Interaction design point of view

I took a look to almost all video and explanation i found on about catalyst, and it seems adobe care about what designer will be able to do with, and how they'll be sharing their work.
My point is that i found in Catalyst a huge tool for interaction design (as ergonomist). I think adobe could push thoses customers to buy it (and i barely can't it gets out !!!). We used to develop our model on illustrator, then make a report inside indesign and then, show and talk about it with our customers.
Here's the first thing : instead of showing statics capture screen, and take a lot of time to explain how this component or this bouton will interract, we'll be able with FC to simply execute the swf file, and say : this is how it will "interract".
2nd point is : as ergonomist, we never can't be sure that our choise on the interface are fine or best. We can just say that's is not bad at all, so let's try it ! So we can spend a lot of time to test some elements of the interface with real user, and understand what's good and what's wrong. With FC, when we (our team of ergonmist) discuss about a behavior of a component, we can say : here's what i think about it, this can do that, and that will come here with a fade in. We'll be able to discuss directly on our component, visually, improving our efficiency and take better choices.
The last point is how we work with the designers and developpers. Usually, designers takes our document, and try to respect the most of it. Sometimes it's easy (when they're no ambiguity about the behavior of the component), and sometimes it's hard (cause the designer understand his own way the behavior, while we were thinking another. Or just because designer produce a lot of terrific design and behavior we didn't specify, and at the end, a lot of thing has not been respect even if it's beautiful or fun). FC allows us to show the designer what behavior will that bouton do, or how this menu can shows up or how he can't shows up.
And all of this changes a lot about our productivity, efficiency, and how we works with our workmate.
So maybe adobe can just speak to this people (the ergonomists) and even improve FC in that way. (we use axure to make some prototype for the users test, and we work on a layer on a jpeg, and spend a lot of time inserting component (often invisible) or hide texte to put just a hyperlink, etc...).
FC is really awesome, and i hope everything i have in my mind about this soft will become true
I just have to thank all the team for the developpement, they're making the software we all missed !

It's vey exciting to hear that Catalyst is so useful in your work as an ergonomist, and thank you for sharing the ways that you use Catalyst in your workflows.

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    Is it possible to keep dynamic Column selector in OBIEE Mobile App Designer as like Analytics ?
    Thanks in advance.

    I was facing the same error after installing the Patches for (Mobile app Designer)  and so many restarts of all OBIEE components as well as the server,
    nothing worked except the same Error 404 for the last couple of days.
    then here goes the path for getting the issue fixed juts now.
    1: Verify the Patches applied for the Mobile app Designer
    2: followed the blog step by step for the process to get completed.
    OBI Mobile App Designer Installation | OBIEE by Shiva Molabanti
    3:after applying the patches and deploying theOBI Mobile App Designer (MAD) manually using WebLogic configuration  the bounce all the services on the OBI (all components)
    4:the Run the Security Configuration as described in the blog . it wil give error if the services of console is not started as it awaits for the port 7001 of weblogic
    5: after the successful completion of the security configuration restart all bi components on the OBI side and wiat for all the services to come up
    now i logged in and click on New Mobile APP it worked as expected and it resolved the issue.

  • Which design is best from a performance point of view?

    I'm writing a small system that needs to track changes to certain columns on 4 different tables. I'm using triggers on those columns to write the changes to a single "change register" table, which has 12 columns. Beacuse the majority of tracked data is not shared between the tables, most of the columns will have null values. From a design point of view it is apparent that having 4 separate change register tables (one for each main table that is being tracked), would be better in terms of avoiding lots of null columns for each row, but I was trying to trade this off against having a single table to see all changes that have been made across the tracked tables.
    From a performance point of view though, will there be any real difference whether there are 4 separate tables or 1 single register table? I'm only ever going to be inserting into the register table, and then reading back from it at a later date and there won't be any indexes on it. Someone I work with suggested that there would be more overhead on the redo logs if a single table was used rather than 4 separate tables.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    The volumes of data are going to be pretty small,
    maybe a couple of thousand records each day, it's an
    OLTP environment with 150 concurrent users max.Consider also the growing of data and if you'll put data constantly to an historical db or if the same tables will contain the increasing number of record.
    The point that my colleague raised was that multiple
    inserts into a single table across multiple
    transactions could cause a lot of redo contention,
    but I can't see how inserting into one table from
    multiple triggers would result in more redo
    contention that inserting into multiple tables. The
    updates that will fire the triggers are only ever
    going to be single row updates, and won't normally
    cause more than one trigger to fire within a single
    transaction. Is this a fair assumption to make?
    I agree with you, the only thing I will consider, instead of redo problem, is the locking on the table that could be generated when logs of different tables will have to be put in a single table, i mean if after insert of a log record you could need to update it....
    In this case if 2 or more users have to update the same log you could have problems.

