Interfacing a java program with other programs

Hi there.
I'm curently working on a project which will involve communication between a java program (the project) and other programs, not necessarily in java.
I know there is the good old "socket method" to handle the communication, but ... are there any other methods ?
Thanks for help.

Communication... what's that?
Have the two programs share a database. Have them send e-mails to each other... the list goes on.

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    Why not create a Java ServerSocket in your Java program.
    Connect the VB program to this ServerSocket.
    Send the input to the Java Program over this socket and have the Java Program encrypt the information and pass it back on the same socket.
    Don't know how hard Sockets are in VB6 but a Server Socket in Java is simple.
    No need for new DLLs, JNI, etc.

  • Java Program with Adapter / Facade Pattern

    Hey All:
    I'm very new to the Java language and have been given a fairly complicated (to me) program to do for a course I'm taking. The following is the scenario. I'll post code examples I have and any help will be greatly appreciated. Let me apologize ahead of time for all the code involved and say thank you in advance :).
    The program is the follow the following logic:
    Organizations A's Client ( uses Organization A's interface ( but we want A's Client to also be able to use Organization B's services as well (,,
    Now a portion of this program also involves validating an xml file to it's dtd, extracting information from that source xml file through the use of a XMLTransformation file, and applying the transformation to produce a targetxml file which is then validated against a target DTD. (I've done this portion as I have a much better understanding of XML).
    At this point we have been given the following java classes:
    package project4;
    /* This class is the Organization A Client.
    It reads a source xml file as input and it invokes methods defined in the
    Org_A_Doc_Interface Interface on a class that implements that interface */
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Org_A_Client {
         // Define a document object of type Org_A_Doc_Interface
         private Org_A_Doc_Interface document;
         // The Org_A_Client constructor
         public Org_A_Client() {
              // Instanciate the document object with a class that implements the
              // Org_A_Doc_Interface
              this.document = new Adapter();
         // The Main Method
         public static void main(String Args[]) {
              // Instanciate a Client Object
              Org_A_Client client = new Org_A_Client();
              // Create a string to store user input
              String inputFile = null;
              System.out.print("Input file name: ");
              // Read the Source xml file name provided as a command line argument
              Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
              inputFile =;
              // Create a string to store user input
              String fileID = null;
              System.out.print("Input file ID: ");
              // Read the Source xml file name provided as a command line argument
              fileID =;
              //Convert the String fileID to an integer value
              int intFileID = Integer.parseInt(fileID);
              if (inputFile != null && !inputFile.equals("")) {
                   // Create and empty string to store the source xml file
                   String file = "";
                   try {
                        // Open the file
                        FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
                        // Convert our input stream to a
                        // BufferedReader
                        BufferedReader d = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                        // Continue to read lines while
                        // there are still some left to read
                        String temp = "";
                        while ((temp = d.readLine()) != null) {
                             // Add file contents to a String
                             file = file + temp;
                        // The Client Calls the archiveDoc Method on the Org_A_Document
                        // object
                        if (!file.equals("")) {
                             client.document.archiveDoc(file, intFileID);
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.err.println("File input error");
              } else
                   System.out.println("Error: Invalid Input");
    package project4;
    /* This class is the Standard Organization A Document Interface.
    * It defines various methods that any XML document object
    * in Organization A should understand
    public interface Org_A_Doc_Interface {
         void archiveDoc(String XMLSourceDoc, int fileID);
         String getDoc(int fileID);
         String getDocDate(int fileID);
         void setDocDate(String date, int fileID);
         String[] getDocAuthors(int fileID);
         void setDocAuthor(String authorname, int position, int fileID);
    package project4;
    public class Org_B_FileAuthorMgr {
         // This function returns the list of file authors for the file that matches
         // the given fileID. For the purpose of the assignment we have not
         // provided any implementation
         public String[] getFileAuthors(String fileID) {
              // Since we do not have any implementation, we just return a
              // null String array of size 2
              return new String[2];
         // This function sets the authorname at a given position for the file that
         // matches the given fileID.
         // For the purpose of the assignment we have not provided any
         // implementation
         public void setFileAuthor(String authorname, int position, String fileID) {
    package project4;
    public class Org_B_FileDateMgr {
         // This function returns the creation date for the file that matches
         // the given fileID. For the puprposes of the assignment we have not
         // provided any implementation but only return a date string.
         String getFileDate(String fileID) {
              return "1st Nov 2007";
         // This function sets the creation datefor the file that
         // matches the given fileID.
         // For the puprposes of the assignment we have not provided any
         // implementation
         void setFileDate(String date, String fileID) {
    package project4;
    public class Org_B_FileIOMgr {
         // This class variable stores the file location for all files
         private String fileLocation;
         // This function stores the given String of XMLTargetFile at the
         // fileLocation which is set using the setFileLocation method
         boolean storeFile(String XMLTargetFile, String fileID) {
              if (this.fileLocation != null) {
                   FileOutputStream out; // declare a file output object
                   PrintStream p; // declare a print stream object
                   try {
                        // Create a new file output stream
                        // connected to "myfile.txt"
                        out = new FileOutputStream(fileLocation);
                        // Connect print stream to the output stream
                        p = new PrintStream(out);
