Intel iWorks open PPC AppleWorks docs?

HI All,
I'm getting ready to upgrade and migrate from an old PB/9.2.2 with AW6 to probably an Intel MBP that I would add iWorks to.
Can anyone tell me if the new configuration will open my old files?
Thanks, Ira

There is no AppleWorks compiled for MacIntels BUT every versions since AppleWorks 6.2 are able to run on MacIntels.
When I say all, it's true and false.
AppleWorks 624 contains 624 running under OSX and 623 running under Classic
AppleWorks 627 contains 627 running under OSX and 625 running under Classic
AppleWorks 629 contains 629 running under OSX and 628 running under Classic
AW624, 627 or 629 may be used on your MacIntel.
AW629 is the best one.
No problem for documents created with AW6 under MacOS9. They are correctly opened undern modern machines.
The only known oddity is that the fonts available n MacOS X are not the same than those delivered with Mac OS X, even if they are named the same.
Small differences in the fonts drawings, small differences in the way fonts are rendered may introduce some changes in the doc's appearance but nothing which we can't reset.
I'm using AW6 since it's first delivery so, I'm not writing upon theory but from my own old practice.
Oops I was forgotting some spreadsheet embedding charts which used long charts titles. AW629 is unable to open them.
If you have such sheets, open them on an old version and edit them to shorten the titles (minus 64 characters). If I remember well I was forced to same them as AW5 documents then reopen them in AW629 to be able to use them.
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 9 décembre 2007 20:39:45)

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    The iWork (no 's') applications - Keynote, Pages & Numbers - can only open AppleWorks 6 presentation, word processing & spreadsheet documents, respectively. They will not open any other type of AppleWorks 6 files or any AppleWorks 5 or any version of ClarisWorks files.
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    It doesn't seem to matter if I have Pages open or
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    Having Pages open makes no difference.
    Don't double-click the file to open it. As you've discovered this will cause Keynote to start.
    * start Pages,
    * select its File > Open menu,
    * from the Open dialog box locate an AppleWorks word processing document
    * click the Open button.
    about ready to go into my HD and trash Keynote to see
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    Installing AppleWorks 6 might be a good idea regardless. You will be able to open any AppleWorks documents (Pages only opens word processing documents).
    Yesterday, I was able to open some of my AW
    documents with Pages, I don't know what happened.
    The only thing I did this morning was to change my
    password on my machine back to what it was on my old
    G3, thinking that may have something to do with not
    being able to access the old AW docs with Pages.
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    You do need to update to Numbers 9.0.4. You can download the updater from this page. But, as always, if you're not running the latest versions of the iWork apps installed from a retail box or the downloaded trial & Software Update says your software is up to date, make sure the applications are where the installer initially put them. The updaters are very picky. If the location is not where the updater is programmed to look or if the folder doesn't have the name the updater looks for, it will not work. The applications cannot be renamed or moved. If you installed from the downloaded trial or the retail box, they must be in the iWork '09 folder in Applications. That iWork folder must be named iWork '09. If it doesn't have the '09 Software Update won't find them & the updaters won't work.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions SYGWS
    iWork (no "s") is not an application, but the name given to the package of two applications, Keynote & Pages.
    Keynote is a presentation application that can open AppleWorks 6 presentation files & PowerPoint files. I haven't use Keynote other than to view a few presentation. You probably can find a lot of information by searching the Keynote forum.
    Pages is the word processing/page layout application in iWork. Pages is able to open AppleWorks 6 word processing document as well as Word, text & RTF documents. It is not able to open any other AppleWorks documents or older Word documents (I'm not sure how far back it goes). Pages 1 (iWork '05) will not display floating spreadsheet frames in AppleWorks 6 word processing documents, Pages 2 can. Pages 2 has limited spreadsheet functions available in tables (as does Keynote 3, both in iWork '06). Pages can export as PDF, Word, plain text, RTF & HTML (HTML export is disappointing to say the least). It cannot export as AppleWorks (any version).
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    hi andre, look up this topic here. justin c, has written about it, i think.
    he recommends "rebuilding your autoload" for starters.
    if these songs crash logic, you might have to do a fresh autoload and import all the files and start from scratch. bad, i know.
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    Hi John,
    "Having transferred my documents onto the iMac, do I need to reload Appleworks, or will the iWork open these documents without Appleworks being loaded?"
    It depends on what type of AppleWorks documents you have.
    The three iWork applications, Pages, Keynote and Numbers will open AppleWorks 6 word processing, presentation and spreadsheet documents respectively.
    If you have AppleWorks drawing or paint documents you will need AppleWorks or one of the few third party applications capable of opening those types. If you have AppleWorks database documents, you will need AppleWorks; no other application can open these directly.