  • Difference in design and live view

    I ran into another problem lately and i still cant find any solution to this yet. I have a table within table and they look fine in the design page but when i change the page to live view or switch to browser, the table seems longer.  Any idea why and how can i fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced and sorry for the long post!
    Design page:
    Live view:
    Source code:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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    Welcome back -
    It will be waaaaay easier for us to assist if you would upload all your files to your webspace and post a link here.
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  • CLIENT point of view

    I am a SAP BW consultant just started and willing to learn from Other expereiences.
    I want to know certain things which might have occured to so many of you
    1. In an ERP environment,  How SAP BW migration from other External Data Warehouses will benefit to the Customer in terms of Improving his Profitablilty or Increasing the Stock Index  in the MACRO level.
    2. Do we have a comparison statement kind of a thing vis a vis Other ERP tools which strongly suggest SAP BW has an edge over others.
    3. How one can convince the Client in case if he agrees to have a Netweaver 2004S and BW implementation but still wants to use the Other Multi Legacy Systems Synergistically for some reasons or other / simply got used for so long
    which really impact the scope of Design and Implementations for both the Service Provider as well as the Client.
    4. I really want to play with the Data available in the Landscape to effectively make best use of it and project to the Client a Transformation which he can expect from Multi Dimenstion. Show me the direction.
    5. Suggest me a logical way to only Understand SAP BW  without any diversions so as to Concentrate working on the SAP BW environment and also appreciate the Client Point of View or Satisfaction.
    Thanks in advance.

    Answers to your questions:
    1. BW is data warehouse tool which has reporting and analytic capabilities. It also has the capability of engaging SEM with it. Which means that BW is a veery powerful toll for a company to use if they want to do a better analysis on past data and help top executies make dicision and also with the help of SEM there capability of forcasting is improved to a great extent. Accurate forcasting is the key to better business and high profits.
    2. It really depends on the need.CAgnos needs lot of memory as it copies the data in the front end for more flexibilty in reporting. SAP BW is good with respect to SAP R/3. Other areas (Interface with other sources) It is evolving in better manner.Other Data warehousing tools more maintenance man power and big team to implimenting. And all components like sourcing , Configuring and reporting does not depend on single product. BW has all the components available with in it.Depends on customer needs you have decide.
    3. Not sure abt it.
    4. Data modeling is a SAP course(TBW30) on its own and cannot be explained in a one liner. If you have a specific case then may be we can have a look at it.
    5. I would suggest you go through the SAP trainign material . That is a step by step guide to you.
    - Guru
    Reward points for helpful answers

  • Filter in User point of view

    Hi ,
    I have set a filter Custom ( Just two values) for Version which is set as user point of view .
    I can see only two values in the FR studio for that report .
    But i have following issues.
    1) When other users/developers login with there credentials the custom filter is not getting applied . That is the other developer can see all the values.
    2) When i run the report in workspace the custom filter does not get set . It shows all the values even though in the design the Custom filter is set.
    please let me know how i can resolve the above issue and is critical for me .
    Thanks and Regards

    I know what you are referring to. What you did was create a filter only for your user id and not for the report. That option in the FR Studio is very misleading, it makes it appear as if the report was limited to those 2 members. It is only for the user id of the person developing the report when you preview the report.
    What you can do is put Version in the Grid POV. There you can limit the members users will see when they run the report. Unfortunately, it's not very pretty and a bit confusing for users.