                        System.out.println("MSG from Org_B_FileIOMgr: Target File Successfully Saved with ID " + fileID);
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.err.println("Error writing to file");
                        return false;
                   return true;
              System.out.println("MSG from Org_B_FileIOMgr: Please set the File Location before storing a file");
              return false;
         // This function sets the fileLocation where the file will be stored for
         // archive
         void setFileLocation(String fileLocation) {
              this.fileLocation = fileLocation;
         // This function retreives the file that matches the given fileID and
         // returns its contents as a string
         // Only for the puprposes of the assignment we have not provided any
         // implementation
         String retrieveFile(String fileID) {
              return "This is the retreived file";
    }Also, we've been given the following two classes which I believe are used to help with the xml transformation using SAX (I've done alot of research regarding parsing XML using SAX/DOM so I understand how it works, but I'm really struggling with the integration...)
    package project4;
    /* This is the FileDetailsProvider Class which implements the Singleton design pattern.
    The class can be used in the following manner:
         // Declare a object of the class type
            FileDetailsProvider fp;
            // Get the single instance of this class by calling the getInstance static method
            fp= FileDetailsProvider.getInstance();
            // Initialize the class with providing it the file name of our configuration XML file
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
    public class FileDetailsProvider {
         private InputHandler handler;
         private SAXParserFactory factory;
         private SAXParser saxParser;
         private final static FileDetailsProvider INSTANCE = new FileDetailsProvider();
         // Private constructor suppresses generation of a (public) default
         // constructor
         private FileDetailsProvider() {
              // Create the content handler
              handler = new InputHandler();
              // Use the default (non-validating) parser
              factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
              // Validate the XML as it is parsed by the SAX Parser: only works
              // for dtd's
              try {
                   saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
              } catch (Throwable t) {
         // This is the public static method that returns a single instance of the
         // class everytime it is invoked
         public static FileDetailsProvider getInstance() {
              return INSTANCE;
         // After instantiation this method needs to be called to load the XMLTransformer Configuration xml
         // file that includes the xsl file details needed
         // for our assignment
         public void loadConfigFile(String configFile) {
              try {
                   INSTANCE.saxParser.parse(new File(configFile), INSTANCE.handler);
              } catch (Throwable t) {
                   // Exceptions thrown if validation fails or file not found
                   System.out.println("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Jig\\Desktop\\Project 4\\Project4\\Transform.xsl");
         // This method return the xsl file name
         public String getXslfileName() {
              return handler.getXslfileName();
         // This method returns the xsl file location
         public String getXslfileLocation() {
              return handler.getXslfileLocation();
    package project4;
    /* This class is used by the FileDetailsProvider Class to read the XMLTranformerConfig xml
    * file using a SAX parser which is a event based parser
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    public class InputHandler extends DefaultHandler {
         private String xslfileName = "";
         private String xslfileLocation = "";
         int fileName = 0, fileLoc = 0, DTDUrl = 0;
         boolean endOfFile = false;
         public InputHandler() {
         // Start XML Document Event
         public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
         // End XML Document Event
         public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
              // display();
         public void display() {
         public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,
                   Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
              String eName = localName; // element name
              if ("".equals(eName))
                   eName = qName; // not namespace-aware
              if (eName.equals("File Name:")) {
              } else if (eName.equals("File Location:")) {
         public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
                   throws SAXException {
              String eName = localName; // element name
              if ("".equals(eName))
                   eName = qName; // not namespace-aware
         public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length)
                   throws SAXException {
              String str = new String(ch, start, length);
              // Getting the Transform File Location
              if (fileLoc == 1 && xslfileLocation.equals("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Jig\\Desktop\\Project 4\\Project4\\")) {
                   xslfileLocation = str;
              // Getting the Transform File Name
              if (fileName == 1 && xslfileName.equals("Transform.xsl")) {
                   xslfileName = str;
         public void processingInstruction(String target, String data)
                   throws SAXException {
         // treat validation errors as fatal
         public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXParseException {
              throw e;
         // This method return the xsl file name
         public String getXslfileName() {
              return xslfileName;
         // This method returns the xsl file location
         public String getXslfileLocation() {
              return xslfileLocation;
    }I need to do the following:
    1. Create an adapter class and a facade class that allows Client A through the use of Organization's A interface to to use Organization B's services.
    2. Validate the Source XML against its DTD
    3. Extract information regarding the XSL file from the given XMLTransformerConfig xml file
    4. Apply the XSL Transformation to the source XML file to produce the target XML
    5. Validate the Target XML against its DTD
    Now I'm not asking for a free handout with this program completed as I really want to learn how to do a program like this, but I really don't have ANY prior java experience other than creating basic classes and methods. I don't know how to bring the whole program together in order to make it all work, so any guidance for making this work would be greatly appreciated.
    I've researched over 100 links on the web and found alot of useful information on adapter patterns with java and facade patterns, as well as SAX/DOM examples for parsing xml documents and validation of the DTD, but I can't find anything that ties this all together. Your help will be saving my grade...I hope :). Thanks so much for reading this.

