat, that will recognise the Windows without manual intervantion. Is this right?
    2. Will I have problems with the Windows Update?
    I read here that when Windows update, it mess with the EFI partition and will make the Arch stop booting (the boot will enter directly on Windows). Is this correct? Is this related only to "automatic" updates (and manual updates can be made without problem)? There is any way to avoid this?
    3. After installing both systems, will Arch Linux recognize my 1TB disk?
    My 1TB disk has my actual Arch linux installation, and data. I would like to copy this data to the 3TB disk and then, under Windows, format it to serve as my Windows storage disk.
    I can do this BEFORE installing the system, or after. But the second option causes me some concerning regarding the rights and so on, so that I do not know if my "new" system" will be able to copy things from the old system.
    Should I make the copy before installing Arch Linux?
    I think this is it.
    If you could helping me with these questions and pointing problems/flaws with my approach, I'll be immensely gratefull.

    Hello elken
    While I could maintain the system under BIOS/MBR, and I don't had any problem with this in the last 2 years, I want to change my system to EFI/GPT.
    I found that Windows under EFI must be under GPT (As pre-installed Windows 8.1), while under BIOS it must be under MBR. So, as my system is (will be) a DUAL one, and It is not a MAC system (that would allow to the EFI/GPT loader to chain a BIOS/MBR, I have to choose between EFI/GPT or BIOS/MBR.
    Because my system can be setup under EFI/GPT, and because sooner or later BIOS/MBR will start to disappear, I want to change it now. This will mke it easier in the future to upgrade my system, I think.
    Not to mention that GPT has some nice advantages over MBR. For example, GPT can handle my 3TB disk without problems, while MBR not. (At least, fdisk wasn't able to deal with it).
    So, you could say that despite BIOS/MBR being fully funcional right now, it's a matter of personal taste (and learning) to me, this desire to completely change my system to EFI/GPT
    For now, I decided to mantain the LINUX and WINDOWS separated (as they are now), i.e., on separate disks. This should solve the problem of windows messing with the boot loader when upgrading (point 2).
    About the bootloader, I think I'll change to gummybot, to test it. I think I could still use grub 2 (I'm not entirely sure), but Gummybot seems simple and fair enough.
    As an aside, I think I will try to migrate my system to the new HDF using rsync and making the necessary adjustments (like in fstab).
    It seems not to difficult, and there are many documents out there on how to do this.
    When I finish, I'll post here how I did and what worked and what not

  • Booting Arch-ISO from USB-Stick in UEFI mode fails

    Hi there,
    I'm running an Asrock H77M-ITX UEFI mobo. On this system I've already installed Arch on a Samsung 830 SSD (GPT formatted) - but in BIOS legacy mode because I've written the Arch-ISO image with "dd" to an USB-Stick (and UEFI boot mode wasn't even presented at boot).
    Out of curiosity I've re-formatted the stick and copied Arch-ISO following … B_from_ISO.
    Now I could start the ISO in UEFI mode, but it failed to start gummiboot with the "No loader found. Configuration files in \loader\entries\*.conf are needed." error message, concerning a problem with gummiboot.
    Following some advice on the forum, I did this:
    - install refind-efi 0.4.7-2
    - copy /usr/lib/refind/refindx64.efi to [USB]/EFI/boot and renaming it to bootx64.efi (i.e. replacing the original bootx64.efi from gummiboot)
    - Create a new file in the same directory ([USB]/EFI/boot/) called refind.conf
    - Add this to it:
    scanfor manual
    menuentry Arch {
    loader /arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz
    initrd /arch/boot/x86_64/archiso.img
    options "gpt loglevel=7 add_efi_memmap none=UEFI_ARCH_x86_64"
    With this I can launch Arch-ISO from the USB-Stick in UEFI mode and I can choose Arch from rEFIND. Then Arch-ISO starts booting but it always stops at the same point with this message:
    sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page present
    sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
    sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk
    ERROR: '/dev/disk/by-label/' device did not show up after 30 seconds ...
    Falling back to interactive prompt
    You can try to fix the problem manually, log out when you are finished
    sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
    [rootfs /]#
    sdb is the USB-Stick from which I start Arch-ISO. Again - I didn't use dd to write the ISO to the stick.
    Maybe this is pretty easy to solve, but I have to admit that I'm somewhat stuck
    Last edited by swordfish (2012-11-19 21:31:43)