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    iMAC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

    Peggy and Yvan have the main queston well in hand. This is just a note on a side issue you've raised.
    If I further drag it to the Appleworks icon in that
    window, it will open immediately without my setting
    the File Format. I can't do anything to the
    properties of the text (e.g. font size), but this
    doesn't surprise me because it's a Windows 97 file
    being opened in Appleworks format.
    If you have the file open in AppleWorks, it's been converted to an AppleWorks file, and you should be able to edit it at will.
    In AppleWorks (and on the Mac in general) there's a basic grammar that applies to everything you do:
    1 Select something
    2 Perform an action
    To change the size of some text, you first have to select the text.
    (Click and drag over to select a block of text, or
    (double click on a word to select the word, or
    (triple click to select a line*, or
    (quadruple click to select a paragraph*, or
    (click in the text, then press command-A to select all the text in the document.)
    Then go to the Text menu and choose the action (specific size or bigger or smaller).
    *In some applications (including this forum open in Safari) triple-clicking will select a whole paragraph.

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    I just downloaded ox maverick and now I can't open any appleworks 6 docs

    unai40 wrote:
    Désolé! aucune idée! Réinstalle l'application et peut être que ça s'arrangera!
    AppleWorks ne peut pas fonctionner sur Mavericks, ou quelque chose de plus récent que Snow Leopard.
    AppleWorks cannot run on Mavericks, or anything later than Snow Lepoard.
    LibreOffice can open word processing documents and some Draw documents. The most recent version will open spreadsheets, with some limitations, otherwise only the older version of Numbers, not the one currently in the Mac App Store, will open them. Nothing will open database documents.

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    I am puzzled. I am trying to open an AppleWorks (6.2.9) made spreadsheet with Pages and cannot. Pages does not seem to acknowledge my AppleWorks document. When I launch Pages and try to open the desired file, it does not allow me to select the file (listed but not selectable). What is evenmore puzzling is that the same procedure worked fine with wordprocessing AppleWorks documents ! So here is my question : how do I get Pages to open an AppleWorks spreadsheet document ?
    iMac 700 PPC G3 SE   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   512 Mo, Airport.

    I can understand why this might puzzle you. Pages will open AppleWorks word processing docs, but it will not open AppleWorks spreadsheet docs. While Pages offers a few formulae to allow limited spreadsheet functionality, it doesn't have a true spreadsheet module like AppleWorks does.
    Having said that, iWork '07 will likely be released next Tuesday at MacWorld San Francisco, and it's possible it will have a true spreadsheet application bundled with it.

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    The only way to deal with this is either use the iWork '09 n.3 applications on Yosemite, or install LibreOffice, which will open these files. From the LibreOffice installer, drag and drop it into /Applications. RIght click on the LibreOffice icon, and open. In the open dialog, choose open again. Drag the LibreOffice icon to your Dock and drop. Drag/drop your AppleWorks documents on the LibreOffice Dock icon.
    LibreOffice is an MS Office replacement suite.

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    Word docs still open OK. Anyone?

    To save as a "newer" AppleWorks file (i.e. AppleWorks 6 file format), you'll need to have AppleWorks 6, which will open older file formats from version 5 and then give you the option to save the as version 6 files.
    However, your friend will not be able to open these AppleWorks files with Pages: as Peggy and others have pointed out on numerous occasions, Pages can only open AppleWorks word processing files (and even in this case, there are restrictions; as far as I can remember, it will only open documents with floating graphics. Or was it the other way round, and it cannot open files with floating graphics? If I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me, Peggy); it can't open spreadsheet files as iWork '05 doesn't have a spreadsheet program which could handle the data. I'd suggest finding someone who has AppleWorks 6 (anyone with a Mac mini, iMac or eMac), opening the files and saving them in a format which Excel can read.

  • Appleworks Docs

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    Message was edited by: Mr Tunes

    Another thing to try: click on an AW file in the Finder then Cmnd+I (Get Info) and under Open With choose, or navigate to, Pages. Then choose Change All. Now every time you double click on an AW file it should open in Pages. However, Pages can only open word processing and spreadsheet files, not Draw or Paint files.
    For more details, do a search for Open AppleWorks and you’ll find many answers to questions that may arise as you continue this project.

  • Can Pages open Microsoft 2004 docs

    I've just purchased Pages. Was using Microsoft Office 2004 and understand that the older documents are not compatible with Lion. I have not upgraded to Lion yet- will I be able to open the older docs w/Pages after I do the Lion upgrade or do I need to convert the Word files prior to the upgrade?

    The OS doesn't care what format your documents are in, it cares what format (so to speak) your applications are in. MS Office 2004 was written/compiled for the old PPC processor. Previous versions of the OS had a translation layer, called Rosetta, that allowed software written for the PPC chips to work with computers that have the new intel chips. Apple has not included the Rosetta layer in Lion. This is why MS Office 2004 will not work with Lion.
    Now Pages does care about what format your documents are in and it will read the files created with MS Office 2004. One thing to be aware of is that complex formatting in you word documents (columns, embeded graphics, charts, etc) that formatting may not look exactly the same in Pages.
    Simply put, you can upgrade to Lion and not worry about having to convert your documents before hand. Pages will open this documents after the OS upgrade.
    As a public service announcement. Backup your data before you upgrade your OS, just in case.

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