    No one has anything to add for working on this project? I could really use some help, especially for creating the code for the adapter/facade pattern classes.

  • Need help with running a Java program on Linux

    I am trying to get a Java program to run on a Linux machine. The program is actually meant for a Mac computer. I want to see if someone with Java experience can help me determine what is causing the program to stall. I was successful in getting it installed on my Linux machine and to partially run.
    The program is an interface to a database. I get the login screen to appear, but then once I enter my information and hit enter the rest of the program never shows, however, it does appear to connect in the background.
    Here is the error when I launch the .jar file from the command screen:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal component position
    at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.add(Unknown Source)
    I am not a programmer and I am hoping this will make some sense to someone. Any help in resolving this is greatly appreciated!

    Well, without knowing a little bit about programming, and how to run your debugger, I don't think you're going to fix it. The IllegalArgumentException is saying that some call does not like what it's getting. So you'll have to go in an refactor at least that part of the code.

  • Why an Interface is used in a Java Program

    Since we have Classes in Java program
    Then what is the need for An Interface in a Java Program
    Please explain to me
    i'm confused

    These are fair comments as per as interface is concern.... we need interface to declare the methods without implementing the methods. Basically interfaces help implementing classes in a organised way.
    Now We got abstract class also, which has got more or less same features like interfaces. In abstract class also we can declare a method without implementation.
    If we use abstract class and extend that abstract class, we don't have implement all the abstract methods in that particular class,which would extend the abstract class, but if we implement an interface in a class, we have to define all the methods with their body. Now, can anyone tell me , in a generic way, when do we use interface and when do we use abstract class. I don't need the differences between abstract class and interface...that i know...thanks in advance
    take it easy

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    i have a java program that i want to attach with CRM OD user interface so that i can run it on the press of a button or through any other way. Please suggest me some way to do this.

    The web applet and web tabs features allow you to embed content within CRM On Demand. You can develop an interface to your code (i.e. HTML page containing a button that will invoke your java application) which can appear within the CRMOD UI using these features.

  • Running a java program in a directory other than the current directory

    How do I run a java program that's located in a directory other than the current directory?
    There is a file in /dir1/subdir1. If my current directory is anywhere other than that directory, say /dir2/subdir2, I can compile by using:
    javac -classpath /dir1/subdir1 /dir1/subdir1/
    But when I try to run it with:
    java -classpath /dir1/subdir1 /dir1/subdir1/Test
    I get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: \dir1\subdir1\Test
    Any thoughts?

    You need to specify just the name of the class you want to run. So java -classpath /dir1/subdir1 Test

  • Writing a java program for generating .pdf file with the data of MS-Excel .