  • Quark Interactive Designer and Flash Player 9 failing to install

    … could they be connected?
    Hi All
    I've had the support techs at Quark on this for over a month and so far nothing we've tried has worked. I upgraded my version of Quark Xpress to 7 and was looking forward to trying out the new Interactive Designer but it keeps on hanging at "Items remaining to be installed: 3903" with the blue and white straw rolling along the bottom.
    We tried changing my Hard disk name – I had full points in it. Tried disconnecting the external hard drive. Tried installing as a root user. They even gave me a link to install the latest updated version of Quark and new installation keys – Xpress installs but Interactive Designer won't.
    Today I tried to install Flash Player 9 and I had the same problem with that, so I'm wondering if it is a problem with some crucial missing system file???
    Does anyone out there have any clues please?
    Thanks very much for reading!

    Hi Alistair,
    What you have going there is some corruption on part of your hard disk that keeps track of where files are. When the logic on your computer loses track of files you can begin to see nastiness occur as you are seeing now.
    At this point you may wish to have Apple do the following, but if you're up for it here's what to do...
    There is a utility called "Disk Warrior" that has some success in repairing this kind of problem. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Now, I should mention that this corruption can be caused by the actual hard drive itself going bad. A hardware failure. That's not always the case but it is possible. The older the drive the more likely. Over two or three years the chance goes up, but they can go bad after a week, although that is rare.
    The wise thing to do is to back up your data as best you can onto some other media. Do that first!
    If you elect to skip the Disk Warrior approach then once your data is backed up you need to format your hard drive by doing an "erase and install" when you are booted off your Apple system DVD disk. This will erase your drive! Everything gone! But it will also repair your file system. When it's finished your computer will be in a state such as when you pulled it out of the box sent from Apple. Once that is done then run Disk Utility two or three times until it goes from start to finish without encountering any problems. If it still has problems then the drive is probably bad and should be replaced.
    After that you will have to configure your Mac as you want it. Then install your after-market applications, Flash, etc. Then finely restore all of your data files from your backup you did in step one. Quark and Flash should now install correctly.
    This is a big job if you have a lot of applications on there, but the cost is only time providing you have somewhere to put your files. If you have another Mac you may be able to do a Firewire Mac to Mac file transfer, "Target disk mode" is the term for that.
    Sorry for the bad news but that's what you are looking at. Just be sure to back up your data before you start. I don't know your level but if you need help then write back and ask for it.

  • How work Point of View Component

    <p>Somebody have a sample of Interactive Reporting (9.2) for how touse the <b>POV component</b>. I can't find the complete informationabout it or the sample used in the tutorial (Enterprise metrics);if I could have it will be so helpful.</p><p> </p><p>Can somebody helpme?</p>

    I want to change the point of view.,%20javax.vecmath.Point3d,%20javax.vecmath.Vector3d)
    And another question: is it possible to move further away the point of view automatically to see all the elements there are in the scene?simpleU.getViewingPlatform().setNominalViewingTransform();

  • Preview User Point of View

    I have noted an odd behavior in Financial Reporting for some but not all users. When users are prompted for the point of view selection, for the Entity dimension all of the members are listed and not shown hierarchically. This is true of only Entity and only for some users. All other dimensions behave normally and only a few users have experienced this. Users seeing this behavior include interactive users and planners. Has anyone run into this, know what causes it, how to fix it?
    (We are running EPM

    It seems that there is problem in POV setting. Affected users need to set the POV of reports again.
    In this issue it might be possible that in users POV specific entity members are present,instead of that users have to select total entity hierarchy in users POV setting.
    Hope this will help...!

  • Differences between ERP 4.7 and ECC 6.0 MM point of view

    Hi experts!
    I am starting as SAP MM consultant and we are upgrading from SAP ERP 4.7 to ECC 6.0
    Does anyone has some short .ppt with differences between these two versions from MM point of view?
    I've already seen the Browser Tool but, as I have to show it to the final users, I was thinking about something short and easy-understanding. Can anyone help me?
    Thanks a lot in advanced for your time and response!!
    King regards,
    Ariel Kaplan

