Installing FCE without Livetype

Is it possible to install and run FCE without installing Livetype? I just want to use FCE for editing then exporting to iDVD

When you use the installation DVD and get to the install window you simply deselect LiveType.

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    Should be.
    Select Custom during the etup procedure and uncheck LT.

  • Trying to install FCE HD 3.5 and it fails on LiveType

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    I had the same problem and called Apple support, which is free for 90 days after you activate it (the copde for the support is on the FCE disc cover or the box. Anyways it turned out to be a bad disc and they overnighted me a new one which installed perfectly first time.
    If you hear a grinding noise coming from your superdrive prior to failure and/or your drive pulses on and off chances are good that the disc is bad. To test if the disc was bad Apple had me remove LiveType disc one and close out of the install program insert LiveType disc 2 and install disc 2 by itself. When disc 2 loaded fine it confirmed that disc 1 was bad.
    It sounds like their was a bad run of disc 1,

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    hello folks ,
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    thanks eric

    hello tom,
    so that means first 3.5 and upgrade to 3.5.1 as leopard needs 3.5.1 and
    afterwards the full fce 4( i will not buy the upgrade version) ,without the livetype and soundtrack?
    but will i not have a problem with the registration numbers or a mix up?

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    I bought this product from Apple Store in November 2007.  I have the product ID, the original packaging, etc.  I had it installed once on my MacbookPro when I was running Tiger, and then Leopard.  But the machine crashed last month and I had to send it to Apple for repairs.  They loaded the new Lion OS for me at that time, and wiped everything else off the machine, as I had requested.  Now, however, when I try to load FCE-HD 3.5, it won't let me do it!
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    This is something you probably don't want to hear ... but in a few words ... don't even try putting FCE 3.5 on Lion.  You will only be frustrated in the process and will in all likelihood end up with an app that doesn't function properly.  
    FCE was discontinued last June and is not supported on Lion.   The final version of FCE was 4.0.x and even that won't load on a Lion machine.  In addition, FCE 3.5 is old enough that I wouldn't even recommend trying to run it on Show Leopard. 
    Admittedly FCE 3.5 is a universal app, but its installer is a PPC app and that's why it won't install on Lion.  You may find some users reporting that they are running FCE 4 on Lion, but they are a relatively few lucky ones who got it running either because they originally had it on their Mac before they upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion; or they went through a tortuous install process to circumvent the installer.  Even then, experience has not been uniformly smooth.

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    Hi people,
    After buying a new iMac (OS X 10.6.7) i asked the apple store to put applications from my previous iMac to this new 1. Including FCE 3.5 and the update to FCE 4.
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    I have tried the sollution given here but that only mend software update i think.
    Does anyone know what might be the problem or where i can find the installed FCE apllication?
    Thanks for taking the effort to answer.

    I am using the original discs indeed:
    Final Cut Express HD (Version 3.5)
    Apple Loops for Soundtrack
    LiveType Media 1
    LiveType Media 2
    Installing them takes quite a while (approx 50 mts) and only the first time I tried to re-install i was asked for the Serial number. After removing everything and trying to re-re-install I'n not asked to give the serial number again. That made me wonder, is it still on my iMac? But i don't get a message that the program already exists so that makes me think it is gone completely indeed.
    Can you still follow what i am trying to say? I appreciate you trying to help me and I want to give you as much information as i possibly can.

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    The first panel of Disk Utility. Do you have any other software like audio software that talks to the system? If it's not that you should call Apple. There may have been a problem with the installer.

  • Cannot install FCE on G4

    dear readers
    recently I own an Apple G4 , 800 MHz processor , 1.5 GB SDRAM , ATI Radeon 7500 ( 32 MB )
    I have been trying to install FCE 3.5 but it seems to be impossible . when I reach the install menu I can install soundtrack and livetype , but when it comes to FCE , it skips installation .
    who can help me ? to me it seems my G4 has the right specs .
    best regards

    bonjour too !
    there is no previous installation of FCE on the G4 ,it used to work with Avid . I have installed the program on my Macbook once before .
    what I mean with 'skips'installation is that when I ( try to ) install the program ,on the installation screen it shows live type and soundtrack with the amount of MB's , and installing them is no problem . it also shows final cut express , but behind it the word 'skip' ( 'sla over' in Dutch ) is written , and it won't install ...
    hope you understand me now.
    and thank you for the reply !

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    The computer (and driver) have to handshake with the printer, QED it has to be either online or physically connected and if it is physically connected it wont work on the network so yes it does.
    Wanikiya and Dyami--Team Zigzag

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    I need your advice and help!
    Today I finally added more RAM to my iMac and proceeded to upgrade to OSX. I bought v10.4.3 Tiger at a retail location. Nothing happens after I inserted the installation DVD. Then I realised that I probably do not have a DVD drive! (I did look at the system requirement page and saw a slot loading iMac there ...)
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    First, have you installed the firmware update required for your model? You must boot directly into OS 9.1 or higher (but not OS X) to install the firmware update.
    Secondly, your hard drive must be formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for Tiger.
    If you open your Apple System Profiler it should tell you if you have a DVD drive. It was an option on your model, especially if you have the DV model.
    If you don't have a DVD drive, then there are ways to install Tiger without one. One way is to exchange the DVD for a CD set from Apple. Visit the Apple OS X site to find the form needed for the exchange.
    The following KB articles present alternatives for installing Tiger without a DVD:
    You can also use an external Firewire DVD drive provided it is a bootable drive.

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    Thanks in advanced!

    Hi Emma_Rose,
    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
    Please use the below link to download CS6 Design & Web Premium.

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    You can find the CS4 download here:

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    My Powerbook had some problems recently, the HDD and the Superdrive where gone. I replaced the HD but can not get Tiger installed here because the DVD drive isn't working. I boot right now from a FW HD. Any Ideas how to install the OS on the internal drive?
    Any ideas would be apreciated.

    See Option 2 in
    <> or Option 1 in
    It has worked for at least one person:
    "Kenichi Watanabe
    Posts: 853
    Registered: 2-Sep-2003
    Re: Using DVD drive in iMac G4 for iMac G3 in Target Disk Mode-->won't read DVD
    Posted: 26-Oct-2006 4:37 PM in response to: AJ Nealey
    Reply Email
    I just tried it between a Power Mac G5 and a PowerBook G3 (Pismo) and it worked. The G5 was Mac in Firewire Target Disk Mode. I started the G5 with the T with no DVD in the drive. I started up the G3, and the G5's hard drive appeared on the G3's desktop. I pushed the eject key (on the G5 keyboard) and the SuperDrive opened. I put in a DVD (the Tiger installation disk) and closed the SuperDrive. The DVD appeared on the G3's desktop. I restarted the G3 with the Option key held down, and the DVD in the G5 appeared as a valid startup choice."

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