    Hi all,
    My object is write a java program so'll generate the .pdf file after retriving the data from MS-Excel file.
    I used POI HSSF to read the data from MS-Excel and used iText to generate .pdf file:
    My Program is:
    * Created on Apr 13, 2005
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    package forums;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import com.lowagie.text.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.Font.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.MultiColumnText;
    import com.lowagie.text.Phrase.*;
    import net.sf.hibernate.mapping.Array;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.*;
    import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.*;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.Phrase.*;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    * Generates a simple 'Hello World' PDF file.
    * @author blowagie
    public class pdfgenerator {
         * Generates a PDF file with the text 'Hello World'
         * @param args no arguments needed here
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              System.out.println("Hello World");
              Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(916, 1592);
                        pageSize.setBackgroundColor(new java.awt.Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xDE));
              // step 1: creation of a document-object
              //Document document = new Document(pageSize);
              Document document = new Document(pageSize, 132, 164, 108, 108);
              try {
                   // step 2:
                   // we create a writer that listens to the document
                   // and directs a PDF-stream to a file
                   PdfWriter writer =PdfWriter.getInstance(document,new FileOutputStream("c:\\weeklystatus.pdf"));
                   writer.setEncryption(PdfWriter.STRENGTH128BITS, "Hello", "World", PdfWriter.AllowCopy | PdfWriter.AllowPrinting);
    //               step 3: we open the document
                   Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph("",new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 13, Font.BOLDITALIC, new Color(0, 0, 255)));
                   POIFSFileSystem pofilesystem=new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream("D:\\ESM\\plans\\weekly report(31-01..04-02).xls"));
                   HSSFWorkbook hbook=new HSSFWorkbook(pofilesystem);
                   HSSFSheet hsheet=hbook.getSheetAt(0);//.createSheet();
                   Iterator rows = hsheet.rowIterator();
                                  while( rows.hasNext() ) {
                                       Phrase phrase=new Phrase();
                                       HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow);
                                       //System.out.println( "Row #" + row.getRowNum());
                                       // Iterate over each cell in the row and print out the cell's content
                                       Iterator cells = row.cellIterator();
                                       while( cells.hasNext() ) {
                                            HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell);
                                            //System.out.println( "Cell #" + cell.getCellNum() );
                                            switch ( cell.getCellType() ) {
                                                 case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                                                 String stringcell=cell.getStringCellValue ()+" ";
                                            // document.add(new Phrase(string));
                                                      System.out.print( cell.getStringCellValue () );
                                                 case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA:
                                                           String stringdate=cell.getCellFormula()+" ";
                                                 System.out.print( cell.getCellFormula() );
                                                 case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                                                 String string=String.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue())+" ";
                                                      System.out.print( cell.getNumericCellValue() );
                                                      //System.out.println( "unsuported sell type" );
                                       document.add(new Paragraph(phrase));
                                       document.add(new Paragraph("\n \n \n"));
                   // step 4: we add a paragraph to the document
              } catch (DocumentException de) {
              } catch (IOException ioe) {
              // step 5: we close the document
    My Input from MS-Excel file is:
         Planning and Tracking Template for Interns                                                                 
         Name of the Intern     N.Kesavulu Reddy                                                            
         Project Name     Enterprise Sales and Marketing                                                            
         Description     Estimated Effort in Hrs     Planned/Replanned          Actual          Actual Effort in Hrs     Complexity     Priority     LOC written new & modified     % work completion     Status     Rework     Remarks
    S.No               Start Date     End Date     Start Date     End Date                                        
    1     setup the configuration          31/01/2005     1/2/2005     31/01/2005     1/2/2005                                        
    2     Deploying an application through Tapestry, Spring, Hibernate          2/2/2005     2/2/2005     2/2/2005     2/2/2005                                        
    3     Gone through Componentization and Cxprice application          3/2/2005     3/2/2005     3/2/2005     3/2/2005                                        
    4     Attend the sessions(tapestry,spring, hibernate), QBA          4/2/2005     4/2/2005     4/2/2005     4/2/2005                                        
         The o/p I'm gettint in .pdf file is:
    Planning and Tracking Template for Interns
    N.Kesavulu Reddy Name of the Intern
    Enterprise Sales and Marketing Project Name
    Remarks Rework Status % work completion LOC written new & modified Priority
    Complexity Actual Effort in Hrs Actual Planned/Replanned Estimated Effort in Hrs Description
    End Date Start Date End Date Start Date S.No
    38354.0 31/01/2005 38354.0 31/01/2005 setup the configuration 1.0
    38385.0 38385.0 38385.0 38385.0 Deploying an application through Tapestry, Spring, Hibernate
    38413.0 38413.0 38413.0 38413.0 Gone through Componentization and Cxprice application
    38444.0 38444.0 38444.0 38444.0 Attend the sessions(tapestry,spring, hibernate), QBA 4.0
                                       The issues i'm facing are:
    When it is reading a row from MS-Excel it is writing to the .pdf file from last cell to first cell.( 2 cell in 1 place, 1 cell in 2 place like if the row has two cells with data as : Name of the Intern: Kesavulu Reddy then it is writing to the .pdf file as Kesavulu Reddy Name of Intern)
    and the second issue is:
    It is not recognizing the date is recognizing the date in first row only......
    Plz Tell me wht is the solution for this...
    [email protected]