    Features of mySAP ERP:
    Changes in R/3 Purchasing functionalities
    Version Management
    Requirement Prioritization
    Service Based Commitments In Purchasing
    Mass Maintenance of Outline Agreement
    Cross Systems
    Archiving Programs
    BAPIs and BAdIu2019s
    Changes in Customizing
    Customizing transactions replaced with new view
    Availability Check for Stock Transport Order
    New Functionality of Availability Check in STO
    Product Substitution in STO Introduced (APO Required)
    Invoice Verification
    Automatic Settlement of Planned Delivery Cost
    Evaluated Receipts Settlement (Enhanced)
    Invoice Before Goods Receipt For Services (Purchasing)
    Variance Type While Entering Invoice
    Prepayment Option
    Inventory Management
    New Movement Types 107 and 109
    Stock Overview Screen changes
    mySAP Portal Components
    Buyers Role
    Suppliers Role
    Invoicing Person
    Catalog for MRO Materials and Services
    Design Collaboration with Suppliers
    Integration of web based Catalog

  • Text Fields Not Showing in Design or Live View

    Hello Everyone,
    I have run into a problem trying to create a simple contact form through Dreamweaver CS6.  I have two text fields for Name & Email, and 1 text area for Comments.  The issue I am running into is that the text fields are not showing in Design or Live view.  I have set-up all variables required for the server for the form to work... but that should not have any effect on the text field showing...  I tried uploading my contact page with the same result of no text fields showing...
    What is really laughable is that the "text area" I placed in my form for Comments shows up in Design & Live view just fine.  I am thinking that I am missing something, but just do not know what exactly.  The form is styled through CSS.
    Here is the form code:
         <div id="CRDForm">
           <form action="" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="contact" target="_self" id="contact">
        <input type="hidden" name="env_report" value="REMOTE_HOST,REMOTE_ADDR,HTTP_USER_AGENT,AUTH_TYPE,REMOTE_USER">
        <input type="hidden" name="recipients" value="[email protected]" />
        <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Contact Form" />
             <label><p>Your Full Name
               <input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" size="40" /></p>
             <input name="email" type="text" accesskey="2" tabindex="2" title="Email" value="Email"></p>
             <label>Comments<br />
             <textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="10" accesskey="3" tabindex="3" title="Comments"></textarea>
             <input name="submit" type="submit" accesskey="4" tabindex="4" title="submit" value="submit">
    Are there other variables I should be thinking about in the rest of my site?  I am using a fluid grid layout.  I have CSS for desktop, tablet, and phone devices.  I also have a primary CSS file that imports all three.  The sites structure was done by using <header>, <article>, <footer>, and of course <div> tags. 
    Has anyone ever experienced the "text fields" not showing up before? Is it a simple fix as reinstalling Dreamweaver CS6?  Finally, another thing I should mention is that I did have a previous version of Dreamweaver on my comp, which was CS3.  I did not uninstall that before installing the newer version.  I assumed (and I could be wrong here) that it would automatically replace the older version.
    I apoligize for it being long winded, but I am looking for some help on this issue...
    Thank You

    Hey thank you osgood for the reply!
    When I look at code for long hours it sort of blurs together, and I miss things... I think that happens to the most of us
    Ya I found what was blocking my text fields in my desktop.css
    I primarily work through code view, and currently working on quite a few projects kind of makes your eyes miss the small errors.
    Thanks again!

  • Report for Paid Invoices from AP Point of view.

    Hello Gurus,
    I am looking for a Report from SAP which will give me the Paid Invoices Information from Accounts Payable Point of view for a Particular Period which should cover the below information...
    Invoice #
    Invoice  Date
    Vendor Name
    Invoice Amount
    NET terms - NT30, NT 00 like wise
    Net due date -
    Paid Date
    Document Types
    Document Number
    Please let me know the Standard Report Transaction Code ASAP.Quick response will be appreciated.

