Installing iLive without some components

I'm using a ibookG4 without a DVD Drive, so can I deselect to install the iDVD?

Just for a little more reassurance, I have iLife on my iBookG4, deleted the iDVD app without any glitches after the iLife installation. That was years ago... no problem.

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    There are a few things that cause After Effects to report that QuickTime is not installed.
    One  is the obvious one: If  QuickTime 7.x is not installed, After Effects will report that QuickTime  is not installed.
    The next most common reason is  quite different: The TCP communication with the QuickTime server is  blocked, so After Effects thinks that QuickTime isn't there at all. The  fix for this to remove the blockage in communication. Sometimes the  blockage is because of an aggressive firewall program, which sees the  TCP communication and stops it. If this is the case, then you can either  turn the firewall software off or specifically allow the QT32 Server  component to communicate; instructions for letting a specific process  communicate are different for each firewall program, so you'll have to  look in the documentation for your security software for information  about doing that. Here's a document with some more information about  this general issue, though it refers to a more serious failure when the  blockage happens at a different step in the After Effects startup  process:
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    Hi vwvr6r,
    As kglad said the logs do not show any errors.
    For troubleshooting using log files you can refer :
    Also refer this Adobe document that lists installation troubleshooting steps, including the "Shared Technologies" error:

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    Try restarting your computer, then try again. Awhile back, some of the apps which I think included photoshop require the microsoft runtime to be updated. That runtime requires a restart to finish installing. But since it is a piggyback program, the error code telling you do so is hidden in the log file.
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    <PRE>Exit Code: 6
    Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR:
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s)
    ----------- Payload: Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package (x86) 11.0.61030.0 {873BE68F-480F-49A6-9649-F98CAB056AFC} -----------
    ERROR: Third party payload installer vcredist_x86.exe failed with exit code: -2147024546
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    Errors "Exit Code: 6," "Exit Code: 7"

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    You can find the CS4 download here:

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    See Option 2 in
    <> or Option 1 in
    It has worked for at least one person:
    "Kenichi Watanabe
    Posts: 853
    Registered: 2-Sep-2003
    Re: Using DVD drive in iMac G4 for iMac G3 in Target Disk Mode-->won't read DVD
    Posted: 26-Oct-2006 4:37 PM in response to: AJ Nealey
    Reply Email
    I just tried it between a Power Mac G5 and a PowerBook G3 (Pismo) and it worked. The G5 was Mac in Firewire Target Disk Mode. I started the G5 with the T with no DVD in the drive. I started up the G3, and the G5's hard drive appeared on the G3's desktop. I pushed the eject key (on the G5 keyboard) and the SuperDrive opened. I put in a DVD (the Tiger installation disk) and closed the SuperDrive. The DVD appeared on the G3's desktop. I restarted the G3 with the Option key held down, and the DVD in the G5 appeared as a valid startup choice."

  • Recently when clicking on Safari, it refused to open saying there were some components damaged. It was suggested I backup, remove OSX and reinstall. Now all I get is white screen and apple logo when starting. What to do?l

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    Hi nancy mfromamity harbor,
    Welcome to the Support Communities! It sounds like reinstalling the Snow Leopard operating system is your next step.  This should not affect the documents and data that you currently have on your iMac. I'll include the information to show you how below.
    Mac OS X 10.6: Reinstalling Mac OS X
    Under some circumstances, you may need to reinstall Mac OS X. You can reinstall Mac OS X while keeping your files and user settings intact.
    Note:To reinstall Mac OS X from another computer on your network, see:
    Using another computer’s DVD or CD drive 
    To reinstall Mac OS X:
    Insert the Mac OS X installation disc and double-click the Install Mac OS X icon.
    Follow the onscreen instructions. In the pane where you select a disk, select your current Mac OS X disk (in most cases, it will be the only one available).
    If you want to control which parts of Mac OS X are installed, click Customize, and then select the parts you want to install.
    To start the installation, click Install.
    If you purchased a standalone version of Mac OS X, these installation instructions are in a PDF file located on the Mac OS X installation disc.
    If you need to reinstall the version of Mac OS X that was on your computer when you purchased it, or if you need to restore all the software on your computer (including Apple software, third-party applications, and other printer drivers), refer to the documentation that came with your computer.
    If you need to reinstall Mac OS X and you’ve been using Time Machine to back up your applications, files, and user settings, you can easily restore this information from your Time Machine backup disk after you’ve reinstalled Mac OS X.
    Nancy, here is the contact information if you need technical assistance to get your iMac up and running.
    Intel-based iMac - Contact Support - Apple Support
    Good luck!
    - Judy

  • OWB Server Side Install Run Time Assistant Components

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    I have Oracle 9.2. on a Solaris/ Sun server.
    I have installed OWB on the client desktop running WinXP.
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    My question is. Do I need to use the OWB for Solaris disk and access the Sun server console to install the server side components ? I'm confused as I already have the OWB disk for Windows which is where I would like to install the client.
    So not sure where to from here.
    Get Solaris version of OWB and install on Sun Server ? Or have I missed an obvious option with the Windows install disk ?
    Any help would be appreciated ... Project is stalled at this point.