    Don't double post your question:

  • Problem with creation of a jar file from inside a java program

    I am trying to create a jar file at runtime from within a java program.
    I am able to create a jar file just fine using:
    String[] jarArgs = new String[3];
    jarArgs[0] = "cvf";
    jarArgs[1] = "C:\temp\myjar.jar";
    jarArgs[2] = "C:\temp\this"; main1 = new, System.err, "jar");;However, when I look at the jar it puts the absolute path to the files inside such as:
    instead of only this\is\my\package\Class.class
    When running the jar command from the command line it works just fine and I have the relative paths in my jar file.
    Does anyone have any experience with this and could help me out?
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: mruf on Apr 11, 2008 1:51 AM

    Shouldn't jarArgs[2] = "-C C:\temp\this"

  • Work with result of a select in an external Java Program

    i would like work with a field of a select in a external java program. I give you an example:
    i want copy a table into another table, but i want do a little modification (before insert action) in one parameter via Java class wich parameter is a field in the select.
    i've two tables:
    and i've a java Method in an external class com.upc.myClass.modifyCaract(String paramS)
    Then, before insert a row in table_new, i want do a transformation in Caract field from table_back. I want do something like this:
    is it possible? how can i do it?
    Message was edited by:

    Hola Valdomir,
    Que tal estas? Ya ha empezado el calor en Barcelona ? jejejejejejej
    Well, I think to be possible do what you need.
    1) In a procedure step, at source tab query the values, something like:
    select caract as MY_CARACT from TABLE_BACK
    2) at target tab, use the tags "<@ @>" to import the java class (after put it in the correct ODI directory).
    3) at same target tab, after the tag just write (as your example):
    INSERT INTO TABLE_NEW (ID, NAME) ( SELECT ID, <@=com.upc.myClass.modifyCaract('I #MY_CARACT) FROM TABLE_BACK )@>
    I think this will be enough....
    Un saludo,
    Cezar Santos

  • Can't run java program with GUI

    My computer can run java program properly.
    However, for those program with GUI (using swing),
    my computer is unable to display the GUI.
    What's wrong with it? Is there any PATH I need to set before running GUI program?

    Cut, copy, paste then compile and run this;-import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MyJFrame extends JFrame {
      public MyJFrame() {
          super("My first JFrame");
          Container c  = getContentPane();
          JPanel panel = new JPanel();
          panel.setBackground(Color.white);//  (new Color(255, 255, 255));
          JLabel jl = new JLabel("Yes it works");
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyJFrame frame = new MyJFrame();
        frame.setLocation(200, 300);
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );

  • Please help with Java program

    Errors driving me crazy! although compiles fine
    I am working on a project for an online class - I am teaching myself really! My last assignment I cannot get to work. I had a friend who "knows" what he is doing help me. Well that didn't work out too well, my class is a beginner and he put stuff in that I never used yet. I am using Jgrasp and Eclipse. I really am trying but, there really is no teacher with this online class. I can't get questions answered in time and stuff goes past due. I am getting this error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at<init>(InputStreamReader .java:55)
    at java.util.Scanner.<init>(
    at ttest.main(
    ----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1.
    ----jGRASP: operation complete.
    This is my code:
    import java.util.*;
    public class ttest
    static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
    public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
    FileInputStream fin = null; // input file reference
    PrintStream floser = null; // output file references
    PrintStream fwinner = null;
    Scanner rs; // record scanner
    Scanner ls; // line scanner
    String inputrec; // full record buffer
    int wins; // data read from each record
    int losses;
    double pctg;
    String team;
    String best = null; // track best/worst team(s)
    String worst = null;
    double worst_pctg = 2.0; // track best/worst pctgs
    double best_pctg = -1.0;
    int winner_count = 0; // counters for winning/losing records
    int loser_count = 0;
    // should check args.length and if not == 1 generate error
    Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("football.txt"));
    catch( FileNotFoundException e )
    System.exit( 1 );
    floser = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( "loser.txt" ) );
    fwinner = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( "winner.txt" ) );
    catch( FileNotFoundException e )
    System.out.printf( "unable to open an output file: %s\n", e.toString() );
    System.exit( 1 );
    rs = new Scanner( fin );
    while( rs.hasNext( ) )
    inputrec = rs.nextLine( ); /* read next line */
    ls = new Scanner( inputrec ); /* prevents stumble if record has more than expected */
    team = );
    wins = ls.nextInt();
    losses = ls.nextInt();
    if( wins + losses > 0 )
    pctg = ((double) wins)/(wins + losses);
    pctg = 0.0;
    if( pctg > .5 )
    if( pctg > best_pctg )
    best_pctg = pctg;
    best = team;
    if( pctg == best_pctg )
    best += ", " + team;
    fwinner.printf( "%10s %2d %2d %5.3f\n", team, wins, losses, pctg );
    if( pctg < worst_pctg )
    worst_pctg = pctg;
    worst = team;
    if( pctg == worst_pctg )
    worst += ", " + team;
    floser.printf( "%10s %2d %2d %5.3f\n", team, wins, losses, pctg );
    fin.close( );
    floser.close( );
    fwinner.close( );
    catch( IOException e ) {
    System.out.printf( "I/O error: %s\n", e.toString() );
    System.exit( 1 );
    System.out.printf( "%d teams have winning records; %d teams have losing records\n", winner_count, loser_count );
    System.out.printf( "Team(s) with best percentage: %5.3f %s\n", best_pctg, best );
    System.out.printf( "Team(s) with worst percentage: %5.3f %s\n", worst_pctg, worst );
    The assignment is:
    Create a Java program to read in an unknown number of lines from a data file. You will need to create the data file. The contents of the file can be found at the bottom of this document. This file contains a football team's name, the number of games they have won, and the number of games they have lost.
    Your program should accomplish the following tasks:
    1. Process all data until it reaches the end-of-file. Calculate the win percentage for each team.
    2. Output to a file ("top.txt") a listing of all teams with a win percentage greater than .500. This file should contain the team name and the win percentage.
    3. Output to a file ("bottom.txt") a listing of all teams with a win percentage of .500 or lower. This file should contain the team name and the win percentage.
    4. Count and print to the screen the number of teams with a record greater then .500 and the number of teams with a record of .500 and below, each appropriately labeled.
    5. Output in a message box: the team with the highest win percentage and the team with the lowest win percentage, each appropriately labeled. If there is a tie for the highest win percentage or a tie for the lowest win percentage, you must output all of the teams.
    Dallas 5 2
    Philadelphia 4 3
    Washington 3 4
    NY_Giants 3 4
    Minnesota 6 1
    Green_Bay 3 4