    Refer to FBL1N - Display/Change Line Items in accounts payable.
    Select vendor accout,co.code,cleared items on a particular date and execute.
    From change layout (Ctrl+F8), you can select payment terms,Net due date,account type,account document
    Please let me know if you need more information.
    Assign points if useful.
    Sridhar M

  • CS5.5 I can't get testing server, "design" and "Split" views operational

    I just upgraded from DWCS3 to DWCS5.5 and am trying to get php (dynamically related) files working. Very frustrating.
    I have set up everything according to the tutorial at Nothing seems to work. And no one seems to currently be answering I apologize if this is a faux pas, but I'm starting a new thread in hopes that I and others can get some help.
    Here's what I have:
    WAMP server: : C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\ (Mowes Portable II is  software that enables you to quickly set up a WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) system on any Windows system.))
    Site Name: localhost genealogy Local Site Folder: C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\ Server Name: localhost  Server Folder: C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\  Web URL: http://localhost/genealogy/ Server Model: PHP MySQL Connection: Local/Network
    Remote - unchecked
    Testing - checked
    I also have an idnetical image at D:/MyWebs/public_html/ for syncing with my remote website -
    My "Design", "Split", "Live View" and "Inspect" buttons are greyed out.
    Again, I apologize if I messed things up bu opening a thread on a prvious subject
    Larry Voyer
    Site Creator/Administrator
    Attempting to solve this on another thread, I was asked for the code that I was trying to see in design it is if it's important:
    $flags['noicons'] = true;
    $flags['noheader'] = true;
    $flags['nobody'] = true;
    //Change the text in quotes below to reflect the title of your site
    tng_header( "{$tmp['t5_maintitle']}", $flags );
    <div align="center">
    <table width="90%" class="maintable">
        <td class="row" colspan="6"></td>
      <td class="imagesection"> </td>
      <td class="spacercol">  </td>
      <td class="content" colspan="4">
       <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="2%" class="innertable">
        <td class="leftimage"><img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_leftimg']; ?>" alt="louis voyer" ></td>
        <td class="banner" colspan="2"><img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_titleimg']; ?>" alt="title"/></td>
        <td class="rightimage"><img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_rightimg']; ?>" alt="louis voyer" ></td>
            <td colspan="4" class="boxback">
       <a href="whatsnew.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnuwhatsnew']; ?></a>
                | <a href="browsemedia.php?mediatypeID=photos" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnuphotos']; ?></a>
                | <a href="browsemedia.php?mediatypeID=documents" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['documents']; ?></a>
                | <a href="browsemedia.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['allmedia']; ?></a><br />
                <a href="mostwanted.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mostwanted']; ?></a>
                | <a href="reports.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnureports']; ?></a>
                | <a href="cemeteries.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnucemeteries']; ?></a>
          | <a href="browsemedia.php?mediatypeID=headstones" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnutombstones']; ?></a>
          | <a href="anniversaries.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['anniversaries']; ?></a>
          | <a href="places.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['places']; ?></a><br />
          <a href="browsenotes.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['notes']; ?></a>
          | <a href="browsesources.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnusources']; ?></a>
             | <a href="browsetrees.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnustatistics']; ?></a>
             | <a href="bookmarks.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['bookmarks']; ?></a>
          | <a href="suggest.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['contactus']; ?></a>
    if( $allow_admin ) {
      echo "| <a href=\"showlog.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnushowlog']}</a>\n";
      echo "| <a href=\"admin.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnuadmin']}</a>\n";
         <td class="leftcontent" rowspan="3">
      <div class="header">
                  <p>Our Noble Background</p>
       <p>Recently, the <a href="Longueval" _mce_href="">Longueval"> al/">Longueval Research Project </a> has established the connection, through Anne Couvent, into the royalty database.
        This site includes that ancestry.
        Anne Couvent is in your ancestry, have fun loking at some of our famous and infamous ancestors. </p>
        <li><div align="left">
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I63070&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I63070amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI63070_tv7_28">Queen Cleopatra </a>  </li>
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I107713&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I107713&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI185929_tv7_28">Alexander the Great</a>  </li>     
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I186817&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I186817&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI186817_tv7_28">Attila the Hun</a>  </li>
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I83464&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I83464&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI83464_tv7_28">Charlemagne</a>  </li>
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I185929&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I185929&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI185929_tv7_28">King Louis XIV</a>  </li>
       <p> Here are some links showing noble ancestors as they are related to me </p>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_france.php">Rulers of France</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_germany.php">Rulers of Germany</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_hre.php">Rulers of theHoly Roman Empire</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_italy.php">Rulers of Italy</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_visigoths.php">Rulers of the Visigoths</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_franks.php">Rulers of the Franks</a></div>
         <p>  </p>