    Hi Nick,
    We have a similar configuration on my project. You will need to use the OWB for solaris disk if you intend to use OWB to deploy any object or run any mappings. OWB will need to be installed on any Sun server that you will be deploying your warehouse to (not necessarily where the OWB design repository is).
    Run the installation from the Sun server console and choose the "Install Sun Server Side option". Once installed, you will also need to run the Runtime Assistant from the server console. Select the option to install the Runtime Repository. This ensure that the Runtime Platform Service is running. Without that you'll have trouble running the Deployment Manager.
    Check out sections 2.5 and 2.6 of the Installation and Configuration guide for more details.

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    any idea?
    Last edited by luuuciano (2007-05-29 22:58:11)

    If someone wants to split koffice and is willing to keep it maintained, we can host the packages + a svn repo for the PKGBUILDs on the server where KDEmod resides...
    Splitting should be easy. Just check the output of configure, at some point it says "Checking if krita should be compiled" for example. At this point you can see every app/component that can be splitted into a single package.
    To split koffice you need to set the DO_NOT_COMPILE shell variable. For KDEmod we split every single app but keep the libs/docs/shared things in a so called base package called kdetoys-base for example. Here is an example of a base package and an inherent splitted one.
    If someone wants to do this, just contact me
    Last edited by funkyou (2007-05-29 18:28:06)

  • Install CD's and/or re-installing 'Panther' without them?

    I can't find my Install CD's and my iBook doesn't start up anymore. I get the 'loading-screen', but after that the screen just stays blue. Now I've tried everything they advise you to do in Support, nothing works though. So of course the next step would be to use my Install CD's, which I can't find anymore. I've recently purchased a SmartDisk and I've been able to save the files I don't want to loose through Target Disk Mode and a friend's iBook. He said I could borrow his Install CD's, but he's got a 14" and I think it's 'younger' than mine. This would mean it wouldn't work, right? Besides, it might even be illegal, or not? What I was wondering is whether I can still use Disk Utility via those CD's or will that fail as well?
    And if so, can I make a CD with my iBook that enables me to install Panther without my original Install CD's? And if so (these are a lot of 'ifs', I know), how can I save, for instance, the iLife that was on those original CD's, can I just copy the application to my external hard drive and then put them back afterwards?
    I've given Apple a call to ask how much it would cost to buy a new Install CD and it was €95 (about $115)! So if anyone can help, I'd be very much obliged!
    iBook 12 inch   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    If your friend's iBook is a "Late 2005" and yours is an "Early 2004", then his iBook would have come with Mac OS X 10.4. This copy of 10.4 will not install on any other kind of computer. However, you could buy a retail copy of Mac OS X 10.4. This would not get you the AppleWorks or iLife that originally came with your iBook, however. You could also buy a retail copy of iLife, but with the two purchases together, it would be cheaper to pay Apple for copies of your correct disks...
    Although I'm not sure how I can find the processor speed without my iBook working.
    If you open the keyboard, there will be a sticker inside that has some information about your iBook. It should say something like "1.2GHz G4/512/40/AP/BT". That would be a 1.2GHz G4 with 512MB of RAM (built-in), a 40GB hard drive, an AirPort card, and Bluetooth.

  • Install xcode without admin rights

    I have a work MacBook Pro which my team purchased however our IT department insisted on putting admin rights on it. I have managed to download xcode from the app store however because xcode wants to make changes it requires admin rights. Now, one of the main reasons I have been purchased the MacBook is because I need to work from home for personal reasons. The only thing IT department have suggested to me is for me to travel to work for them just to put a password in.
    Is there a way where I can install xcode without these admin rights? I first hit these admin rights when I need to agree to a license agreement.
    Any help would be much appreiciated!