    import java.util.*;
    public class ttest
    static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
    public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
    FileInputStream fin = null; // input file reference
    PrintStream floser = null; // output file references
    PrintStream fwinner = null;
    Scanner rs; // record scanner
    Scanner ls; // line scanner
    String inputrec; // full record buffer
    int wins; // data read from each record
    int losses;
    double pctg;
    String team;
    String best = null; // track best/worst team(s)
    String worst = null;
    double worst_pctg = 2.0; // track best/worst pctgs
    double best_pctg = -1.0;
    int winner_count = 0; // counters for winning/losing records
    int loser_count = 0;
    // should check args.length and if not == 1 generate error
    Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("football.txt"));
    catch( FileNotFoundException e )
    System.exit( 1 );
    floser = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( "loser.txt" ) );
    fwinner = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( "winner.txt" ) );
    catch( FileNotFoundException e )
    System.out.printf( "unable to open an output file: %s\n", e.toString() );
    System.exit( 1 );
    rs = new Scanner( fin );
    while( rs.hasNext( ) )
    inputrec = rs.nextLine( ); /* read next line */
    ls = new Scanner( inputrec ); /* prevents stumble if record has more than expected */
    team = );
    wins = ls.nextInt();
    losses = ls.nextInt();
    if( wins + losses > 0 )
    pctg = ((double) wins)/(wins + losses);
    pctg = 0.0;
    if( pctg > .5 )
    if( pctg > best_pctg )
    best_pctg = pctg;
    best = team;
    if( pctg == best_pctg )
    best += ", " + team;
    fwinner.printf( "%10s %2d %2d %5.3f\n", team, wins, losses, pctg );
    if( pctg < worst_pctg )
    worst_pctg = pctg;
    worst = team;
    if( pctg == worst_pctg )
    worst += ", " + team;
    floser.printf( "%10s %2d %2d %5.3f\n", team, wins, losses, pctg );
    fin.close( );
    floser.close( );
    fwinner.close( );
    catch( IOException e ) {
    System.out.printf( "I/O error: %s\n", e.toString() );
    System.exit( 1 );
    System.out.printf( "%d teams have winning records; %d teams have losing records\n", winner_count, loser_count );
    System.out.printf( "Team(s) with best percentage: %5.3f %s\n", best_pctg, best );
    System.out.printf( "Team(s) with worst percentage: %5.3f %s\n", worst_pctg, worst );

  • To generate a wsdl using JAX-WS in JBOSS with java program but without EJB

    I am using JAX-WS to generate webservices using JBOSS application server by writing a java program.
    My sample java program includes :which takes an i/p name as string and displays out put as "Hello name",with the use of annotations.And,also have written web.xml for it.If I start JBOSS without adding project to it,it is starting.BUt If I add project to it the server is not publishing.Its getting like:"publishing JBOSS 4.2.2....:waiting for virtual machine to exit".
    I have followed the link:**
    to do this,where in it was given that by means of auto build process of eclipse IDE war file generates in default jboss folder.But which is not happening,so that,am unable to generate wsdl file..
    Can any body help me?
    1) why jboss is not publishing after adding project to it?
    2) why war file is not generating in the default jboss folder?

    Yeah sure!!
    Overall picture: I wish to expose my OSB services to the third parties using OCSG. For that I've created the Communication services corresponding to each OSB service.
    Problem: Integration with the OSB.
    At the OSB side I've got JMS queues which interacts with other existing systems in my SOA enviornment. But I'm not getting how to get the OCSG application- triggered request messages in that queue? Please help.
    Also I've read about the SOA facades for integration with OSB.Which of the two approaches you will suggest?

  • Need Help with a JAVA programming assignment

    How do I write a JAVA program that could be used as the start of an MS-DOS/Windows simulation of the IEEE 802.3 protocol? I am to only code the parts necessary to build the 802.3 frame. For the initial implementation, the Checksum function need not be a CRC function, and the Destination and Source addresses wil be in input, stored, and output, and in dotted-decimal format.
    I need:
    1. A record to describe the frame, with each field being a (byte-) string of the required size, except that the Data field is of variable size. Although the "Source address" and "Destination address" would be 6 bytes for a real implementation, for this first implementation you can either assume they'll be text strings in the usual "dotted decimal" form (e.g. "" as a typical example--from Tanenbaum, p. 429), or 6 hex digits.
    2. Suitable constant declarations for values such as the standard "Preamble" and "Start of Frame" values.
    3. Suitable functions to Get the three variable values "Destination address", "Source address", and "Data" from the standard input device.
    4. A suitable function to display each of the fields of a given frame in a format such as:
    Preamble: ...
    StartofFrame: ...
    Destination: ...
    5. A suitable function to generate a "Pad" field if necessary.
    6. A "dummy" Checksum-generating function which just takes the first 32 bits (4 bytes) of the Data (or Data+Pad, if necessary) rather than an actual CRC algorithm.
    I have no experience with Java. Can you help me or start me in the right direction?

    If you have no experience with Java, then it seems to me your first step should be to start learning the language. But it's difficult to advise how, since we don't know anything about your background. There are many good books available on Java, some are for beginners and some are for advanced programmers, so I'd suggest you go somewhere that has a large selection and start looking for something that doesn't seem completely over your head.

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