         <span class="style26o">Please note: this is not complete and is included for the user to see their potential relationship to past nobility
              The nobility database is far from the primary focus of the site and will not be supported other than the correction of errors.</span></div>
       <div class="header">
                  <?php echo $text['welcome']; ?>!
       <div class="normal">
          <img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_mainimage']; ?>" alt="" style="float:right" class="indexphoto" width="300"  /><br /><br />
         <p>Welcome to the genealogy site devoted to Voyer and Bedard ancestry. Why Voyer and Bedard? My father was a Voyer. My mother a Bedard
         I believe that this is the largest compilation of Voyers with 4000+ and 24,000+ Bedards. I hope that it will be useful to those looking for their heritage.</p>
         </p>I am indebted to my cousin Jacqueline TIERNAN Poudrier for her tireless research and contributions to this site. </p>
         <p>If you have any questions or comments about the information on
         this site, <a href="suggest.php">please contact us</a>.
         We look forward to hearing from you.</p>
           if(!$currentuser) {
             echo "<li><a href=\"newacctform.php\">{$text['mnuregister']}</a></li>\n";
            echo "<li><a href=\"login.php\">{$text['mnulogon']}</a></li>\n";
           else {
            echo "<li><a href=\"logout.php\">{$text['mnulogout']}</a></li>\n";
            echo "<li><a href=\"changelanguage.php\">{$text['mnulanguage']}</a></li>\n";
         <div class="header">
                  <p>DNA Genealogy</p>
         <p>DNA technology allows us another way to investigate our ancestry, especially with regard to lines that have been difficult or even impossible to resolve as is our case with the lack of records in France.<p></p> 
    There are many ways to test and analyze DNA, but there are two particular kinds of DNA testing that are especially useful in genealogy:  Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) testing and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing.  The genealogical usefulness of these two DNA tests is based on two aspects of human inheritance:
       <li>  that the Y chromosome is passed on only by the father</li>
       <li>  that mitochondria are passed on only by the mother</li>
       <p>Both a VOYER and a BEDARD DNA project have been created and can reached through the links below. Please make sure that the person submitted for DNA tests is in our dtabase so that we can determine the earliest ancestor.
       If you are submitting for a mitochondrial DNA test, please contact us so that we can attempt to trace your maternal pedigree.
              <div class="subheader"><span class="style41"><a href="Voyer" _mce_href="">Voyer">http://www.worldfamilies.n et/surnames/voyer">Voyer DNA Project</a> <a href="Bedard" _mce_href="">Bedard">http://www.worldfamilies .net/surnames/bedard">Bedard DNA Project</a></span></div>
      <td> </td>
            <td class="rightcontent">
        <div class="language_box">
          if($chooselang) {
           $query = "SELECT languageID, display, folder FROM $languages_table ORDER BY display";
           $result = mysql_query($query) or die ($text['cannotexecutequery'] . ": $query");
           $numlangs = mysql_num_rows( $result );
           if($numlangs > 1) {
            echo getFORM( "savelanguage2", "get", "tngmenu3", "" );
            echo "<select name=\"newlanguage3\" id=\"newlanguage3\" style=\"font-size:11px;\" onchange=\"document.tngmenu3.submit();\">";
            while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             echo "<option value=\"{$row['languageID']}\"";
             if( $languages_path . $row['folder'] == $mylanguage )
              echo " selected=\"selected\"";
             echo ">{$row['display']}</option>\n";
            echo "</select>\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"instance\" value=\"3\" /></form>\n";
          echo "</p>\n";
       <form action="search.php" method="get">
        <table class="indexbox">
          <td class="padding"><span class="boxback"><?php echo $text['mnulastname']; ?>:<br />
           <input type="text" name="mylastname" class="searchbox" size="14" /></span></td></tr>
           <tr><td class="padding"><span class="boxback"><?php echo $text['mnufirstname']; ?>:<br />
           <input type="text" name="myfirstname" class="searchbox" size="14" /></span>
          <td class="padding"><span class="normal"><input type="hidden" name="mybool" value="AND" />
          <input type="submit" name="search" value="<?php echo $text['mnusearchfornames']; ?>" class="small" /><br /><br />
           echo "<a href=\"surnames.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnulastnames']}</a><br />\n";
           echo "<a href=\"searchform.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnuadvancedsearch']}</a>\n";
       <div class="help">
       <div class="subheader">Can You Help?</div>
        <p.request>Can you make yourself available to translate correspondence and site content into French?.</p>
        <p.request>Do you read the Obituaries? If you find BEDARD and VOYER obituaries (links or scans)? </p>
        <p.request>Are you a BEDARD or VOYER and not in our database? </p>
        <p.request>Are you interested in being part of the site research or development team?
        <p> </p><a href="suggest.php">please contact us</a>..</p>
        <td colspan="6" class="row12"></td>
      <div class="c3"></div>
    <br />
      <br />
      <form action="" method="post">
      <div align="center">
      <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" />
      <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="1942114" />
      <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="" />
      <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1" />
    <tr><td class="tableheader"><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="25" height="25" alt="" /></td></tr></table>
    <div class="footer small">
    <br />
    This site powered by <a href="" class="footer">The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding</a> &copy;, v. 8.1.3, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2012.
    <br /><br />
    Voyer & Bedard Genealogy &copy; Larry Voyer 2008-2012.
    <br /><br />
    <span class="sitecounter">Unique visitors since January 1, 2012: </span>
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    I misundrstood you response
    I entered http://localhost in my browser and recieved the following page:
    Asd you can see everything is working. I thought that when you called local host, it went to the www/ directory where I have my sites
    I still don't see a problem with my settings
    Server Folder: C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\
    Web URL: http://localhost/genealogy/
    I hate it when the tool is more trouble than the work.
    Larry Voyer
    Site Creator/Administrator