    WonderWoofy wrote:See what the difference is between archiso and archboot maybe?  Seriously, have you made any effort whatsoever?
    Of course. Read:
    The "Main Page" ( ) states:
    "You've reached the website for Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple."
    "Keep It Simple". Yeah!
    In line with that, the "The Arch Way" page ( ) states:
    "The following five core principles comprise what is commonly referred to as the Arch Way, or the Arch Philosophy, perhaps best summarized by the acronym KISS for Keep It Simple, Stupid."
    The ArchWiki ( ) links to several other pages, such as these:
    The "Forum Etiquette" page ( ) states under "Ineffective Discussion":
    "Arch is a Do It Yourself community" and "treat others as you would be treated; respect them and their views". I am very much a "do it yourself" person -- that's why I like The Arch Way. I also go by the Golden Rule stated here.
    Now, everyone is a newbie at some time. I and other posters here are obviously newbies with respect to ArchLinux. Even experts were newbies at one time. Newbies, by definition, do not necessarily know what they're doing, or where to find information. Hence, Arch's "Beginners' Guide" and such. Hence, posts on this board from newbies asking for help.
    As regards initial installation of ArchLinux, and consistent with the above, the FAQ ( ), under "Q) Arch needs an installer. Maybe a GUI installer", states:
    "A) Since installation doesn't occur often (read the rest of this article to know more about what rolling release means), it is not a high priority for developers or users. The Installation Guide and Beginners' Guide have been fully updated to use the command-line method. If you're still interested in using an installer, consider using Archboot."
    So the basic installation instructions explicitly state that Archboot is not needed.
    The "Installation Guide" ( ) says nothing about either Archboot or Archiso.
    The "Beginners Guide" ( ) says nothing about either Archboot or Archiso.
    The "Archboot" page ( ) is consistent with the above information, because it states:
    "Archboot is a set of scripts to generate bootable media for CD/USB/PXE.
    It is designed for installation or rescue operation."
    The "Archiso" page ( ) states:
    "Archiso is a small set of bash scripts that is capable of building fully functional Arch Linux based live CD and USB images. It is a very generic tool, so it could potentially be used to generate anything from rescue systems, install disks, to special interest live CD/DVD/USB systems, and who knows what else."
    So the pages describing both Archboot and Archiso clearly state that these tools are oriented towards already-existing installations -- even though it seems that they might be used, in certain circumstances, for initial installations.
    I happen to be very new at playing around with installing Linux distros (although I've used Unix/Linux as a regular user for more than 30 years), and am brand new with respect to ArchLinux. I only began playing with it this past Saturday. So I would expect a bit of useful help as opposed to "RTFM!" I will soon get past the need to RTFM for basic tasks, but I have a way to go.
    The fact is that for me and a number of other new ArchLinux users, the installation guides simply do not work. C.f. my post . I've done a lot of googling as well as searching the archives on this board, and others have come up against the same show-stopping installation problems that I have. I and others have posted to several recent threads on this board, trying to get past the problems, so far with no success.
    Now, the.ridikulus.rat had written:
    "You guys are using Archboot's kernel options for Archiso. Thats the issue in both the cases."
    Given that neither of these sets of scripts were used by me or swordfish, this comment is not useful.
    Given the above, can you or anyone else tell us what Archiso or Archboot might do to help us with our installation problems? Also, can you tell us how we, as newbies, ought to have found out how these might help?

  • How to copy from in linux??

    i've just installed linux. trying to install packages … .db.tar.gz
    so that i can install xkfe offline as no internet connection at the mo. i have the packages on cd. put it into the linux desktop.
    now just stumped onto how to copy from the cdrom drive to the destinations. im not sure where exactly to find the cdrom in the first place.
    so if someone can help me with the phrase to put in to do the copy so that i can then run pacman and install these and an environment.

    Your cd drive might be /dev/sr0 or /dev/sr1 or /dev/cdrom or something, you would make a folder in /mnt or /media with mkdir and mount it there via mount /dev/whatever /mnt/whatever. You just cd /mnt/whatever and then use cp on files to move them over wherever you want. "cd" = change directory.
    I don't mean to be rude, but there aren't many people who can (or should try to) pull off using Arch as their first linux distribution. It is intended for people who are already well aware of what they are doing. Perhaps you should start with Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse, Mandriva, or something of the sort. Ubuntu being the most popular choice, for whatever that means..
    That said, there are many on the forums who started here first and are doing fine, so "shrug". It's really about attitude, willingness to work for it (looking thoroughly for your answers before asking, especially), and willingness to learn really. Just a word of advice..
    On that note, mounting cd's I'm sure is written all over google, and these forums tend to either ignore or bitch at people who haven't already looked for their question thoroughly on such, with good reason.
    Also, please see the forum etiquette here. It's not okay to bump your posts so quickly. There is an edit button there for a reason.
    Also, why did you link to those 3 database files? db.tar.gz files do not contain actual packages, just information about them.. you would need to download a bunch of xfce packages.. db.tar.gz files wont help you. I don't see how they relate to the rest of your post, either..
    Good luck..
    Last edited by FrozenFox (2009-06-20 17:55:15)

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