    Bad news I am afraid.
    Apple properly implement UAC (User Access Control) whereby whenever something tries to install itself it does ask for an admin level authentication. Microsoft's effort in this area ***** big time even if in other areas they may be better than Apple.
    Therefore as things stand you need it to be authenticated by an admin level password.
    Now looking forwards there are two possible approaches which would make both your IT department happy and let you work.
    If your IT department sets up a system whereby they can remotely control your computer they can remotely authorise the installation. This is an absolute pig to do with Windows machines as in Windows normally the authorisation dialog kills the remote control session but thankfully it is easy with Macs. This may require having a VPN connection to the office but some remote control systems do not need this e.g. LogMeIn
    or they could set up a 'self-service' software install system like Munki. There would be a server with the installers on it including the XCode installer and your Mac would be configured to talk to this, you Mac would have the Munki Managed Software client on it and this client would manage installing the applications and would also manage the authorisation for you meaning you would not need to enter a password
    Even once you have XCode installed it is my experience that using it to develop software usually requires admin access anyway, the development company I worked at in support therefore conceded the inevitable and gave all the devs admin level accounts with the understanding that if they broke things they had to fix it themselves.

  • Leopard DVD is far away. How to install XP without the leopard dvd?

    ok. Leopard DVD is far away abroad with my sister.
    How to install Xp without the DVD? Is there anyway to get the drivers that are to be installed from the dvd after installing Xp?
    I really need to use Autocad and Rhino on my Macpro, so Parallels or VMware fusion is not an option. I am already using VMware fusion on my Macbook pro, but VMware will not use 4g RAM of my Macpro which means it would be hard to run Rhino.
    By the way, I am planning to buy Windows (I am sooooo ashamed to install that self-messed up OS on my Macpro. but so what,,, Autocad and Rhino do not run on Mac, and I need specifically the two programs). XP with sp2, sp3, or vista. which one is the best option?
    Since my Macpro has only One 2.8GHZ Quad-Core Intel Xeon, there is no need to buy XP professional? (XP home doesn't support multi-processors, and XP Pro does, I guess?)
    Message was edited by: GoodmorningNightmare

    GoodmorningNightmare wrote:
    There are some parts that I don't understand.
    VMware Fusion uses only 512 RAM maximum, doesn't it? But you said it will use my entire 4GB RAM but only 2 cores. That's something different from what I've known.
    If fusion really uses 4gm RAM of my mac pro, I don't really have to use Boot Camp. But most people who need to run heavy programs in Windows choose Boot Camp because it's the only way to use a Mac just like a PC, meaning that the XP uses the entire RAM memory.
    XP will only use 2 GB of RAM, no matter how much the system has.
    I just found out that Rhino doesn't really work on Vista. So vista is ruled out.
    Only Vista 64-bit recognizes all system RAM.

  • JFrame displays without its components or settings (please help)

    On clicking a button in an app, due to computational time required, I need to have a message popup that says 'Please Wait', which vanishes on end of needed computation. For this, I have a small working class MsgDiag that simply displays a non-modal titled JFrame showing a message string in a JLabel and an 'ok' in a JButton. This works fine when invoked directly via its own main method as a standalone, but when called from that other application(also a extended JFrame) via button click, it just brings up a blank grey untitled JFrame without the components (JLabel and JButton) or the background color! It does stay up for the required duration and vanishes on disposing its JFrame as expected but why blank w/o components or settings ?
    I also find that though the JFrame component comes up blank grey, if during the computation portion in calling application, if any info/errors are popped up via direct call to a JOptionPane().showMessageDialog(JFrame(),msgString, titleString, msgType), then along with that modal popup (from JOptionPane), the grey JFrame gets correctly drawn with components and background !
    Does this provide any hints ? Since MsgDiag works ok by itself I am puzzled.
    I also tried putting basic code from MsgDiag (creating JFrame, adding its components, setting it visible etc) into the other app directly but same grey blank frame results. Had there been a non-modal JOptionPane I could have tried using it. I use JRE 1.4.2

    Per your suggestion, I tried putting computational part in a different thread. Also tried putting the thread priority for computational thread to lowest.
    In other approach, also tried putting the GUI popup (frame2) in a separate thread with highest priority while lowest priority computational thread executed. But neither approach worked. Still shows frame2 as blank w/o background or components inside while low priority computational thread finished, when frame2 gets disposed as instructed.
    In 1st approach, also tried adding validate() following setSize() as some other posts have suggested but that did not change anything. Any other pointers ?

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    Ken Little
    RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company

    Please refer to SAP Note:  1565352 for its resolution. Its a reported bug

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