  • Page designer show small view when using page template and cannot be run

    Dear Experts,
    I need to make some page templates.
    I have build 2 simple page templates, let say template0 & template1 which template1 using template0.
    It show no any problem until I close my Jdeveloper & reopen it.
    When I reopen template1, it show so small in designer (Jdeveloper window).
    Is there any wrong?
    I have build another template, just 1 template.
    When I used it at the first time, no any strange behavior occur.
    After ... (I don't exactly when), it give me the same view in my designer.
    Then I force to use my first tempate (template1 which used template0 inside), I cannot run my application at all.
    After wait several minutes, I found error log in my log messages.
    *#### Server Instance DefaultServer could not be started: Server Instance was terminated.*
    Above the message, I found another error messages:
    *Jun 7, 2009 5:40:19 PM ComponentMetadataHandler _error*
    WARNING: error parsing component tag in file: null/tag:xmlContent/id:dte_160d74a
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 69, Column 7>: XML-20100: (Fatal Error) Expected 'EOF'.
    *     at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrorHandler(*
    Is there anyone that can help me to find out why this error occured?
    Should I raise this problem to metalink or just can post it in this forum?
    Many thanks for your supporting...
    N.B: Below I attach my template0 (AHM000.jspx) and template1 (AHM001.jspx)
    Best regards,
    Dominic Chandra
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    <c:set var="ahmwebtemplateBundleAHM000"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
    <af:pageTemplateDef var="attrs">
    <af:panelSplitter orientation="vertical" splitterPosition="60">
    <f:facet name="first">
    <af:decorativeBox theme="dark" topHeight="0px">
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:panelHeader text="#{attrs.pageTitle}">
    <f:facet name="context"/>
    <f:facet name="menuBar"/>
    <f:facet name="toolbar"/>
    <f:facet name="legend">
    <af:outputText value="#{attrs.pageName}"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{sessionScope.userState.userName}"/>
    <f:facet name="separator">
    <af:spacer width="10" height="10"/>
    <f:facet name="info">
    <f:facet name="top"/>
    <f:facet name="second">
    <af:panelSplitter orientation="vertical" positionedFromEnd="true"
    <f:facet name="first">
    <af:decorativeBox theme="light" topHeight="0px">
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:facetRef facetName="mainArea"/>
    <f:facet name="top"/>
    <f:facet name="second">
    <af:panelGroupLayout inlineStyle="text-align:right;">
    <af:outputText value="#{ahmwebtemplateBundleAHM000.VERSION} #{attrs.appVersion}"
    <af:outputText value="© 2009 PT Astra Honda Motor"
    inlineStyle="color:Navy; font-weight:bold;"/>
    <f:facet name="separator">
    <af:spacer width="10" height="10"/>
    <component xmlns="">
    <description>Main Area</description>
    <default-value>Page Title</default-value>
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    <c:set var="ahmwebtemplateBundleAHM001"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
    <af:pageTemplateDef var="attrs">
    <af:pageTemplate viewId="/template/AHM000.jspx">
    <f:facet name="mainArea">
    <af:panelSplitter splitterPosition="#{attrs.searchAreaPosition}">
    <f:facet name="first">
    <af:facetRef facetName="searchArea"/>
    <f:facet name="second">
    <af:panelSplitter positionedFromEnd="true"
    <f:facet name="first">
    <af:facetRef facetName="mainArea"/>
    <f:facet name="second">
    <af:facetRef facetName="infoArea"/>
    <f:attribute name="pageTitle"
    <f:attribute name="pageName" value="#{attrs.pageName}"/>
    <f:attribute name="appVersion" value="#{attrs.appVersion}"/>
    <component xmlns="">
    <description>Search Area</description>
    <description>Main Area</description>
    <description>Info Area</description>
    <default-value>Page Title</default-value>
    <f:facet name="center"/>
    <f:facet name="top"/>

    Thanks for asking....
    As I put in my post before, I include template0 in my template1, as seen in template1 (AHM001):
    <af:pageTemplateDef var="attrs">
    *<af:pageTemplate viewId="/template/AHM000.jspx">*
    I use AHM000 inside AHM001. I use this approach to build many template based on one basic design.
    Actually, I don't think the problem is in page template usage because as I submitted paralel to Metalink, I've already not called template0 in template1 but I copy template0's contents to template1.
    Unfortunately, page designer show small view and below error messages still occured.
    *Jun 7, 2009 10:25:20 PM ComponentMetadataHandler _error*
    WARNING: error parsing component tag in file: /AhmTestTemplate-ViewController1-context-root/template/AHM001.jspx/tag:xmlContent/id:null
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 115, Column 51>: XML-20100: (Fatal Error) Expected 'EOF'.
    Fortunately my application can be run already altough the error message still logged.
    Many thanks,
    Dominic C.

  • Client Merge! precautions to be taken from BW point of view

    We are in a process of merging two clients in R/3 which are typical source systems for BW!
    What are the steps that we should take care of while the client merge is on from R/3 side.
    these two clients are ofcourse very important for BW system as almost all for everydata load the extraction logic in FM to the ABAP routine in selection of infopacakge is different!
    in a scenario such as this, what are the things that should i make a note from BW point of view?

    1.Internal table with header line will not support in ECC 6.0 for that u need to create internal table and work area using TYPES.
    2.Mostly u need to do some PATCH WORK for the STANDARD programmes.
    Patch work in the sense for SPAU objects in Mysap is there any code written by client(INSERT {....END INSERT....}) this type of code u need to add in ECC 6.0 code....
    3.Mostly u have to resolve EPC(Extended program check) errors.
    In that u will find so many type of errors...Field attribute errors,Perform interface errors,Obsolete stetement errors,....etc.
    4.First thing u need to what r the SCOPE and OUT OF SCOPE in your upgradation.
    5.If u find any Fmodules obsolete...U just press F1 on that Fmodule it will show which function module can useful instead of that obsolete one...
    6.If they want UNI CODE compatiable .....
    EX Report...
    Go to the attributes of the report...
    There u can c a check box to check UNI CODE Errors...
    U have to resolve these errors also...
    After doing all these things u have to show 0 errors on CODE INSPECTOR fro each n every object...
    Thats t as per my knowledge...
    Kishore Reddy.

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  • Not able to compose message in HTML using webaccess

    I would greatly appreciate your input in this matter, since I upgraded from GW2012 to Gw2014-Sp1 WebAccess no longer gives any user the option to compose message in HTML. Viewing Html is OK. This is affecting all users and all forms of composing (mai